Monday, January 9, 2023

What to Expect in 2023!

I'm no prophet, but I do know the One who knows the future, the One who actually planned the future before the earth was formed, the One who gave us hints of what is to come in His Word, the Bible. So, rather than listen to "prophets" online or in church or on YouTube, why don't we go to the Scriptures for our answers? 
Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that the end times would be like birth pangs, growing in both intensity and frequency as time passed. We've already been seeing the events described below, so based on what Jesus said, we can expect to continue to see them, only more of them and more frequently.

First the bad news
Wars and Rumors of War. (Matthew 24:6, Luke 21:9-10,Revelation 6:4) We saw war start in 2022 in Ukraine. So, we can expect from Scripture to see that war expand, perhaps to a European war or Global war, and/or new wars to begin. We hear rumblings of such wars between China and Taiwan and between Israel and Iran, but time will tell. The US is being invaded now at our southern borders, so it would not surprise me to see attacks come from within our nation.  There is also talk of China and/or Russia attacking the US. So expect more war. 

Famine. (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, Revelation 6:5-6) During the last few years we started getting reports of events that would lead to worldwide famine. We saw several food processing plants destroyed, tons of chickens killed due to "Avian flu", farmers paid to destroy crops, fertilizer shortages, severe droughts, heat waves, and many other things contributing to a lack of crops. We've also seen a huge spike in food prices this past year. Several experts are now saying to expect a severe famine across the globe this year and next. 

Pestilences. (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11) Do I really need to comment here? Covid and all its variants struck the entire planet. Or should I say it was released, or perhaps it's best to say it was propagated by the media in order to cause extreme fear among the people that would then cause them to get the vaccine. You can bet everything you own on the fact that they will release more "viruses" and more deadly viruses and variants. In fact, they are already warning us about them.  Multiple nations signed a WHO treaty that grants them Global power to manage everyone's personal medical care. What could go wrong?

Rise of Global Government. (Daniel 7:23-24, Daniel 2:41-43, Revelation 13:2,7) I must admit that I never heard of the WEF until 2 years ago. I've never heard so much talk about a "new world Order" as I have recently. The UN and WEF already have plans in place to run this global government. They just need to get rid of the USA and create a global catastrophe that will cause all nations to beg for a global government (and a leader) to take over and make things right. I expect to see more moves toward a Global Government. THe WEF is not quiet about its goals. Go to their website and see for yourself. Already the WHO has Global authority. Agenda 2030, the Great Reset. 4th Industrial revolution, all these things point to a Global government. 
Fall of the USA  (Revelation 14:8, 18:2)
The USA is not mentioned in End Times Prophecies, though some believe we are Babylon. I tend to agree, based on what I've learned of our real history. (Not the people of America, but those in charge)  Either way we must fall for the New World Order to rise. Our current administration is doing everything they can to make that happen. War, Recession, famine, more pestilence, and a foreign invasion could certainly spell our demise. This year? Quite possibly. But look for more degradation of our nation, more injustices, more propaganda, more weakening of our Constitution and our military.

One World Religion. (Revelation 13) We saw the beginnings of this formed last year with the Abrahamic House in Abu Dhabi where the major religions are united. Chrislam, a mixture of Christianity and Islam, has been encouraged by the Pope, who often speaks of a united world religion. Revelation speaks about a False Prophet who arises and who supports the Antichrist and forces all to worship the Antichrist. Expect to see more religious persecution and a move toward uniting all religions on common ground. Which of course excludes Jesus.

Apostasy. (2 Timothy 4:3-4, 2 Peter 2:1, 1 Timothy 4:1) Wow, we've already seen so much of this in the past few years, or maybe I've just become more aware of it. There are a ton of false doctrines floating around the church that are leading people to hell. Many of the Christian leaders we thought we could count on, turned out being false, promoting, even pushing the vaccine. Prosperity Gospel, NAR, Dominionism, Hypergrace, Seeker friendly..etc. I no longer go to church because I can't find one here that preaches the real Gospel. They are all seeker-friendly and apostate. Most Christians have no idea we are living in the end times because pastors don't preach it. I expect to see even more churches either caving into the immoral culture around us OR preaching a False Gospel that glorifies man and not God. Be very careful what pastors and teachers you listen to.

Christian persecution (Revelation 6:9-11, Matthew 10:21-22, Luke 21:16-17)
A quick search online reveals how widespread the persecution of Christians is and how it has increased recently. It is expected to rise in 2023.  We know from Scripture that once the church is gone and Satan has full reign during the Tribulation, his main goal will be to kill every Christian he can find. I expect to see a huge increase in persecution this year as we approach the Rapture. Our enemy wants to grab as many as he can away from Jesus before that happens.
Death. (Revelation 6:7-8, Revelation 9:18, Matthew 24:22 ) I hate to say it but we can expect more death in 2023 than 2022 because of war, viruses, starvation, vaccines, and the implementation of 5G. If you don't know what I mean by 5G, please do your research on its effects on the body. (I hear 6G is around the corner) In particular how it reacts with those who've been vaccinated and what was put in the vaccines. As I've told you before, the goal of the Global Satanic elite is to depopulate the planet. It's in their literature and they've said it plainly in public.
Lawlessness increases. (Matthew 24:12)
Have you ever seen so much utter lawlessness? Mass shootings, murders, robberies, vandalism. How about the people they just release on no bail? I don't need to give any stats here. If you watch the news, you are aware. Here in CA, shoplifters can go into a store and take anything they want and leave as long as it doesn't exceed a certain amount of value. Expect to see more lawlessness, more violence, riots, protests, crime across the globe, especially with the rising cost of living and the coming famine.
Character of the human soul  (2 Timothy 3:1-5) 
This passage mentions several attributes we can expect to see in most people in the end times. See if you agree: lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.  I will add to this list extreme immorality in the form of fornication, adultery, homosexuality, beastiality, and transgenderism.  I would expect to see more of the above in the year to come.

Signs in the Sky (Luke 21:11, Luke 21:25-26, Revelation 6:12, Acts 2:19-20)
We've seen some pretty strange things in our skies this past year. I've shown some pictures here on this blog of massive planets orbiting our earth. UFO sightings are commonplace now, along with people who have photographed 2 suns and 2 moons. Strange. Expect to see more UFO sightings, more weird objects in the sky, laser beams, two suns, even planets orbiting the earth. We know they are there, so perhaps this is the year they will be revealed. This could also be the year the "aliens" show up, who are really demons and Nephlim. If you look for it, people are seeing all sorts of strange things in the sky. Expect more of it. 

CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
(Revelation 13:16-17)
At Whole Foods and Amazon you can already pay with your hand.  I posted a couple videos and articles last Friday on this that prove how close we are. I believe this may be the year when the entire world goes to Digital currency.  Once the USA does that, we lose our freedom, our rights, and basically our Constitution.  Do your best to avoid going digital because once you do, they will know everything about you, and they can cut off your money for any reason they want. It's all about total control.

AI and transhumanism. (Revelation 14:9-10) Though this is not found in Scripture specifically, there is mentioned that at some point of receiving the MOB, people can no longer be saved. They are no longer human. Whether that will transpire by vaccine that changes DNA or by transhumanism or both, someone who is no longer human cannot be saved by Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. They have made great strides in this area with Elon Musk saying he's nearly ready to put a chip in a human brain. No thanks. Expect to see more advances toward melding humans with machine, along with more realistic robots. 

Israel  (Zechariah 12:2, Ezekiel 38, Psalm 83, Romans 11:25-27, Daniel 9:27))
Israel is God's time clock. Why? Because God still has to deal with the Hebrew people. That's what the Tribulation is all about, Daniel's 70th week. The Bible tells us that this is the time of Jacob's trouble, a time when God is desperately trying to save as many of His Chosen Hebrews as He can. Yes, I realize the authorities in Israel are evil, but there still are real Hebrews living there and they are still the Apple of God's eye. When the "times of the Gentiles" are fulfilled and the church leaves, God will deal with Israel and lift the veil He placed over their eyes so they can find their true Messiah. So, we should expect to see more trouble, more wars, more terror attacks surrounding Israel, and in particular Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. We may even see the beginning of the Gog-MaGog war prophesied in Ezekiel 38

Earthquakes/Storms/Earth Groaning (Matthew 24:7, Romans 8:20-22)
We've seen a huge rise is powerful and strange storms, floods, volcano eruptions (now happening in Hawaii), droughts, and quakes. I expect to see even more this year.

Scoffers (2 Peter 3:3-4, Jude 1:18)
Have you been belittled, ignored, or insulted because you believe the rapture and the Lord's return is coming very soon? Then you are fulfilling end times prophecy.  I run into this all the time and from whom?  From "Christians" not from unbelievers.  Expect to see this increase the closer we get to leaving. 

Now for the Good news

Latter rain (James 5:7)  I believe there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on those being raptured, those who are the true Bride, the Wise Virgins with oil, before we leave. In Israel, it only rains during certain months, around October - April and then it doesn't rain again until the next October. The early rains in Spring bring in the first crops of barley and wheat.. and the latter rains in Fall bring in the fruit crop. The early rains for the church happened on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell on the 120 in the upper room and 3000 souls were saved that day. We are still looking for a latter rain to fall at the end. Perhaps this will happen after the rapture, but I tend to believe it will happen shortly before because the Holy Spirit must fall upon true believers, not those left behind. However it plays out, pray about it, and expect the Lord to use you in a mighty way this coming year.
Final Harvest of souls. (Revelation 14, Revelation 20:4, Revelation 7:9-17) Because of the above latter rain, just like on Pentecost when the church was born, I believe there will be a harvest of souls...hopefully in the thousands right before the rapture, and if not, then right after.  When famine, war, and more pestilences come this year, many unbelievers will be frightened and seeking answers.  It is the perfect time for God's children to shine the light of the Gospel!  I also believe there will be an even bigger harvest after the rapture when those left behind realize what happened. 

Protection and Provision  of God's Saints
(Psalm 91, Psalm 37:25, Matthew 6:25-34)
God promises throughout the Scriptures that He will take care of us, clothe us, feed us, and provide shelter. There are dozens of more Scriptures I could post here. We must know and believe that when things get tough, God is our Provider! It's much more exciting to learn to walk by faith than by sight. Trust in God and see what He will do!

The Rapture!  I don't know whether the Rapture will occur in 2023, but I can tell you that things look pretty good!  I DO NOT think we have 2 years. I believe it could very well be this year or very early 2024. Think about that for a minute. A year is not that long to wait for a reward that is so wonderful, it is beyond our comprehension! Whenever it occurs, it will be God's perfect timing and we are so very close!  Either way, we KNOW the Lord will come and rescue His people before things get too bad. 
How much of the above will we see? I don't know. But we are not to fear. While the dark increases, so will the light. So, get out there in the power of the Holy Spirit and be a light! And remember, hell and all its demons are more afraid of you than you are of them! If you have the Spirit of God in you, you walk in the authority of the Most High God. Time to act like it!! 


  1. A very good summation of how prophecy is occurring and what to expect in this next year, MaryLu! How anyone can read this and not see the correlation between scriptures and events, is beyond me! Praying for your loved ones to finally see this! But then, very close loved ones of mine, only confirm their own bias by only reading/listening to false narratives always seeking, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth through tickling ear web sites or new age gurus spouting pure anti christ evil, but pretending to prophesy of a golden age coming and a bright future. All I can do is to continue to pray and trust God, as it is only by His Holy Spirit, that they will repent and believe. In the mean time, we wait, pray with faith, and testify of our Savior, Jesus Christ, as much as possible . Thank you for your synopsis here as many of your bullet points I find so helpful in sharing! Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might! God bless!

    1. Susan, it baffles me too how anyone could read these points and not see how close we are to the end! But you said it very eloquently... "these new age gurus spouting pure antichrist evil, pretending to prophesy of a golden age coming". My family is caught up in this too! They won't listen. Its been the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced. We keep trying, though. We keep telling everyone we know about Jesus! Blessings to you, Susan!!

  2. Wow! So good!
    Our Pastor talked about being the light of the world yesterday AND my son (also a Pastor-in California) taught about being filled with the Holy Spirit! I love when God does that- just confirms to me I need to focus on these things even more!
    Thanks for all your hard work and research!
    Bev H

    1. I love it when the Lord does that too!! Blessings, Bev!!

  3. Fire MaryLu, Yup I have so much had enough of the white washed yellow bellied lovey dovey, except each others difference in scripture, it make me want to vomit. What we need is FIRE. And you are full of it Sister.
    I left the church 2 years ago as I could no longer listen to the outright blasphemy when I heard 3 elders who all attended the pastors school all say that "we are god's" (little g). There were many other thing said, but this was the final straw for me ! So I studied the scriptures intently and found what I already knew to be true; God alone is God. I didnt need proof of this, but I wanted to be well prepared to confront this. Of course they wouldnt listen. So I started searching for where this originated, and found that it is spreading like a cancer through the churches. By many well known pastors and the mega churches. I came across a site called the Elephant Room where they bring some of the so called blessed men to dispute these so called god's, and there was some good discussion, but in the end, they all saw eye to eye, and agreed that most of their ideals were aligned ????????? So these "good" guys called out the blasphemers from a distance , yet when they saw one another face to face they backed down.? I wished I was there, I would have devoured them all with Isaiah 44-47 !
    I love the comments from Susan and your response. Yes these prophets soothe sayers reallyspeak only what the people want to hear. Just like Ahab and Jehoshaphat.
    One thing I didnt quite understand MaryLu, under Latter Rain; you say "the Holy Spirit must fall on true believers" ? I am filled with the Holy Spirit as I believe you are too. Are you talking about a special anointing , like for the purpose of witnessing ?
    Peace in Christ Sister

    1. Yes, I'm talking about special powerful anointing... Sorry I should have been more clear. For the purpose of witnessing, healing, deliverance, and even raising the dead! A special empowerment. I'm hearing this from several Godly people I trust.. that we will have a chance to bring in a final harvest before we leave... could be a very quick chance! We shall see!
