Saturday, May 7, 2022

UN Accelerates Agenda 2030 by Keegan Frenandes

Just FYI. 


The WEF hopes to fully implement their Marxist vision by 2030, which by no coincidence is exactly the year set by the UN for fully realizing their Marxist dream of utopia as stated in the seventeen goals of their Agenda 2030! Great Reset Promoter Klaus Schwab Says The Time Has Come For All World Governments To Unite And Take Control Of All Global Systems!

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

In a nutshell the plan call for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the desicion making in the hands of private property owners!

In 2015, Agenda 21 became Agenda 2030 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals which “are the world’s best plan to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030. Adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, the SDGs are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the environment. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, equality and job opportunities while tackling climate change and working to preserve our ocean and forests.”

Agenda 2030 is also on the UN Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS):

Echoing human security principles, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes a “world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want … free of fear and violence … with equitable and universal access to quality education, health care and social protection … to safe drinking water and sanitation … where food is sufficient, safe, affordable and nutritious … where habits are safe, resilient and sustainable … and where there is universal access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy.”

The goal of UN agenda 2030 is to transform global society into a technocracy under the guise of sustainable development by 2030. The end result would be a high-tech slave system, impossible to escape, so let’s make sure it never comes to fruition.

COVID-19 plays an important role in pushing these agendas through. Before we can understand how that works, we must first understand what UN agenda 2030 & technocracy is all about.

Sustainable Development Goals

UN agenda 2030 has public, sugar-coated, deceptive propaganda on the website of United Nations, videos on YouTube etc. The UN divided their plans in 17 parts which they call Sustainable Development Goals.

According to the propaganda, the agenda is all about creating a sustainable world, in balance with nature where there’s no hunger.

• The ruling class is dead-set on transforming the world into a technocracy.

• UN agenda 2030 & COVID-19 are the tools to transform society to a technocracy.

• UN agenda 2030 is a facade for the public while a one world government technocracy is implemented.

With this in mind, let’s have a look at the targets the ruling class wishes to complete while the world is occupied with the COVID-19 chaos. The common thread in this list of targets is total control over mankind.

• Digital identity: ID2020

• Digital health card: COVI-PASS

• Digital monetary system, cashless society

• Connected to your identity and health records via blockchain.

• Vaccination

• Merge man with machine

• Depopulation

• AI

• Resource control

• Population control

• Smart cities

• Facial recognition cameras

• Digital access control

• 5G

• Smart meters

• Self-driving cars

• Gobal totalitarian police state

• Wildlands project (to “restore wildlife”)

• Remove people from rural areas.
Example: “SDGs marked your land as a wildlife reserve. Leave.”

• Move them into smart mega cities.
No private property

• Land, house

• Business

• Your body

• Mandatory vaccination

• Masks

• Communitarianism

• Is a collectivist ideology like communism, Marxism, socialism or collectivism in general. Meaning,

• Community goals trump individual rights.

• Community “interests” dictated by governments & corporations.

• You hear mantra’s like “the common or greater good”, don’t do it for yourself but for your neighbor. Those are collectivist concepts.

• Dissidents will be outcasts.

Taking in account propaganda from the ruling class and events in 2020, it appears the global population is supposed to adopt a collectivist mindset which is being indoctrinated through the media and education, while governments and businesses are supposed to collaborate in a fascist manner.

Destroy the economy!
▪️The Great Reset!
The technocrats want a fully digital money system, linked to identity and health data via blockchain. According to them, the best way to achieve that is to completely destroy the old system and introduce the new system.

The World Economic Form (WEF) has already come out publicly with ‘the new’ and calls it The Great Reset.

▪️Destroy the financial system!
Financial experts say a collapse of the markets is inevitable, in all likelihood preluded by inflation, after which the ruling class will introduce a full digital monetary system.

Real life events support the digital monetary system narrative, which you’ll find when you investigate Central Bank Digital Coin (CBDC). Corbett Report has solid video material on this subject.

▪️Collection of DNA, vaccination and transhumanism!
Via the covid test the state is able to acquire the DNA of the population.

Via vaccination, the state can modify the DNA of the population and bring in nanorobotics.

If you hear the people of WEF (partner of the UN) talking, you can see that transhumanism is an important goal for them. Such is the kind of people that are the driving force behind covid and vaccination.

▪️High-tech surveillance!
Face recognition to “monitor you’re wearing your slave mask”. Attendance registration. Temperature measurements. Contact tracing. Resource access based on your health (now masks, later COVI-PASS).

All intrusive practices that would have never been accepted without a “health crisis”.

▪️Police state!
The rollout of these agendas will meet resistance, requiring a tougher, more violent police force. As long as the covid illusion persists, the police can always hide behind the mantra for your safety.

Destroy fundamental rights!
Fundamental freedoms and basic rights are violated in the name of a health crisis. A health crisis in no reason to trample basic rights and moreover, there observably isn’t an actual health crisis which anyone with common sense can see.

Fratelli Tutti uses COVID-19 as justification for the Great Reset of the global economic and social order. In this encyclical, Francis has aligned the Vatican with the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the International Monetary Fund, Bill Gates, George Soros and the World Economic Forum!!

The global cabal have their game plan The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in place and are moving the final chess pieces into place.

The narrative being sold to the public goes like this that COVID-19 is crippling the world, major disruptions due to natural disasters attributed to climate change, and cyber-attacks targeting key industries are causing worker shortages and the inability for ships and other major transport systems to reach their destinations and putting global supply chains at risk to crash the economy and bring it to its knees!

This engineered "shortage" of workers and goods such as food and computer chips plays right into globalist stooges' hands. As prices skyrocket, the economy will further deteriorate and panic will rule the day. People desperate for basic necessities will turn to looting and violence which will give governments a new excuse to lockdown and subdue their populations.

The true narrative points to the global elites using these unfolding calamities as the perfect convergence of manufactured "problem-reaction-solution" scenarios. These "created" crises are deliberately put in motion to move the world towards global governance based on the UN (Agenda 2030) Sustainable Development goals, a new financial system, and a China-like surveillance state.

Pandemics, climate change, cyber terror, and manufactured supply shortages are trojan horses used to remove individual rights, destroy nations and governments, and push and condition people into a new technocratic society.  

All of these events allow governments to implement "emergency" measures while consolidating more power. As these scenarios play out, control mechanisms such as biometric surveillance, smart technology, social credit, Universal Basic Income, mandatory vaccination and digital ID/wallet systems are materializing by the minute!

A "Pandemic Treaty" Will Hand WHO Keys To Global Government!!

“All of this is a set-up for the Rapture of the Church, as the Church escapes the horrors of the Tribulation and its global government,” Jan Markell recently underscored. “It won’t end well for the globalists, eventually. It will end gloriously well for believers.”


  1. 😱😱😱😱

  2. Something weird is happening all around me. Talk apartment buildings are going up at a rapid rate. And not just a few. Thousands. My husband and I took a drive this weekend and saw it wasn't just my town. They're everywhere. Your post makes so much sense now. We wondered who these tall buildings everywhere were for....if the plan is to remove people from their land, they will need to be put somewhere. Sad days ahead.

    1. Very interesting, Katy. Thanks for sharing. Have you seen pictures of Shanghai where they have people locked in these high rise buildings? That's what they want here. Move people to the cities where they can be controlled. So sad and horrifying. Glad we won't be here much longer

  3. I cannot wait to get out of this dystopian science fiction / horror, freak show! I will be shocked if the Bride is still here by June 1st. Things are ramping up so fast. Thank you Sister for all the work you do to inform people on your blog. I can't wait to meet you on the other side, soon!

    1. I, too, think we are gone soon.. very soon. See you soon, Sister!
