Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday Musings: A November To Remember!

Dear Blessed Sons and Daughters of the Most High,
Things are happening so fast in the world and in prophecy that I have a hard time keeping up. I truly sense something major will happen in November (I hope it's the rapture!) Could be more wars, a nuclear bomb, an alien invasion, a complete financial collapse, or a new and more deadly variant of Covid. Fun stuff!  Whatever happens, if you are in Christ, you are safely in His arms! There is no need to fear. For me, I have a strange sense of peace, even knowing what I know and reading all the horrible news of the week. I truly in the deepest part of my spirit know that God will protect and provide for me and my family. His Word says so! But I didn't always feel this way. When I first got saved, I lived in constant fear and anxiety. My family actually has a history of anxiety and being on meds. It took years of reading God's Word and spending time with Jesus that got me to where I am today. Not bragging! It was all the Lord. I know we are all in different places in our walk of faith. Just remember, God's Word is true wherever you are on the path. He has you in His arms!

Many things stood out to me this week. Of course Netanyahu seems to have won the Israeli elections. This is huge prophetically (see below) and means we are closer than ever to going home. Then there's the revelation that Britain in cahoots with the US were the ones who blew up Russia's Nordstream pipeline. I expect Russia to retaliate for that soon. We've got North Korea firing off missiles everywhere, even frightening Japan. Iran is threatening to attack Saudi Arabia and our own Pentagon has said they would not rule out a first nuclear strike. Also the transponders on all our Military jets have gone dark, which apparently happens before an attack. What could go wrong? 

More Scientists and doctors are coming forward, revealing that they are finding self-assembling nanotechnology in the vaccine that can turn a human into a 5G receiver. And then we have the ever present variant scares coming to a town near you...all of which are far more deadly.  We also have the UN climate conference happening on Mt. Sinai on November 13th where all religious leaders of the world will repent to mother earth for hurting the climate. And, of course, digital currencies are making more headway, and when combined with digital ID, your rights will be abolished.  Diesel fuel is running out and no one seems to be paying attention. I'm betting they will when there is nothing on the store shelves. 

Meanwhile trannies are taking over our schools, our libraries, and yes, even our churches. Kids are being mutilated before they even understand what gender is, and in some places, they need no parental consent. Homosexuality is blatant and rampant... shoved in our faces everywhere we go and all over the media. There's hardly a show on TV that doesn't have a gay in it. Remind you of Sodom and Gomorrah? And look what happened to them.
But, don't worry, the Republicans will take over this election and America will turn back to God and the Lord will bless America once again. Huh? As much as I'd love that to happen, I see NO REPENTANCE happening in the churches of today. Yes, there are pockets, but mainstream Christianity is dead. The great falling away has occurred. Read your Bible. Did God ever restore Israel when they didn't repent? It would take the majority of the church here in America to repent and turn back to God and then to pray and fast for our government for God to turn back His hand of judgement. But it is my opinion from my time with the Lord that He has already made up His mind. Judgement is coming. Which leads me to my next point. 
 Will the Elections matter next week?  It is this author's opinion that NO, whether Red or Blue win, it won't matter. Why? Because the CIA has rigged our elections for YEARS. We think we have a say.. but it's only an illusion. What I don't know is whether it will be a Red Wave as they predict or whether the Dems will remain in power. Whatever they decide to do, the purpose will be to cause chaos, rioting, and further divide and destroy our country. Please face the sad reality. We lost our country long ago.

If you want to know who the real Conspiracy Theorists are and what is really going on in the world, this article, If You Believe is a Great Read
Canada has gone all out Totalitarium. No guns. Euthanasia for teens w/o parental consent, and now No Internet Freedom for all Canadians
Think Elon Musk is a good guy?  Like I said, it's all an illusion. In the pretense of Free Speech and "Democracy" Musk has taken over Twitter. But he's just one of them and as evil as it comes.
And Here Musk is in his Halloween Costume this year. Check out the Baphomet on his chest. If you don't know what a Baphomet is, I would encourage you to research it. The costume he wore is called the "Devil's Champion"

I heard from a reliable source that in parts of Australia, they actually have police and medical personnel going door to door force vaccinating people. Here's a short video clip to prove it
Netanyahu Wins! This is huge based on many prophecies saying he is the one to make the 7 year deal with the Antichrist
I don't know about you, but all this news makes me very excited that soon I will see my King! Do you realize how close we are? Everything prophesied in the Bible is coming true before our eyes! What a blessed generation we are. As I always say, stay close to Jesus, pray for the Lost and Lukewarm, witness to others as the Lord leads, and keep looking Up. Your Redemption draws Nigh! And Nigher than ever! 



The V and V
Governments killed millions with vaccines, ventilators, and remdesevir while depriving life saving medications like Ivermectin. See Video Below. For newsletter subscribers, go to my blog post please;

One World Religion/Antichrist
You've no doubt heard of Yuval Noah Harari by now, but if you wish to really hear from his own words, what he believes and the blasphemies he utters, here is a Video

The V and V
Famine/Economic Collapse
Signs in the Sky
Earth Groaning



  1. It seems this weekly list is getting longer and much more meaningful in the terms of prophecy. It is all happening according to plan from day 1. I see it. I feel it! and I can hardly wait to "go home." I follow JD Farag every week, and he prophesies, citing scripture that supports everything that is going on. He explains things in layman terms so that we can all understand what is going down and why, since the world first began. He cries during his sermons and updates, as he knows we will all be going home soon. He gets very excited at the very thought of it, causing me to be very excited too. I cry, as well, because he cries. He feels this so deeply, and I understand his feelings. He wants to go home. He wants to be in Heaven with Jesus before all the really bad stuff starts to happen. It has already started. We are already in the midst of it. Just read your bibles and understand that this was all meant to be and still is. It is hard living day-to-day life knowing that in any second, we will be pulled away from this world. We do not belong here. We belong with Jesus, and most of us are in a hurry to get there! I know I am! Days are getting shorter, moving more quickly than ever before. I want to sleep more than ever, hoping to wake up in a much different place. I feel like we are just "play-acting" our current lives, waiting patiently to be taken home. At least I am. Hope to see you all soon, on the "other side." Maranatha!!

    1. I, too, watch Jd's prophecy updates each week. His passion is contagious! Like you, I find it hard to go on living day to day life. I can't even meet with friends for lunch anymore because I refuse to talk about mundane things and plans for 10 years in the future. And they don't think we are close to end times. Blows my mind. It truly feels like I'm playing a part in a play. Hopefully, soon, that play will end! Can't wait to meet you on the other side! Hugs!

  2. Total affirmation to everything I am saying to MaryLu. I am at the point that I'm in that last stage of this Labor, so weary and ready. Rapture or Rupture!! Kind of how nothing matters except the baby is coming and that's all you can concentrate on. I'll be seeing you real soon I believe! Look forward to the smiles and hugs. And to finally be with Jesus and out of this darkening world. 🙏🎺🆙✝️🕊️👑❤️🙏

    1. Cillie! Girl, I've been wondering what happened to you. It's good to hear from you again. I hope you and your husband are doing well and looking up!! It will be soon... can't wait!

    2. I tell you sister, I have been so weary as a watching Bride. Turning 70 this year I'm also feeling my age. I tell people that I am an agoraphobic and refuse to go out for the last several years. Fortunately my husband does all the shopping and business that needs to be tended to for now. I am perfectly content in this garden and bubble that the Lord has put around us.
      Like you mentioned above to Kathy, I cannot handle this superficial blindness for these things people keep believing in. Making long-term plans, taking vacation, partying like there's no tomorrow, like the days of Noah! And I have nothing in common with their thought process, except to pray for them and try to speak the Word of Truth when they do contact me.
      I talked to one of my sisters the other day and they're preparing a celebration of life for my stepfather that passed last month. I asked her what they had planned and she said, oh to eat, drink and be merry! I let her and my mother know that I don't go out at all for anybody. Thank God my mother understands me and when I told her that my circle has gotten so small, that it's all about Jesus, me and Him have a good thing going! I said people mock me and make fun of me because of this, and I appreciated her reply when she said there is absolutely nothing wrong with your life being all about Jesus honey. She's stuck in the world as a believer and seeing all around her the craziness that goes on for those that aren't trusting in the Lord.I believe the Lord has my husband and I still in this safe Haven and beauty that He surrounded with us to draw closer to Him. We are closer than ever and spend our time reading the word and of course paying attention to what's going on around the world to see how close we're getting to getting out of here. Sometimes it drives me crazy but I don't want to go out anymore, I just see the world is someplace I can't stand it anymore. I am still writing and contributing to my books and book pages. I'm not sure why the Lord has me doing that, I pray that it's for the Left behind or maybe it's just for me and Jesus who knows. But being a writer most of my life, that's where all my heart and passion seems to end up on the pages of paper. I know you can relate to that, smile!
      SOON!! 🆙🕊️🆙

    3. Cillie, I can relate so much to everything you said. It's very hard to remain in this world the way it is.. and watch it only get worse. Nothing else matters in my life now but Jesus and being with Him. I don't blame you for not wanting to go anywhere. Just keep doing what the Lord leads.... and yes I understand the writing. It is my happy place!

  3. Everything I am seeing too, MaryLu These algorithms have a rotten mind of their own !! Sorry...

  4. Hey Little Worrior of the Most High King !
    So I saved your post until Sunday this week. Since I cannot tolerate the disrespect toward Almighty God and all the lies in the churches, and dont even get me started on the TV Evangelists, or the Charismatics that have gone way beyond what the Word say's. I have decide to make Your post my Sunday service MaryLu.
    But I'll tell ya I held my breath for a second when I started to read your 5th paragraph " dont worry the republicans will be back in power soon" !!!, but then you gave a "huh" , that brought relief :).
    So many Christians judge through the eyes of the world. If gas prices are down, if the store shelves, and thier shelves are full. If interest rates are low and thier 401K returns are high They say we are blessed ? When I tell my Christians friend's we are in the "Falling Away" period, they scoff, and many turned their backs on me, just as the scripture say's. I will put the rest of what I have to say in an email, because its too long for here Sister.
    Keep your faith high and your eye's up. Peace in Christ.

    1. Thank you, my dear brother! I got your email.. will answer soon!

  5. The COP27 breaks my heart for God.
