Monday, March 20, 2023

The Gates of Hell will NOT Prevail against you!

 Saints, I know how difficult times are right now. I know prices of food and gas and just about everything are high. I know that many are struggling, not only with finances but with family and attacks of the enemy. We all see World War 3 on the horizon, the soon coming digital currency, the New World Order rising, and more pestilences and famine.  That is, those of us who are awake see these things. I told the Lord the other day:  "The Tribulation hasn't touched me yet, but I see it coming ever faster."  In other words, none of us have really suffered like people will in the Tribulation. It is a time so horrific, that even a read through of Revelation doesn't do it justice. To me, seeing all the evil growing stronger and stronger is what upsets me most of all. In particular, the things I know these Satanists are doing to children. I can't dwell on it for very long or I become too distraught, so I pray for the Lord to come and rescue the children and us too!  

I know it seems like the wait is becoming long and unbearable. The enemy is quick to come in and whisper in your ear that maybe the Lord won't actually rescue you, maybe we have the rapture all wrong. Maybe we will have to endure the worst 7 years of earth's history.  I've prayed over this issue for years now, studied countless Bible passages and listened to innumerable sermons, and for the life of me, I cannot see any other possibility other than the Lord rescues His Own BEFORE things get tough. If I thought for a minute that there was even a 10% chance that I'm wrong and we will go through the Tribulation, I would say so, and encourage you to prepare. However, there's NO WAY any of us can prepare for what's coming other than studying the Bible and spending more time with Jesus. Which is what I already encourage you to do. People who hoard food, gold, and guns, will soon realize that all those things will be quickly stolen by roving bands of demon-possessed people. The only way anyone could possibly survive the Tribulation would be to stay as close the Jesus as you can and allow Him to lead you to a safe hideout. (Like my recent novel, When Angels Rejoice) You will have to be off the grid completely and rely totally on God to provide for your needs. 

I have written several articles on why I believe in a Pre-Tribulation rapture, using Scripture as my proof. (Just click on the "Articles on Christianity" at the top of this blog to find them) I even mentioned one more proof in my last Friday's Musings. So, I offer you another one here with these two passages:
And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18

As I looked, this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them Daniel 7:21

Hmm. Seems that these two passages contradict each other. In the first one, Jesus is promising that the "gates of Hades" or the Government of Hell, which essentially is Satan himself, will NOT prevail against the church.  Yet in the second passage it says the "horn" prevails over them. If you read all of Daniel 7, you'll see that the horn in this passage is the Antichrist
Aren't we all saints? Isn't the church made up of saints? Yet, if you read Revelation, there is no mention of the church after Chapter 3... only "tribulation saints". 

We know the Bible is the true word of God so it cannot contradict itself. Hence the only possible interpretation would be that the "church" is removed before the Antichrist is given power to prevail over the remaining saints.
The True Test now is not are you ready for the Tribulation, but are you ready for the Rapture?  Scripture is clear that not everyone who calls themselves Christians or who believes in Jesus is going, but only those who love Jesus with all their hearts, have no idols, walk in obedience, and are longing for His appearing.
This is why I constantly encourage all of you to read and study your Bible daily and spend time with Jesus in praise and worship.  It's a matter of the heart. Do you know your God and do you love Him? I don't care if you make a hundred mistakes a day, do you repent and keep striving to be like Jesus? What consumes your thoughts most of the time? Is it worldly things and pleasures? or is it how you can best serve God? Even if you constantly fail, but you're striving for that, God loves that! And He loves you!!  
Hang in there, time is short. Things across the globe are heating up big time. Keep your heart and your eyes on Jesus!


  1. Thank you, MaryLu. I SO NEED these constant encouragements. I so appreciate all the time you put into your messages and your blog. Beckie

  2. “Time is short and all need to hear- the Way, the Truth, the Life is ever so near”! Lyrics from a song I wrote several years ago. I get to share it at my church next week(if we’re still here😊)
    Thanks again for all your encouragement!
    Blessings, Bev H

  3. What a great encouragement MaryLu, thank you. I love to hear more on your thoughts about these "Tribulation Saints". Are they the 144k ? Those that washed their robes white in the blood of Jesus ?
    Tell us more !
    Blessings sweet Sister.

    1. It is my understanding Joe that the Tribulation Saints are the people who get saved AFTER the rapture and during the Tribulation. No, not the 144,000. These Tribulation saints are the ones who were beheaded for their faith in Jesus and who did not love their lives to the death. I should write a post on it.. :-)

  4. J.D. Farag mentioned the Tribulation Saints in Sunday's Prophecy Updates. He did not mention a number, but established the difference between the Church Saints and the Tribulation Saints. He stated that they would have a "come to Jesus" time after the Tribulation starts, but they will be persecuted and martyred during that time for their newfound beliefs. Many of them would be beheaded and killed.

    I would also like to state that I have met people recently who say that they believe in God, and they will be saved simply for their belief; but they also do NOT believe in the prophecies in the Bible. How can you believe in God, and not believe the Bible?? It does not make any sense to me!! I even met a woman this week who has absolutely NO knowledge of what is happening now. None. Talk about being blind!! When I tried to speak with her about the financial crisis, she looked at me like I was nuts!! I heard this morning that digital infrastructure will be beginning in July. So very soon!!

    Come quickly, Lord Jesus!! Come quickly!!

    1. Yes, Exactly Kathy, about the Tribulation Saints. Like you, Kathy, I run into believers all the time who have no idea the signs all around them. They also either think the prophecies in the Bible already happened or are just metaphors for things to learn. It's incredible, the Biblical ignorance in today's church, but then again, the church has been infiltrated with Freemason Pastors who don't preach the entire truth. Satan's done his job well.

  5. I saw today that in Israel, they are creating a bill that anyone who talks to someone else about Jesus will get one year in jail, and two if the person is under 18. Everything is lining up. We are going home soon. Pastor Sandy on Sunday said at the end that the family we have on earth will not be our family in heaven. This let me let go of some guilt about family here, for sure. I need to focus on Jesus and not on the people of my past.

    1. Saw that too, Katy, but I don't think it passed. Whew.. but I believe it will someday! Many of the Jewish people hate Christians. It's a very tough mission field. I agree with Sandy... we will have a huge family in heaven, but I also know God does save households here. Don't stop praying for your loved ones. Don't give up on them yet. Blessings, Katy!

    2. When I was in Israel, I was given a much warmer welcome from the arabs than from the Jews. I stayed one night in a Jewish hotel and the looks that I would get made me feel creepy to the point that I didn't want to leave my hotel room. They definitely do not like christians.
