Monday, February 27, 2023

Beware of the New All-Love Jesus!


 The Bad People are gone. Those religious backward pharisees who twisted the words of Christ and made Christianity a difficult journey of obedience and self-sacrifice. They were the ones holding back the true evolution of mankind, repressing societal progress, and making faith in God distasteful to most. But now, God has removed them, using an advanced species from another planet to do His will. Finally, we humans are free to believe in a god who loves us and doesn't demand anything but our belief in him.  Yes, the world entered into a horrendous world war after the bad ones left. Mankind was still reeling from its own internal battle against evil and the prior decisions of a religiously-oppressed society. But there is now a Great Awakening spreading across the land. Jesus has returned just like he said he would! And he's bringing love and peace to the entire planet, ushering in the Age of Aquarius! 

Those religious zealots believed in a rapture that was never in the Bible. They believed in the stories of Revelation that were only allegorical. We tried to tell them, but they refused to listen, clinging to their oldtime religion. Jesus does return, yes. And he has! But only after the Great Awakening moved through the planet and only when our enemy caused a mighty world war. Yes, Jesus is here now and he will set things right. He forgives and loves all of mankind. Look how he loves us! Look how he now promises us a utopia of peace. He is even distributing his divine DNA to us so we can be free of all diseases and live forever. I don't know about you, but I'm heading to my local church to get my implant right away. The world is saved! Mankind is saved!  Now mankind can truly become gods.
MaryLu Here:  I'm seeing moves of great deception coming upon the church in these last days. GREAT deception. And I sense the Lord urging me to warn as many as possible. Christians seem to be the most gullible of all, and I can't figure out why. But then the Lord told me why. They don't study their Bibles. They may read them now and then, listen to sermons, but they don't STUDY the Holy Scriptures. Hence, many of them don't know the Lord intimately. So they fall for anything about Jesus--anything using the name of Jesus-- movies, TV series, concerts, music, meetings, churches, articles, pastors, devotions, etc. Yet all through Scripture we are warned over and over about being deceived. We are warned about many false prophets infecting the church. We are warned about teachers who will tell us things we want to hear and believe, but who are leading us astray. We run to and fro from one new doctrine to the next one, seeking emotional experiences and spiritual highs, "words" from the Lord. But we aren't willing to walk the difficult path of following Jesus day by day. It isn't glamorous. It isn't exciting. It's hard and self-sacrificing. It's a life of self-discipline and patience and learning to wait on the Lord and believe in Him when we see everything to the contrary. 
God is love. Yes! And I am extremely grateful for that. Jesus was the perfect example of God's love when He sacrificed Himself in the most gruesome death to save us from ourselves and an eternity in hell. But God is also a judge. He is also to be feared and revered. 
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28
Yet today I see so many "moves" in Christianity that are presenting Jesus as a god who loves us, accepts all of us no matter what, and who understands us. While all of that is true. We cannot, we must not forget that Jesus is also our judge and He does require something out of us after we believe in Him. He requires obedience and taking up our cross and following Him with our whole heart. If the Jesus you are worshiping is only about love, all about accepting everyone no matter their lifestyle, and not about repentance and obedience, then you are worshiping the wrong Jesus. 

And if you are worshiping the wrong Jesus, it becomes so easy to get off the narrow path and start falling for false doctrines. One of those doctrines is that there is no rapture, the book of Revelation has already been fulfilled and the church's commission is to start a Great Awakening and Great Revival over the earth. And then Jesus will return.

How many Christians have already fallen for this? How many Christians will be left behind when the rapture does occur? But even far worse than that, how many Christians will believe the AntiChrist is actually the real jesus when he arrives? And then take his mark and be dammed to hell?

We must not forget our enemy is EXTREMELY CLEVER. He knows he can't trick Christians outright.  He has to be sneaky. He has to provide 90% truth with 10% lies. And Christians who don't know their Scriptures will not recognize the lies. 

Is it any wonder we are seeing many things about Jesus in these last days? Movies, TV Series, Revivals, Commercials "He gets us". I'm not saying all these things are bad or at least didn't start out good with good intentions. I'm just begging you to be very careful. Don't jump into every "move" of God. Test them all. Pray. Wait on the Lord. 

Most of all Get Into your Bibles!

 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.  For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it! 2 Corinthians 11:3-5

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 2 Timothy 4:3

Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Matt 10:11

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Matt 7:15

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.Mark 13:22

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed
2 Peter 2



  1. It is not surprising that you wrote this today. If you have not already, please listen to J.D. Farag's prophesy update from Sunday. He expounds on this very thing, and most especially the Asbury Revival. I encourage anyone to seek this out and listen. He explains it so clearly that all who are proclaiming to be Christians should understand it. J. D. also gave 8 questions to ask about something in order to discern if it is from Jesus or not.
    1. Does it have as its foundation, the Gospel of salvation found only in the person of Jesus Christ?
    2. Does it reach the lost in the sense that it's not exclusively in the Christian arena, as-it-were?
    3. Does it focus on "spiritual experience" or the person of Jesus Christ, Whom the Holy Spirit points to?
    4. Does it lend itself to emotionalism and hyper-Pentecostalism at the expense of sound doctrine?
    5. Does it have the markings of being manufactured in the "energy" of the flesh to further a doctrine?
    6. Does it provide a platform for, promotion of, and acceptance with the LGBTQ community?
    7. Does it require that I go to a specific location in order to "experience" a specific sensation?
    8. Does it create confusion and division within the body of Christ, and as such, bears bitter fruit?

    J.D. warned about following the Asbury revival, and I totally believe that you are trying to say the same thing in your article. I am learning so much from you and J.D. and I Wholey appreciate all that you do for us! I ordered a Study Bible written in NKJV and it is set to arrive within the hour!! I am hoping that it will give me more insight into reading the scriptures, much like J.D. does. I need that so much in my new walk with Jesus. Thank you MaryLu, as I would not be as far along as I am if it were not for you two.!! Blessings!!

    1. I did watch JD. But AFTER I wrote this post. To me, it was just the Lord confirming to me what He gave me to write. I don't pre-plan what I write each week but wait on the Lord to tell me. I thought JD did a fabulous job on how we can discern a real move of God. I encourage everyone to watch JD's bible Prophecy from yesterday. Kathy, so glad you're getting a new Bible. Stay in the Scripture... pick it up often and let the Holy Spirit interpret it for you. These posts and my books are all orchestrated by the Lord. If I had my way, I"d probably be sitting on a tropical beach somewhere! LOL. However, I'm blessed to hear that I've helped anyone out there. :-) Hugs. See you soon

  2. I thank God daily for giving me discernment. Keep the blinders off, Lord! I want to see the REAL YOU.

  3. Yeah, well you had me going there at the beginning Sister ! But you brought it into perspective, so Amen and Amen. I also posted the script from 2 Corinthians 11:3-5 over the week end ! my version say's "you put up with it to easily" ! Ain't that the truth. The sheep will follow anyone who will feed them.
    One of the biggest problems I have seen MaryLu is that these pastors and teachers know chapter and verse impressively. But they distort it's meaning. And yes, that is why we must read for ourselves !!! I'm like Paul, Gal 1:15But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased 16to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. 17I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia. Later I returned to Damascus.
    I have heard church leaders say they are gods, and brought to the pastor, yet they continue to misuse scripture ! And oh yes those that think we are already in heaven !!! and those who dont even know if they believe in the rapture ??? But they wont listen. Even my own house will not listen, but follow these false preachers. I just read the script in Mark , Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor ! Breaks my heart MaryLu.
    Be strong and TAKE courage in His strength !

    1. You are right! Huge distortion of Scripture.. and taken out of context and not compared with the rest of the Bible. Disgusting. My family won't listen either... Breaks my heart too, Joe. Bu this narrow path we are on... it may be getting narrower, but at least that means we're on the right path! For the way that leads to destruction is wide and many are those who are on it.
