Dear Friends and Fellow Servants of the Most High God,
I must warn you that the following will be a typical MaryLu Rant, and a long one. š I'm in a ranting mood these days and if you keep reading, you'll know why. However, I issue this warning because what I talk about may be hard for some people to read, and for some, believe. Let's face it. The World is in a bad place, but what else do we expect to see right before the Tribulation? So, if you prefer to skip my rant, I encourage you to at least browse the news items below to get an idea of what's going on.
I must admit that I'm feeling more and more like I'm surely in some sort of weird movie, just playing a part. I get up each day and do normal things, things I've done every day for years. I spend time with Jesus, read my Bible, go on my prayer walk. I cook, clean, run errands, work on my novel and my blog, pick up the grand kids from school and keep up with friends and family. When I'm out and about, life seems normal. People are driving around, going here and there, dropping kids off at school, going to work, running errands, planning vacations. At the store, the shelves are still relatively full and people push their carts around, filling them up with food. At the nearby park, parents push kids on swings while on the next field, a kids' soccer game ensues. All Normal.
Yet it's all an illusion. Come on, MaryLu, isn't that a little over the top? You know, I don't think so. Because I've come to know that everything most people believe about the world they've grown up in is a lie. Let me give you an example. When I was growing up, I was taught that America was a good, Godly, Christian nation, the saviors of the world and defenders of Democracy. I was proud to be an American. When the nightly news came on, I trusted the newscasters to speak the truth, so when they reported that North Vietnam had attacked two US Destroyers, I believed them. I believed we had a good reason to go to war in Vietnam, a war which costs the lives of over 60,000 US Soldiers and as many as 2 million civilians. When as an toddler, I watched my mother and grandmother cry when President Kennedy was shot, I grew up to believe it was perpetrated by a lone gunman named Oswald. When I was much older on 9-11-01 and planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center, I sat in awe in front of the TV, crying for the horrible loss of life. I was all gun-ho to send troops over to the middle east to avenge those deaths and prevent it from happening again. I remember watching President Bush give his speeches after the event and cheering him on. It didn't matter that we invaded a country that wasn't involved in the attacks. They had weapons of mass destruction. America was in the right! We are a good nation, deposing dictators and planting democracies across the globe.
Or not.
You see all of the above and many many more wars and other events were either not real, didn't happen, or were orchestrated by the Global powers. Yes, even World War 1 and 2. For what purpose? Certainly for money and power, but in the long run for a much greater purpose. To ultimately bring the world together as one, a global government with the few in charge and the rest as slaves. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But it's in the Bible! The Bible describes a final World Empire run by Satan and his minion, The Antichrist. That empire will be one of subjugation and repression. We know that because the Bible tells us that the World Leader, AKA Antichrist, will require everyone to worship him and get a mark or tech tattoo of some sort if they want to remain alive. Doesn't sound like a democracy to me! In order to enforce that, they have to be able to track every single human being wherever you go. And that technology is already here. The Bible also describes a time of great deception, a time so full of lies that even the elect are in danger of falling for them. That's called propaganda and it's infected our media, education, government, universities, medicine and entertainment. That's why when the Covid vaccine came out ALL of the above pushed it like crazy, and still do. And don't get me started on the censorship.
But that's not all that's wrong with the world. Most of the very people the world looks up to, the famous, the wealthy, the political leaders, etc, are actually Satan worshipers. (Whoops, I just lost some more subscribers LOL) Not all of the elite, but many. Many in Hollywood, many in D.C. many in positions of power across the globe. They not only believe in Satan, those at the top speak to him. But Satan requires blood sacrifices as part of his worship. (He mimics God in every way) In ancient times, he got people to sacrifice their children on the altar of Baal. Today, he gets people to abort their children and even worse, he has servants who actually do torture, rape and sacrifice children. This has all been well documented. They use the children's adrenochrome to make them young again. Look it up, if you have a strong stomach. This has been going on in secret for years. While we were growing up in our innocent neighborhoods with our innocent families, going to church and school and coming home to mothers who stayed home, this was going on behind the scenes. It's only recently, things have become to surface and people have started to figure all this out.
America is an evil nation. Not most of the people, but our government has been evil for a long long time. Many of our presidents have been FreeMasons, starting with George Washington. How can we ignore the pagan statues and symbols all over D.C.? The Statue of Liberty is an ancient goddess. Were any of our founders real Christians? I have no idea... but ever since our founding, the Global powers have used our country to enact much evil across the world. In fact, that's why they set it up. I'm sure most of us have not been taught any of our real history. Thank God there has always been a strong Christian element here in America, started by the Puritans... which is why God's hand of protection has remained over us. But now that the majority of the church in America is apostate, I believe He is pulling that hand back.
Global warming, at least to the degree they are saying, is false. They are spraying our skies with chemicals and using HAARP to manipulate weather, cause droughts, storms, whatever they wish to do. NASA is an evil organization originally stared by bringing over NAZI Scientists from Germany. I'm not even sure we actually went to the moon. I'm not even sure there is a moon or outer space! The Covid vaccine is a vial full of poison and hightech elements that if they don't kill you right away will be used to enslave you when they fire up 5G to the full extent. Hundreds of thousands of people have died from it, which is part of their plan for depopulation. Still they push it, and now on kids. If you think Biden is ruining the country, you are right. And he's doing it on purpose. It's all part of the plan. America must go down for the New World Order to rise. They are purposely bringing about an economic collapse so that you will then be dependent on them for food and survival. Control. They want to control you. They are letting in millions of illegal immigrants in order to further collapse things while also allowing our enemies to cross freely into our country and set up sleeper cells. China and Bill Gates are buying up our farm land. Why?
Why are hundreds of food processing plants being destroyed? Why are cows dying of heat? Why are so many chickens being killed due to the Bird Flu?
Is Israel good or bad? Up until a year ago, I was a staunch defended of the nation of Israel. I mean, they are God's chosen! And He still has plans for them, good plans, and an eternal covenant. But recently, I've come to distinguish between the power structure in Israel and the actual Jewish people. I've come to see the proof that both the religious and political power players in Israel are actually Satan worshippers and Pedophiles, just like here in America. They are of the Synagogue of Satan, as Jesus proclaimed. They follow the Talmud and not the Torah. They belong to a mystical offshoot of Judaism called Kaballah, a very evil religion. I fought knowing this for a long time. I never wanted to say or think anything evil about God's elect! But these people are not His elect. See my post on this HERE The entire state of Israel was begun by the Global Satanists in order to eventually erect the Jewish temple and have their god, Lucifer, take his place within it as god.
If you think for one minute that the elections this fall are going to change all of this, OR that if Trump or someone like him gets elected to be president, then things will be great again, you're delusional. You have no idea the power of these Global Satanists, no idea of the money they have, and how long they've been planning this.
This is all in the Bible! All of this is happening to prepare the world for the New World Order and hence, the coming 7 Year Tribulation. If Christians would just study their Bible, they'd see the truth.
I've lost quite a few newsletter subscribers over the past months. It's hard for people to hear the truth, I know. When I first discovered even a small portion of what I now know, I refused to believe it. It took me months of research and listening to reliable investigative reporters to finally grip the real evil in the world. I should let you know that I get ZERO money from this blog and from my newsletter. In fact, it costs me to keep my newsletter going. So, it makes no difference to me when people bail, except it makes me sad to see how brainwashed most people are. I don't say that to brag. Everything I know has been brought to me from the Lord. He is the one who has opened my eyes. The key? To actually mean it when you ask Him to do that. The Truth is hard to bear. It's much easier to stick your head in the sand and believe that the world and the United States are good places, and that normal life with plenty of food, friends and families, holidays and vacations, promotions at work and meaningful jobs, romance and marriages, and new babies born will all continue on as they have been. It's much easier to believe that the Republicans will sweep the house and Senate and impeach Sleepy Joe and America will undergo a Great revival and turn back to God. Who wouldn't want that? Myself included! But it ain't going to happen. The truth actually forbids it to happen. The Global Satanists are the ones picking and choosing who gets place in power all over the earth. Some, who may appear "good" are actually just controlled opposition. I will add this caveat, however. If God wills it, nothing is impossible for Him.
What is the Global Satanists' ultimate purpose? The same purpose their god has. To get rid of God and send as many people to hell as possible. That's why they still push Evolution in schools and universities even though many Scientists have debunked it. Did you know Darwin did not have a Science degree, but was a theologian? And a FreeMason?
There's not even time here to mention that UFOs and "Aliens from other planets" are Demons and Nephilim, beings top members of governments all over the globe have been in contact with. They've given us much of the technology we currently use and they will play a huge role in the coming "alien invasion" which will provide a cover story for the sudden disappearance of millions of Christians.
Now, I'm not saying everything I tell you is the factual truth. I'm as fallible as the next guy. I may get some things wrong, but I do my darndest to bring you the truth as I know it. I pray for discernment every day.
So, as I walk through life each day, knowing what I know, and watching people continue to live as if everything was normal and everything will continue on, you can see why I feel sort of like a ghost, a mirage just floating through some fake world that isn't real at all. In all honesty, I struggle with it. On the one hand, if I ignore everything I know, life does seem somewhat normal. I listen to friends and family talking about upcoming holidays and vacations and promotions at work, and I think, am I the crazy one? It reminds me so much of the movie, Matrix, where humans were kept in a comatose state in huge facilities and used for power like batteries, while their minds were connected to a virtual world that looked just like earth. They continued about their day like everything was normal, while in reality they were nothing but slaves to a huge system that was only using them.
One of these days, something will happen. The famine, economic collapse, or nuclear war will hit and hit them close to home, and then, finally then, they will wake up. But until then, I feel like I'm living a dual life...just going through the motions of normalcy in a "good" world, while in reality, behind the scenes, such evil exists that just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. Soon, that evil will rise to the surface, but thank God, we, His saints won't be here for the worst of it.
Rant Over:
Now, for some good news: Jesus is coming!
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. Rev 3:10-12
Short video (with proof), explaining who Putin is and what he wants and how America has not been the "good guy".
If you watch J.D. Farag's Prophecy update, you may have already seen this. It's an hour long video from a woman, a flight attendant, who investigated the 9-11 "attack". What she discovered will shock you.
I feel I must address this here on top. If you watched the Kanye West interview with Tucker, then you may actually believe he is a solid Christian, but this is ALL a huge deception. Also if you like Candice Owens, same thing. They "say" all the right words, but they are on the opposite side, chosen to create division among the American people. Please watch this Short Video
An important list for us all to see.
Good article: The US is leading the World into the Abyss
A must see video (newsletter subs, must go to my blog site to see)
Famine/Economic collapse
The V
Pfizer admits in a hearing that the vaccine was never tested to stop transmission. In other words, it doesn't
Even after ALL the Evidence showing how deadly this shot is: FDA grants "emergency use" authorization for updated mRNA booster injections in children as young as 5
New Covid variant alert: BF.7 They are now introducing new "variants" for fall and winter.
Immorality Evil
MaryLu....Truly, everything you wrote in your rant is true and I feel exactly as you do, pretty much wondering how to live in this world but not be part of it. I've lost almost all friends and even my husband, at times, (steeped in new age, ufo galactic federation saviors of the world to bring in the Golden Age and raise one's consciousness to the collective one mind, who mocks me frequently for my faith in God's word, the truth of who God is and soon physical return of Jesus and not an etherical Christ consiousness. It is a BATTLE!) Believe me, it is only, and I mean only, because I've stayed in the word daily, that I've been allowed to see the truths you've uncovered over the years. My journey of finding everything on every topic you mentioned began about 15 years ago when I discovered how the weather is being manipulated, the truth about twin towers and building 7, the lies of wh we went to war, then the true history of U.S. and the masonic agenda of "A New Atlantis", who our leaders were/are, who the illuminati and masons are, and even years ago, the Lord speaking to my heart not to even take a flu shot, then leading e to web sites proving it was truly, His Holy Spirit telling me not to take jab and truth of masks! It is very, very lonely out here not having many people understand the GREAT deception going on, but you are not alone and hearing from you weekly helps me to know, I'm not either crazy, nor alone. Thank you for sharing all this research and what's really going on. I've recently started researching more about the Kabbalistic evil Sanhedrin plans for world called The Noahide laws which will soon replace all constitutions and allow for beheading if laws broken. If you were to look at the building structures of the Israel capital buildings, the history of their star (true meaning), you would know for sure, as you say, the leaders of Israel today, belong to the same secret societies working to bring in the Luciferian system. I'm staying watchful daily, but think we might witness a horrendous event that would allow the NWO to bring the phoenix out of the ashes. In any event, practicing how to stay without fear and in faith even in my own household from satanic attacks so that I can be known as an overcomer! This world is not our home, dear sister, and with God, we will endure till we are called home! You are a very special lady. Stay strong, keep publishing this blog and the truth and know God is with you, therefore, who can be against you! Keep going, my dear sister! much love! Susan
ReplyDeleteSusan, thank you... your response here brought tears to my eyes and blessed me greatly. I'm so sorry about your hubby. Sounds a lot like the junk they are passing off as Christianity in many Christian circles.. the Great Awakening stuff. My brother and sister in law are heavy into it too. breaks my heart. I've actually been praying for your husband and will continue. Mine is lukewarm and doesn't believe in the rapture, but at least he's not off in some false religion. It IS a Battle.. every day. Sounds like you've been at this much longer than I have. The fact that you agree with me says that the Lord is the one revealing things to us both. And you hit the nail on the head when you said that only people who are constantly in the Bible are the ones to whom God reveals truth. Sad that so many Christians barely pick up their Bibles. I agree with everything you said... You, also, are a very special lady and a precious, greatly loved daughter of the King.! Be strong and let's get to that finish line in victory!
DeleteBut as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 24:37ā-ā¬39 NKJV
Amen! Ron.
DeleteI agree this is leading to the Great Reset or so they want us to think. I have heard there are 2 great resets one fake and one real.
ReplyDeleteOne side is pushing the great reset and the other is pushing the great awakening. The awakening side āappearsā to be good guys who are working to defeat the great Reset bad guys.
Both sides are bad. It appears to be good vs evil but itās really bad against evil. Two wings of the same evil bird working together to accomplish the same plan.
The awakening side is marching toward the false light of Satan. The truthers and Christian Nationalist/Patriot groups are fighting for personal and medical freedom and the constitution. They are united in their fight against the evil dark side not knowing they are being led to the evil false light and dangerous new age of the Great Awakening.
They are going to make things so bad that people will be begging for their solution.
I now question everything I thought I knew. I am unlearning things I now know were lies. I believed in the pre-tribulation theory my whole life. I now believe that theory is another deception created by Satan. I think we will be here until the end when Jesus returns and his wrath is poured out after we are gone. I know MaryLu and probably most of her subscribers believe in a pre tribulation rapture. I would love for this theory to be true but in my heart and spirit I donāt believe it is.
I donāt think oneās view on the rapture is a salvation issue. We are all eagerly awaiting the Return of Jesus. However, I do worry that many people who believed they will have a second chance for salvation in case they arenāt taken in the rapture and during the tribulation will have been greatly deceived if that makes sense.
You are SO right, Lisa, about the dark and light... the Great Reset and the Great Awakening both leading to Lucifer! I wish more people would see this! The Christians on the side of Patriotism and Christian nationalism... well most of their hearts are in the right place, but they are being greatly deceived! Breaks my heart. I only pray the Lord opens their eyes before it's too late.
DeleteRegarding the rapture, no, one's view on it has no bearing on Salvation... at all! I used to be post-trib, but after years of reading the Bible and studying end times Scriptures, I've come to see that the Pre-trib rapture is written throughout the entire Bible.I know there's a group of people saying that it only came into being during the1800s, but I've done a lot of research on that and found that most of the early church fathers, I'm talking only a generation away from the apostle John, believed in a pre-trib rapture. Anyway, I'm sad that you don't have the hope and comfort that we are rescued from God's wrath. :-( Blessings!
Thanks for all the info!
ReplyDeleteI have to say I disagree about there not being a moon since the Bible does mention it- maybe you were joking about that? : )
I have been reading through the Bible. I read the NT at the beginning of the year and am now in Genesis-but would like to know if you ladies have a method for reading that helps you? Also, I am using different translations but I do have a NEW KJV. I canāt really read the KJV with enjoyment.
I mentioned before I have the Complete Jewish Bible and I do enjoy it. (Translated by a messianic Jew named David H. Stern). My study Bible
Is an NIV and I like it too, and use it at church and Bible study group.
I have two children who are in their early 30s and married with kids. I try to think about when I was that age and they were young, would I have been concerned about world events and not just kept living my life without concerns? One of them recently went to Disney World, and I just had to pray they would see for themselves. The other one still watches some Disney movies ( allows her kids to) but is aware of their āagendaā and doesnāt accept the new stuff ( lgbqt garbage- I may have left out a letterā¦š¤·š»āāļø). I hate seeing them deceived and pray for their eyes to be opened. They are believers but donāt want to face the facts- like SO many others.
Blessings to you ML!
Bev Holliday
Hi Bev! Yes, I was half-joking about the moon because I have found that they can create a fake moon as well! But yes, of course God put the sun and the moon and the stars above us. :-)
DeleteAs far as Bible translations, I posted an article above about how corrupted most of them are. It might help you to read it. For example the NIV is one of the worst versions. Several important Scriptures have been removed from that translation. the NASB also and several others. The writer of the article says the KJV is the best, but I agree with you. It is sometimes difficult to read. I used a combination of the KJV and the Amplified. The Amplified is much easier to read and it expounds on the original Greek and Hebrew in various places which I find really useful. I don't know anything about David Stern...or his translation. Just be careful which translation you read. They can mislead you.
I agree.. it's probably harder for young people to think about the end of the world. My daughter is like that. She's a good Christian but thinks life will go on forever here and she's making plans for her kids' future, etc. She refuses to listen to me. All we can do is pray for them, for the Lord to open their eyes. However I believe that will happen sooner than most of us realize. Things are going to start happening that will shake everyone's world and Christians will start to realize how close we are to the end. Blessings, Bev!!
Hi Marylu thank you for all the great info I am happy to see all of you that have the blinders off. Evil is rising and things are going to start happening more frequently. Stay in the Word under God's wings and you will be safe. Pam
ReplyDeleteAmen, Pam! Thank you. :-)