Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Did We Go to the Moon?

 I was a young ten year old girl living in Florida when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. I cannot tell you how excited I was, how excited my entire family was as we sat around our black and white TV for hours to watch Neil Armstrong take his first step on the moon. It was beyond exciting for a little ten year old and was the impetus for me wanting to work for NASA for years after that. In fact, I even majored in Math and Computer Science (both subjects I hated) in order to perhaps get a job at the space agency.

Of course, only recently I have learned what a very evil organization NASA is, but I still held out hope that we actually went to the moon. I mean why would they fake something like that? It didn't make sense. But nothing in this crazy world that I'm discovering makes much sense, unless you look at it as a huge spiritual battle between the forces of good and evil, God and the Devil.

Why have we never gone back to the moon? Our technology must be so far advanced and superior than it was 55 years ago. That one never made sense to me. But, like most people, I shrugged it off, thinking they had their reasons. However, recently videos are emerging all over the internet showing staged moon sites and actor playing parts, underwater space walks mimicking space, and even aged astronauts saying we never went to the moon before they quickly correct themselves.  Here's just 3 of the recent videos I've come across. 
Buzz Aldrin admits he never went to the moon
NASA's unedited fake moon landing with staged lights falling
Astronaut refuses to swear on a Bible and say he never went into space

 Now, mind you, I don't know, nor do I care care whether we went to the moon or not. But to me, this speaks to the level of deception we are dealing with in our time. The powers in charge have been lying to us for many years about many things, including 9-11 and all our wars. Do we even know our real history? And as a friend of mine recently said. It is the winners of each war who write the history. Think about that for a moment. 



  1. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn we didn’t actually go to the moon but I don’t understand the purpose of that lie. Why would they contrive such a thing?

    1. I agree. The motive? Maybe to get rid of God in the equation. Maybe there is no real Outer space and no real universe? So they trick us to believe there is... I really don't know. I've heard lots of weird theories.. but something is very fishy. :-)
