Wednesday, June 5, 2024

You're Almost There!



  1. Yes indeed the hardest part of the race is when you are close to the finish line. You are exhausted, in pain, breathing hard. It would so easy to just give up and sit down. We can chose to sit down or we can push that last little bit and reach the finish line. How amazing and awesome will it feel to finish the race ?! I have read that champion marathon runners have a “kick” , a burst of speed in reserve that takes them victoriously over the finish line. We need to ask Jesus to give us that last burst of momentum. He can take us over the finish line on wings of eagles if we ask Him.

    1. Very good observation! So true. The last few minutes are the hardest! Only Jesus can help us cross that finish line. :-)

  2. Amen, Jesus is Coming!
    Blessings, Peace & Love
    Linda Marie
