Friday, June 28, 2024

The Great Unveiling: Whats Soon Coming


Dear Greatly Loved and Honored Saints of the Most High,
There are things coming upon this world that will cause great alarm and fear. I'm hearing that over and over from the Lord. I can't say for sure what they are. Perhaps a nuclear exchange? Perhaps multiple Terror attacks across the globe. More likely it will be the unveiling of the Nephilim, who have been hiding in plain site for thousands of years. These are the return of the Giants spoken about in Genesis. Yeah, yeah, sure MaryLu. Have you lost your mind? I actually wish I had, but I do believe the Bride will see these Nephilim. Will they come in the form of an Alien invasion? A fleet of huge spacecraft? Or will they just appear in our dimension. Will those who walk among us suddenly take off their masks? Only time will tell. But mark my words, we will see some of this. When this happens, consider it a warning call from God to the world to repent and turn to Him. One last warning before the Tribulation starts. We serve such a merciful God!  How long this horrifying event will be before we are snatched out of here, I have no idea. The Bible talks about 10 days in Revelation and of course 40 days in other places. Either way, you have been forwarned. 

But the Lord wants you to know ahead of time that when these frightening things happen, you are not to be afraid. This is your final test. Do you believe He will protect and care for you and your loved ones or do you not? Do you know His Word and promises? Or are you going to freak out like the rest of the world? This will be a time when you can tell everyone you know what is happening and lead them to the Lord. This is God's final call for people to come be a part of the rapture.  I believe many will come to the Lord during this time, and even after the rapture when those chosen by God to remain for a short time will spread out evangelizing. (My opinion only)  God is not sitting this one out and allowing his enemy to have his complete way for 7 years! No, He’s fighting back. And those who remain and get saved will do exploits even greater than the early church saints.  it will be an amazing time!  

But for us, the Lord wants us to not be afraid at all. He wants us to trust Him completely for everything and witness to whomever He tells us to speak to. I have a long list of people to call!
I've never seen the world in such a mess, have you? We've got possible nuclear exchanges on multiple fronts. We've got civil unrest and uprisings all over the globe. Immorality is at an all time high. Violence is everywhere. Food prices are through the roof. A new pandemic is on the horizon. The church is vastly apostate. People are seeing UFOS and other weird phenomena in the sky. Should I go on?  You can see for yourself in the news articles below. Every day I get up, I fully expect war to have broken out or a great quake to send California into the sea (In which case, I would be in heaven!)   I think it's human nature to get frustrated when we keep hearing about all these coming disasters but then here in America, in particular, nothing major seems to happen. We get complacent and figure the Lord isn't coming now and we go back to our regularly scheduled lives. 

But I'm telling you that when it happens, everything will crash at once. It will be like the final hammer coming down on the planet. Suddenly, is the word I keep hearing. God's timing is perfect and when He's set to go, BAM! I'm not saying that to scare you. I'm saying that to myself as well, because I get weary of reporting this horrid news every week with war, pestilence, famine, and economic collapse right on the edge of the cliff, yet there it teeters endlessly. If you're like me, you just want to go home! I am so weary of the wickedness of this world and the pain and heartache that comes with it. I'm also weary of battling my own sinful nature, along with the vicious attacks of the enemy.  But our Lord is so gracious and merciful. He doesn't want anyone to perish, but ALL to come to repentance. Hence the waiting.....

I'm actually shocked that Russia hasn't attacked us yet. Last week, it was our missiles that struck a beach in Crimea that killed 4 people, including children while they were out sunbathing. Russia knows this and has vowed to retaliate. They are making deals with Iran and North Korea and China and America's days are numbered. Meanwhile nearly every country is evacuating their ambassadors and citizens from Lebanon in advance of the attack from Israel on Hezbollah. When this attack occurs, expect Iran to get involved and all hell to break loose. We keep our eyes on Israel as they are God's timepiece. 

In other news, we have lab-grown human brains running computers! And our Supreme Court just obliterated our Freedom of Speech. Is anyone paying attention? Hello? Bueler? Bueler?  It amazes me how everyone I see and know just goes about their business like the world will continue onward like it always has. Wait. I think there's a Scripture about that.

Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3:3-4

Do I still believe the Tribulation starts this year? I do. That is only my opinion based on what I see and what I believe the Lord is telling me. I don't believe anyone truly knows the day of the rapture. This must be kept from the enemy so it is not disclosed to us. However, we who walk in the light, can know we are close. Don't trust me. Ask the Lord yourself. There's nothing special about me. I've been called as a watchwoman and given a gift of writing. Not my own. But the Lords. If you think this is easy for me and I seek my own glory, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Many times I have asked the Lord to quit. But if the Lord can use me to wake up one person and help them come in the rapture, it will all be worth it. 

 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.  For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:12-17

Above all, do not be afraid. There is a host of angels watching over your every move. You are exceedingly precious to the Father. Exceedingly. Never forget that!

Have a great weekend all. Keep looking up!

  • The Taliban informed Iran that it is prepared to deploy thousands of troops to fight against Israel 
  • The US is committed to supporting Israel if a large-scale war breaks out with Hezbollah - CNN report  
  • Israeli General confirms: War with Lebanon will commence. Urges Lebanese to evacuate
  • The Israel army is sending more huge reinforcements to the border with Lebanon, ahead of a major military escalation with Hezbollah and Iran
  • Canada joins the Dutch and German governments in informing their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately following the deterioration of the security situation between Israel and Hezbollah.. 
  • John Kirby: We urge all American citizens in Lebanon to take the necessary steps and register on the State Department website to prepare for immediate departure from Lebanon.
  • German authorities asks its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. 
  • The Netherlands and Germany called on their citizens to leave Lebanon  immediately.  Canada  issued a similar call, as did North Macedonia on Monday, Bulgaria and Vietnam on Saturday, and Kuwait on Friday. On Sunday, Saudi Arabia  advised its citizens not to travel to Lebanon and advised its citizens currently there to take precautions.
  • The United Nations said "The Israel-Lebanon war will be horrific and will include Syria and other countries." -Word is spreading that the Israeli invasion/Air Attack on Lebanon is imminent and growing. 
  • Iran is planning for Shia militias in Iraq to support Hezbollah from inside SYRIA to attack ISRAEL This includes supplying weapons, rockets, UAVs, and "armed personnel as needed."
  • The Taliban informed Iran that it is prepared to deploy thousands of troops to fight against Israel - Khaama 
  • Russia to sign a new pact with Iran in near future
  • BOLIVIA Troops and armored vehicles raid the Presidential Palace during military coup. (BRICS) 
  • The Russian Embassy in Beirut calls on Russian citizens to refrain from traveling to Lebanon, ahead of a possible military escalation between the Israeli army and Hezbollah 
  • The Israeli army is moving ground troops to the border with Lebanon, in anticipation of an upcoming group operation against Hezbollah 
  • The Israeli army raises their combat readiness on the border with Lebanon on a maximum level
  • Foreign reports: the Iranian Revolution Guards began to pour thousands of troops into Lebanon. From Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Iran.
  • US intelligence indicates the catalyst for war — a major attack by either side, for example — is likely to happen with little to no notice in the coming next few weeks.

The Beast Empire


Please watch short video below. You seriously think America can come back again? You seriously think we aren't on the cusp of the Tribulation?

 What is in our food?


Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation

Signs in the Sky



  1. As far as the Nephilim, I have seen one in the spirit realm. Obviously they are here, and have been for millennia. But I would be cautious about saying what is or isn’t going to happen before the rapture that is outside of scripture. Speculation isn’t fact. That can lead people astray. Just my opinion.

    1. Dear Anonymous. This is not speculation. This word came directly from a proven Godly prophet. In addition, other Godly people have prophesied through dreams and visions of the arrival of these Nephilim before or right at the point of the rapture. I would not have posted it otherwise. The Lord said He would pour out his Spirit on us in the end times and many would prophesy and many would dream dreams. This is happening now. I only post here prophetic words I either hear myself or words I hear from prophets I have watched for years who the Lord has told me are legitimate. I also only post those words that come from 2 or 3 other Godly people (2 or 3 witnesses). There is nothing Un-Scriptural about these words, nothing that contradicts Scripture and in fact, I believe they come from the Lord as a way of warning His people to not be afraid when these things come to pass. I don’t see how any of this could lead anyone astray. Since this is the second time you’ve come against me, I feel the need to say these things. If you don’t think I am posting things from the Lord or from His prophets, then I urge you to not continue reading my posts. I pray over every post and let the Lord lead me what to write. I am not fallible and I certainly can make mistakes, but I do my best to post only as the Lord leads. Please take whatever I say to the Lord and ask Him. (This is Marylu by the way)

    2. I don’t pay too much attention to dreams and visions, or thus sayeth the Lord pronouncements that some people make, not because it can’t happen, but because of so many false prophets that were also prophesied. I prefer facts and scripture. I think if God reveals something, it’s best to be careful about sharing. If it is stated as fact, and doesn’t happen then that’s a false prophet. I am not saying you are, but I just think it’s best to be careful. You do a great job of presenting the facts of everything that’s happening. I don’t always agree with your interpretations of scripture, but I don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. There’s plenty of asleep people in my own denomination. People are going to do whatever they see fit to do. And most of those differences won’t matter in the end anyway.

  2. MaryLu, Its been a while since my last comment. I just want to say again what a wonderful, excellent and consistent effort you are doing on updating all of us watching for the soon return of our Lord & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! THANK YOU SO MUCH from ALL of us yearning for our home=going. You are such a valuable instrument used by GOD to keep sounding the ALARM that we are so very close to going HOME! WILL it not be breathtaking/unspeakable.... to be CHANGED & caught up in a twinkling, to meet JESUS and to forever be with Him in perfect unity and peace for ever!! Titus 2 13 2 Timothy 4 8 MARANATHA!! ron garbe

    1. Thank you, Ron! I truly appreciate your encouragement! I need it from time to time. And yes! I'm so very excited about going home soon! It will be beyond anything we can imagine... I keep telling the Lord... I can't wait to look into His eyes!! Hear His voice!! Amazing. Blessings!

  3. Wow as always you sure find up to the minute proofs of whats going on here and abroad. Praying Protection, Peace, Prosperity and Healing over you.

    1. Thank you, Linda!! That means a lot. As you know, I pray for you also!! Hugs
