Monday, January 16, 2023

How to tell a True Christian From a Fake One

Many people call themselves "Christians" these days. Yet so few really are. It's gotten so bad that I no longer want to call myself a Christian, but rather a follower of Jesus. When I first got saved nearly 30 years ago, I was naive when it came to Christians. I just assumed everyone loved the Lord as much as I did and wanted to serve Him. Boy, was I wrong!  But how do you tell the true Christians from the fake ones? I found my answer in 1 John. I'll list several verses below that speak for themselves. Please don't just skim them. Read them all, asking for discernment and wisdom! (All passages taken from the Classic Amplified version)

If we say we are partakers together and enjoy fellowship with Him when we live and move and are walking about in darkness, we are speaking falsely and do not live and practice the Truth.  1 John 1:6

 Whoever says, I know Him but fails to keep and obey His commandments (teachings) is a liar, and the Truth of the Gospel is not in him.
But he who keeps (treasures) His Word [who bears in mind His precepts, who observes His message in its entirety], truly in him has the love of and for God been perfected (completed, reached maturity). By this we may perceive (know, recognize, and be sure) that we are in Him:
Whoever says he abides in Him ought  to walk and conduct himself in the same way in which He walked and conducted Himself. I John 2:4-6
Do not love or cherish the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. v 15

As for you, keep in your hearts what you have heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the first dwells and remains in you, then you will dwell in the Son and in the Father [always]. V 24  (I included this verse because of the IF qualifier, showing that we must keep ourselves in the Lord. Because it says IF, that means we can walk away)

 No one who abides in Him, who lives and remains in communion with and in obedience to Him—deliberately, knowingly, and habitually commits (practices) sin. No one who habitually sins has either seen or known Him recognized, perceived, or understood Him, or has had an experiential acquaintance with Him. 1 John 3:6

 No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually  practices sin, for God’s nature abides in him and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.
 By this it is made clear who take their nature from God and are His children and who take their nature from the devil and are his children: no one who does not practice righteousness [who does not conform to God’s will in purpose, thought, and action] is of God; neither is anyone who does not love his brother (his fellow believer in Christ)
. v 9-10

 We know absolutely that anyone born of God does not deliberately and knowingly practice committing sin, but the One Who was begotten of God carefully watches over and protects him [Christ’s divine presence within him preserves him against the evil], and the wicked one does not lay hold (get a grip) on him or touch [him]. 1 John 5:18 
I think these Scriptures are pretty clear. True born-again believers in Jesus do not purposely and habitually practice sin. Yes, we all sin, most of us probably everyday, but the difference are the words, purposely and habitually, which indicates a sin that we knowingly do all the time. Some examples might be watching porn, stealing things from your workplace, cheating on taxes, sleeping with people outside of marriage, practicing homosexuality, idol worship (putting anything above God), lying, gossiping, cussing, temper tantrums, etc.  Also true born again believers do not love this world or the things of this world more than Jesus.
Alternatively, on the positive side, we can spot a true Christian as someone who practices righteousness and who loves his fellow Christian, someone who walks in obedience to the will and purpose of the Lord. This doesn't have to be a perfect person. This can even be someone who struggles with sin and various weaknesses. But the difference is that this person loves the Lord Jesus with all their heart and is continually growing in Him and learning to overcome sin, the devil, and their own weaknesses as they mature. They do not habitually sin, but rather when they mess up, they quickly repent and ask the Lord's help the next time. They want to please their Savior more than anything and they are constantly allowing Him to change them into His image.
Sometimes you have to hang out with someone for awhile to make this determination, but eventually, they will show their true colors. Why am I posting about this? Bad company corrupts, and the Bible is clear that we are not to hang out with people who say they are Christians but aren't true believers. The only caveat to that is that we can friendly to non-believers with the goal of getting them saved.


  1. This is mature doctrine. Necessary in todays cheap grace climate. Thank you for bravely stating the truth.

  2. I enjoy reading your articles so much. Always the unabashed truth. This particular writing is akin to what Pastor Charles Stanley's message yesterday was about. Knowing sin but continuing in it. Having knowledge of God but ignoring the truth of His word. His message was focused on Romans 1:18-32.
    Proverbs 13:20 says "He that walketh with the wise, shalbe wise: but a companion of fooles shalbe afflicted." Geneva 1560
    Romans 12:20 tells us not to be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
    Thank you, MaryLu, for guiding in the truth of God's word.

  3. Greetings Truth seeker, Amen and Amen !!! First off I love 1 John, and all of Johns book are powerfully incredible. John speaks it like it is !
    I love that we seem to be of like thinking MaryLu. I was recently taken back while at a friends house over the Holidays while in a conversation with a friend over the One True God. This guy is a genius in many ways, yet he is very liberal in his thinking. He believes that we should except all religion's and peoples beliefs, and their god's ! I said it was important we who are Christian, and they do call themselves Christian, realize Yahweh as Sovereign over all. As we were having this friendly conversation, another lady there who is also very smart, but also very liberal chimed in and said it is the Christians who are causing descent and division in "faiths". Haters she called us. Both of these folks are very loving and kind people. They are both well of and are generous givers. And so as much as I try to make space for them, I fear for their salvation. But what she said about Christians registered in my mind because I had already been having an issue with those calling themselves Christian who are not !
    And I have thought seriously about calling my self " Jesus' follower" or simply saying, I follow the Way, etc. It is a very sad but I think necessary to identify ourselves as though who follow Christ. And you are dead on with the scripts from 1 John here. It is so important that we walk the talk. But sometimes, when people hear or know that we are Christian, they wont even hear us, they reject immediately what we say, they avoid us.
    Absolutely, the "IF" ! Apostle Paul uses the statement " if you continue" often. The once saved, always saved preachers are making a big name for themselves in this world, but leading many to follow them in hell in the next !
    Thank you MaryLu, my fellow Sister in "The Followers' of Christ ".

    1. We are on the same page, my brother, Joe! I have talked with people whom the world considers "Geniuses" and I'm always reminded of the Scripture that says Not many strong, not many wise, not many great make it into the Kingdom. I'm paraphrasing, but I'm sure you know the verse. It seems the smarter someone is, the dumber spiritually they are. Sad. Blessings!

  4. Ya know one of those scripts from 1 John mentions that we love our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. I struggle with this at times because it is getting harder and harder to know who someone really is. People you've known for years suddenly saying outrageous things, taking scripture way out of context, thinking we can command God, referring to themselves as god's, calling people healed when they are not healed, and saved when they are not. Denying the rapture and preaching lies ??? They masquerade as angels of light ? who are they ? they are, as Jesus said' Get away from me, I never knew you " !

    1. Yes, we need to ask the Lord every day for discernment with people who claim to be Christians. That's why we need to remain close to the Lord and filled with His Spirit!

  5. Wonderful Words of Truth. It's all there in these scriptures to live by. I thought Christians were on the same page as I was for years. I got hurt often when I found out they weren't living up to God's Word. Picking and choosing what they wanted to believe ☹️ I tell people I follow the Way, Jesus all the Way!👑✝️ Nothing in this world is worth hanging onto, only Jesus ❤️

    1. Amen... lately the Lord is making me realize that NOTHING in this world is worth losing Him. Nothing. Blessings, Sis!
