Time is running out. I sense it in every fiber of my body. Our Lord is coming and He's coming swiftly to snatch us out of the evil of this world. Just remember this, the word for rapture means to Seize, to Carry off by force, to snatch out of away. That means that we may see something start to happen. For instance we may see a war start on our homeland, an EMP blast take out all power, a nuclear exchange, or some other frightening scenario. And we may start to fear and wonder if the Lord is coming at all. It is at that moment that we will hear the trumpet blast! So do not be afraid of what you see around you or what you see coming. In fact, be encouraged.
Have you noticed the number of "shootings" that are happening everywhere now? Very interesting, isn't it? It's almost like someone wants to cause so much fear and distress among the population that people would willingly give up their 2nd amendment right. I truly believe that most of these shooters are MK-Ultra victims, chosen by the government and experimented on with mind control to make them violent. Then they give them the ideas and the guns and flip the switch. I know to some of you this sounds like science fiction and MaryLu has lost her mind, but just google MK-Ultra. Our government, along with governments across the world have been experimenting on their own people for years. Funny how now our Congress is determined to pass more restrictive gun laws.
There are two other main things I've been hearing this past week. One is the rise of Monkeypox and the rise of more Covid variants, which of course will require more poison and surveillance tech inserted into you (Oh, I mean vaccines), and Two, War. I'm not talking about Ukraine. I'm talking about China and Russia allying together to take down the US. They have the technology. They have the weapons. They have the military. Our military has been depleted. Our weapons are outdated and we've sent most of them anyway to Ukraine, leaving our mainland unprotected. But of course, this is what they want. Why? Because they want a Global government.
I believe they are in the last phases of their plan to take over the world. They will unleash multiple disasters at once. Weather, Quakes, Nuclear War, Plague, Economic Collapse, and Famine, until people of the earth are begging for relief, relief that will come in the form of a very charismatic man who will promise peace, security, wealth and health to everyone on the planet.
Not only that, but he will promise eternal life to those who worship him and take his mark. How can he promise such a thing, you may ask? You really need to listen to this guy Yuvan Noah Harari in his own words. He talks about using technology and transhumanism to create new life, and to alter humans to become immortal. I don't know if this guy is the antichrist or not, but I get physically ill when I listen to him. I do, however encourage you to hear him and take him seriously. He is in a position of great power here on earth now. He calls for a global government and talks about people as being useless and hackable animals. He calls the Bible fake news. He says Jesus is dead but we still need to dispose of the body (that's us, folks). He talks about a great catastrophe is needed to bring in a global government. He talks about surveillance INSIDE people... a kind of surveillance that can read your thoughts and emotions. He talks about turning people into gods.
Here's the first video of him. 17 minutes long.
Here's another video. It's part of a big larger video, but go to the time 1:19:20 and watch for about 10 minutes. Notice the picture of the horse in the background and pay attention to the interpretation of the Chinese writing next to the horse. These evil globalist KNOW THE BIBLE. They know the prophesies. What was fascinating to me was that War is the 2nd horse of the apocalypse, right after the Antichrist appears. Interesting that they believe War will usher in their success., or in other words, usher in their New World Order, the Beast System.
I want you to transport yourself into the past 10 years ago.. even 5, and then ask yourself if you suddenly popped into the present, would you be shocked at what you see? Would you run to your Bible, read the prophesies and look up because you knew Jesus had to be coming any minute? I believe most of us would. Don't let yourself be a frog in a pot of water that slowly boils you to death. We are now seeing the prophetic table set for the Tribulation. All we need is that dinner bell to ring. For us, it will be a trumpet. For the world, it will be an alarm. If you aren't right with Jesus, get right with Him now. If you need to know how, contact me or click the links at the top of my blog. I'm happy to pray with you.
And now the news
The V and V
Earth Groaning
Short video of Obama in his own words
NWOWEF removes all articles on website dealing with mind control using sound waves. Makes one suspicious whether they now intend to do just that
God help us! Father God, please help us to be vigilant and give us minds to discern fact from fiction. Help us to have faith ... not fear! We call out to you, Father, to send our Lord Jesus to snatch us from this evil world that where you are ... we may be also. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. (There is a video that I am praying about. MaryLu, you may want to watch this and give us your opinion. "Coded in the Great Pyramid..." Blessings to my Sisters in Christ. Patricia
ReplyDeleteHello dear Sister Patricia! Amen! There is so much deception. I pray every day for the Lord to keep me from deception, but I am human. One thing I do know is that the Lord will not allow His Bride to go hungry, homeless, and wounded. He is coming! Send me the link, Patricia.. if it's not too long, I'm happyt to watch it.
DeleteHere is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PPONknI1jg
DeleteInteresting. You are the second person to send that to me today. :-)
DeleteThis may bring some encouragement.
ReplyDeleteWe may have only days left! 🎺🎉
I love Dr. Awe! Thanks!
DeleteAnonymous , I pray so!! 🙌🙏
ReplyDeleteThanks MaryLu, for those videos, as hard as they are to watch we've know the stance of some of these people, like Bill Gates, and this Yuvan guy reminds me of one of those old Boris Karloff movies about the mad scientist !!! He is a nut case, but his real label is Anti-Christ. My ex pastor preaches that healthy wealthy and wise junk. Thats why he's "ex". Cant wait to see you all in the sky !. Love, peace and faith to all.
ReplyDeleteYes, the Yuval guy is a piece of work.. Satanic work.. AC work, indeed. How can any pastor who knows the Bible and loves God NOT SEE what is going on, but chooses rather to preach how God wants to bless us? Insane. Well, that's why I'm not in church anymore either. God's blessing and protection over you, Joe!