Dear Precious and Holy Saints of the Most High,
Our stormy, rainy weather continues here in California. I must say this Florida girl is not happy when the sun doesn't come out and smile at her! But I have the Son in my heart, and He is more than enough. And He has protected me and my family from flooding and mudslides. Please pray for California. God still has people here, and these storms are not man-made.
The news this week is much the same as I've been posting. Yes, things get worse each week. Bit by bit, the world is sliding toward the Tribulation. People ask me why things that I mention don't just happen! Like war, famine, digital currency, another more deadly pandemic. What's the holdup or is all this just hype and fear-mongering from Christians? Not that any of us want those things to happen, but in a sense, if they do and it means the start of the Tribulation, then that means the true Church is out of here! So, every week we see the world inching toward Global war, digital currency, famine, more pestilences and hence, poisonous vaccines, transhumanism, and world government... We know from Scripture these things are coming, so let's get on with it! But the Lord spoke to me this morning that the reason we see the Tidal wave coming, growing larger and larger on the horizon, but it never seems to strike is that the Restrainer is still here. That's the Holy Spirit in the true Bride. The massive Tsunami of Tribulation cannot hit shore until we are gone. In the meantime, we are experience the waves that come in before it strikes. These waves are getting bigger each week, but the big wave won't hit when we are here.
Think of Lot and his family. God did not rain down fire and brimstone until they had left the city. God did not send the flood until Noah and his family were secure in the ark with the door shut. So, although, we see the four horseman of the apocalypse riding on the incoming Tidal wave, and we experience the mist of their foamy snorts, we will not be trampled by them.
This week, part of that mist is that China seems to be provoking Taiwan repeatedly, sending ships and warplanes near Taiwan. We also see Russia mobilizing more fighters and shouting more threats. We see other countries such as France and Poland sending tanks to Ukraine, an act of war. We see Israel threatening Iran and more trouble on the Temple Mount. Then there's the incoming new pandemic already announced by Gates and the ongoing sudden deaths reported caused by their poison vaccine. Apparently, the world's Top Economists are now pronouncing doom for the economy and a coming collapse that will surely lead to Digital currency, which is what they want. Prices in Grocery stores continue to rise and in some places, certain produce, like eggs cannot be found. Layoffs continue to rise as well, leaving many without a means to support themselves. I can personally say that I've never seen so many homeless camps in my city as I see now.
The World Economic Forum's DAVOS meeting is happening now. There, the Globalists meet to discuss how best to depopulate the earth and enslave the rest of us. Of course they don't put it that way. See below under NWO articles which discuss who will be there and what their purpose is. More on that next week.
So, we feel the mist on our faces, and it isn't pleasant. It's dirty and smelly, but we continue onward, trusting in our Savior and His promises to Keep us from the Hour of Trial which shall come upon all the world Revelation 3:10 . But there is a prerequisite for that reward in the first part of the verse. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience. In other words, you have patiently kept His Word. You've been obedient to Him. You have a personal relationship with Him. We press forward. We grow daily in the knowledge of Him and allow the light of His Holy Spirit to shine brightly through our lives. No matter what comes, we know that He will protect us and provide for us! He says so in His Word. Do you trust Him?
IMPORTANT: The WHO Regulations Review Committee met this week to finalize proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. Please Read the Proposed Amendments, particularly those in RED
I've started a new section called Died Suddenly. This does NOT list all the sudden deaths this week, just a few, to give you a taste for what is going on. Of course the media will never tell you that it was vaccine related, but anyone with a brain knows that young, healthy people do not just die for no reason.
Died Suddenly
The V and V
Signs in the Sky
Earth Groaning
Good morning MaryLu, Yes, praying over your house that the Angel's of Almighty God, His mighty warrior Angels stand guard over your house to protect and defend any storms coming your way, whether from the natural or the spiritual, He will send them concerning you,, to keep watch over you and keep you far from harm !
ReplyDeleteYeah love the example of Lot and his family as they walk away from the total destruction the Lord is pouring out behind them. I posted something similar today from Isaiah 43:1-7.
I heard a preacher say one time that " The Lord is never late, though He is very last minute" !!! So true.... 2 Peter 3: 3Most importantly, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.a 4“Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.”
5But they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6through whichb the world of that time perished in the flood. 7And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
The Day of the Lord
(Zephaniah 1:7–18; Malachi 4:1–6; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11)
8Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.c 9The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.
10But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and its works will be laid bare.e
Hmm, the thought just popped into my mind as to how to sign off in this reply;
Thank you MaryLu for you boldly go where no one has gone before you. ( if your a Treky from the 70's). And where is that, that you go ? Simple, to the Truth.
Praise you Father of all wisdom for you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to the little children. ( thats us, God's children)
Blessings Sister
Thank you for your prayers, Joe! We are still here, not floating away yet! I was a Treky back in the day! The first series, that is. Thank you for all the great Scriptures! God is not slow in keeping His promises! He will come and get us at the perfect time! Blessings, Brother
DeleteIt has to be the Bride, those filled with God's Holy Spirit, that are restraining this mess. Our love and faithful prayers. Because it seems like we've been watching the water boil for an awful long time now😳. When we get pulled out of here, God help those that are left behind. They have no idea what's coming. Because we can see it ready to pop anytime now. Thank you Sister for your faithfulness keeping us informed. SOON ❤️🙏🕊️🎺👑✝️
ReplyDeleteI agree, Cillie.. it's the Bride holding back this Satanic mess. If things are this bad now, can you imagine after we are gone?