Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Keep the Faith!



  1. HI,

    FIRST Let me tell you that we all THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the posting you do and the wonderful info you find for us. Of course we really enjoy the segments in which you elaborate with your own thoughts and feelings. Your insight is so valuable and we all so appreciate it please continue even thou it takes a very lot of hard work and effort for you to accomplish but it is all so appreciated by us!!! The following is a blog link RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR READERS!!

    This web page does an outstanding job of bringing much valuable news to all of us end times watchers! STEVE GARREN PLEASE RECOMMEND IT ON YOUR BLOG!!

    Recently; he stated that it took much time to track down all this GOOD info and so he was thinking of stopping or at least cutting way back on posting HIS blog.

    He did recently state that he received some pleas to keep going (I WAS ONE)

    SO for the meantime his blog is continuing and so MY hope is if you suggest it maybe a lot of people will start visiting his daily news site!!

    Thanks so much for all your work on your blog! Ron Garbe Mn.

    1. Thank you, Ron. I appreciate it! I agree with Steve. It takes a huge amount of time to track down all the good information about what is really going on. There have been many days I've thought about quiting or cutting back. I will post about his blog on this Friday's post so maybe some more people can head over there.
