Monday, June 3, 2024

How Jesus sees You and Who runs the planet?


As I was praying over what to write in today's post,  I believe the Lord put several things on my mind. So, this post will be sort of a mish-mash of things. 

First and foremost and the most important thing is that you are exceedingly precious to the Lord and He loves you with such an overwhelming love, that if you could experience the fullness of it, there would be NO Words to explain it. You would be so overcome by the force of His Love for You, that you'd fall to your knees and never want that feeling to depart. He wants you to know that because He knows the enemy is coming hard at all of you right now, trying to make you feel unworthy, unloved, not good enough, not doing enough, unforgivable, etc. And all of that is a Big Fat Lie!  If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord, if you believe He is the Son of God who died for you (And would have for you alone) and then rose again. If you are filled with His Holy Spirit and strive to follow Him with all your heart, it doesn't matter your past, your weaknesses, your failings, your mistakes, or anything else. You are covered with a robe of Righteousness and all Father God sees when He looks at you is Jesus. You are His child and He adores you!  
The Lord wants you to know how HE SEES YOU.  So often, this is how we see ourselves:

 We carry around our sins, guilt, and unworthiness, along with all our past failures and present mistakes. We feel defeated, overwhelmed and attacked, and will just be happy to drag ourselves over the finish line and make it to heaven. This is how the enemy wants you to view yourself. If he can make you believe this, he can make you ineffective for God's Kingdom!

Now, this is how God sees you!

If you are a born again, Spirit-filled follower of Jesus, you have the power that created the universe living inside you!  You have the power that raised Jesus from the dead within you and the Word that created the universe on your lips!  You are a mighty warrior and you must never forget that. Demons tremble at your presence. The devil is frightened of you! Think about that. It's time to really know who you are in Jesus and start using the authority He has given you to be the royalty you truly are. You are sons and daughters of the King!   

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

Secondly:  Apostasy alert.
There seems to be a bunch of men calling themselves Apostles these days. Here's a way to determine if they are true Apostles! Taken from End Time Headlines on Telegram

Biblical Apostles
Condemned to death
Suffered hunger and thirst
Were poorly clothed
Were persecuted physically
Many were homeless
Were reviled
Worked with their own hands! 
Appointed by God
For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men.  We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored! To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless.  And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure;”
I Corinthians 4:9-12 

Modern Day "Apostles"
Have no threat of death
Eat at fine restaurants
Drink expensive wines and specialty coffees
Wear Gucci and Versace
Live in multi-million Dollar homes
Stay in high end hotels and demand limo services when traveling
Have high paying devoted followers
Have created elaborate networks funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars into their pockets.
Self-Appointed or given title by sects or groups they are associated with

I'm not saying there are no apostles today, because Paul lists it as one of the offices in ...  but I believe we more likely call them missionaries today.

  Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues 1 Corinthians 12:27-28

Lastly, I'm posting this video I put on my channel down below, but I took the time to write out the Transcript beneath it.  Why?  Because I feel what these Scientists are saying is complete truth. These brave men from La Quinta, Columna came out early on about the dangers of the Vaccine, but of course they were shunned and ostracized.  I remember listening to them 4 years ago. Within the past year, they came out with this summary of their findings. It's not scientific at all, and honestly, I could care less about the vaccine anymore. We all know it's poison. But it's their conclusion, and particularly as it relates to what the Bible says, is what really interests me.  And it should any Christian. These men are not necessarily believers. In fact, they do not mention Scripture at all. They are doctors and Scientists trying to warn the world.

I would even go so far as to say this proves the entire Bible in regards to evil and where it comes from, and how it's been here since the fall of man, how it is this very evil, either inhabiting our rulers, or ruling over them that has been in charge for thousands of years, and how they are now trying to control every aspect of human thinking.  This is all Biblical and spoken of in the Scriptures as something that will happen in the End of Days!  I found nothing these men said that went against Scripture. In fact, quite the opposite. Honestly, it is yet another major proof of how little time we have left. 

 Dr. Roger Leir’s job is precisely to extract implants from people who have testified to being abducted.  And we’re talking about the field of what is supposedly called alien or extraterrestrial abduction.
When we analyze the content or technological nature of Dr. Roger Leir’s implants, we realize he’s talking about scalar microwaves, that is, 5G, Carbon nanotubes and graphene.
That is what they have injected into everybody (covid “vaccines”) by means of a liquid interface.
So, the answer to the question “What are we facing?” asked by Dr. Nines Maestro is a massive implantation of the entire human species by another species.
From there onwards, La Quinta Columna meets with Steve Colbern, a partner of the late Dr. Roger Leir, and we try to find out what the implantation patterns are.
What we’re saying is very serious. It’s the most serious thing that has happened at least to this humanity in our known history.
We now have evidence all human beings are being implanted by another species and it isn’t exactly “extra” in the sense it comes from outside.
Their members have always been here and they’ve always controlled our world and we’ve the scientific proof of what we are saying. It all starts with optical microscopy observation.

These people are after our heads for some reason.
Drugs, culture, music, this neuro drug, which we refer to every time we point to the microscope (covid “vaccines”). Everything is aimed at the head, at having control over the human head, over the central nervous system of the human being.
They’ve an obsession with the head.
But of course… And why do they want the head?
They want the head among other things, because when the brain malfunctions, we’ve realized that when the brain malfunctions, some phenomena also appear that are a mystery to our civilization,, which is the phenomenon of Demonic Possessions.
And it turns out it probably has a lot to do with this energetic parasitization of another species, which can’t do it if the head works well.
What does it mean we have to make sure our heads work properly? Well, among other reasons, because they do nothing more than make our heads malfunction.
Alcohol, drugs, this neuro drug, external electromagnetic fields, loud music, bad sleep, unbearable jobs, human suffering.
All that makes the head malfunction. And when the head malfunctions, these bugs seem to have an appetite for those brains or have the ability to neuro-control our thinking and our feelings, which curiously is what our friend Pinera, may he rest in peace, referred to when he said 5G served, among other things TO control thoughts and to control feelings. I don’t know who had given the information to this man, President of the Republic of Chile, to tell us 5G was to control thoughts and feelings, when they say it’s so that mobile phone works better.
Well, it seems that isn’t the case. They’re looking for our heads and they do it by all means.
We’re being lied to and not from today, from always.
The proof of what we say is not a piece of evidence hidden in a drawer or kept by a guy in a close in top secret. But it is something everyone can see.
The fact it’s visible to everyone and no one in the world can highlight this reality means the people who are giving the information are very powerful.
They exercise power throughout the world in a brutal way and it harms all humanity as a whole.
Not that we’ve found that graphene under the microscope and in those you all know is that it’s there for everyone to see and no one does or says anything.
And all those who are saying these things are pointed at, persecuted, discriminated against, practically publicly executed. We are ignored.
One more proof what we are saying is true
Nobody takes us to court, nobody dares to bring any complaint against us.
Because they know if they go before a court with what we’ve before us, they’ll be directly eliminated from the positions they hold.
We’re literally executed for saying what you’re all going to hear here today.
In short, those who deliver the message are people like you, who have taken the liberty, grave mistake to seek the truth in a world of lies
And the worst thing is, we’ve found the truth.
A truth that highlights the falsehood of our entire civilization
Our Civilization is not directed by Human beings. Said this way, it sounds crazy.
Seen under the microscope, it gives a chill down your spine, knowing everyone who by now knows what’s there, no one does anything, not only does it give you a chill, it makes you want to fly out of here.
Whoever stays here facing this isn’t right in the head, but not because he has lost his sense, but because this information cannot be handled in this world without running a very serious risk.
So, all of you who want to share with us the information from La Quinta Columna, programs are made very often, every week.
Knowing what we know has taken us almost four years, but this information is summarized in what I’ve just told you:
Another Species leads ours
They are taking us on the road to war, they’re ruining us, they’re intoxicating us through the air, poisoning us with those products you all know (vaccines),
No one does anything. No one says anything no one confronts those of us who are denouncing it with evidence.
We know relatively little about the nature of these beings, although they have probably existed among us for millennia.
MaryLu Here: Of course this is true. The Bible tells us our world is inhabited and infested by the Kingdom of Darkness, which is Satan, Demons, Fallen angels, and their goal is the complete destruction of the human race and all of God's creation. Demons often inhabited and tortured people in the Bible, so we know this is possible and happens today.  They are taking over now because it is time for the Tribulation and they will have their brief time of power. What these brave Scientists are saying is that the graphene and other things they found in the vaccine are part of this plan of these demonic beings taking over humanity.  This is not to cause fear, but to encourage you that God will not allow His Bride, His Beloved Children to remain here when this Demonic takeover happens in full force! 


  1. Good morning! Good info here- thanks for all your research ( as well as for Friday’s blog!)
    I know a man who calls himself “Apostle so and so”. He comes across as very arrogant and entitled. He used to be a DJ for weddings and parties and played secular music… Like you said they are “self appointed “ or appointed by a group they belong to. He does do some missionary work so maybe his job is just for financial support. We were always skeptical about him. He was given permission to direct our worship team to “go to another level”. He was one of the reasons we left that church, but I think he left too.
    Anyway, just thought I’d share that.
    Blessings, Bev

    1. Yes, I would beware of anyone calling themselves "Apostle". Let the Holy Spirit lead you. Thanks for sharing Bev. This is truly the age of deception and we have to be more diligent than ever!

  2. Greetings highly favored Saint of Christ our King,
    Thanks you for the openeing paragraph, I needed that this week ! Just when you think you've got it licked, all hell brakes loose ! So blessings for the pick me up :)
    Love the worriors on horse pics !!!

    Now the third paragraph I had to read a few times. Because these New Age Apostles ( NAR) Bill Johnson is one, and the Word of Faith, Kenneth Copeland will stretch a statement like "you have the power that created the universe living inside you" and tell you thats means you are a god. You can create and call into to being things that are not. They dont recognize the power of God in us,They think they are this power.
    You are right on the money about how the original Apostles lived. Dispised and often in poverty. As comparedto the lavish life styles of those who appiont themselves Apstles. The most expensive private jets. I read that one of them has a 35,000 sq ft mansion !!! But people love them !
    This also applies to the prohets. They despised and scorned. Now aday's prophets what recognition and fame, and money !
    I was on the prophetic team at the church I was at. But the pastor didnt like what I spoke, the truth ! So he put out a training lesson on how to prophecy, lol. He showed himself holding out his hands with palms up, and looking up to heaven, and speaking very softly and slowly, etc. It was quite long. I kept laughing to myself while I watched it wondering how the OT Prophets could have spoken so much truth without this precious teaching from this pastor !!! At the end of the lesson there was a box to click to acknowledge you agreed with it. I never clicked the box. So one day after service, I was helping the pastor pack his music equipment to go to another church he over saw, he had five. And the little pastor ( assistant pastor) ask me why I didnt read the lesson. I said I did read it. Well you forgot to click the box of agreement, he said. I said no, I didnt agree with it. The whole time the main pastor was standing right there never said a word. The little pastor said, I didnt believe it the first time I read it either, so I read it five times. I said, so you read it till you believed it ? Yeah he said. I said ( your gonna love this) You guy's are like Ahab when Jehoshaphat asked him if he didnt have one prophet of God among the 400 prophets in his kingdom. Ahab said yes, we have one, but he never say's anything I like !. So I said, I step down from the prophetic team, please take me off the list. And the pastor shot out of there like a rocket.
    I believe God raises up prophrts to warn and rebuke, which if you head their words are edufying. I didnt want to be a part of the feel good team.
    I have not seen all of the five fold ministry operating in the churches since back in the 80's. Do I believe in prophets, absolutely, when God raises them up I do. But I am very leary of most. Not a cessationist, and I do totally believe God still works through His people, and heals, and give power. But God does these things at His will, not ours as the New Agers claim.

    I agree with these scientist to MaryLu. The people in power cannot be trusted. Interesting that there is a special law that allows felons to run for president ??? So Trump is guilty, oh my, and they confined him to Mar-a-Lago , poor fellow.

    Blessings to you Precious Sister as we wait and watch for our Savior to return !

    1. Brother, as you know, in no way did I mean to imply that we are like God or could ever be Him or anywhere close to being Him... I only meant to encourage people to remember that we have God's Spirit and hence, His power, within us.. .and to not cower before the enemy. I find more often than not, believers have more trouble knowing who they are in Christ than thinking they are all that and a bag of chips. In truth, we are nothing without Him! I just wanted to clarify that.
      I loved your story about not clicking the "Agree and Accept" button on your pastor's Prophecy training! HA! Good for you to make a stand. I know it has cost you dearly.
      I hadn't heard Trump was confined to Mar-a-Lago. Hmm. We keep watch.
      Blessings back at you, Brother!

    2. Yes I know you better than that MaryLu, forgive me if what I wrote gave that impression. And yes we need to know that we have the power over the enemy because we belong tob the Most Holy God. We are His beloved children. I guess I;ve become gun shy. Peace in Christ.

    3. Thanks Joe... I just wanted to make sure... but yes, you know me by now. Sorry for the confusion! Blessings!

  3. Now is a good time to remind people of my favorite Bible verse--Romans 16:19-20 in the Bible says, "For your obedience is known to all, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you". The time is coming soon where this is going to happen. Pam
