Friday, June 14, 2024

We are Going Home!

Dear Dearly-Loved Firstfruits of the Harvest, 
Wow. All I can say is Wow at all the news and the signs of Jesus's imminent return!  Seven years ago, when I, and many others, thought 2017 had to be the year, there was really  NOTHING major going on in the world. All I can say is that Jesus wasn't kidding when He, along with the Apostles, laid out the signs to look for. I truly do wonder at the sleeping church. (including many in my family) How can you see all that is going on and not at least just a tiny bit wonder if we are in the last days? My guess is that they just flat out don't know the Prophesies of the Scriptures. Either because they weren't taught, have no interest, or have never read them. I'm reminded of a lady in the last Bible Study we attended years ago who had NEVER read the book of Revelation or much of the Old Testament, though she'd been a Christian for decades.  
All that to say, for those of you who do know the prophecies, if you were asked what you think the world would look like right before the Tribulation and the rapture, what would you say? Perhaps something like this

  • The World will be on the verge of a World War involving nuclear weapons
  • Israel would be surrounded by enemies who want to wipe her off the map
  • Russia would be allied with Turkey and Iran
  • Jerusalem is a cup of trembling, a source of trouble for the entire world
  • The Jews would be talking about building the 3rd temple and would have everything they need to resume sacrifices (including the Red Heifers)
  • Violence would be rampant across all nations, along with riots, and terror attacks
  • The world would look much like Sodom and Gomorrah with intense, blatant and even violent immorality in the form of homosexuality, transgender, pedophilia, and fornication
  • Most of the Christian church would be in apostasy and would be compromising with the world
  • There would be signs in the sky, sun, moon, and stars... like blood moons, comets, eclipses
  • The return of the Nephilim (As it was in the days of Noah). There would be much talk and evidence of UFOs and "Aliens" being here with us. (See news below!)
  • Plans would be in place and starting to be implemented for all currency to become digital to make way for governmental control and the MOB
  • There would be warnings of coming famines and food shortages that would be evidenced by unstocked shelves and high prices (Making way for the 3rd horse of the apocalypse)
  • News sources would no longer be trusted and propaganda would be everywhere. Even those who don't know Jesus no longer trust the news!
  • Deception would be at an all time high in both the political and spiritual arenas
  • Talk of a coming pandemic that is highly contagious and very deadly is heard everywhere
  • Technology would have increased so much and so fast with AI that it would be possible for a small group of leaders to control everyone on the planet. It would also be possible to simulate just about any scene or person they want in order to deceive people.  
  • There would be much talk about a One World Religion that would combine the 3 major ones together. Islam, Catholicism and Christianity. 
  • We would see the planet and God's beautiful creation slowly being destroyed and poisoned by those who work for Satan using chemtrails and weather manipulation 
  • Scoffers would be everywhere, making fun of real Christians and their beliefs.
  • We'd see a rise in persecution of true believers
  • We'd see the Bible being hailed a book of hate and even banned in some places
  • We'd see much talk about a New World Order or a One World Government that would solve all the world's problems and usher in an era of peace. 
  • We would see Chaos erupting everywhere and people growing in fear and uncertainty
  • We would see the character of mankind as described in 2 Timothy 3
People would be
  • Lovers of self
  • Lovers of Money
  • Boasters
  • Full of Pride
  • Blasphemers of God
  • Disobedient to parents
  • Unthankful
  • Unholy
  • Unloving
  • Unforgiving
  • Slanderers
  • Having ZERO self-control
  • Brutal
  • Hate good
  • Traitors
  • Headstrong
  • Haughty
  • Lovers of Pleasure rather than lovers of God
  • "Religious" but empty of God's Spirit
So, you tell me. Do we see any of these signs happening now?  Let me also add that God has a time clock. He is an on-time God and He is never late. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:34 that when Israel became a nation in 1948, that would usher in the FINAL Generation. Whether a generation is 79,80 or more years, I have no idea. But He could have meant that the people alive at this time would not all die before He came. The average life span for mankind (men and women) is currently at 73.4, for women alone 76 and for men 71.  Israel is now 76 years old.
From the Great Revelation Sign of 2017 which was HUGE and from the time Trump announced that Jerusalem was the capitol of Israel (Both momentous and announcing the 120th Jubilee) it's been SEVEN years
For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made. Genesis 7:4
2017 was a warning to get in the Ark. It was a wakeup call for those of us who were watching for Jesus's return. It was a warning for the world to start getting serious about God.  After Noah brought all the animals on board the Ark, God told him he had 7 more days before the flood began. 
2017 + 7 = 2024 

Just this week, we have Russian War Ships in Cuba, the end of the Petro dollar, which will spell the end of the American economy, confirmed deaths from the Bird Flu, the War with Hezbollah accelerating, China surrounding Taiwan, Florida is under water, and Harvard announces that Aliens live among us and look like us. Need I say more? You can see for yourself below in the news articles.

We are on the verge of the Tribulation. The only thing holding it back is the Lord coming to get His Firstfruits Harvest. That's you, if you believe in Jesus and follow Him with all your heart. So, be of good cheer! We are going home soon. 

True Pentecost or Shavot is this weekend.  Rapture? Seems like the perfect time. Apparently Enoch was both born on Pentecost and raptured on Pentecost. I also remind you that the two Old Testament saints who were raptured (Enoch and Elijah) both KNEW they were about to leave. They didn't know exactly when, but they knew it was close.  Just saying...
Either way, keep your mouth full of praise, your mind on things above, your spirit full of the Holy Spirit, and your heart fully in the safe and mighty hands of Jesus. 

Whatever you're going through, it will not be important and it will seem like nothing and your current suffering will be worth it when you get to your new home and look in Jesus's loving eyes.

If you knew you had less than 6 months before you'd meet Jesus, what would you do?

Therefore He says:

“Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light.”
Walk in Wisdom

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:14-15

Good news?
The 9th Circuit Just Stripped mRNA Shots of Legal Liability Protection. The 9th Circuit said it's not a vaccine if the claim isn't to PREVENT THE SPREAD.  COVID shots were claimed to "reduce symptoms" and prevent hospitalization… Those claims make it a TREATMENT. Therefore it cannot be mandated! I do wonder how they will get around this for their future vaccine plans.
 Check out this video on the secret messages within the 100 EURO bill

 The Hunt for Red October!
  •  Coast Guard activated: USCGC Stone last transmitted their position for the search of Russian Navy Yasen-M class SSGN Kazan submarine off the coast of Florida on June 10, 2024
  • If Russia weren't up to anything, the Russian submarine would have been presented to the public in Havana long ago.
  • The Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine "Kazan" is being searched in a square located 70 miles off the coast of Florida.
Tracking of Russian submarine off the coast of
Florida - Update:
Currently involved in the hunt are:
✈️: • 2 x US Navy P-8 Poseidon
🛳️: • 2 x US Navy Destroyers ('Warship' is USS Truxtun (DDG-103)) + unknown US Gov Vessel.
• US Coast Guard Vessel "CG Stone"
• Canadian Navy HMCS Ville de Québec (FFH 332)
⚔️🌐 Canadian Navy are involved for case of escalation because the US can call for Article 5 of the NATO Charta.


 Beast Empire
If you're taking Lipitor or any other cholesterol medicine, watch this video below

See video below: Snowden reveals HAARP's Global Assassination Agenda

These demons can control the weather with ultra high powered electronic frequencies via a machine called HAARP found in Alaska. Other countries like China and Russia are doing similar experiments. This is not a conspiracy theory. HAARP machine sends millions of volts of electricity into the ionosphere heating up particles in the air causing massive weather changes, the govt have been messing with jet streams, cutting off countries from rain, blocking the sun, causing many hurricanes one of which Katrina.
This is why we see massive climate changes, snow in the summer & heat in the winter, but we are blamed and being charged in the name global warming.

They have perfected Vaccinated Lettuce, tomatoes and tobacco products. In other words, they can vaccinate you through your food whether you want it or not!  See short video below

See short video below. This is what I've been saying. There is a cure for cancer, but they will not let you know about it

Famine/Economic Collapse
Earth Groaning / Weather Manipulation
  • 7 minute You tube video captures weird anomalies that manipulate our weather and must be man-made. Also at the 6 minute mark, you'll see a humanoid shaped UFO captured on camera. 
  • Chaos in Austria: powerful storms hit the region
  • 📹Footage from social networks shows local residents fleeing a severe flood on the roofs of cars. Local media reported that the extreme rain brought 100 liters of water per square meter in a short time.
  •  194 World Health Organization (WHO) member states have agreed to begin arresting and prosecuting citizens who speak out against the Bird Flu vaccine, as part of tough new measures designed to stomp out so-called ‘misinformation’.
  • The US was rocked by extreme weather spawning record tornadoes and now they are predicting record heat and hurricanes next. 
  • South Florida receives record rainfall and flash flooding in 500-1000 year event
Immorality Evil

Signs in the Sky


  1. Great info and encouragement!
    I just wanted to say it’s difficult to know what things matter and what doesn’t right now. I find myself maybe being a little too apathetic at times, but I guess we just need to remember not to get “bent out of shape” over things. It’s a fine line. (I’m mostly dealing with family issues and grandkids) 😁
    See ya soon! Blessings!

    1. I completely agree, Bev! I am also dealing with family issues and grandkids! So I get it. There are things happening that if we are here for years, would really upset me.... but then I think.. wait. It's okay the Lord is coming and everything will be made right again. Yet, I don't want to rely ONLY on the rapture... but ONLY on the Lord, whether we are here or not. It's a dilemma, isn't it? Yet, I can't help but have a short-timers attitude and just give it all to the Lord and keep looking up! Whether we are here for 1 week or 10 years, the Lord will make all things turn out for good!

    2. Yes that is it exactly! BH

  2. Greetings Precious Daughter of the King,
    Yeah I love being called a firstfruit !
    Love the picture, but what is that little structure right under the rod that the clock hands are attached to ? looks like a quonset hut ?

    That script from Gen "as in the days of Noah", I never connected the Nephilim, and their reappearance before. Thanks for brining that to light for me !

    As I was reading through your list of "sign", I couldnt believe how long it was ! And again, I have read the supporting scripts many times, and adopted several of them to memeroy. But to see them all listed like this in one place is definately eye opening ! And even more astounding that with soooo many signs of the times appearing now, how any believer could not see at least one of them!

    I read the line , 3 major religions coming together, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity. This really stood out to me. I have been watching, and making notes recently that Christianity is adopting more and more beliefes from the religions all around them that I have been hesitant to even call myself a Christian anymore. There is no staple to it. Nothing that holds Christianity together, in unity ??? But doesnt both the old and new testament warn us over and over agian about this. It was so important for God's people to know this that in the OT He commands us totally annihilate our enemies and taking No plunder from them !!! And no, I'm not telling people to annihilate people. But this is a metaphor for us today to not mingle or mix with, or be yoked with non believers by being kind and loving and agreeing with their worship of false doctrines and beliefs. Paul and Peter warn of this over and over. The church has stopped being an example to the world, and is now chasing after the world !

    It's interesting that you mention women's average age at 76, and that Israel is 76 at this times. Does God call Israel His Bride ? ( thats a question ?)

    Have you read about the recent deaths of govt leaders around the world last week ? Several pres candidates, and a Mayor in Mexico murdered ? And then then next under her also. And a plane crash that killed a whole delegation, I think 9 people, was it in Africa, . I believe there was one other Irainian?
    Thank you for this list Faithful Sister in Christ, I'm going to post it. The Lord keep you and protect you through the coming week.

    1. I've studied the Nephilim extensively. The main reason for the flood wasn't so much the depravity and evil of mankind, though that was there, but it was that the Nephilim were everywhere, eating up all the resources and had turned to eating people. They were also defiling the human DNA by cross breeding. Just another of Satan's plans to prevent Jesus from being born.
      Complete agree with you about not mixing, mingling or being yoked with any nonbelievers or believers of cults or false doctrines. Stay away! Don't even eat dinner with them (unless it's your family, of course LOL) The world is leaning toward Ecumenicism, a combining and acceptance of all religions. This will be the One World Religion soon.
      Yes, there are SO MANY signs. !!
      And yes, I've noticed there have been an unusual amount of deaths among world leaders... perhaps the AC is making room only for those who will be loyal to him? We shall see. Or maybe we won't be here to see! Blessings!
