Dear Saints,
I must admit to being very weary this week. I've suffered multiple attacks of the enemy and all through my own family. It's been rough. In my prayer time, the Lord has reminded me that our enemy is stepping up his attacks on the saints, especially those walking in the Spirit. He doesn't bother the lukewarm too much and he rarely bothers the unsaved. The Lord also reminded me that when these attacks come, I must remember that I'm not wrestling with these family members (though it really seems so!) but I'm wrestling against evil spirits and demons and satan's principalities in high places.
For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere. Ephesians 6:12
The best thing to do is to take authority over the evil spirits in the name of Jesus, bind them, muzzle them, defang them! Remember you cannot cast out a demon of someone who wants it there. But you can muzzle it. Prayer, fasting and praise are other weapons we can use, along with the Word of God. These are trying times. The attacks will continue until the end. Just keep your eye on the prize! And remember, though the Scripture says the Devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may destroy, the word "like" means he may appear tough, but he has no authority over us Saints!
I'm also a bit weary of all the bad news. Every week I post articles here that connect with Biblical prophecy, and every week it seems like surely this has to be my last week doing so! The news is so horrendous, so evil and yet fulfilling all end times prophecy, that I can't imagine why the Lord has not come. What upsets me the most is so much of End times news tends to be hyped up in order to get subscriptions or keep an audience. There are countless articles and You Tube videos saying we are on the verge of World War 3! We are on the verge of the Gog-Magog war! We are on the verge of another more deadly pandemic! We are on the verge of a financial collapse and the installing of CBDCs!
And yet week after week, it "appears" nothing much happens. Of course things do happen.... very very slowly it seems. We are inching toward all of the above events. Each week things happen that add more weight to the final outcome. If that were not the case. If things were inching in the other direction toward returning to a normal world, I'd quit writing this Friday post.
However, I do wonder if some of the news articles I post are just trying to appeal to our emotions. We must be very careful, even with good Godly posts, to not always believe everything we read or hear and to not allow our emotions to get the best of us. Take everything before the Lord. I always tell Him that if there's something He wants me to know, He will tell me. I don't need to hear it from some person, pastor, or prophet.
Having said that, I do wonder why it seems these events we expect and know will happen seem to be taking forever. But the Lord also reminded me that when all these foretold events occur, it will be suddenly!
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God. And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first.
Then we, the living ones who remain [on the earth], shall simultaneously be caught up along with [the resurrected dead] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always (through the eternity of the eternities) we shall be with the Lord!
Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Then we, the living ones who remain [on the earth], shall simultaneously be caught up along with [the resurrected dead] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always (through the eternity of the eternities) we shall be with the Lord!
Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
The phrase "caught up" is the Greek Word harpazō which means to Seize, to carry off by force, to snatch out or away. It is a quick and almost violent rescue. It will be a SUDDENLY. We may have a minute or two to know what's happening, but then we will be swept up to be with Jesus in the clouds
Add that to what Paul says in the next chapter
When people are saying, All is well and secure, and, There is peace and safety, then in a moment unforeseen destruction (ruin and death) will come upon them as suddenly as labor pains come upon a woman with child; and they shall by no means escape, for there will be no escape.
Here we have another Suddenly! The world will be thinking all is well, life is back to normal. We are safe! But then, BAM, sudden distruction will hit. In the verses before this one, Paul is talking about the return of the Lord or the rapture. Why do I think he's talking about the rapture and not the second coming? Because Paul makes a reference to Jesus coming like a thief in the night. In the second coming, Jesus does not return as a thief in the night. He comes in a blaze of glory with all his saints behind Him on white horses and He lands on the Mount of Olives and splits it in two!
So, we have this "suddenly" happening. A sudden destruction coming upon the earth and at the same time a sudden snatching away of the saints! Both will happen in the same time frame. And both will happen very quickly. Therefore, if you're getting discouraged with all the hyped up prophecy news, don't be. It's all leading up to that "Suddenly" moment when we shall all be rescued by our Lord.
One more thing I wish to point out. At the end of Paul's discourse about our rescue, he says to comfort one another with these words. What would be at all comforting about being told you're going to have to endure the Tribulation and probably get your head chopped off, die of starvation, be tortured for Jesus, on the run for your lives and most likely will not make it to the end? I'm sorry, but that's not comforting to me! If there is no pre-trib rapture, Paul would have said something like "Be strong, don't deny Jesus no matter what. Cling to the Lord and trust in Him!"
To all my post and mid trib followers out there. I have no issue with your beliefs. You are entitled to them. This is not a salvation issue at all, and I dearly love all of you. However, the Lord made me a watchman to get the Saints ready for the Rapture. He has more than proven to me through Scripture and in our conversations that He's coming to rescue His Bride Before the Tribulation. Therefore as the Lord leads me to talk about the pre-trib rapture, I will. I cannot do otherwise, no matter how many people I offend. I will always obey God over man.
One of the biggest news items to emerge this week, in my opinion was that the WEF (World Eonomic Forum) says that the upcoming CBDCs (Central Bank Digital currency) must be implanted under your skin in order for you to participate in society. I don't know about you but this is sounding more and more like the Mark of the Beast. We wait and watch.
I'm sure you've heard of the new THREAD App that is supposed to be an alternative and even beat Twitter. started by Jeff Bazos
666… The logo has a 666 hidden just like in Chrome’s, WEF’s, CERN’s etc logos
There's been some chatter about the airspace along the east coast of the US being closed. Speculations abound of course, with some saying we think there may be Nuclear warheads deposited off the shore for later detonation. Who knows if that is true? We do know that NATO is meeting right now and discussing among other things, bringing Ukraine in as a member. We also have France supplying long range missiles to Ukraine, despite Russia's threats. When will this brewing war kick off? That's up the Lord. Either way, when it does, we will know our time here is short.
People are still dying from the vaccine. In fact, it was estimated that at least 13 million people died from it. See articles below.
Do you remember the Great Solar Eclipse over the US in 2017? I posted about it here. I mentioned in that article there would be another total eclipse over the US in 2024 that would form an X over the nation. At the time, I postulated that this would be the end of America and the end of the Tribulation. Obviously, I was wrong. But there's another solar eclipse, not a total one but what they call an annual one that is happening this October apparently makes what looks like the Hebrew letter Aleph over the US. Is God trying to show us something? Aleph is the 1st letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Jesus told us He is the Aleph and the Tav, The beginning and the End. Could something be beginning this Fall? And then in 2024, the other total solar eclipse makes the final cross over the US? I don't know, but it's very interesting.
And Now the News!
Have a Blessed Weekend! Be strong and lean on the Lord!
The Beast System
The Globalists are making really big moves which would fundamentally change how our society operates
Worse than CBDCs: Globalists publish plan for worldwide financial enslavement under "unified ledger"
Finance / Economic Collapse
Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation
Signs in the sky
Ahh, yeah, so your ok then :) I knew something was going on with you this week when you didn't respond to Mondays posts. If you hadn't posted today I would have sent an email. But we see by this post you are the same little tenacious worrior Lady of the Lord Most High ! In any case you are always in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya in the family shunnig stuff ! Though this week they are trying a new stradegy called " lets try being nice to him" Lol !!!!!! Well it's definitely a nice change, but I'm onto them.
Well they think " poor Joe, he's struggling, he left the church and he needs our help" ! Grrrrr.
Yet when they ask me what the problem is, I cant get three words out of my mouth without being patronized Grrrr !
In 2 years no one has let me tell about the apostacy I see in the church, and believe me, that pastor is an expert a cutting off any conversation that is not to his advantage. He needs a good taken out behind the barn experience !
I have a list of the wrongs as long as my arm, but like Ahab, they only want to hear good things said about them, they dont want the truth. So when belittling didnt work, oh now they are gonna try being nice. I aint falling for it, but I will enjoy it while it lasts :)
On the serious side, I have always pondered the script " forces of evil in heavenly places" ?
I did notice in Job 1:6 One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and satan also came with them. ??? I thought satan was thrown down ? How can there be dark spirits in heavenly places. Can you shed some light on this Sister.
So I agree MaryLu, it does seem like the Lord's return is taking forever. What does that script say " the Lord is not slow in coming as some think of slowness, but He is not wanting anyone to perish" sorry for the poor paraphrase, you know the script.
Israel waited 4,000 years for Christ to appear, and then they didnt recognize Him ! And I think on the scripts that talk about just how bad things will be , and then the end will come ! I am in agreement of pre trib, yet i'm thinking things are going to get much worse than what we see now. And then, as you say Suddenly. Well Hallelujah to suddenly Sister.
Blessings of peace in the midst of all the noise may the Holy Spirit keep you focused and strong, in Jesus Name !
Thanks Brother. Yes, been a really rough week. Demons stirring up those closest to me to scream and yell and insult. But the Lord saw me through. I always felt His presence. I'm so sorry about your family, as well. I would give anything to have a Godly man like you in the house, and they just belittle you. Blows my mind. I'm glad they have switched tactics now to a more pleasant approach! Crazy times.. but the Lord said our enemies would be members of our own household. Thank you for your prayers! I'm lifting some up for you and your family as well!
DeleteRegarding Dark spirits in heavenly places. It is my understanding from Scripture that Satan has limited access to the third heaven and the throne room. We are told that the devil stands there accusing us day and night before God, but Jesus is our Advocate. Also like you mentioned in Job. Satan lost the war in heaven and his angels were thrown down to the 2nd heaven which sits above our visible sky. that's where he resides mostly, but I do believe he has access to the throne room when God allows. He is finally cast completely down to earth during the Tribulation around the middle. Read Rev 12. After that, I believe he will no longer be able to approach God in heaven.
Like you, I think things will get worse... and just when they seem like we won't make it, Jesus will come to the rescue!! Blessings to you and yours!
Marylu, I would love it if you have time to explain the levels in heaven. Either here or in one of your posts. Being surrounded by Mormons, I have had some tell me that I won't get to go to the third heaven, only the second. That only Mormons go to the third heaven. I know that's not true, and that it seems like that is their polite way of saying I am going to hell since anyplace without Jesus would be that. Anyway, if you have the time. And yes, the attacks are ramping up in the house here too. The swearing is increasing around me so much. Nothing I can do to stop it without being attacked more.
DeleteKaty, thank you. I will address this in my Monday blog. I will lift up a prayer for you and your house too!
DeleteOh and I heard a quote one time about the Lord being slow; The Lord is never late, but He is very last minute !
ReplyDeleteAnd doesnt it drive us crazy at times, when we ask and pray and fast and ask and we seem to get no answer. And then some little old Lady in the market you've never seen before, say's; you know the Lord always provides, doesnt He" !
He's an on time God! I love His surprises
DeleteHi Sweet Sister, ❤️ I am right there with you. So weary, but hearing the same word, "then sudden destruction!" We've been waiting for the kettle to boil WAY to long, no wonder we are so tired. 🥴 I can just imagine the planning God is doing for the perfect Harpazo and following Tribulation. Sorry for the MIA, you are always in my thoughts and prayers ❤️ Just so tired of it all. The end of our labor upon us I pray. I've been trying to concentrate on all my blessings in the midst of the storm. To keep my focus on the greatest day of my life almost here. Whether Rapture or Rupture, the writing is on the wall. 🤔 God has blessed me beyond measure with His peace and I am holding tight to it. I pray God's protective hedge and the covering of Christ's blood over you, as you continue to expose the Truth. Soon Sister ❤️🙏✝️⬆️🆙 eternal love in Jesus, Cillie ❤️
ReplyDeleteI've missed you, Cillie, but I continue to pray for you and your husband. The wait is so hard, isn't it? But it will all be worth it! I'm glad to hear you are counting your blessings and clinging to God's peace. What else can we do as we wait for His glorious appearing! I do believe we are very close. Thanks for your prayers, Sister!
DeleteThank you MARYLU and Joe Schiavone ( a true brother in Christ ) for both of you staying the course and bringing The Lords Truth and His Peace Another close Brother and I have been viciously attacked this past week It’s been rough And we are both struggling with our walk with Jesus I read some of my daily devotions this AM and the scriptures talked about how that piece of Filth satan has upped the attacks on believers making noise about how everything in our lives is a waste of time Lots and Lots of coulda wooda shouda ESPECIALLY FROM FAMILY It’s a messed up world and his demons are all on full time torment duty Both you and Joe are true Blessings from Jesus Thanks again for your words of encouragement Please Pray for Peter and myself for the help to Put on The Armor of The Lord to hold up through these Final Days Joe Kenneally
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Joe! I'm so sorry to hear you are also being attacked. I have heard from others since posting this that many are also enduring the same thing. It's just a sign of how close we are to the end. I am lifting up a prayer now for you and Peter... is that your friend or relation? We all need to stay strong in the Lord until He comes!!
DeleteI am so thankful for all of you sharing your experiences and prayers. It's been so hard here lately with all the attacks on my family members and yet we all look to God and know in the end it will be perfect. I too get the look when talking about how close we are to leaving it's so obvious to me and I don't understand how the other people can't see it. Anyway God bless each and every one of you 🙏. Pam
ReplyDeleteBless you, Pam. I share my personal stuff because I know it helps others know they aren't alone. People have contacted me saying they are going through the same things. We are to lift each other up and pray for each other as we see the DAY approaching!. Oh what a glorious day that will be! I'm praying for you right now, Pam! Soon, we will all have the victory in Jesus!
DeleteI will just add in addition to troops being called up this week, all military retirements that were set for the end of the year have been frozen. No one is being allowed to leave their positions. Can you say preparing for war without saying preparing for war?
ReplyDeleteYes, heard that too! Also special army units being called up. Something is brewing! Did you get your Galbladder fixed?
DeleteExcellent post, MaryLu. Thank you for it. It came at a time where I needed this reminder. Jesus gave us the authority over the enemy (Luke 10:1). For me, I need to act not react to spiritual attacks.
ReplyDeleteThat blesses me. Thank you. So glad the post helped you.