Monday, June 6, 2022

We are in the Wheat Harvest Season! Fascinating facts about Sivan.

Happy Shavuot! 
I found some fascinating facts about Sivan, which is the current Jewish Month that began on May 30th and ends on June 30th.  My hope is that this information will bless you and encourage you as much as it did me!
  • The Month of Sivan is called the Month of Revelation  -  I couldn't help but think of the Book of Revelation when I heard this!
  • Sivan 2 is called the "Day of Distinction" since on this day the Jewish people agreed to accept the Torah at Mount Sinai, and upon ratification, Moses instructed the people to prepare themselves to become a "Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation".  (Exodus 19:6-8). Hmm, what does that remind you of? Aren't Christians also called that very same thing in Revelation 5:10?
  • Sivan 3 Moses instructed the people to spend Three Days preparing to receive the Law, the 10 Commandments that Moses would bring down from the top of the mountain. These 3 days are called the "Days of Separation". I found that interesting since Jesus said He would return on the third day to call up His Bride, and during our separation, we are to sanctify ourselves and separate from the world.  The giving of the Law was a marriage contract between God and the Jews, just like Jesus's death and resurrection are a marriage contract with us!
  • Sivan 6, Moses comes down the mountain with the 10 Commandments and the Jews call this day Shavuot or Pentecost, which took place 7 weeks after they left Egypt. What's fascinating about this is that it is customary to read selections from the Torah ALL NIGHT until dawn. It is called "Rectification for Shavuot Night" , a remedy for Israel's failure to be awake on the morning of the Revelation and who needed to be aroused by the blast of the shofar, heavenly lightning and thunder. I immediately thought of the parable of the 10 virgins where they all fell asleep but half ran out of oil and were not able to come into the marriage feast when the shofar blew.
  • Shavuot, according to Jewish sages, is the "culmination of the experience of Redemption", which started on Passover.  Isn't the Rapture equally a culmination of our experience of redemption that began with Jesus's death and resurrection on Passover?  I got goosebumps when I read this!
  • Wheat is harvested in Sivan in Israel.  Jesus often used wheat to represent His children, those who believed in Him and followed Him, (John 12, Matthew 3, Matthew 13)
  • The Hebrew letter that represents Sivan is Zayin, the 7th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.. Zayin has a double meaning: It means sword or sharp weapon, but it also means sustenance or nourishment. Interesting because the rapture brings both.
  • Ruth is the book of the Month of Sivan which is also known as the Book of Harvest. The entire story is about a gentile bride marrying a Jewish man.
  • The tribe of Zebulun is the tribe representing the month of Sivan.  Zebulun was the sixth son of Leah, the tenth son of Jacob.  The meaning of Zebulun is “Glorious Dwelling Place”, but is also closely related to the word meaning “dowry” or “wedding gift”. 
  • Sivan is only named by name in the Book of Esther in Esther 8:9. In context it was the month when a degree went out from the King that allowed all the Jews to fight and defend themselves from anyone attacking them on the day that Haman had decreed all the Jews would be destroyed. Interesting that after the Rapture or very near the Rapture, Israel will be attacked by the surrounding nations in the Gog-Magog war. 
  • When Jesus describes the rapture in Matthew 24, He says "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left."  Only wheat is ground in the mill, not barley. So at the time of the rapture, a harvest is taking place! Also in that same chapter, Jesus says that the rapture will happen "as in the days of Noah"...   as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,"  It occurred to me that June is traditionally the month of weddings, isn't it?

I guess my point is to not lose heart. Keep the faith. Keep strong. Keep praying, reading the Bible, following Jesus. Don't fall asleep or run out of oil! This could very well be the month of our rescue!


  1. Yes, dear Sister, we pray June will be our "wedding" month. Every day there are more reports of evil in so many areas. Christians being labelled "terrorist" and worse. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! See you in the clouds!

    1. As things grow more dark here, our light grows brighter as Jesus gets ready to come to our rescue! See you soon!

  2. Amazing. God is good

  3. Such a wonderful post! I was hoping it would be today, but I will never lose hope! I will admit though, I do have some wedding jitters. 😉 While I wait, I continue to read through the Gospels and get to know my bridegroom even better.

    1. That's awesome, Katy! I heard a pastor was asked once if he was excited to get to know Jesus when he got to heaven. The pastor replied. "I already know Him!"

  4. Thank you Marylu for these truths you posted. Hope upon hope! I can't wait to hear that trumpet sound any day now! 🙂

  5. You are one smart (gifted if you prefer) Lady ! I really liked this little study. I have read, some time ago about the Sivan. But you just made it a little easier to understand. And I loved the way you correlate it to the Bride and Harvest. Every word the proceedeth from the mouth of God is important. He never spoke a single word that didnt have everlasting meaning. I heard a Pastor say that God does not live in time. Well I guess you could say that , but I'm not sold ? I would rather say that God created time, but He is not subject to, He is Master of time and it is subject to Him. But the bible is full of "at the appointed time" scripture's. Our God is a God of order. He does not act randomly, nor is He half hazard. He has set certain day's and season for all things that bring His total plan together. It is important for us to realize how much the Jewish calendar can tell us of what God is about to do. Thanks MaryLu for this info. Be blessed.

    1. I prefer "blessed", Joe, because honestly I'm nothing without Jesus! I had no idea what to write last Sunday and was praying about it and the Lord is the one who had me looking up the meaning of the month of Sivan. Yes, indeed! you make a great point. God doesn't just exist outside of time, He created it and is the master of it! I love that!
