Friday, July 1, 2022

Friday Musings: These are the Times that Try Men's Souls!

Dear Esteemed and Beloved Bride of Christ,

The days grow darker, but the light of our Lord grows brighter!  This is the sense that came over me as I watched the news of the week. Those who are the devil's people are becoming more and more like their father. And those who are God's Children are becoming more and more like our Father. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. Both are being exposed for the world to see. 
Yet judgment begins in the House of God. 
For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 peter 4:17
I keep hearing the terms wheat and tares in every sermon I listen to. I believe in these last minutes before the rapture, God is already separating the wheat from the tares in the harvest of His church. The wheat are His true believers, the tares are either false converts or those who believe in Jesus but who live in willful sin.  Each are becoming more obvious as many of the true believers have left churches full of tares and are meeting on their own.  However I believe this will increase and increase until there will be no doubt who are part of the Bride. Remember, light and dark exist beside each other where each grows until the light becomes so bright (ripe), it must be removed (harvested or raptured). I am no prophet, but what I'm sensing is that the world is in for BOTH disaster AND pockets of revival. I believe disaster will strike, most likely in the form of war, but alongside the devastation, God will pour out His Holy Spirit on His Bride to do signs and wonders as in the days of ACTS. People, especially the young, who have never truly heard the Gospel, will flock to churches and meetings where the true Gospel is preached, and where they will witness miracles that always accompany the Spirit-led preaching of the Gospel. This could all take place quickly. A great final move of God to get as many saved as He can and to wake up the lukewarm so they can be rescued too!   Time will tell. Pray for the Lost! Pray for your loved ones!

Roe vs. Wade: Whatever your stance on Abortion, SCOTUS made the right call. It is NOT the Supreme Court's job to make law. Our forefathers, in their great wisdom, set up our government in 3 parts with the hope that each part would keep the other parts in check. More than anything they feared a too powerful government, like the one they escaped overseas. The only job of the Supreme court is to Determine if a law or situation is constitutional or not. Period. When they enacted Roe vs. Wade, they created a law and did so against the Constitution. The legality or ill-legality of abortion should be decided by the PEOPLE, not by an unelected court. SCOTUS did us a favor by overturning RvW. They gave we the people the power we were supposed to have all along. They did NOT ban abortion nor make it illegal. They simply transferred power to each individual State. So, when I watch these horrible riots full of angry people with signs full of vulgarity and profanity, demanding that SCOTUS be dissolved, I can only assume they are either completely ignorant of the way our government works or just plain evil. I can honestly say, I've never seen such murderous rage and hatred as I have seen in clips this past week from these abortion lovers.  I truly believe most of them are so full of demons, they can't think for themselves. Like I said above, the darkness is being revealed. 

I saw a couple of other short clips that I won't put here. I found them extremely offensive and I wish I hadn't seen them. However it did prove to me that many of these protesters are demon-possessed. There was also a clip of a mob tearing up a pastor's Bible, calling him names, and tossing the remains of the Scripture in the toilet of an outhouse.

Even more alarming, is that the abortionists seem to be blaming this SCOTUS decision on Conservative Christians. Biden, himself, blamed it on Trump's picks for the Supreme Court and all over social media people are coming out against Christianity. I see this as just one more step toward the entire world hating us. But it's not like Jesus didn't warn us.

Stand strong. Be ready to preach the Gospel at all times, and remember you are protected by Almighty God!
What would we expect to see in the news if we are quickly approaching the Tribulation?
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars. Not just individual wars but Global Wars. (Rev 6:3-4)
  • Global Famine (Revelation 6:5-6)
  • Global Pandemics and diseases  (Revelation 6:8, Luke 21:11)
  • Collapse of Economies World Wide so they can usher in digital currency (Rev 13:16-17)
  • Immorality everywhere (Matthew 24:12, 37, Revelation 9:21)
  • Character of mankind and even many "Christians" degrading severely (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
  • Most Churches and denominations compromising with the world (Matthew 24:11, 2 Peter 2:1-2)
  • God and the Bible Blasphemed and insulted (Revelation 13:6, 16:9)
  • Christian persecution increasing (Matthew 24:9-10, Luke 21:12))
  • Signs in the heavens. Increase in UFO activity (Luke 21:25-26)
  • Earthquakes, volcanoes, heatwaves, storms on the rise (Matthew 24:7, Romans 8:22)
  • A push for technology that allows one to purchase goods with a wave of a hand. (Revelation 13:16-17)
  • Suppression of truth and any voice that goes against the Global narrative
  • Increasing violence surrounding Israel and the temple mount (Ezekiel 38, Psalm 83, Matthew 24:15 , Daniel 9:27
  • New World Order Global Government Rising (Daniel 7:23-24)
Check out the Articles listed below for proof of the above.
These are just some of the Scriptures I could list for each item, each event that we see forming today in our world.  I list them to show you once again that we are living in the very last minutes before the Tribulation. Whether you believe in a rapture or not, the Tribulation is about to start, so either you should be preparing or you should be looking up and rejoicing!
Some great articles explaining what is going on in America and why
Good News!

Worth noting:  CERN is a particle accelerator used to do experiments in high energy physics, but it has become a Satanic stronghold and one of Satan's tools. They hope to discover not only the origin of the universe but also to open doors to different dimensions. Why? Because that would allow an influx of demonic creatures into our dimension the likes of which this world has never seen or experienced. Some years ago a group of scientists did an odd dance of worship before the image of the Indian goddess Shiva is called the "Destroyer" and also the "Supreme lord who creates, protects and transforms the universe."  There's much more to be said about this collider, but they are starting it back up this week, and that's not good news for us.
The V and V
Famine/Economic collapse
Earth Groaning
The Great Deception



  1. Beverly Holliday here.
    Thanks so much for all of this!
    I needed to see it and know what I believe is happening is true!

    I have been spending time listening to good teaching and continuing to read the word with a new hunger!
    Now I say “if we are still here” I will do this or that. It won’t be long.
    Blessings sister!🙌❤️

    1. You're very welcome Beverly! So happy to hear you're diving into the Word!! It's so fascinating that the more you read it, the more you want to read it! No, it won't be long. See you soon!

  2. Hello MaryLu, The list of what's going on in the world with corresponding scripts was excellent, thank you.
    I think I mentioned last week that I believe we are in 2 Thess, A great falling away. Yeah I do agree there will be some revivals breaking out, but I think they will be small pockets. I think the Gospel has been widely spread, that the majority has heard the word, had opportunity to get their hands on a bible or have had access to the word in some shape or form. Matt 24:37As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. 39And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.…,,,,,,, I believe God had warned them in Noah's day beforehand. And Noah himself did to. I like the Berean version the way it says " "Noah entered the ark, v39 and they were oblivious until the flood came and swept them away....... And another script, Romans 1 :18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.…So my view is that the great falling away, will be greater than the revivals, number wise. I think God is getting sick and tired of repeating Himself.
    But like you MaryLu, I just keeps looking up. Blessings Sister.

    1. I Agree, Joe. There is no huge worldwide revival coming. It's not Biblical and it certainly doesn't appear to be any repentance going on anywhere. In fact, just the opposite. That's why I found myself confused when several trustworthy people of God have said they are hearing revival is coming. Small pockets, yes. When disaster strikes. Either way, I want to be ready to share the Gospel with whomever I can until the Lord takes us home! Blessings!

  3. Kathy Pitts SmithJuly 3, 2022 at 5:43 AM

    I too believe that the falling away will be greater than any revival. Just yesterday I read where a Christian pastor was attacked by non-believers, his Bible stripped out of his hands. The non-believers played soccer with the Bible and then tore it to shreds and threw it in a fire!! Nothing was mentioned about what was done to the pastor, but I am sure he endured some torturing and mocking, as well. Evil hates anything to do with God, and it is getting more obvious day by day. I am SO ready to go home!! I am discouraged by the passing of the high watch dates, but still hear God saying that He is coming. I am holding onto His word and trying not to hear of the evilness going on all around us. I saw some very strange looking clouds yesterday, took photos, but unfortunately cannot share them here, but I was so joyful hoping that it was a sign of His coming. I cried out to Him. The clouds looked like many "scratches" across the sky, like someone was trying to scratch back the sky and appear!! I went to bed praying that today would be the day! But alas, I am still here!! ALWAYS, looking up!! Praying still. Love you MaryLu!!

    1. Kathy, that's the video I didn't want to post! About the people attacking that pastor. It was horrible to watch. Don't be discouraged about passing watch dates. I am fully convinced that the rapture will occur on a day we expect it the least, so be ready at all times. It is NOT far away. I know that. I've been watching for a long time and I used to get really depressed when watch dates passed, but I'm learning to rely only on the Lord and, like you said, He is saying it's soon. In the meantime, we keep the faith and follow our Lord's instructions to help as many join us as possible. Soon and very soon, we're going to see our king!! Hang on strong, Kathy! HUGS
