Friday, June 7, 2024

The Lord is Good to Those Who Wait for Him!

 Dear Powerful and Mighty End Times Saints!

 The news comes so fast and furious, I cannot keep up. Take Israel for example, so much is happening there, that I only choose a few articles to post. Every day bombs are flying, missiles are landing on both sides, and people are getting killed. Apparently there is a huge destructive fire blazing in Northern Israel.  Biden has set forth a peace deal between Israel and Gaza but I have not heard whether Netanyahu has accepted it though I did read he was considering. That would be huge, actually, but would have nothing to do with Israel's plans to attack Hezbollah in the North, which I believe will happen soon. Anyway, we keep our eyes on Israel. God will soon shift all His attention on His Chosen people. 

I realize that every week I say we are on the cusp of WW3. Actually I believe we are already in it, but every week things do get hotter and hotter. One of these days, the pot is going to boil over. The USA, along with many other nations, have authorized Ukraine to use their weapons directly against Russia.  This is an act of war!  How long with Russia restrain from taking action? Perhaps that is why they have nuclear subs in the Atlantic at the moment, along with war ships in the Caribbean. Believe me, I'm not a fan of Russia, but they have every right to defend their nation. This entire war with Ukraine has been orchestrated by the Satanic elite to drain all nations of their weapons and to start WW3. Thus far, they are on the path to accomplishing both. Countries are calling up reservists, telling citizens to stock up on supplies, and instructing citizens to take shelter in their own cellars (In Germany)! Threats and rumors of war are flying all around. See some of them below under WAR--threats given by China, North Korea, and Russia. I'm only reporting on this because I believe the church will be gone either right before or soon after the world breaks out into nuclear war. 

Apparently, since the WHO couldn't get their pandemic treaty passed. (You know the one that would strip every citizen of every nation of their rights.) They have implemented a substantial package of amendments that includes things like quarantine,  “compelling” people to be injected with whatever the WHO demands to travel, countries taking whatever measures are necessary to “comply with the WHO,” mandating “digital health documents” approved by the WHO, countries conducting surveillance on behalf of the WHO, as well as “on-site investigations,” “implementation of control measures…”  Add to this that the Bird flu is on the rise, China is weaponizing Ebola, and they are preparing a new "vaccine" for the next pandemic, what could go wrong? I implore you to not take any more vaccines, no matter what they are for. They are making all new vaccines mRNA, which means they are manipulating your genes!  Avoid at all costs and instead trust in the Lord to heal you. Oh, on a positive but rather comical note, Fauci has admitted to making up things like masks for children and standing 6 feet apart. The man should be in jail. 

Immorality is at an all-time high. Worse than I've ever seen it in my 65 years. TV and movies are full of violence, demons, nudity and sexual immorality. Even the ones on prime time! And here we are in Pride month, having it all shoved down our throats. Yet, many churches embrace this abomination too, not only embrace, but have LBGTQ pastors. The Bible is being considered hate speech in many countries and will soon be banned. Mark my words. If you don't have a physical copy, get one. Get many!  Those left behind will need them.

Famine and Economic collapse is coming. See below. All the markers are there and the experts are warning, but no one is listening. People I know are having dreams of people having no food. Stock up, if you can, but not for yourself.. for your family and friends who may be left behind.  Get those left-behind letters ready too!  I keep updating mine as the Lord gives me more information.

Enough bad news for now. Honestly, I'm getting sick of it and also of reporting it. So I only list enough to encourage you to know we are close to seeing our Lord. Remember my warning on the false light. Satan may use this tactic to make you believe things are looking up, getting better. Perhaps Trump will be elected and so many Christians will be happy and think things will turn around. NO. It's all a distraction, folks. Every seeming victory has already been planned to suck you in to worshiping the false light, Lucifer. They aren't going to lay down their plans and their arms now.  

Oh, and apparently Tucker Carlson in an interview about UFOS said he believed they were Nephilim! Wow. Tucker Carlson is a huge media personality and to put this out there in the mainstream is amazing. It could only mean that they are close to perpetrating their "Alien Invasion" which they will use to explain away the rapture.

I've heard that many people across the globe are receiving Jesus! Including many Muslims, so this is GREAT NEWS!  Praise God for this end times harvest before the rapture! God is working and it's awesome to see. Keep praying for the Lost and for the Lukewarm. 

Pentecost this year lands on June 15-16, according to the calculations by a lady in Israel who actually looks for the new moon each month. However I think the Jews celebrate it on the 12-13th.  Here's an article I wrote 4 years ago about the connection between Pentecost and the Rapture  Are we in a high watch time? I would say yes. Very. There is so much symbolism in the Scripture about a Spring/Summer Wedding. A quick read of Ruth and the Song of Solomon confirm that, along with Jesus's own words about "Summer is near". in Matthew 24:32.  Not to mention the "Harvest" Seasons we are in right now, ending with the Barley and entering the Wheat.  The raptures are all about Jesus harvesting the Earth! I've written on this many times.  

Hence, along with everything else going on in the world, ALL the signs we were told would happen and ARE happening, I would say we could be out of here any day now. Believe me, I've been at this for 8 solid years and I've never felt so sure. But I encourage you to go to the Lord personally and ask Him. I can only tell you what I am sensing. 

Here's the verses He gave me this week

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him.
It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
For the salvation of the Lord
Lamentations 3:22-26 
The waiting is hard!  But the rewards are Worth it! Just remember that He is faithful and He will see you through to the end! No matter what happens, keep your eyes on Jesus!
Monday, I'm putting out a post I think may give more proof of the time we are living in. So, stay tuned! 

Have a very blessed weekend!  Love your family, pray for the lost, tell others about Jesus as you are led, stay in the light, spend time with Jesus, read His Word, pray without ceasing, forgive all, whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!  And may the peace that passes all human and worldly understanding guard your hearts and MINDS in Christ Jesus!

This 1981 Movie revealed the entire plan. check it out!


Did you know the Simpsons was written by an X-CIA operative? No wonder so many of their "prophecies" have come true. He knows the plan!


  • Ukraine begins to use US weapons to strike targets inside Russia
  • Russia plans to send COMBAT VESSELS into the Caribbean region this summer as part of naval exercises that will likely include port calls in Cuba and possibly stops in Venezuela, a senior US official said on Wednesday
  • Cuba confirms the arrival of three Russian ships and a nuclear submarine in a week.

 Jews celebrating at the Western Wall for Jerusalem Day

Beast System
Watch short video below. Graphene in food, water, and vaccines turn people into cell towers according to experts

 Who are your Rulers?? And what are their plans? Short video below


The WHO is coming for Anti-vaxxers. See short video below


Look below at what they can do with technology! How easy it will be to fool the masses that "aliens" have landed to save the world!


Since Vaccine was released

Myocarditis - Up 2800%
Cancers - Up 300% to 900%
Infertility (both genders) - Up 500%
Miscarriages - Up 300%
Neurological Disorders - Up 1000%
Demyelinating Disorders - Up 1000%
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - Up 600%
Guillain-Barré Syndrome - Up 500%
HIV - Up 500%
Pulmonary Embolisms - Up 400%


Bombshell Study: 3 Million Excess deaths in 47 Countries

 What are in the new vaccines? (see video above)

What's in Chemtrails?

Famine/Economic Collapse






A city in California has been accused of banning chaplains from praying in Jesus' name. 

Earth Groaning/Weather

Tornado strikes Michigan without warning, killing toddler while a twister in Maryland injures 5





  1. If only others would read and watch all this and yes wake up!!!
    Linda Marie

  2. We have returned from Hawaii, but as beautiful as the trip was we were under constant spiritual attacks. It was crazy. Can't be much longer now.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your attacks, Katy, but I'm not surprised. Glad you are home safe... keep looking up!

  3. Greetings in Christ Blessed Sister of the King,
    So MaryLu, you said you wer only going to post a few news articles :)
    I have thought for some time now that Biden will not last ( I think he dies) but a few months in office before the Presidency is turned over to Harris ! Maybe that is when the title WW3 will be acknowledged ?

    I didnt really know much about Tucker Carlson untill last year. Have heard him speak several times since and I think he is right on the money with much of what he say's. I do believe he is a Christian. And as scattered as ranting is sometimes, he knows what he's talking about. He'd get my vote for Pres. if he'd run !

    Loved the post that you previuosly wrote on Rapture/Feasts. The correlations are amazing.

    I hesitantly friended a Christian Lady from Pakistan last year. They had a tiny little church of believers there and were asking for help, and I pray for them daily. We have become pen pals. And over the course of a year, that little church has grown from about 30-40 to about 200-300 ! Maybe more with the out reach. The Lord has been providing abundantly, and folks are recieveing Christ daily ! I pray specifically, because their church is growing so fast that the Lord protect them in that very hostile country toward Christianity. I have advised them to stay true to the Lord, and be ware of western preachers.
    So yes , the Lord is gathering for Himself a people from every tribe and nation !!!

    And over here in the most blessed country of all we are cramming lbgt down our childrens thoats, like the pic of the school girls you posted with the trumpet above !
    Preachers in Pakistan walking without shoes and thewestern preachers buying 35 million dollar jets to fly to Ethiopia to stael what little money they have !!!

    And the Trumpster Christians praying Trump will amke us great agian.
    Hmm, when was there ever a Nation who could claim greatness before the Lord God Almighty ?

    Forgive the sins of this wretched country Lord. Thhis should be our cry !

    May the Lord give you safety and peace through the weekend, Sister, as we keep our eye's heaven ward.

    1. Greetings Brother! That's great news about the revival in Pakistan. The Lord is working throughout the Earth! We keep praying for the lost. I don't want anyone left behind and I Don't want anyone to end up in hell. It's horrifying to think about. I know many will, which grieves me. Yet everyone will have a chance in this life to choose Jesus. God is a God of Justice!
      I believe the USA is done and God will no longer listen to our cries. There is just too much wickedness and much of it coming from the church! Come, Lord Jesus! Blessings to you and your family, Joe!
