Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday Musings: The Eye of the Storm!

Dear Highly-Prized Children of the Most High,
For those of you who believe in Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him, Remember who you are and Who lives within you! We often forget how valuable we are, don't we? I know I do. We look in the mirror and don't like what we see. We compare our bank accounts, houses, and cars with others who have more. We compare our successes with those more successful, and we wonder why God bothers with someone as lowly as us. But none of those things matter to God. He looks at us as His precious children. We have been ADOPTED into God's family. That is no small thing! That means that our Father will do anything to keep us safe, protect us, and take care of us! Anything. Didn't He already sacrifice His only Son? How much more will He graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:32)

I say all of that because times are tough and they are getting tougher. Life on earth is not what it used to be, and it's never going back to normal. The problem is most people are clueless. The restrictions and lockdowns have been lifted. People are traveling again, going on vacations, etc. Yes, gas is outrageously expensive and food costs have risen, but that's due to the war in Ukraine and Biden's bad policies. When the Republicans come back into power, all that will change. We just have to wait for Trump to return or someone like Devin Nunes to get elected... then America will enter a Great Awakening that will span out to the entire world! 

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that's not going to happen. Why? Because this isn't just about the USA. When, in your lifetime, or in all of history, have events occurred that impacted the entire globe? Yes, we've had famines and wars and pestilences, but not GLOBALLY. Even the World Wars didn't touch every nation. It's interesting that the Bible is very specific that in the end times, and in particular, the Tribulation, the entire World is affected by everything happening. In fact the entire world is run by one government. Don't we hear talk of that happening now? Don't we see GLOBAL food shortages, Global gas shortages, Global famine, Global pestilences. That has never happened in the history of man. To me, that's just another, among many, of the proofs that we are living in the VERY last days. So, it's not going to matter if Republicans take the Congress (Most of them are corrupt anyway). It's not going to matter if Trump returns (He's one of them anyway) or even if a truly honest and good person became president. We are in the last days and God's plan will be played out exactly as He has told us. 

Hence, my reason for the encouragement that we are God's Children. We are not a part of this world system. Yes, our physical bodies are still here, but we do not belong. And no matter what happens, we know with surety that God is watching out over us. We can also bank on the fact that He WILL come and snatch us out of here before the real horror begins. 

We are in the Eye of the Storm right now and things may seem slightly normal, but if you're awake, look to the horizon and you'll see the tsunami heading our way. Within it's mighty waves are more deadly viruses (most manmade), more poisonous vaccines, more lockdowns, more restrictions, more bad weather, food shortages, gas shortages, and of course War. Most people hear rumblings of the coming storm, and they stick their head in the sand. I don't blame them. But we must face the fact that the storm is coming. How much of it will the Children of God see, I don't know. But when it hits, rejoice, because we know our Redemption is close!! Also rejoice because when things start to get really bad, it will give us more opportunity to share the Gospel with our family and friends, in particular the prophecies that prove the Bible is God's Word. 

I have no need to summarize this week's news except to say that things are moving along toward the aforementioned storm. Of particular interest was a public service announcement in NYC regarding what to do during a nuclear strike. Hmm. We do seem to be charging head first toward a war with Russia. How long can our Administration keep poking the bear before he will react. The Russian military and weaponry far surpasses ours, and if Putin decides to attack, it won't be some wimpy strike. He will have to take the USA out of commission all together. Interesting that people have spotted Russian troops in Alaska, along with billboards in Russian stating that Alaska belongs to Russia.

Add to that, our president is over in Israel right now signing agreements to divide Jerusalem and create a 2-state solution. Think God is going to be happy with that? Don't mess with the apple of God's eye! Then, we have Iran, Turkey, and Russia actually meeting together. Aren't those the Three main countries who form an alliance and attack Israel in Ezekiel 38? Hmm. 

Or course people continue to die from the vaccine, even as they continue to push it.. even on babies and toddlers who are now showing an increase in heart disease. And we have China putting chips in it's citizens to keep them at home. In fact Gates is urging all governments to invest in global digital id systems. Meanwhile farmers are forced to sell or kill livestock and give up their entire farms due to inability to buy fertilizer. Of course Gates, China, and the WEF are happy to come in and take that land off their hands. This, of course is all manufactured to cause a famine. 

There are several protests going on at the moment that you may not have heard about because MSM refuses to report. But check out this very short video about the protests in the Netherlands and why they are happening. It's all about the food and the plan to depopulate the earth
Do you see the coming storm? I do. The only thing I see that could possibly stop it would be a worldwide repentance and return to God. But since most churches are arguing about what a woman or man is and whether they should allow transgenders to be pastors, I really don't see that happening. Besides, there's no mention of it in Scripture. No, I believe the Tribulation is about to start.. my guess would be this fall, but time will tell. My advice to you is to pray without ceasing, stay close to Jesus, pray and fast for your lost and lukewarm loved ones and friends, and put on the full armor of God. Most of all, have faith. God loves you more than anything. You are more precious to Him than anything. He will not allow your foot to slip. He will not allow you to fall. He never sleeps but keeps His eye on you!  You are encased in a shield of Light and mighty angels follow you wherever you go. So be of good cheer, fellow saint. We battle now for a little while longer, but we have a glorious future ahead of us!  

Here's the news.  I may not collect these articles going forward. It's a ton of work for me and I'm trying to write my next book. it seems most people don't click and view them anyway.. so let me know your thoughts on that.

The V and V
Twice vaxxed Canadian Comedian who refused third booster dies suddenly at age 32. (I normally don't post these deaths.. there are thousands and thousands of them, but this includes a video I found compelling)
Famine/Economic Collapse



  1. Hi Marylu first of all let me thank you for your blog and all the work you do. I look forward to it and read it faithfully. You asked about whether you should post all these articles. My little opinion, and it’s only one, is if it came down to an either-or, I would rather read your book. They are also more likely to be shared with others for purposes of evangelism.

    I trust the Lord to show me the news He wants me to see. Many times your articles are things I’ve already seen in the prior week and I’m not even on FB! In the past He showed me I spent waaaay to much time pursuing the “newsworthy” stuff instead of Him so I pulled back tremendously. Now I’m not saying this is true for everyone; maybe someone needs these articles as a crash course to wake up but I think the majority of your blog readers already get it.

    All that being said, I find my most favorite blog posts are Mondays when you post encouragement from the Lord and how He is speaking to you. I love that! Maybe you could devote more of the blog to that and just 3-4 articles that maybe stand out to you the most if you feel the Spirit leading you to post them for us. You’re still a watch woman, and you have to be Spirit-led so I get that.

    Hope this helps like I said it’s just one persons opinion but I do read your blog (and books) faithfully.

  2. I appreciate all the work you do putting these posts together! I look forward to each one and read about half the articles you link. There are often articles or videos that I have seen from other sources but the times when you have found ones that I don’t see are very helpful. You also have such a clear way of explaining how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Of course you need to do what the Lord is calling you to and we can learn to do the work to find the information if we have to. Maybe you could list your favorite sources. Just know how appreciated you are! You are a gifted and beautiful soul.

  3. Thanks for always sharing with us even though it's time consuming. I'll admit that I do not click on the links as it's just too much sensory overload for my already anxious mind. I can see plainly enough the state our world is in and am clinging to our Savior and trusting His timing is perfect whenever He decides to come get us and am resting in Him.

    Like the first commenter, my favorite blogs are your "Encouragement Monday's" (if I may call them that). I feel like the world is already beating us black and blue, but to hear uplifting TRUTHFUL words that God lays on your heart to share, lift me up and inspire me to keep going. I know you won't sugarcoat anything to appease your readers, nor should you. As we all know, sometimes truth even spoken in love hurts. Whatever you decide or how God leads you, know I’ll keep coming here to support you.

    1. Thank you, Amy, I'm going to pray about what to do. Blessings!

  4. I hope you keep posting the articles. This blog is really where I get a lot of my news and I even forward your link to others. But ultimately it is up to you. Just know that you are appreciated and your work is beneficial

    1. Thank you. I hadn't considered that people would send my newsletter to others.. that's an extra ministry field that has no limits. I appreciate that. Gives me more to think about.

  5. I appreciate all of the hard work you put out every Friday. I’m sure that publishing this much information can take quite a toll. Thank you!

  6. Hello MaryLu. As to your publishing links to current events, I agree with most others. I very seldom click the links, as it is sometimes too much and overwhelming to read. Many of the items listed I have already heard from other sources. It would also take a considerable amount of time to click and read everything you have posted, as much as it is time consuming for you to post. You must do what the Lord leads you to do, and as another poster stated, I would much rather read your new book than to read about the state of the world. I am not sure we will be here long enough to read your book if it gets published before the rapture, but they are always enlightening and help me to seek Jesus even more than I do now. I have cut down my TV watching and listen to JD Farag much much more than before, not just on Sundays. He too is inspiring and explains Bible prophecy much more than the media ever would. I listen to him and you the most, and hope that continues. Bless you for all you do MaryLu. You are much appreciated!!

    1. Thank you, Kathy! You are a blessing. I, too, am spending more time listening to sermons than the news.. which is why I'm questioning all these articles. I would guess it takes mea good 3-5 hours a week to seek out, post, and then summarize what the Lord wants me to say. During that time, I could probably write an entire chapter. But, like you said, is there time for this book to even get published? Would my time be better spent on this blog? This is what I'm asking the Lord.

  7. Hi there Sister, as always timely and affirmation that everything we're seeing is being seen by others who are awake in the Holy Spirit too.
    I also wonder if your book will even have time to be published, everything seems like it's just ready to explode any moment now.
    I also share your blog with several different people and they share with others to,so they do get passed around. I usually just read the headlines of your news articles, but will tap on a few that I haven't been able to check out and I always gain a lot more information this way. I tell people that I don't even need to go looking around everywhere because it's all right here. I do watch of course several watchmen and listen to them, Plus keep my eyes on everything going on around me.
    I love my talking Bible, every morning I'm out in the garden from 6:00 a.m. watering and listen to the Word. I just ended up in Isaiah and I'm thinking oh my gosh it is happening now all of it. As everything keeps unfolding so fast, we can't even keep track of it. I think I'll be seeing you real soon along with all my loved ones and those that love the Lord. I can't wait, I am so excited there is nothing I have on this Earth that holds me here, except for the prayers and witnessing to those that I love. The grief I feel is for those that will be left behind and what's coming to the world in the next seven years. But as we know The darkest Hour is right before the SON rises and how exciting is that? I can't thank you enough for all the inspiration and sharing that you have done, since I've had the privilege of reading some of your books and getting to know you as a Sister in the Lord. God is so good and kind, I look forward to meeting you someday MaryLu, we will have big smiles on our face for sure! Soon sister! God's blessings always

    1. Thank you, Cillie! You are a blessing to me. See you soon!

  8. ML, you know how I feel about the blog and the news articles. Though many of them I am aware of, MANY I am not. But I understand your dilemma. You have to do what the Lord guides you to do. But, I so appreciate the HARD work and time you put into the blog. I have learned SO MUCH from you.

  9. Greetings MaryLu, in Christ our Savior
    You had me going there for a minute in that first paragraph with the Trump coming back to office statement ! Lol.
    Well, there probably is a good chance of that ! Either way, we who put our trust in God will not be swayed.
    People are judging by outward appearances. They say; gas prices are down we are great again. Gas prices go up and and our leaders are crooks ! When things are going good we think our works are good and God is pleased and reverse it when things are tuff. And speaking of tuff, shouldn't we be ? Phil 4: 11I am not saying this out of need, for I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstances. 12I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation—to being filled and being hungry, to having plenty and having need. 13I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
    If we are looking for a man, a pastor, a particular religion or a country to tell us what condition we are in, we will always be disappointed ! We must keep our eyes on the prize. The promises God has made to us. Whats the saying, "I have never seen the righteous forsaken.

    I do read a couple every week of the articles you add to your posts. But not everyone. I often wonder how you do it MaryLu. Dont feel guilty if you cut back to take care of yourself and your house. Dont forget that our Boss has the best benefit package ever !!! He has allotted us times of refreshing and time to work.
    May the Lord our extravagant God pour over you His perfect peace and give you rest on every side.

    1. Amen to your first paragraphs! And thank you for the last one, Joe. I'm praying to see where the Lord leads... and yes, our Boss has the BEST HANDS DOWN benefit package!! Blessings!

  10. So much great stuff. I've been sharing the AK info with daughter. She's heading up there to the air base next month. Just want her to be aware.
