Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday Musings: The Red Trickle of Death


 Dear Precious Saints,

I'm still down with the Flu. Thank you to those of you who've been praying for me. I will say a few words here up front and then leave you with the articles I collected all week.

First of all about the election. I know perhaps some of you were hoping for a massive Red Wave that many in the media and politics were predicting. Personally, I don't care much for elections or politics, though I try and keep up with the issues. I no longer trust the vote. I think they've had it rigged long ago. But even saying that, there was a small hope that perhaps if enough good, decent, Bible-believing people actually voted, we could overwhelm the cheating, and then maybe some of the good guys would get into office. Not that many of the republicans running weren't just as bad as their DEM running mates, but who knows?  

My opinion on what happened is that either the NWO/DEMS cheated more than they ever have, AND/OR  most American people are dumber than a box of rocks. Either way... if we end up with a small majority in Congress, mark my words, it won't accomplish anything. If you were counting on this election to be the beginning of salvation for America, I'm sorry. However, we must remember that it is God who puts people in power and God who takes them out. The Devil is controlled opposition. None of these people who are in power were put there outside of God's will. HE is in Control! He has a purpose!  And it's ALWAYS for Good in the End!  So, pray for your leaders, but get America out of your heart and instead replace it with your true nation, the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom of Righteousness that will never End!  

America is done. In fact, you can count on the Satanists in charge to start really unleashing their evil policies more and more. More gun control, more forced vaccinations, more inflation, more shortages, plagues, more defund police, more open borders, more billions to Ukraine, more LBGTQ agenda shoved down our children, more abortions, more violence and crime, and more censorship.  

Did I forget any of their policies?

If only the American church weren't so apostate, I might hold out a chance for repentance and revival here in our land. But, unfortunately, much of the church has gone the way of the world, and even those who haven't, who still try to follow the Lord, have now become steeped in New Age Christian Nationalism that will lead them all down the wrong path. If you don't know what I mean, please read my Monday Article entitled The Great Awakening, Christ Consciousness, and a Deception that leads to Hell. Many of these Christian are very sincere but they are also very sincerely wrong and have been led astray by false prophets. So, with the church is such a state, I do not think revival is coming to America.  

I wanted to leave you with some encouraging verses, but my brain isn't working at the moment. Please remember that the Scriptures say that we can't even imagine what the Lord has in store for us in eternity. It will be so wonderful!! Read Romans 8, memorize it. Get it into your spirit. God Adores you! You are His Child. He adopted You! He's not going to let anything happen to you. He will never leave you. His angels watch over you. Believe Him. Believe His Word. And REST IN HIM.
 The V and V
Famine/Economic Collapse
Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation



  1. I so agree with you. USA is done. I have to keep reminding myself to be Noah. Pound away at what the Lord has told me to do(write my books) and don't get caught up in the craziness. Be ready to tell others about the Lord and keep my eyes looking up. This is not our home. Thanks for sending out your blog.

    1. That's exactly what I'm doing, Patricia... Just doing what God has called me to do and waiting for him to come get us!

  2. A prayer for you MaryLu, Dear heavenly Father, the most high God Jahovah Rapha the God who heals, I come to you in a prayer of faith knowing that you were wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our inequities and by your stripes we healed and by these stripes I ask that this FLU be healed in MaryLu. For your creation was made in perfection and this imperfection does not belong in MaryLu. "SO BODY", I speak the word of faith to you, I demand that this FLU go from MaryLu and to never return for you are the temple of the Holy Ghost, therefore I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of His holy Word to be healed and made whole in Jesus name. Amen. RN.

    1. I read this outloud and receive it in the name of Jesus!! Thank you so much, RN. and God Bless!

  3. Dear sweet MaryLu...even when you are sick, you faithfully march on as the faithful warrior and watchman on the wall! Been praying that your body heals quickly and also wanted to thank you so much for your sweet prayers on my and hubby's behalf.
    I've learned that taking "Wellness Formula" for any time I'm even beginning to feel under the weather, it helps tremendously. My sons and families do also. Also, as you already probably know, vit c every 4 hours, vit D, lots of garlic, chicken soup, aspirin (not tylenol), zinc, breathe easy tea with honey and lemon, steam (I put a pot on stove with garlic in it, ring to a low boil, then breath in the steam), and lots of rest and family pampering you. :)
    Thank you for your encouraging words with the above scriptures. Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King! Much love,

    1. Thank you Susan. I do take vit c, d, and garlic... zinc also.. but not the soup or tea. But thank you for the suggestions! This one has really kicked me in the behind. Blessings!

  4. I’m so sorry you have been sick. I have had extreme food poisioning all week and have been miserably sick and so weak. Thank you for your faithfulness! I’m praying for you.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that!!! I've had food poisoning before and it's horrible. I will pray for you too!

  5. Thank you for your article, even though you are sick. It is exactly what I have been telling my family and friends for weeks, but do not get your hopes up. I knew that it was not going to go the way that most hoped. The Dems have cheated on so many elections in the past, that I really do not see how anyone could have expected an honest outcome this time. Nothing is going to change from these elections. Many of my friends were so hopeful about this election...but boy are they quiet now. I feel like I should say "I told you so," but I don't want to be that mean.
    Get well, MaryLu. We need your encouragement now more than ever. Praying for you and still looking up hoping and praying for our Savior to come for us. Take care, sweet lady. :-)

    1. Thanks for your prayers, Kathy! Yes.. I just heard from one of my NAR friends.. they are holding strong in their belief God is going to pour out blessings on America. Reminds me of the Q movement.. No matter that what Q said never came to pass, his followers remained faithfull... so strange to me. Like the Jim Jones cult who willingly drank poison. I think that's the one. Wake up, people! I will keep screaming until the Lord puts His hand over my mouth!

  6. Oh MaryLu you are amazing ! Even in sickness your tenacity is an encouragement to us all ! Makes me think of a script I love, 2 Corinthians 4:8-10
    New International Version
    8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
    I think people are dissapointed by elections, leaders and the like is due to one thing, unbelief ! They look for a savior everywhere but to the Savior. And it is sadest to see among the churches.
    2 Cor 3:14 But their minds were closed. For to this day the same veil remains at the reading of the old covenant. It has not been lifted, because only in Christ can it be removed. 15And even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.…
    Praying the peace of Christ upon you in such abundance to press down deep into your spirit, shaken down into your faith in a concetrated formula, running down over the whole body to complete healing in Jesus our Holy Lord and Healer !
