Monday, August 22, 2022

WARNING TO THE CHURCH! Christian Nationalism and Zionism!

I have a sense from the Lord that many many well-meaning Christians are going to be greatly deceived in the coming months and years. I have friends and family who are Christians but who are very much involved in politics and in American Nationalism and even, Jewish Zionism.  They listen to every Conservative speech. They attend Conservative Conferences. They are on prayer lists for America with specific prayer points. They attend prayer conferences for our country. 
(Now, hear me out. I am a patriot. I love my country. Or should I say, I love the Idea of what I thought was my country. I love the freedoms our forefathers instilled in our documents and tried to incorporate in our government, and I particularly love that there has been, up to recent years, a strong Christian remnant here.  I am certainly not against praying for our country. The Bible says we should pray for those in power.)
However, there is a great Christian Nationalism movement going on right now, and while I agree our country needs to return to God and Christian values, I know in my heart that it never will. Why? Because we are in the End Times, and America is not even mentioned in Biblical Prophecy. We have failed God. We have turned from Him and gone our own way, just like the Israelites. The only way God would ever restore America is if we repented of all our sins and rebellion and returned to Him. While there are groups of Christians doing that, most of the church here in America is apostate. Another reason I don't believe America will be restored is that nowhere in the Bible does it mention a Great Revival movement that spreads over the world in the last days. In fact, it says quite the opposite. 
The problem with Christian Nationalism is it takes the focus off of God and puts people's hopes and prayers onto certain politicians and judges. They justify it by quoting Scripture and saying that God works through world leaders. But they have forgotten that our citizenship is not in this world, not in any nation, but in Heaven. Yes, we pray for our leaders and we follow laws, but our hearts, our focus, need to be on Jesus. No political leader, no election is going to save America. Jesus never told us to go out and save America or save a particular nation, vote a certain way, or spend our time campaigning for a candidate. He told us to go out and make disciples of ALL the nations.
And here is where the warning comes in. What would happen IF a great political leader who claimed to be a Christian and who stood for the Constitution and Freedom and everything our forefathers believed in, was elected into the presidency. I'm talking a Trump or DeSantis type figure, very beloved by the people.  Christians all over the country would be excited, happy, and very relieved. They would call people like me liars and deceivers and gloat that their prayers were answered.  
If I had to guess, I'd say that thousands upon thousands of Christians would be elated, flock to this person, and revere and honor him, especially after the damage done by Biden and his libtard friends. "Finally, God has sent us a deliverer!" they might say. 
But what if it was all a show? What if the person was not who they claimed to be, and was, in fact, working for the Global Satanists. What if that person ended up being the Anti-Christ? The Bible clearly says the AC comes from among us but he was not one of us. How many of these Christian Nationalists would pledge their lives to this person, maybe even get a digital tattoo that this person advised them to get? (Didn't Trump push the vaccine and still does?) This would be especially true of Christians who believe 1. We are not in end times and 2. That the Church takes over the earth before Jesus returns. ( a very false anti-Biblical doctrine spreading like wildfire right now. NAR and Dominionism)
Do you see how very dangerous this theology is? If you believe that the church will rise up and cause revival all over the world and take the world back for Jesus, what would stop you from doing whatever some Christian Conservative Leader said to do? Especially if he put it in a way that was good for you and good for the country and something God ordained? If there is no Tribulation and no Mark of the Beast, if all the end times prophecies in the Bible already happened in the past, what would stop you?  Or alternatively maybe some Christians who believe in End Time prophecy but simply don't believe we are anywhere close to the end, would not accept that the Mark of the Beast was here. So, why not just take it to get along?  You see how important knowing Scripture and being Holy Spirit led is?? 

The Scripture says that these False "Christs" will be able to deceive Christians.

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24

What if this "Christian" conservative called upon God, prayed, and even performed miracles...?  Christians would flock to him. This is why the Lord wants me to warn you. In our arrogance, we think we could never be deceived like this, but our enemy is very very smart. He's been around for a long time, and he knows that he has to cloak himself in light in order to attract believers. Many of you already know if you follow me, that I believe Trump is a Mason and a Kabbalist and was placed in power to divide the nation. He is not a good man. Please wake up! I have family members who literally worship the man and listen to every word he says.

So many of my friends and family talk only about politics and voting and Trump and cleaning out the Swamp. This is not where our focus needs to be. Our focus must be on saving the Lost. This is the heart of Jesus. If your pastor talks mostly about politics and the church rising up in power and sweeping across the globe, or if he rarely ever talks about living for Jesus by taking up your cross and denying yourself, living a holy life, and saving the lost, then you need to get out of that church or stop listening to that person. There are many false prophets out there today spewing a lot of garbage.. with false "words" from the Lord about great revivals coming. It tickles ears because, honestly, after the past few years, people just want things to return to normal. The evil in our corrupt government has been exposed and we want it removed and America and the World to return to righteousness. People, that is NOT going to happen until Jesus returns and reigns over the earth from Jerusalem!  He is our only hope! 

Yes, small revivals will burst out as things get worse and people will be saved, Praise God! But then all hell will break loose as we enter Tribulation. If you don't believe that, if you are counting on the vote in November and again in 2024, and if you are following and putting your hope on a great political leader, you are heading down the wrong path that, at best, may keep you in the Tribulation, and at worst, send you to hell.
One last thing. Christian Zionisn. I've only begun to delve into this frightening topic, but suffice it to say that those running Israel, both politically and religiously, are not real Jews, but are following Satan. In fact it was the Rothschilds and Rockefellers (Global satanists) who manipulated history in order to start the nation of Israel. In fact, they orchestrated World War 2, along with the Holocaust in order to push the Jews to return to their land. Why? For the Globalists' god, Satan. The Antichrist will rule and reign from Jerusalem, which is where the Beast system will operate. The Temple that will be built, and that has so many Christians excited, will be an abomination to the Lord since Jesus has already made the ultimate sacrifice. You have to dive into some very bizarre and unsettling history to discover these truths about the state of Israel.  It's sad to see so many Christians supporting a satanic state. I'm NOT talking about the regular Jews who live in Israel. I know there are still some of God's elect living there and that is the purpose of the Tribulation, to bring them to repentance and salvation in Jesus. In fact, many of them will flee Jerusalem during the Tribulation to escape the AC and hole up somewhere in Jordan.. many people believe it will be Petra, where God will protect them. I love the Jewish people and I pray for them all the time, and I support an organization that is sharing the Gospel with them. But please do not support the Satanic government of Israel. Remember they are the ones who will make the 7 year deal with the Antichrist.  
The Talmud is the Holy Scripture that these Satanic Jews follow. It supersedes the Old Testament and was what the Pharisees in Jesus' day followed, which is why He told them they are children of the Devil.  When the Antichrist rules from Jerusalem, this is the book He will follow as he enforces what they call Noahide laws across the Globe. Here's just a sampling of what you will find in the Talmud. 
If you have been involved in Christian Zionism at all and you have been deceived into believing the Jewish political and religious leaders are God's chosen, I suggest you do your homework, and start revising your prayers and support of the Jewish people to those real Jews living in Israel and abroad.  

The Globalists, many of whom are Kabbalah and Masons and who worship Satan have been planning this for years. I've spoken often about all this here on my blog, but the Lord wanted me to issue this final warning. We are about to enter Tribulation. There is no savior but Jesus Christ. Do not fall for the deception! Stay close to Jesus. 



  1. Great post! Thank you again for sharing.
    If we are about to enter the Tribulation then we as believers are about to be taken up. 🙂
    When Trump started pushing the vaccine it gave me tremendous pause.
    I know for some they put their faith in falable human beings instead of putting their trust in our infallible Savior. People will fail us but our Father never will. So despite whatever happens, my trust, my focus is in our God and the hope that soon He will take us out of here.
    Blessings to you Marilyn!

    1. Amen, Barbara!! We all need to pray for wisdom and discernment in these last days. SO MUCH DECEPTION!

  2. Oh auto-correct. It should say Marylu!!

  3. This is a very much-needed posting!! Thank you, MaryLu for posting it. I was enamored with Trump when he first took office and did what seemed to be good for our country. But as time went on, and I followed your blogs about him and politics in general, I began to see what he truly was. I had seen pictures of him giving the hand signals of the elitists and I saw that he was not who he proclaimed himself to be. There were a few that speculated he may be the AC and I began to see how that could possibly be true. I no longer have any interest in the man, or in politics or the upcoming elections. I am considering not even voting this year, as it seems it would not make a difference any way. I did, however, pray for Israel. This article opened my eyes to them, as well, and that prayer will come to a halt now. I want to focus on Jesus and Jesus alone. Your blog keeps me on the right path and for that I am truly grateful!! What I have noticed of late is just how fast time seems to be going recently. I get up about 6 a.m. every day, and before I know it or can get anything done, it is supper time and time for bed... or it seems that my grocery shopping is completed on Saturday, and suddenly it is time to do it again. It is just going by so fast, and I don't think it is just me that feels that way. I really do not want to slow it down either, because each day brings us closer to the Rapture, and I can hardly wait for that to happen!!
    Blessings to you, MaryLu!! Keep up the good works! I, for one, need you to keep our spirits strong in our wait for the Lord!!

    1. Kathy, I was also enamored with Trump in the beginning. He spoke like one of us and stood for most everything I believe... but wow.. when I dug into his past, his family, and his associations... it became clear.. then when he forced the vaccine to be made so quickly and pushed it on everyone. He's the one who brought in Fauci!! I just don't get why so many Christians follow him blindly.! The Bible warns us. I also agree with time speeding by so fast! I was just saying that to my husband... What happened to the day? It went by and I barely got anything done! But like you said... every day is one day closer to being with Jesus!!

    2. Oh, by the way, continue to pray for the Jewish people and for the 144,000 who will be raised up to witness.. just not for the state of Israel and its religious and political leaders.

    3. Yes! Praying for the peace of Jerusalem means praying for the rapture!

  4. EXCELLENT MaryLu. You are such a smart thinker. BTW, Trump did not bring in Fauci. He was there are all along. He just put him in front of the camera. And he did not force the vaccine to be made "quickly". It was already there, too. At least that is what I believe. And, again, BTW, have you heard Fauci is "retiring", and as the highest paid fed govt employee, I imagine his "pension" will be the largest as well. This is B, but you know that. Will only let me publish as anonymous. AAARRGGHHHH.

    1. Good points. Yes, the "vaccine" had already been developed before Covid even started. I had forgotten that. And Fauci was there.. but Trump brought him to the forefront and made him the "Science" guy. LOL But yes. you are right. Thank you for the correction. I did hear he was retiring.. he's made his fortune and now he'll get a ton of money for life. Let him have it and enjoy it. He won't be able to take it with him to hell.

  5. Trump controlled by KGB/Mossad


  6. Please forgive me of I've posted this here before. God's people are SO deceived by the so called "Chosen"! They are NOT "Jooz" (the vast majority) and say so themselves!
    Could part of the reason for the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East be found in the following?

    "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew.'” (Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins, eds., “Identity Crisis,” The Jewish Almanac, (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)

    That sentence is the opening sentence of the First Chapter entitled "IDENTITY CRISIS" of the 1980 Jewish Almanac. That today's Jews are not genetic Israelites is also admitted in "The Jewish Encyclopedia,"
    the "Enyclopedia Judaica," "The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia," "The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia," and by many of their historians.

    According to three Jewish encyclopedias and Flavius Josephus, the entire Edomite nation was forced into converting to Judaism and became known as Judahites at the time of the high priest John Hyrcanus (Maccabaeus):

    "…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the Edomites became a section of the Jewish people." (“Edom,” Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Volume 6, p. 378.)

    "They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…." (“Edom, Idumea,” The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Volume V, p. 41.)

    "…from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants." (Cecil Roth and Geoffrey Wigoden, “Edom (Idumea),” The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589.

    "…they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time … they were hereafter no other than Jews." (Flavius Josephus, “The Antiquities of the Jews,” Josephus, (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279.)

    We keep hearing that if we don't bless the modern State of Israel (which America has been doing since at least 1948) that we will be cursed. However, it seems it's been just the opposite, Since 1948, you name it, and there's not an area in America wherein she hasn't become worse off. Could the reason have something to do with the fact we've identified the wrong people as being Israel. See Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

    Today's non-Israelite Jews are not the only one with an identity problem. See free online book "The Mystery of the Gentiles: Where Are They and Where Are They Now?" at

    1. Thank you, Georgette. I agree. That's why I posted about this today. However, from Scripture, we do know God still has a remnant of His people (the Jews) left here on earth, and He has promised to save them during the Tribulation. At least some of them. So, there are real Jews here somewhere. I'm just repeating the Bible. But as for the State of Israel, I agree with you.

  7. Hear Ye Hear Ye ! I am so much in line with all of this MaryLu. Your dead on Sister. God has been showing me many of these same things. A few months back, after reading a post by a dear friend and fellow Christian, my heart was wrenched to find they were Trump worshipers. As I prayed about it The Lord spoke to me and told me that "History will show Trump to be one of the most evil men ever to have lived". It was a fearful statement. And I saw, as your preface to this message said, " a multitude of foolish Christians running after him, and many of us running in the opposite direction" !!!
    I posted the word about Trump being evil, and got some nasty responses from people I love :( . They turned on me as if I were a stranger. They spat at me from all the very popular lying prophets they worship. Sadly I say, so be it, I will follow the Lord.
    A year or 2 ago, Time Magazine poster on it's cover a picture of Trump while he was still in office. He was standing in front of a full length mirror adoring himself. The onlooker saw him from behind dressed in a suit, but the reflection in the mirror showed, what I felt was his true self image, he had a royal red robe draped over his shoulders, and a kings crown on his head. And that revolting arrogant smirk he always wears ! Thank you MaryLu for conformation that I am not as one crying in the wilderness ! May the Lord our Righteous God pour down on all of us, from the golden bowls surrounding His alter, the anointing oil of strength and courage steadfastness in our faith as the Glorious Day of The Lord approaches ! Hosanna in the Highest !

    1. If I told my family what I think of Trump, they'd all disown me. Half my family literally worships the man. I believe that word from the Lord about him is true. We need to have such great discernment from the Holy Spirit in these days, don't we? I pray for it every day. See you in the clouds, Joe!

  8. I think part of the problem is we judge with our eye's, and not our spirits. Typical of todays fast paced to get some where, who knows where that is. I believe like Kathy up there that time seems to be racing faster and faster. People want everything they can get out of life and they want it now ! When Trump was in, the economy was great. Stocks were up, gas was down and we say we are blessed. We look at everything through the eyes of greed. And that is how we gage God's blessings ? I call it the Healthy, Wealthy and wise Elites Group. The prosperity preachers. Those that dont believe in the Rapture. They dont believe we get sick, and think the poor are the scurged of God !

  9. I have never thought Trump (or any president for that matter) was trustworthy. His demeanor has always been off-putting to me. He is like a big bully. We should never put our hope or trust in a political leader.
    I love Israel and will continue to pray for peace there and for Jesus return. I know the religious Jewish leaders are not all who they say they are, but Jesus was a Jew/Hebrew. We can’t become like the world and hate all Jews. I don’t think that’s what you were saying but some could take it that way.
    Blessings! Beverly Holliday

    1. No... that's not what I was saying. We should always pray for the real Hebrews and for the Peace of Jerusalem! It is the eternal city of the King! But the leaders, both religious and political are Satan worshipers, Beverly. and are not Hebrews at all. Just like many our our own religious and political leaders here in the USA. Jesus rebuked these types when He was here and I believe we should too.. There's so much I've learned lately that would curl your hair... and believe me, at first, I was very cautious... I never want to say anything against God's Chosen Hebrews. Never. Blessings!!

    2. Ok, that sounds better!

  10. And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
    Philippians 1:9‭-‬11 NKJV

  11. Something that surprised me when I went to Israel was the pure hatred that I felt from the Jewish people. I spent some time also with the Muslim people, and was received warmly for the most part, until I mentioned Jesus and then their hatred also came out. But I didn't have to say anything to the Jewish people. Reading the talmud laws, I can see how these laws are something they look forward to. Sadly.

    1. I've heard the same from other people I know who visited Israel. Very sad
