Greetings Holy, Set-Apart Precious Children of the Most High!
I'm back home in Communist California. I had a relaxing and bittersweet time in Tennessee as my brother, sister, and I laid my Mom to rest. Now that I think about it, that's an odd phrase, isn't it, because my Mom, the real her, is already at rest and at play in heaven with our Lord and Savior! In all honesty, that is the only reason I have made it through her death here on Earth. How do people survive all the tragedies of this life without a belief in a good God and eternity?
I didn't keep up with all the news while I was gone, though I read through some headlines. Enough to know that the world is tumbling ever faster toward Tribulation. I find myself spending more time listening to sermons and worship than I do news videos these days. Let's face it, if you are in a close relationship with the Lord and you know His Word, then you are well aware that we are about to be snatched from this evil world and escorted to our heavenly home! Therefore, it seems to make more sense to spend our remaining time here getting closer to our King and helping save the lost rather than focusing on the enemy and his plans.
For the past few years, I've listed news articles in an effort to wake up the church and prove that we are, indeed, in the last days. I feel I'm at the point now, that if you are a believer and you don't see that, then you probably never will. You either don't know your Scripture, have your head in the sand, or have been caught up in the hope of an American revival. If you truly love Jesus and have a relationship with Him, then you will be raptured regardless of whether you knew the times in which we live. However, there are rewards to those of us who knew and who were watching.
If, however, you are making an idol out of a country (USA) or a person or leader or even a movement that isn't of God, then you are in idolatry and that is never a good place to be. The Lord tells us in His Word that we are NOT of this world, that we are to separate from this world and from the governments of this world. We are not to love the things of this world, and that includes countries and political parties and leaders. Our hope is not in men, but only in Jesus. Remember the enemy can cloak anything in light and make it look like a Christian movement.
What I find to be most difficult these days is that everyone around me has no clue what is really going on. My family makes plans for years in advance, trips and graduations and marriages. People in the airplanes, in the airports all scurrying about, talking on their phones and with each other about business ventures and vacations. And as I waited to board my plane and glanced over the mobs, I wondered how many of them had a clue about what was about to come on this world. I speak of the 7 worst years of human history, a time so horrific that Jesus said that if He didn't return when He did, no human flesh would survive. Think about that for a minute. There's 8 billion people on Earth. Anyway, a deep sorrow overcame me for them and I began to pray for each person on every plane I boarded.
Meanwhile the enemy continues his plan to rule the world. I believe they are planning another pandemic soon. (In fact the Bible predicts this in Revelation 6) They released the restrictions for Covid to lull people into a sense of freedom all while they are secretly furthering their plans by
- destroying the world's economy so that they can force everyone into a cashless society
- destroying food processing plants and farm crops in order to cause a worldwide famine. Food supply shutdown on purpose
- further nudge Putin into using nuclear weapons
- Cause continual rioting and war in Israel
- Continue their race wars, chaos, divisions, and fear across the globe
Why? You may ask? Why would anyone want to do this? Because "out of chaos comes the New World Order". It's actually written on our USA dollar bill. Still think America is the good guy? Many Americans, yes.. but not our country.
Do you think the leak about the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade was a mistake? If you do, then you're extremely naive. Are you celebrating that this horrific decision making abortion legal will be overturned? Think again. They only "leaked" this to cause chaos and rioting and mayhem in America, to cause more division and hatred. This is what they want. It is what they feed off of. Even if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, abortion is still legal in most US States. I know some of you will see this as a good sign that things are turning around, but it is all just smoke and mirrors.. a trick to lull you back to sleep.
But, Elon Musk bought Twitter! That's a good sign, right? He's fighting for freedom of speech! Really? Elon Musk is one of them. He's part of Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders program. He has stated on many occasion that he wants to put chips in people's brains.
And if there is any doubt remaining, can you pick out Musk below?
Meanwhile we have the WHO granting themselves extreme power over the entire world when it comes to health. What could go wrong?
Nuclear war is on the horizon. Russia is broadcasting war games showing where their nukes will hit and the devastation that follows all while they continue to threaten anyone helping Ukraine. I believe a nuclear war is soon to come. Did you also notice that Russia is starting to threaten Israel as well? Hmm. Ezekiel 38 anyone? Prophecy is falling into place every day. Speaking of Israel, have you been following the intense rioting and violence going on over there? It seems to be getting worse, not better. Remember, God's full attention returns to His Chosen people, Israel, after the Rapture. This is why things are ratcheting up in the Holy Land.
And let us not forget that this past week Biden did two things that should send chills down your spine.
1. He created a Disinformation Governance Board that will police disinformation and misinformation, headed up by a woman who propagated lies on Social media for years. In essence, this means that anything the government deems to be misinformation (things like vaccine hesitancy or questioning the election results, or even saying Jesus is the only way to Heaven) would become illegal.
2. He labeled Trump supporters (anyone who did not vote for him) as Domestic Terrorists.
We have lost our freedom here in America. The problem is, most people don't realize it yet. Once all money goes digital AND there is no food, they will have complete control over you. Remember they want to kill off most of the world's population and keep the rest as slaves. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but it's plainly written in their literature. They work for Satan and they know it. They believe he is the real god who will reward them for their service with wealth and eternal life. Same lie he told Eve in the garden. Same lie, different century.
Enough about that! We, followers of Jesus, are not appointed to God's wrath. The Bible is clear that we will be rescued from this evil world BEFORE the Tribulation begins. In the meantime, we are protected from all the enemy's plans. Think of it this way, Jesus has already gathered us in His arms, keeping us safe, until that moment His Father gives Him the nod to pull us up with Him! Though I am not a date setter, I hope I can encourage you by saying that it is my strong conviction that Jesus is coming for us very very very soon. I add the 3 'verys" because I believe Spring 2022 is very likely our time. This is not purely my sense or my spiritual insight alone, but on other good and Godly saints who hear from the Lord more often and more clearly than I do. We are going home very very soon. Do not fear the enemy. He can NOT touch you. I encourage you to spend your time with the Lord, praying for the Lost, and witnessing where you are led. I know this is tough for all of us. Who knew we would see so many horrible things? This is where faith comes in. Keep the faith. Stand firm and behold the salvation of the Lord!
Glad you are back home safe and sound. I'm not paying a whole lot attention to the news, other than the main headline regarding Roe vs Wade. And seeing the left get so unhinged at saving the life of the unborn is purely diabolical.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to my heavenly home where I hope to be soon. I'm looking up every day. 😊 Until He calls me home, I'm doing everything I can to be about the Lord's business.
I hope you have a happy Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day to you, Barbara! We keep looking up!! One day the Son will rise!
DeleteMy husband had Covid this week, it was so much different than what I had in 2020!
ReplyDeleteHe did have 2 Pfizer shots but no booster.
I have been fine so far, and am believing in natural immunity. He is out doing things after 5 days- I was still unable to do much at that stage. They offered him the new antiviral drug called Paxlovid, but thankfully the pharmacy couldn’t get it! They said it was hard to find right now, he wasn’t sure he wanted to take it anyway. I did not have a good feeling about it and after doing research we found out that it can cause Covid to come back in a few weeks. Apparently it messes with your immune system…
I agree with everything you have said and it’s refreshing to know you and read your posts!
Blessings! See you soon🙌🏻
I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's illness, but I thank God he didn't take whatever drug they are offering. We used to trust our medical professionals, but no longer. Most are not evil, but they are following what they are told... Yes, they want to destroy our immune system as best they can for the next released virus. I wish more people would wake up. Blessings to you!! See you in the clouds!
Delete"Do not take the pill"
It's so good to have you back! Today is my last day of my three Masters courses I have 3 exams and a portfolio and an ebook that I had to create due tonight. I sit here and I wonder why am I doing this? If I'm not going to be here much longer why am I adding this stress to my life when I could just be enjoying Jesus? Anyway, it'll be done tonight and then I can move on, but I just have to figure I must occupy until God calls me home. Otherwise I probably would sit in front of my window and never do anything. I'm not sure how God would feel about that if he's giving me tasks to do. 😉 do you know where to find that information of Putin warning about the nuclear placements? I'd be interested to see that. My husband is also getting on me about taking my free book and putting it back up for sale. It's been free since December when I really do feel God told me it had to be free so that after I was gone it would be available for people. It's just so hard to know what to do anymore.
ReplyDeleteKaty I have the same problem. Should I start another book? I don't want to waste time writing if it will never get published. It takes me about 7 months for a full length novel. Will we be here? If so, what will the world look like? My gut.. my inside spirit says we will be gone in 6 months.. probably much sooner. But like you said, I want to be about my Father's business. For me, at the moment, it's this blog and my family.. much prayer and fasting for the lost. Just keep on doing what you feel the Lord wants you to do... and I would listen the Lord about your free book. Not anyone else. As far as Russia's war games. I saw the article on Telegram a week ago I think... there was a map Russia put out of what cities in Europe they could destroy. I can't seem to find it.. but you can just search for Russia nuclear War games.. and you might find it on line. Hang in there, Katy!! Blessings! I truly don't believe we are here much longer
DeleteHi Sister, glad you made it back safely. Yes, it must be hard to wonder if you should write another book, as we feel this baby is about ready to be born. The Bride is backed up against the Red Sea and every day the division and intensity grows stronger. People offended by anything now and that's one of the things Jesus spoke about. I liked what you had to say about Elon and especially that picture of him with Epstein. That's one I haven't seen. But have been seeing a lot of him with his mom who is a self proclaiming witch, from what I know and she sure looks like it. His girlfriend too. The satanists are growing so fast in power, wait till they find out who the real boss is and it all turns bad on them. We are not on a flight pattern unless they are constantly spraying us with their chemtrails, but this last week high jet activity is just going crazy, so you know they are definitely up to something. If we aren't Home by the end of May, I will be surprised. Especially as fast as everything is moving and once that baby starts coming there's nothing to stop it!! That seems to be where we're at. God's love always see you soon, Cillie
ReplyDeleteI'm with you about May, Cillie!! That Red Sea is getting awfully close! Hugs, Sister
DeleteI had a thought about EM being the antichrist, but he doesn’t really fit the profile? ( from what I know)
DeleteWe live near an airport in rural TN and I have noticed all the jets and their chemicals. I’m sure that’s why Covid is ramping up in our area…
I get annoyed at some of these Christian artists planning concerts as far off as Christmas, but I suppose they want to be about the Father’s business when he returns!
Not sitting around like me…I am reading the Word, praying and fasting though!
I don't believe EM is the AC.. There are many things that don't fit with him. He may be the richest man in the world, but he certainly doesn't have the power and influence of the AC. Plus I believe the AC must be at least part Jewish and also affiliated with the Muslims because they will accept him as their messiah too. The chemtrails are heavy here too... I pray daily for the Lord to protect me and my family from all the poisons they are spraying on us. I know He does! As far as working for the Lord, just let the Holy Spirit lead you.. if you are obeying Him, it doesn't matter if you're sitting around praying for doing a Christian concert. :-) Blessings!
DeleteWell welcome back wayfaring Lady ! Your return has put a smile on my face in knowing we are not alone in our crazy radical longing for Jesus' return !!! Love how you worded that " when the Father give Jesus the nod to pull us Up " Love that !
ReplyDeleteI was recently shunned when I made a comment about history will show (if the Lord tarry's) how evil Trump really is, and spoke against this Great American revival. And was hurt when one Sister who I thought was a friend came right and said I was dead wrong, and sadly mistaken, and definately didnt hear that from God ! Then she gave me the name of a prophet who said Trump will serve 2 terms, and there will be great revival. Cant recall his name, and he died not to long ago, (gee I wonder why?) but he was one who spoke in a really of that movement, one of the evil groups misleading many ! This lady and her piers are very pro Trump and America. No matter, the Lord spoke to me about the evil intent of Trump, I stand on that.
So I laughed at your opening line "I'm back in Communist California". Watch it MaryLu, they'll stick you with the nickname " The Gal from Commy Cal ". But we know God already has a special name for you, and the script say's " known only to you and Him". But I can imagine it would be something like, " Illuminating Lady" or "Truth Teller" or "My Messenger MaryLu", something along those lines.
Praise and peace for your return !
You always encourage me, Joe. Thank you! I'm sorry about this friend of yours. I have family members who believe the same way and nothing I say will deter them. It's interesting that they put their hope and faith in this world, in politics, and in a man to save them and America... when the Bible clearly says that we are NOT of this world and should live separate from the world and not rely on anything in the world. Guess they missed those Scriptures! I love your nicknames for me, but many days Id just be happy with "Daughter of the King." I try and do as my Lord asks, but I feel I fall short many days.. Anyway, Blessings, Bro!