Monday, May 20, 2024

How to Combat the Last Minute Attacks of the Enemy!


The enemy won't bother you if you are lukewarm, living in sin, or have idols in your life that you refuse to get rid of. So, if that's you, go back to sleep. No need to worry.  But if you are all-in for Jesus. If you love the Lord and are committed to following Him, the enemy will come at you hard. 

1. He will first try to get you to doubt: to doubt God, His promises, His Word, that He's answering your prayers, that He's healing you, that He even loves you, and that He is even coming soon.  It's the same thing he did to Eve in the Garden of Eden. "Did God say....?"   If he succeeds at even planting a tiny seed of doubt, he will proceed to the next tactic,
2. He will lure you away from the Lord and back into the world.  He will wave your greatest temptation in front of you... and believe me, he knows what it is. Maybe it's a person, a relationship you know you shouldn't have, maybe it's money, success, fame, beauty, or even food!  It could also be something like gossip, watching something on TV you shouldn't, going to a club, drinking too much, hanging out with the wrong people, or simply just focusing on the world and being led by your flesh.
IF, HOWEVER, he is unable to do the above two things, if you are too much in love with Jesus and too committed, he will...
3. Remind you of past sins, of all the mistakes you've ever made, the embarrassing moments, the depth of the depravity of your past and the people you hurt with your sin. He will remind you of this at every turn and make you feel guilty and unworthy.  Once he accomplishes that, he will continue to bombard you with these thoughts until you sink into depression and lose the joy of the Lord, and hence, become ineffective for the Kingdom of God.  If he can't do this with your past, he will...
4. Glaringly point out your current sins and weaknesses. He will put them up on a billboard with flashing neon sins and make you feel like you simply aren't worthy at all, not only to be saved, but to be raptured. That you aren't going to make the cut because you are just too evil at heart. In other words, you just don't measure up to what a good Christian should be and do. Surely God doesn't love you.
Does any of this sound familiar?  These are the attacks I've been experiencing lately and that I've heard of others experiencing. And they are coming hard and fast as we approach our rescue date!   
I'm here to tell you that you are not alone. I'm here to expose the enemy's tactics, and to remind you to use the Word of God against these attacks! 
In the first one above, I'll leave it to you to look up the myriad verses that claim of God's faithfulness, His unchangeable character, His love for you, and the surety that He will answer all your prayers! The reasons I'm not listing them here is I want you to get into the Bible and see for yourself. You'll remember them better that way.
For number 2 above, what is required is that you recognize the temptation and call upon the Lord to rescue you. The Scripture says God never allows a temptation in which He does not provide a way of escape. This requires that you have your armor on. How do you do that? You stay in the Word and spend time with Jesus!  If you have slacked off on those things, you are making yourself vulnerable.
For the last 2 tactics of our enemy (the ones I've been suffering lately), I urge you again to use God's Holy Word. Remind the enemy that the Lord not only has forgiven you of all your sins, but that He doesn't even remember them. Remind the enemy that you are a new creature in Christ and the past is gone and forgotten. Remind the enemy that yes, you are a sinner, and as long as you are here on earth in your fallen body, you will sin, but that all your sin is covered by the blood of Jesus, and HE is changing you day by day into His image.  (These are all from the Bible, so look them up!)
It's also good to remember that the Apostle Paul said that he didn't even judge himself.
 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. 1 Corinthians 4:3-4
In other words, when you start looking at your own sin and feeling bad, repent of it, ask the Lord to change your heart, and then let it go! Don't judge yourself. Only God is our judge.  This has really helped me when I come face to face with my own sin nature. I'm not talking about the Holy Spirit conviction here. The Holy Spirit does NOT make you feel guilty or unworthy. Instead, He gives a gentle nudge and points out your sin so you can then come to the Lord and repent. This should not leave you feeling unworthy or guilty at all.
One of the things I have done is memorize Romans 8 and recite it as often as I can.  It will bring you comfort regarding your sin and also reinforce how much God loves you!  There is also a verse in this great chapter that tells you exactly how to tell if you're saved or not. That way, when the enemy comes at you, trying to make you worry that you're not saved, you can go to this verse. 

 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,  Romans 8:15-16

The Holy Spirit who lives within you will testify that you belong to God. You should have that witness in your spirit. In other words, you know if you are truly saved or not. 

So, don't let the enemy have the slightest opening in your life to get you off the narrow road (getting more narrow each minute) I heard a pastor say recently that in the garden, Eve should have never even listened to the snake. The minute the snake said "Did God really say....?"  Eve should have walked away. She knew better. She knew God. So, let's not be like Eve. The minute the enemy starts speaking, hold up your hand and walk away!  Better yet, as you are walking, cite Scripture!  I guarantee he will leave you alone.  

Yes, I'm back from my trip.. suffering a bit of jet lag, but doing well. I had fun with family and lots of good food. I even toured an old Spanish explorer ship and the Fort at St. Augustine! It was nice to get a break from the news also, but as I'm working on getting caught up, I see much has happened. Just yesterday, it seems the Iranian president has died in a helicopter crash?  We shall see what repercussions come of this. Until Friday, my dear friends....  Keep Looking Up!  We are close now.



  1. I really needed this post today. I've been beat up a lot lately in all four categories. Just when God and I get a handle on one...BAM! I'm hit with another. It is utterly exhausting. Thank you for this reminder!!!

    1. So glad it helped you!! It helped me to write it out. The enemy is relentless!! But we have the victory through Jesus! We must remember that. Praying for you, Nicole!

  2. Welcome back Marylu! I’ve missed you! Glad you had a good trip. Be encouraged sister.

  3. Welcome back from your trip and so glad that it was fun and allowed you to recharge. Yes a lot has happened in the last few weeks. Still can't believe people don't see what's going on. It's just so weird. Pam

    1. The enemy has blinded so many, it's sad... so many Christians! It truly is amazing. Thanks for the welcome back, Pam!

  4. Well our Little Wayfairing Stranger, very glad to have you back !
    Ah yeah, #1 I think I've reached a point where I'm just not gonna doubt God again. With the little I know about God (at least it's little in the enormity of God) I truly believe I'm not afraid of the things I dont understand about His Holiness anymore. I am trying to just walk in that place that I believe God. Not just believe in Him, but simply believe Him !

    #2 I'm just to darn old to let these bother me . They hold no more appeal to me. It's a past tense. wealth, success, clubbin, yuck. And I'm still beautiful so I'm ok there :).

    #3 and 4 tried to get to me just last week. Past sins and worthiness, those can be tough ones at times. Especially as we get a little older and start having the "what if's" or "if only's", right. And how can "I" be in the Rapture when there are so many Christians out there, whose baskets are so much more full of fruit than mine ? Answer; GRACE ! I was dealing with these and I read a line in the book I'm reading "The Holiness of God". Great book, and in one chapter it talks about the tortured Martin Luther, who was a very troubled man trying to put all the peieces of God into place, which is imposible. But as ML was just about to totally lose it, God showed up and spoke to him " GRACE".

    So I prayed during this testing last week about the worthiness and past sins, and the Holy Spirit stopped me and reminded me of what I had read about "GRACE". And then I could kind of imagine God quickly waving the back of His hand at me as if to say " go on, I dont even remember those things. And the scripture from 1 Cor 4,,,,, last line, so how does "he who judges me" judge me, by GRACE hllellujah ! And I was hearing God say this to me without even recalling that script. So glad you posted it.
    So Sister, today I am at peace in His promises. And thank you for putting this all into perspective for me. You are a blessing.
    Glad you got some time away from the news. But I know you are busy in now ! One that caught my eye this morning was that the CCI is going to charge Netanyahu and the Hamas guy with war crimes !
    May you continue in the assurance of The Lord of Promise.

    1. Seems you and I are in the same boat. We've been through too much with the Lord and are too old to be bothered by Tactic 1 or 2. But the last two? They can be tough. But it's all about GRACE! Thanks for the reminder. :-) One time when I was repenting to the Lord of my past sins of which I'd already repented of, I sensed Him say "Why are you repenting of these again? You're only reminding me of things I have long since forgotten!" So, now I try to not remind the Lord of my past sins since He promised to not remember them any longer. ;-)

  5. Dear MaryLu!
    I always enjoy reading your posts!
    You're well informed and have a big heart for god, which I both like very much. :-)
    But I stumbled over your expression here, of coming face to face with your own sin nature.
    And I don't mean to split hairs, but after being born again, you don't have a sin nature anymore! That was the core of Jesus' redemption for us, not just to forgive our sins, but to erase the sin nature and bring forth a new creature born of god, that is good, holy and righteous...YOU!
    I know that we still have to keep our sinful flesh under control as long as we are in this earthly body, but we, by nature, are new now.
    I get what you meant, but I found that most christians sadly don't know about this new creation/nature at all; although this nature is what makes all the difference in our walk with god.

    Many blessings and love greetings, and keep up your good work!

    1. Hi Markus! You're right. Good point. I don't have a sin nature anymore. I am a new creation in Christ! You know, it's sometimes hard to remember that when there are days I really struggle with sin, but thank you for the reminder because, like you said, many Christians rarely think about the fact that the Holy Spirit of Almighty God lives within us. That's an amazing fact. The old has passed away.. the new has come. And one day soon we won't even have to struggle with sin at all. I can't wait! Blessings to you and yours!

    2. Hi MaryLu!
      Yes, this will be a great day!
      I'll then have a cup of coffee with you in heavens glory cafe. ;-)
      And until then, we will keep the faith here and finish our race strongly!
      Much love to you!

  6. Thank you again for another article that really hits home!! ALL of the 4 mentioned have been my downfall lately. The guilt of things past, etc. It seems the attacks never end, and they DO leave me feeling unworthy. We spoke of that privately not too long ago, but your words always bring me back. You have become my online Christian friend, and I rely on you way too much at times, but I am so thankful that you are there!! Blessings sweet sister in Christ!!

    1. We all rely on each other, Kathy!! We use the gifts God has given us to encourage and bless our brothers and sisters. I am blessed by you and everyone who the Lord sends my way! Hugs
