Monday, October 31, 2022

Warning! When You Pay in the Devil's Playground, You Will Get Burned!

 This weekend I took my two young granddaughters, ages 6 and 8 to Barnes and Noble for some books. I haven't been to Barnes and Noble in years, but they have this huge Children's section in the back, complete with tons of toys. Thanks to my daughter's good mothering, both kids love to read, so I was eager to pick up some great books. 
My eldest granddaughter is into Chapter books, which are basically what we might call a series that contain the same characters.  I was shocked. In an entire aisle of books, I was hardpressed to find any that didn't include some sort of magic, wands, magical forests, witches, or warlocks. She loves mermaids, dragons and unicorns so we picked up a few of those (as long as they didn't involve any witchcraft, I was okay with that)  but honestly, it was shocking. In fact, there was an entire aisle all set up for Harry Potter books and toys. And before you say anything, yes, I know dear old Harry is a good wizard who does good things. Give me a break! The entire thing is about witchcraft and it is teaching kids to cast spells, to believe witches and warlocks are the good guys.
One of the books we picked up looked pretty harmless. The title was Ivy and Bean, and it was about two sisters who didn't get along. Well, that's what the back said anyway. But once we got it home and my granddaughter started reading it to me, by chapter 3 we were introduced to a neighbor girl who was "learning to be a witch" and who offered to invoke various spells. That book is now in the trash. 
What's the big deal? You might say. It's all make believe and pretend anyway. It's just fantasy, right? NO. The Bible strictly forbids God's children from having anything to do with witches, warlocks, spells, or any kind of sorcery.  Why do you think God forbids such things? To steal our fun?  
God knows that even the slightest most innocent dabbling in these occult things will open doors for demons to enter you, and enter your children. These vile spirits hover around us all the time, looking for the tiniest sliver of an opening for them to enter. Once they do, they can influence you or your child even more toward the things of darkness. Then as your child moves deeper and deeper into those things, the opening grows wider and more demons enter. If you've seen pictures of people who are covered in demonic tattoos and piercings, strung out on drugs, blaspheming God and committing crimes, that is the end result. They didn't start out that way!  

God wants to protect us and protect our children, but as we approach the end of the age, our enemy is exposing himself more and more. If he can't have us, he wants our kids. He's already infiltrated the public school system with his perversions and satan clubs and atheism, and now he's working on the culture.. .books, entertainment, movies and music. 

Recently, I watched a video of two Christian guys going through a store (I think it was Walmart) and pointing out all the t-shirts for kids that had Satantic symbols on them. There were tons.  
Then there's the music. So much of popular music is demonic these days. You have to watch out, not only for the lyrics and the perverted music videos, but for a certain drum and bass beat that is meant to send people into a trance-like state that eventually opens your pineal gland to the spirit world. And what do you think is waiting to come into the door? Same thing happens with certain TV Shows and Movies. Be very careful what you listen to and watch and read!
Yet I meet so many Christians all around me who are completely ignorant of the devil's ways. They dress up their children as witches and evil creatures for halloween, they buy books that glorify witches and spells, they let them watch demonic movies and listen to demonic music, even while they not only do the same, but they engage in things like Yoga and Acupuncture which also opens doors for demons. 
Do you think God is kidding? Do you think you can dabble in these things and not get hurt? Not have your children harmed? Think again. It's time for the church to wake up! We are at war! And it's about to get worse!  If you are caught hanging out with the enemy when the Commander of Heaven's Armies shows up, that may not work out well for you!
Please don't participate in the things of darkness (Ephesians 5:11) Don't even think about them or expose yourself or any of your family to them. Be Holy, as God is Holy!


  1. Great information today especially on the 31st of October. During the time I was a Youth Minister I showed a video in my Sunday School class about music and how satanic it can be. The title of the video was Hell's Bells. At the time it was on VHS format. Lol yes it was awhile back. I went to a seminar that was taught by a Highway Patrol officer. He was talking about Satanism being right in front of us. Not only in music but symbols you can see in many places. Graffiti written on sides of buildings, in bathrooms and could be seen on trains as you watched them go by. And of course in books. One thing that has always stuck with me from the seminar is what the Christian Highwas Patrol said. He said what Satanist would tell him. "Children are our business and business is booming." This was back in the 1980's, imagine how business is booming now. So Parents...teach your kids about not only about Jesus but Satan as well. Train up a child in the way they should go, when they grow older they will not depart from it. God bless everyone. P.S. Keep looking up for our redemption drawers nigh.

    1. Wow, everyone is anonymous today ? I think I want to address Terry here on something you mentioned at the end of your post. Something the church is hiding it's head in the sand about, and that is the devil !!! Your not likely to here anything being preached in todays churches about satan. It turn people off. And parents will actually put their hands over their kids ears if a pastor mentions the name, or even speaks of evil !. I believe many of the churches are falling into the "luke warm" area Jesus talked about in Rev.
      But not to worry here ! I attended Catholic school where they werent affriad to tell you "the devils got a hold of you" Yikes !. But you know what, it made me very aware of satans evil from a very young age. Now adays we only want to here lovey dovey gospel. I found that if I post anything on FB concerning evil or the devil I get zero reponses, accept for my Lil Sister :).
      But if your preaching love and tolerance, pece and joy you get the whole room swooning.
      Jesus and the Disciples often spoke warnigs of hell's fire. !

    2. Couldn't agree more, Terry. Scary that Satan has been after kids for so long.. even back in Biblical times when he made people sacrifice them to Baal. Now, it's called abortion.

  2. Forgot to put my name in on the above. It's from Terry Mick.

  3. Oh boy, you KNOW how much I agree with you. As a recent article I posted confirmed, Utah is BIG on Halloween, which would seem inconsistent, unless you understand Utah. It is just mind numbing. I know this will likely publish as anonymous. Beckie

  4. I wish I could send this whole post anonymously to some of my family! They LOVE Halloween and Disney and dressing up. My 32 year old neice dressed as “Malificent” from Disney recently ( they were in Disney World). This creature has horns like a devil if you haven’t seen her. The thing is she leads worship at their (Methodist) church… so deceived! She and her husband are all into making scary videos and acting, etc. I’m thankful they don't have any children yet. Her mother is married to my brother and they are just about as bad, celebrating Halloween more than Christmas! But they claim to be believers. Again so deceived. I know if I say anything to them they will just think I’m weird. (which they probably already do!) All I can do is pray that the Lord will open their eyes and they can see how evil participating in all this stuff is. When the kids were little we did go trick or treating but my kids were never dressed as anything evil. ( pirates, scarecrows, Peter Pan, Dorothy). Maybe that is still bad, but they understood why we didn’t do witches or vampires.
    Beverly Holliday

    1. It's so hard with kids because they want to fit in with their friends... so you pray and ask the Lord for guidance as to what to do on evil holidays like this. I'm so sorry about your family. Most of my family celebrates the holiday also, and even those who claim to know Jesus. So sad. Blessings, Beverly.

  5. Please do some research into the "Marine Kingdom" including mermaids!

  6. Awesome word MaryLu. Yes evile is everywhere. As you said last week "as in the days of Noah" ! But I did find a group of Christian movies/documentaries. If you have a chance watch " Before the Wrath". I think it fits right in with what your blog teaches.
    May the Holiness and Righteousness of our Almighty God out shine any darkness that seeks to destroy, in Jesus Name !

    1. I have seen that movie! It's great. Jesus has already won the victory!

  7. Right on target everyone. I truly believe the church today is an Apostate church. Truly the Sunday after the Rapture, doors will still open up in the church(building by name only). The same apostate pastor and congregation will still attend. Minus the true church(Bride) of course.

  8. The amount of evil in the media and entertainment is why I began writing. It's heartbreaking to see what is out there for our children to read now. Such brainwashing. Thankfully, it won't be much longer now. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

    1. Interesting.. the lack of the real Gospel in many Christian novels is why I began writing. :-) I truly believe like you do,.. that God isn't going to put up with this much longer. Soon!
