Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Musings: Surely, I come Quickly! Hofd Fast!

  Dear Greatly Loved by the Most High,
Every day that passes brings us one day closer to going home! Keep that in mind on the mornings you find yourself still here and get discouraged. We know we are in the Season. In 1 Thess 5, the Apostle Paul, in speaking about the Rapture says:
But you are not in darkness, brethren, for that day to overtake you by surprise like a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of the day; we do not belong either to the night or to darkness. 
Every week I see more and more signs that we are fast approaching the Tribulation. Yet so many believers don't even see it. They either choose to ignore the news or they label it false or they just prefer to live their lives in this world. It doesn't help that most pastors aren't teaching end times at all. Who would have thought that right before the rapture, most Christian pastors would not be speaking about it at all, would not be warning their flocks to get right with God. Even worse, how many people could they save by pointing out all the prophecies in the Bible that are coming true before our eyes! Such wonderful proof of the Bible's divine origin! No other religion's book has prophecies that have been and are being fulfilled. Only God is outside of time and knows the beginning from the end. 
Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure and purpose, Isaiah 46:10 
In fact, God proclaimed the Gospel in the very first phrase of the Bible, thus declaring the end from the beginning. Maybe I'll expound on that in another post. God's Word is so intricate and fascinating.. so full of codes and deeper meanings.
So, the NATO war games have commenced. NATO and the US seem intent on forcing Putin's hand to start WW3 so they can blame him. Honestly, I don't know how he's maintained his patience thus far. And no, I'm not a fan of Putin or Russia, but we are certainly poking the bear! I would be surprised if something major does not happen by the end of next week when the war "exercises" end. We shall see. Either way, we know WW3 is coming. Why?  The Bible prophecies wars until the end, and the Antichrist needs to create as much mayhem, death, and chaos in the world so he can swoop in as the savior.  It also looks like China is preparing to attack and take over Taiwan. See below for details
The Gog-Magog war is clearly spelled out in Scripture in Ezekiel 38. If you haven't already, I encourage you to study it and research who the players are, and you'll see that they are all allies now, something that never happened in the past.  I believe this war is imminent. Also interesting is the US is currently in negotiations with Iran, and it seems that deal will not favor Israel. I say interesting because when this evil alliance attacks Israel, the Bible makes no mention of us coming to help. I believe that this war will end in the AC making a 7 year treaty with Israel and since Scripture clearly says the church leaves before the AC is revealed, then the rapture must occur either before or during this war. 
Interesting also that there seems to be warnings of financial systems being hacked all over the world. Of course they want this. They want the collapse of this system so they can usher in their digital currency faster than expected. 
Speaking of, the WHO is moving forward with their Global Digital Health Certificate just in time for the next pandemic. How do we know there will be another pandemic? Check out Revelation 6 and the forth horse of the Apocalypse.  
Thus we see a Global Government forming before our eyes. Just like the Scripture foretells.  But how can these evil powers really get this to happen? I mean, many countries want to keep their national borders, culture and identity. Hmm.  I bet what would work is an attack from aliens from outer space. Didn't President Reagan make some comment about that being the only thing that would unite the world as one? Interesting then that we are hearing now that our government has UFOs and has been in communication with aliens.   An attack would also be a great cover for the rapture. Brilliant! 
Pride Month.  This month always reminds me of this passage from Isaiah
How have you fallen from heaven, O light-bringer and daystar, son of the morning! How you have been cut down to the ground, you who weakened and laid low the nations And you said in your heart,
 I will ascend to heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the uttermost north.  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.
 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the innermost recesses of the pit. Those who see you will gaze at you and consider you, saying, Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms?—
Who made the world like a wilderness and overthrew its cities, who would not permit his prisoners to return home
?  Isaiah 14:12-17 
This speaks of Satan who was once an exalted Archangel. Pride was his downfall. He thought he could be God, even better than God. He still believes this. In fact, he believes he can defeat God. That is why he prompted his followers to build the tower of Babel. They were trying to reach heaven where they wanted to battle God. Now, they are doing it again, building a Global united Kingdom to fight Jesus when He returns. Satan will promise people eternal life through the Mark of the Beast. Not only immortality but he will promise people they will become Gods. Isn't that what transhumanism is all about?  Do you know they can now make a human in a testtube? See below. How much longer will God put up with this?
Yet, we see Satan and his Antichrist's demise. People in hell will be shocked that this was the man who made the earth tremble. Meanwhile Satan himself will be chained up for 1000 years. 
If you've read my endtimes series you know that the bibles that were allowed are bibles which were altered and changed by the global government. That's why it really fascinated me that the World Economic Forum is now demanding that the real Bible be banned and instead to issue a fact-checked version without God. Hmm. 
News is below if you have the stomach for it. Otherwise, I encourage you to not allow the spirit of despair or discouragement enter your thoughts and feelings. True followers of Jesus should be walking on air right now, excited and giddy like a bride or groom before their wedding day. The Wedding Feast is being prepared as we speak, the tables being set and a spot reserved for you with your new name on it!  
I leave you with this word from a Godly woman I follow who I believe hears from the Lord. Here's her Blog.
My precious children, why do you fret so over what is coming in the earth? Have I not told you I will protect and provide those who walk closely with Me? And so I shall.

Do you still not understand? Do you not know? I have redeemed you! I have called you by name. I have treasured you and protected you every step of the way. How is it you think I will do any less now in these end times?

As the end of days approaches, you will see My mighty power like never before. You will see My hand move in your life as you have never witnessed. You will see Me touch your unsaved loved ones as you have prayed for Me to do.

My children, there is so much joy before you – this is not a time of only suffering, this is the time of My mighty power manifesting before your very eyes and the time of many miracles in your midst!
MaryLu here:  I pray for each and every one of you who reads this. I pray the Lord watches over you and your loved ones and reveals Himself to you in new ways, that He heals you, delivers you, speaks clearly to you, and that He fills you with the joy and excitement He feels at your soon meeting in the clouds!

2023 Air Defender NATO exercises begin  Excellent article that explains the history also.
The V and V
Interesting that the Free Mason Apron and the Pride Flag are designed the same way.



Earth Groaning/ Weather manipulation
Signs in the Sky: The Great Deception



  1. Thanks for all your encouragement and efforts to get us track I went off the rails this week Got a serious chastisement from The Lord I am now questioning my original born again moment Did all the steps put forth to me and I did accept Jesus as my savior But that was 1981 I shockingly realized this past week that looking back over all that time that passed I couldn’t remember a moment when I Truly Repented I don’t see that I did and that’s because of turning back to the same sins that I was supposed to repent from So basically now I see that I am Not Firmly Rooted with Jesus Haven’t stopped my faith in Jesus but for most of my years everything became like Rules Rules and more Rules I saw the Walk I was in was the work of Jesus providing Sanctification as I kept moving forwards with Him Not always daily and sometimes away for quite a bit of time So I’m sorry to Lament so much Just questioning now if I was Truly Born Again Great time to have that come on !! 65 yrs old and believe I will miss the rapture and any possibility of getting to heaven and right now I feel I will be one who comes to meet Jesus in Heaven and he will say Depart From Me I never Knew Thee !! Need more than just Prayers and more scripture reading Have been at that for all these yrs But I believe I did not again Truly Repent in every sense of the word Thanks for reading I needed to gush this out and I appreciate what you do so much to help true believers along the journey Blessings Joe Kenneally

    1. Joe, I don't know you story, but I know that I "received and believed" in Jesus at a young age in church, but in my 20s and early 30s, I did not follow Him. I lived a very very sinful life that would probably shock most people here. I never gave much thought to God and I never read my Bible or prayed. Was I saved? I don't know. I doubt it. But still God never gave up on me. He kept pursuing me like that one lost sheep. He is so merciful and loving!! When I finally truly gave my life to Him was when things began to change and those old sins became disgusting to me. I fell so madly in love with Jesus that I never ever wanted to do them or hurt or disappoint Him in any way. That's when I knew I was truly saved! That's true repentance. The fact you are even thinking about it says to me that the Lord still holds you in His mighty Hand but He is calling you to fully submit to Him by truly repenting and asking for His help to keep you from straying away. Being a believer is not a set of rules of dos and don'ts so put that out of your mind. I encourage you to simply spend more time with Jesus, praying, praising, reading His Word and asking Him to reveal Himself to you! I guarantee it that you will come to love Him so much, you won't ever want to go back to your old sins! With this humble, repentant, loving attitude, you will make the rapture! All of us are sinners. All of us need to mercy and grace of God. Remember His mercies are beyond anything we could imagine. He loves you so much. Perhaps He is calling you now to completely submit to Him so that you will join Him in the clouds soon!

  2. Thank You for your encouragement Much Appreciated Blessings on you

  3. Greetings highly favored Daughter of our Most High God !
    I love your opening line. My old Pastor friend, when pressed for an exact date of the Rapture would say; All I can tell you is that we are closer today than we were yesterday. Gosh I miss that man. His love for Jesus was so strong that those who truly love the Lord were drawn to him. He would be apauled at what is going on in the churches today. I was talking to his Daughter the other day and she has sent me some of his sermons on cassette. My Daughter bought me a cassette player for Fathers day ! Excited to get to them !
    Isaiah 46:10 has always grabbed my attention. Would love to hear what you have to say about that. I have always believed that the first 3 chapters of Genesis pretty much reveals tells God's story, His plan ! I get irritated when Christians say " oh that's old testament "
    The script you quote, Isaiah 14, is certainly an eye opener. well I will say to those who will read and believe it ! I have used this script to try and dispute and rebuke 2 elders and an assistant pastor saying "we are god's".
    When I started to study where and why they would say such things, God lead me immediately to satan's quest to make himself as God !!! As I studied further I found that the "we are god's" statement is wide spread in the churches today, I have heard copeland and furtic, and many in that arena say this blasphemous statement. It has been posted everywhere, plain to see and hear. I can read lips so it is not false that they say these things. Yet people will not believe it ?
    I wrote a piece a while back asking " what do you think is the sin God hates the most ?" And I believe it is trying to ascend to take God's throne. Which of course cannot be done. It is what the serpent told Adam & Eve they could do, and just look at how that has made the rest of the 65 books of the Bible necessary.
    In the end, my "brothers and sisters" in Christ turned against me. The pastor swept this under the carpet quickly. And I left that church, shaking the dust from my feet !. Their quilt is not on my hands.
    Your Anointed friend is right on the money with her prophesy. Blessings to her for speaking the Truth's of God.
    And to you as well MaryLu. May our Lord and Savior continue to keep you in good health, bless you with strength and courage and stamina to continue being the light that you are in this dark world !

    1. Dear Brother. I'm so glad you left that church and that the Lord opened your eyes to the apostasy. Satan never changes tactics. He appeals to man's pride by offering us godhood. What a ridiculous notion.. that anyone of us fallen creatures could ever be gods. We can't even save ourselves from hell! Only by the precious blood of Jesus can we be saved! So many satanic pastors and teachers today. How the Lord must cry. But of course, He knew it would happen. I will try and do a quick study on the first verse in Genesis. It involves knowledge of Hebrew, which I would love to learn someday. Probably in heaven! Blessings to you! Enjoy your old pastor's sermons! I still have many of Derek Princes cassette tapes. What a great Bible tearcher he was!!
