Monday, July 4, 2022

What To Do While You Wait for The Lord.

Happy Fourth of July, everyone! I pray you are enjoying good summer weather and great food with family and friends.
This post will be short and sweet, because that's how the Lord's Words often are to us, aren't they? Short and Sweet.
Before I answer the question posed, I want to encourage and bless you with these two verses from Psalm 97
You who love the Lord, hate evil;
He protects the souls of His godly ones ,
He rescues them from the hand of the wicked. v 10

The Word for rescue is nāṣal which means "to deliver, rescue, escape, snatch away"  the same definitions used for the Greek word harpazō which is to "snatch out or away"!  I believe God encoded the rapture throughout Scripture with words, gematria and types and shadows. It's a very important date for Him... the wedding of His Only Son!  Here's the next verse.

Light is sown like seed for the righteous and illuminates their path, and irrepressible joy is spread for the upright in heart who delight in His favor and protection. v 11

Think about that. Picture our Lord spreading seeds of light on the path in front of you, like holy bread crumbs, leading you in the right direction!  What amazing love our God has for us!  And as we follow Him, we gain more and more light and we are filled with irrepressible joy--that's joy that cannot be ever taken away. 
I hope those two verses bless you as much as they did me.
So, what should we all do as we wait for the Lord to come rescue us?  Not only as we wait for Him, but in general. So many believers have no idea how they can best serve the Lord. We make things so complicated don't we? We struggle to make decisions, praying about each option, wondering what to do! 
Yet the Lord plainly told us what to do while we are here on Earth.
Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. 
And Jesus replied to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself, that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for other.’ The whole Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 
It really is simple, isn't it, though not always so easy to do. I've got the first part done pretty good, but the second? Working on that. Yet, this is really all Jesus requires of us.  But, you may ask, what does He want me to do specifically? Here is my answer. If you follow these two commandments, the Lord will show you what else you are to do. When you love God and put Him first and treat others with love and kindness, you will naturally just move into your calling. That's how it happened for me, and it will happen for you too! So, while you wait expectantly for the Lord... just love Him, learn to love Him more, and love all those around you, even the difficult ones.  And when He comes, He will say to you. "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into your rest!"


  1. I love that visual , seeds of light on the path! How awesome!
    I hope you have a good 4th too. Hubby and I will just be chilling today. 😘

    1. Us too... just hanging out at home.. about to go for a walk. It's nice weather here in CA today. God be praised!

  2. I look forward to that rest! Beautiful post, Marylu. I so needed this today. I was literally wondering today if I was doing enough. You answered my question! Yes, my home is open for God to bring me people to love. Right now I have four boys from Portugal, Rwanda, Congo and Vietnam. I have my books to share the messages God wants me to share, and I am teaching people how to write or tell their testimony. I love the people He sends me. The doors are open, and I am willing and ready to love.

    1. Sounds like you are doing a ton of things for the Lord, Katy! The Lord is using you mightily. Keep up the good work until He comes and finds you a "good and faithful" servant. :-) .

  3. Happy Independence Day MaryLu,
    I think our fore fathers would really take pause at how this title has unvolved (as opposed to evolved) in these day's ! As I skimmed over the headlines on the day after, I saw very few that posted joyous celebrations, and far out numbered by shootings and violence that took place !
    So this word of peace put me back on track. After all, our independence is found in Christ, and not of this world ! Thank you Jesus that you came to set the captives (us) free !!!!! For he who the Lord sets free is free indeed !
    Love the picture of Jesus walking us through our red sea's, I'm stealing that ;) .
    I love the opening line too, " I'll make this short and sweet" ! Could you pass this hearty statement along to some of pastors and prophets I know ? They often have a great 2 minute word. The problem is when they have a two hour service, they try to explain it for an hour. After they've messed the explanation up, they spend the next 58 minutes trying to convince everyone that they should believe their explanation. I call this the Oprah syndrome ! lol.
    Blessings Sister, keep up the hope !

    1. The Oprah syndrome! LOL I love it, Joe. I agree... Many pastors and others today are far too wordy. The Bible says to keep our words FEW. The Lord's Words to me have always been short.. a sentence or 2 at most.. but mostly just a phrase like "I've got this". Anyway, our home is in heaven!! We never really had freedom in America... our freedom comes from Jesus! Blessings!

  4. In a two hour service, I would rather hear Gods word for two minutes, and spend the next hour and 58 minutes worshipping God !
