Monday, May 27, 2024

Two Important Duduman Prophecies Coming True Today!

Perhaps you've heard of this great man of God who was tortured for his faith and who ended  up living in America where God gave him several prophecies about this nation. I am posting two of those prophecies below in the hopes they bring you comfort, joy, and peace.
Comfort to know that God is in control and He knows the future 
Joy to know that Jesus is coming soon!
Peace because God promises to protect, save, and care for His Children!
In August of 1980, Dumitru Duduman, a Romanian pastor, was arrested, imprisoned and interrogated for five months. He was beaten almost every day and repeatedly shocked in an electric chair. Arrest and interrogation became a continuous way of life for Dumitru. During this time of torture, he was hung by his waist and beaten on three different occasions. He suffered nine broken ribs, leaving permanent deformities on his rib cage.

Finally, the authorities gave Dumitru three choices; a mental hospital, prison. . . or expulsion to the United States.

The choice was hard for Dumitru because of his loyalty to his homeland, but he felt his first loyalty was to God.

In 1984, after years of persecution and torture, Dumitru and his family were exiled to the West for smuggling Bibles into Romania and Russia. With the help of the American Consulate, Dumitru and his family came to America. Feeling abandoned and discouraged, Dumitru asked God why he had brought him to America. God began to show Dumitru that he was brought to America to deliver a warning about impending judgment upon the country
Dumitru Duduman's Prophecy from December 9, 1993.  30 years ago!  But it is so relevant for today. He speaks about the coming persecution of real Christians in America and about the shame of the lukewarm and false teachers and those who say they believe but are not saved. He says that it will be people who call themselves Christians who will come against Real Believers!  Aren't we seeing that today?  He talks about America being Babylon and how she will be destroyed. I highlighted some important points, but also note that God saves His People!!
 "Many are those who sit neglectful loving the world and the things of the world. Many seek the life of the earth, but they do not prepare themselves to meet the Holy One. Jesus is coming! Do not be lazy! Terror and great pain is coming upon the earth. The devil will take upon himself power, and he will attempt to make war with the holy. But Christ the victorious one will come and will save His people. Proud men; all those who pretend to be teachers, yet never living the life; all those who say they worship Me, yet their hearts are far from Me," says the Lord, "I will make them part of the suffering, torment, and terror so they will call upon Me. But I will not answer. Those that today humble themselves and seek Me with a clean heart, in that day, the hard day, will be glad and will rejoice. The power of the devil will increase greatly in this country, and many Christians will fall in it's chains, because they have dishonored Me with their lives - in their pride, their arrogance and their vanity; thinking they are holy and worshiping me, yet NEVER REALLY worshiping Me."

"The winds and the storms that will begin against the Christians in this country will take many. Those who remain standing will be very few. Humble yourselves. Be holy. Seek Me more than ever, kneeling before Me often, that in the hard days I may save you," says the Lord.

 September 1993. "Cease heading the way you have been going and turn to me", says the Lord. "Lucifer, who is armed for war on his horse, is coming with a powerful army behind him to take vengeance against the children of God. The day is close! A day of terror when Lucifer will try to annihilate all those that live a clean life, a day of pain and terror is near.

"If you could see what is being prepared and what will happen, you would surely quit doing everything you know in your heart to be wrong and would seek peace more than ever. Be prepared, be holy, and don't give in to the temptations and impulses of the enemy. Seek the Lord, your God, with all your heart. Those who will be clean, those who will be holy, I will not forget. I will save them", says the Lord. "The armies of the devil are coming against those who worship me and truly seek me, with great fury. Pray that I may give you strength so that before the storm comes I may save you and give you joy.

"Those that live in defilement, that meditate upon evil things, will have no escape. They will not have any protection. I will destroy BABYLON". (America) says the Lord, "because of the wickedness and blasphemy of this country. Not only here but wherever there is sin, I will punish it harshly. Only the righteous will I save, some even out of the midst of the fire.

"Again I tell you, a dark cloud is gathered. Lucifer, standing on his black horse, is ready for war. The trumpets of the devil are sounding day and night to all the demons of the deep to be prepared to make war against those who truly live their lives for God. There will be such great turmoil that only a few will escape. Those that today only carry the name of 'believer' will fight with fury against those who worship me with a clean heart. This is why I have revealed this to you -- because the days are numbered.

"I reveal to you, I speak to you, I show to you", says the Lord, "but many do not want to remember, saying to themselves, 'Is it truly the Lord speaking this?' Others become scared for the moment, but then they forget and never become pure. Many of those who carry the name of 'Christian' are overcome by greed, fornication, drunkenness, and a pursuit of great wealth.

"There is no time to lose. The day of destruction and terror is coming soon. The devil is agitated, and a great deception is being prepared; but I tell you, do not fear. I have the power to protect those who obey me. You must remember the Word of God. Tell them to read the Bible and pray that I may also save them.

"The great day, the day of terror, the day of affliction, of pain, the day of the punishment of Babylon prophesied in the Bible is soon coming, and I will only save the righteous", says the Lord. "I forgive who I want. I make holy who I want, and I prepare who I want. Judge no one, for mine is the judgment", says the Lord. "Each of you judge yourselves. Pray and draw close to me; and if you will obey, I will come to your aid. I will send a chariot of salvation and take each one out in his appointed time". 

Here's another short prophecy from 1996.  
What I want to point out is how these words are being fulfilled RIGHT NOW.  Just a week ago, Putin met with Xi Jinping  and they made a pact. What are the exact details anyone can guess, but we know China is helping Russia with arms against Ukraine.  Now read the prophecy below and see how this meeting was prophesied 28 years ago!  I've highlighted some important parts, but one thing I want you to take away from these two prophecies is God's promise to rescue and save His true Children!!  So don't allow fear to enter your heart!! 

April 22, 1996
I prayed. then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, "Stand!"
In my vision, I was in America. I walked out out of home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. "I woke you to show you what is to come", he said. "Come with me".
I didn't know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, "Stop here!"
A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them.
"Stand there, don't move, and look", he continued. "You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America".
As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China, and two others. the last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud.
The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind".
A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America". Then I saw these words being written: Alaska, Minnesota, Florida.
Then the man spoke again", When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning".  (MaryLu here: I've heard this from other prophets. When China invades Taiwan and we come to their aid, Russia will attack us)
The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you". Each had a place already planned as a point of attack. All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract.

One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America". (Interesting that North Korea has already sided with Russia and China!)

The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!"

The man standing beside me said, "This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I've shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against America. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken".
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I am the protector of America. America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God, however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people".
As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. "Do you see that?" the man asked. "This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident.


  1. Greetings beloved Sister in Christ,
    Wow. Amazing this last prophecy was spoken 28 years ago ! I think that many of us who "use" our spiritual eye's and ear's have seen this coming, and to have it confirmed from long ago helps us to remain steadfast in what God is revealing to the church.
    I listened to a Jew talk about Babylon being the actual location of Babylon prophesied in scripture. I was very interested because I had always thought it was America to, and still do. This man was well spoken and he walked through the lands of Israel and showed remarkable places and signs that were very convincing. He was a Bible scholar and presented his case as an Apologist would with tons of Bible scripture. Yet much of what he said fit the description of America to this American. I prayed about this and pondered it over the years. I wondered if what I thought God had showed me on this subject was just my own ideas ? But over the years God has given me a brief word when ever this subject comes up. Once when I was reading about this subject the Lord spoke to me and said " it's just another Babylon". And once while I was thinking about the false preachers and so called teachers dividing the church the Lord said" Just anothe day in Babylon" ! The impression I got from these two statements was that there are, and will be many Babylon "types". Another words, Babylon is a type that describes a particular behavior. Just like there are corrupt teachers everywhere, there are also corrupt places that stand out to God for Judgement.
    I believe this same way about the 7 churches of Revelation. Now maybe these are geographical places/churches, I dont argue that. But a closer look at Jesus' discriptions, both good and bad things He's see's in each them can also refer to the different types of believer you may find in a single church. Some follow every teaching that comes along, while some hold fast to, and constantly seek His truth. Some seek glory for themselves, and some are humble before Almighty God. Some speak a "different" gosple, while others proclaim the gospel of Christ only,. Some go to show their great faith, and some act in love and kindness reflecting God's faithfulness, etc.
    In any case I believe Dumitru is spot on speaking this over America. We have squandered all this great blessings of this country on lavish living and adulteries' of every kind. And many of these come from within the church !
    And as you say MaryLu, let us who have not bowed to King Babylon take heart that out True King and Faithful Lord will rescue us from the Babylons of this world.
    Blessings Sister

    1. So many types and shadows in the Scripture! Babylon was a real place and many prophecies pointed to its destruction, but many of those prophecies don't fit ancient Babylon.. but they fit America perfectly. The King of Tyre and Antiochus Epiphanes were both types and shadows of the Antichrist... so many more. The Bible is an amazing book that could only have been written by the Creator! Yes, the 7 churches, 7 geographical places, 7 types of churches throughout the ages, and wow, I see how they could be 7 types of Christians today. Good point, Brother.


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