Friday, May 3, 2024

Here Comes Fallen Angel Technology, But Here We Go!

Dear  Highly-Valued Remnant of the Most High,
Every week I think things surely can't get much worse, can they? Will I have anything new to report on next week? And then things get worse!  But the worse they get, the closer we get to going Home! So, let that be an encouragement to you.  Have you noticed an explosion of AI lately? It started off small with Siri, Alexa, and Google apps... then came ChatGPT and others like it. And now, just in the past few weeks, we are seeing AI everywhere! In our cars, in movies, videos, and even robots!  I've seen videos online with supposed people talking and giving the news only to find out later that they were AI generated. Even war scenes and scenes of destruction can be AI generated! 
Some people have said that the April 8th Eclipse was a big flop since nothing happened. Let me remind you that MOST of what happens, happens in the Spirit Realm (The real realm) all around us. I did post that CERN happened to be firing up and experimenting on that same day, and since then, I've watched who I consider to be good and true sources say that portals were opened up that day, allowing demons and some of the fallen ones to enter our world. People all over the world reported seeing very strange things in the skies after the eclipse. You can read details about the Fallen ones in the book of Enoch, but suffice it to say that these "Angels" who fell with Lucifer love to share their knowledge with mankind. They are the ones who first taught man how to make weapons long ago. Now, I believe they are teaching mankind about AI and other highly advanced technology. This is why AI is exploding right now. 

 We know in the Tribulation that every place you go and everything you do, say, or even think, will be monitored severely. This can only be accomplished with AI.  Also, everything you see on TV or videos will probably be AI generated and fake. They can even fake a voice now, so if you get a phone call from someone you know, it will sound just like them. Also, they will combine AI tech with the human brain, (and adding a vaccine containing Nephilim DNA) thus, making a person NON-human and preventing them from getting saved.  

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the massive tornadoes that crossed the US recently. Please pray for those who lost their homes and/or loved ones. The Earth is groaning for the revealing of the Sons of God!  Expect things to get worse.

Why are you telling me this, MaryLu? It's scaring me. I'm telling you because I want you to know how close we are to going home AND to warn you while we are still here to be very very cautious. (Also hoping that the Left Behind may see this post at some point too)  Only through the power of the Holy Spirit will we be able to distinguish truth from lies, and we can only harness that power if we are close the Lord and KNOW His Word! 
It's starting in Canada. They won't let you leave without a QR code.QR Codes required to leave this place in Canada! See video below

Have you been watching the massive amounts of protests on our college campuses?  Violent protests! There were so many outrageous videos, I decided not to post any here. You can find them all online. These young kids, brainwashed by a liberal agenda, are actually associating themselves with Hamas and standing against Israel.  You can read more about it below under Israel, but a few things stood out. The American Flag was replaced with the Palestinian liberation flag in a Pennsylvania College and now hundreds of college students are converting to Islam in LA. Serious? They have NO idea what Islam is or what Sharia law is.  Breaks my heart. 

The reason, however that I mention the above is because it has come out that these protests were planned last year and paid for. (see below) So, that got me to thinking why. Obviously, they want to cause chaos and violence and division. But what else? That's when I saw this Bill being introduced below.

H.R. 6090 Antisemitism Awareness Act  Bill was just overwhelmingly passed by the US House of Representatives.  At first glance, we might think that this is a good thing. None of us like antisemitism. But could this new law (if the senate passes it) be used to make the Bible illegal and those who read it criminals? 

Let's see if this passes the Senate. If it does, this is the first step to making the Bible illegal, along with those who follow it. Keep your eyes on this bill!  

Browse the articles beneath WAR. Things are heating up. A Chinese war plane was spotted over one of our military bases!  Macron is vowing to send troops to Ukraine and hence cross Putin's red line for nuclear war.  

There are many other articles of interest that will prove to you that we are on the verge of the Tribulation. In fact, it is my opinion, it will start in the Fall. The main thing we need to do now in light of this is, as I always say, stay close to Jesus. What does that look like? Spending time alone with Him, reading the Word, praying, worshiping, and fasting. At times, sit alone with Him in silence and listen for His voice. Remember the enemy doesn't want you to do any of the above, so he will do his best to keep you busy and distracted. REST in Jesus!

Speaking of rest, I will not be posting my Friday post for the next two weeks.  I am traveling out east to visit family and for a much needed rest. I hope to not focus so much on the news and just enjoy myself and spend as much time with the Lord as I can find. If something major occurs or the Lord gives me a word, I'll post it ASAP.  In the meantime, keep your oil lamps full!  And if you don't know Jesus or aren't sure, Click HERE.

Praying for all of you precious brothers and sisters! Be encouraged! The King is Coming!


The Entire Protest Encampment Pro-HAMAS chaos we are seeing now was all planned back in 2023. Here's Proof if it remains online
No entry for Jewish students at UCLA who are enrolled and paid tuition. See below


This was filmed at an AMERICAN university 2024

  • Submarines of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, with a total volley of up to 8 Kalibr cruise missiles, have been deployed to the Black Sea waters for combat duty, monitoring channels report.
  • F-16 aircraft will begin arriving in Ukraine this year with trained pilots, Pentagon chief said
  • Taiwan: "Overall 22 PLA aircraft in various types (including SU-30, KJ-500, UAVs, etc.) were detected along the southeastern coast of Mainland China from earlier today/overnight, out of which, 12 crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered the north and central parts of Taiwan’s ADIZ.
  • The Israeli Army Chief of Staff approves a “huge operation” in Rafah - Jerusalem Post 
  • NATO is starting to deploy combat troops to Ukraine. Soldiers from Poland, France, the UK, Finland and other NATO members are arriving in larger numbers.
  • Philippine vessels encountered dangerous maneuvers and obstruction from four China Coast Guard vessels and six Chinese Maritime Militia vessels near the Scarborough Shoal
  • China is stockpiling raw materials, metals, grain, gold, and selling US treasuries while Bejing is actively provoking a war with the US in the Indo-Pacific region
  • Europe plans "nuclear umbrella" with 300 missiles for showdown with Russia
  • Poland officially requests US nuclear weapons 
  • China sends 7 navy ships around Taiwan 
  • China constructing a massive satellite network capable of targeting anything anywhere on Earth
  •  India launched a supersonic anti-submarine missile 
  • Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency in the country's five coastal provinces due to what he called an “internal armed conflict.”
  • Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on all states to refrain from placing nuclear weapons in space. 
  • Nuclear Detonation Workshop in LA this weekend 
  • Macron vows to send troops if Russia breaks through front lines
  • Unidentified aircraft flies over Eglin Air Force base. See below 
  • United States issues travel warning for Germany: ‘Terrorist groups keep planning attacks’
Suspect Chinese Combat UAV again spotted near the
USAF Base, - Panhandle, Florida If true (likely) we face soon a military escalation between Washington and the Communists, because that was a CROSSED RED LINE [if confirmed]

The Beast Empire


 Please watch the above video on "Shedding".  This explains how the vaccinated can infect the unvaccinated. All done on purpose

Another video below on who owns the WHO and NIH and what vaccines do to your body


 Germany passes new law that will no longer require people to obtain psychological and medical assessments before being able to change their legal gender. People aged 14 and over will now be able to change their first name and gender simply by making a declaration to a registry office. Once it is implemented on 1 November this year, anyone who discloses a transgender person’s former gender could face a fine of up to €10,000.


United Methodist Church lifts 40 year ban on LGBTQ clergy

This week, hundreds of American students converted to Islam and participated in an Islamic call to prayer at UCLA.


Persecution watchdog warns of growing hostility toward Christians in America

The Satanic Temple has announced plans to deploy its ministers as chaplains in schools across Oklahoma

Famine/Economic Collapse

Earth Groaning
Major quakes hit the world last Saturday alone

6.5 magnitude earthquake hits Bonin Islands, Japan region 🇯🇵
6.1 magnitude Earthquake hits S of Banjar, Indonesia 🇮🇩
5.1 magnitude earthquake hits in NNE of Hualien City, Taiwan 🇹🇼
5.0 magnitude Earthquakes hits in W of Pangai, Tonga 🇹🇴
4.9 magnitude earthquake hits in WSW of Tual, Indonesia 🇮🇩
4.9 magnitude earthquake hits in S of Matavai, Samoa 🇼🇸
4.7 magnitude earthquake hits in ENE of Gamut, Philippines 🇵🇭
4.7 magnitude earthquake hits in SW of Labuan, Indonesia 🇮🇩 

Signs in the Sky

NASA warns of an asteroid coming that cannot be stopped.  

See video below. Strange colorful glow over Kansas on the 27th



  1. I just wanna say something about all of the pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses. I truly believe they are fueled by terrorist plants on college campuses or even in those cities. I asked myself the question “what is Palestine a prisoner of”? Palestine doesn’t need to be free from anything -so the “free Palestine” signs are ridiculous. All they need to do is agree to live peacefully with Israel, which will never happen. They just want to obliterate Israel. They are brought up to hate Jews from the very beginning of their lives, this is the Islamic faith, maybe not everyone that is in Gaza right now, but who knows? We know there are many innocent people being killed on both sides, same as in Russia/Ukraine war.
    About vaccine deaths- I would like to know if Mandisa took any shots? It was said she was recovering from Covid when she died…🤔

    Great blog! (I had to search for it again, not in my inbox)

    1. Check your SPAM folder, Bev.. and let me know if it's there. Otherwise, send me your email and I'll check to see if you're on my list. Sorry about that. I agree with you about terrorist plants in our universities.. I think the enemy has plants everywhere.. and especially in the churches these days! You are right.. the Islamists want Israel gone. No other negotiations will work. Islam is a religion of Satan, one of his many. Crazy world!! Stay safe, Bev!!

  2. I had the same problem of not getting the posts regulary. I went to MaryLu's home page and re-signed up to recieve posts and that solved the problem :)

  3. Greetings Precious Daughter of the King,
    Yes Sister so much going on, it is hard to keep up with it all, I dont know how you do it week after week. But I thank God that you do.
    I have a little local news that you may find intersting. Wocester Ma is the city I grew up in. I live in one of the suburbs now, but I am in the city often for my work. I belong to a page called Worc, past present and future. This week they posted joyously how they will be filming the next movie of "The Living Dead" in Worc and NY.
    I can tell you personally how far Worc has fallen since I grew up there, both physicall and morally, but that is just typical of the times. But what struck me in the title Past, Present and Future, is that the celebrated arrival and enthusiasm over the "Walkin Dead" has been coming for some time and speaks to our "Future" !
    The 2nd thing goes along with the guy in the video who talks about people not being able to buy things. So you know I drive buss and most of my passengers are elderly of handicaped. I pick up this guy from the local Walmart often and wehave become friends. He is handicaped and I have come to admire him for his hard work inspite of his physical disadvantage. He is non verbal but he can text, and he told me this week they cut his hours back from 30 to 15 pr week. This comes after a bigger announcement from Walmart just last month that they were getting rid of the self check registers to create a more people friendly environment !!!. My friend said that reason is not true, that their troubles are financial !. Well thats it for the local news , lol.

    You talk about AI advancing rapidly. I wathced a video from a group of Christian men explaining the word "exponentially" as it pertains to AI and that it started out slowly over the years, but now accomplishes what once took years, in months, and now weeks etc. Ans Elon Musk claims his company implanted the first AI chip successfully into a human brain !!!

    Great clip with the lady explaining the vaccine as poison. ! None of us have had it, praise God.

    And the Apostacy; like you MaryLu (that rhymed) I have had some attacks over trying to expose the false preachers within the church. They especially objected to the "evidence" I provided when they asked for it. That evidence is very clear, yet they can not see it. They quote and take script out of context and make it appear as true, yet God never spoke those things in the way they try to use it. Smart people, hmm. not so much. Again with the anti semitism, they believe they are Christian, but they miss use the script to align with their purpose,. Why dont they read the "whole word" they would understand that , no one took Jesus life, He willingly laid it down to accomplish God's will. The Jews were only the vehicle God used. I mentioned I had a highly educated Aunt, whom I loved very much, a stern Catholic and loving Auntie, yes she hated the Jews for this reason !

    As I have watched and listened and have been blessed by your posts more than you might know, I have come to admire your due diligence in the Lords work. And I wonder how you do it all, yet we know it is the power of God. I pray for you often that the Lord will give you rest. I know your work in Christ must leave you exhausted at times. So I pray the peace and rest of Jesus over you Sister. Enjoy your time off, and alone time with Jesus. Now adays Christians pray for Heaven NOW, nothing but green pastures. But we who love the Lord, and bow humbly to the work He assigns to us know that the green pastures are only a brief resting place. A place where God rejuvenates, quenches our thists and restores our time when our faith is tested. He renews our strength, out determination, and our courage to plaes Him. Yet the desert is our battlefield for this time, our reward in Heaven will be that much greater. May you bask in His presence, may He fill you to overflowing with His Grace. And this Sister is the abundant life Jesus gives us. To the praise of His Glory forever and ever.

    1. Thank you, Brother! You are always an encouragement to me! I appreciate the time you take to comment on my posts, as so few do. That's interesting about "The Living Dead" being filmed in your city. Ha. Made me laugh. They really have no idea that in the soon-coming Tribulation, it won't be a movie at all, but real life. Oddly chilling. And if Walmart is having trouble, then the entire economy is on the brink of collapse. But we know that. The Bible predicts that.
      The trouble with most Christians is they don't read the Entire Bible. They take verses here and there and make up their own religion.. or even worse, they merely follow some false teacher because he has some degree from seminary that makes him extra-Godly! Incredible. I praise God that ever since I returned to Him, He gave me a love for His Word. I have read through the entire Bible multiple times.. not to brag at all, but just to say that the entire picture, the entire story becomes clearer and clearer. The Lord rewards those who diligently seek Him and to those who have some, much more is given. Breaks my heart for these nominal Christians following false doctrines. They will be left behind to suffer and be refined in at least part of the Tribulation.
      I am visiting family, as I said, none of whom are saved, so not sure about the complete rest. Ha. But I do plan on relaxing as much as I can and spending as much time with the Lord as my family allows. Thank you for your kind words. May the Lord bless you in your ministry of caring for these elderly people and use you to bring them to the Lord! May the Lord give you His strength, boldness, mercy, and love as you stand for His Truth!

  4. Hi MaryLou...Susan here. I haven't commented for a very long spell, but felt I needed to this time to encourage you, we your faithful subscribers, still look for and so very much appreciate your time and effort putting together every detail on your Friday blogs. I just shake my head at where we are relative to last days, wait and pray and be Jesus to loved ones as best I can.
    You have been called to be a watchman on the wall and just like prophets of old who were called to warn the people what was coming, they were not responsible for the people's response, just to do and say what God called them to say.
    So, as you travel and spend time with loved ones not saved, just be Jesus to them as we are only accountable for our own words, deeds and heart. It is not easy (I know cuz my husband is not saved and continues to reject truth of scripture and divinity of Jesus.. but I pray and he is in God's hands).
    So, just wanted to encourage you to keep your hand on the plow, know you are doing what you are supposed to, and believe God is using you in ways we don't see.
    Just let go these next few days, love your family as God does, and be/do what Jesus would.
    Much love and respect.
    Your sister in the Lord,

    1. Hi Susan! Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me. You did! I appreciate that so much. You gave me great advice. I so often want to shout the Gospel to my family when I'm with them, but I've already told them. Now, I just love them as Jesus would. Some are easier than others to love! I had an unsaved husband once, so I do understand your situation. I pray for your husband.... there are promises for unsaved spouses and children! anyway, thank you! I have often wanted to quit this blog, but the Lord will have His way! I am praying He speaks clearly to me on this trip about some things I'm asking Him.. and leads me into what He wants me (and all of us) to do in these last minutes. Blessings!

  5. Hi MaryLou...Susan here. I haven't commented for a very long spell, but felt I needed to this time to encourage you, we your faithful subscribers, still look for and so very much appreciate your time and effort putting together every detail on your Friday blogs. I just shake my head at where we are relative to last days, wait and pray and be Jesus to loved ones as best I can.
    You have been called to be a watchman on the wall and just like prophets of old who were called to warn the people what was coming, they were not responsible for the people's response, just to do and say what God called them to say.
    So, as you travel and spend time with loved ones not saved, just be Jesus to them as we are only accountable for our own words, deeds and heart. It is not easy (I know cuz my husband is not saved and continues to reject truth of scripture and divinity of Jesus.. but I pray and he is in God's hands).
    So, just wanted to encourage you to keep your hand on the plow, know you are doing what you are supposed to, and believe God is using you in ways we don't see.
    Just let go these next few days, love your 4 as God does, and be/do what Jesus would.
    Much love and respect.
    Your sister in the Lord,
