Friday, July 12, 2024

I Will Keep You From the Hour of Temptation!


Dear Holy Remnant and Precious Children of the Most High,
The Word of the Lord for us today is: Keep Short Accounts with Me, Cling to Me, Fear Not, and Pray for the Lost
There are things coming on this world that will be frightening to behold, and I don't know how much we will see. I am reminded that the rapture is a rescue. It is a snatching away out of danger, so we can expect some trouble, possible a world war in which America gets attacked. When things start to happen, the Lord wants you to trust Him. The trials and struggles you are going through now are meant to teach you to trust Him and hence to increase your faith. Family and friends around you will look to you for answers when you are calm in the midst of the storm. 
There are many that the Lord has called to come into His Kingdom who do not know Him yet. There is a great harvest coming. I believe it is starting now, and it will increase steadily and will explode into a latter rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Signs and wonders as we saw in the Book of Acts will be exhibited, and even greater signs as the Lord makes Himself known to this world like He never has before. Why? Because the Lord loves the Lost and wants them to know Him and be saved. The true Gospel has become so polluted with false doctrines and wickedness that so many who claim Christ don't know Him at all. This will change as the Lord pours out His Spirit on all flesh. People will run out of these false churches into the arms of Jesus!  It will be an exciting time! But during this time great persecution will arise also.  Will all this happen before or after the rapture? I do not know, but it is my opinion that most of this harvest will come in after the rapture, for what a wake up call that will be to many believers when they realize they were believing a false Gospel!  So this is why the Lord wants you to pray for the Lost...the lost in your home, among your friends, your community, and even out in public. One thing I do when I go into a store is silently pray for everyone in that store, for their salvation, and for their household's salvation and I cancel all the enemy's plans for them.
As far as when this will happen, I do not know, but as I look at this week's news, I see Poland preparing for full scale military conflict with Russia. A FULL SCALE military conflict. My goodness. I also see Hezbollah launching tons of rockets into northern Israel while Iranian militant recruits are pouring into Syria for the upcoming war. Despite protests, Netanyahu refuses to stop the war. Also, China is on the move in the South Sea, NATO is putting hundreds of thousands of troops in combat readiness, North Korea continues to threaten South Korea. and we are sending F-16s to Ukraine. What could go wrong?  Meanwhile here at home, things are a mess. Our leader and commander in chief of our military can't form a coherent sentence and yet refuses to step down. Our VP is a moron and everyone is suffering under extreme inflation with food and gas prices through the roof. Not to mention the millions of illegals pouring over our border, many of whom are Chinese nationals. Add in the extreme heat, storms and tornadoes, and we are in a world of hurt. Perfect time for our enemies to attack. 
Meanwhile people keep dropping over dead from the Covid vaccine while they are preparing a new and improved vaccine for the Bird flu they are threatening to unleash. Unrest and violence are everywhere and UFOS seen in our skies are commonplace. Our churches are hosting drag queen story hour, LBGTQs are having sex on the streets, and I meet a ton of Christians who think God through the church and Trump will make America Great Again!  
You can see these things for yourself below. 
 You may have heard about the elections in the UK. Why people are celebrating, I have no idea. The winner is just another Satanic Globalist.
UK Election Results: Labor Party Leader Starmer won the elections with an overwhelming vote rate, according to exit polls, and became the country's new prime minister. 
THe UK is ruled by the WEF
By the way, and this a just a Freebie for you. I've heard from several prophets whom I trust and who have made prophecies that have come true (the test of a true prophet from the Bible)  that the Lord has told them Obama is the Antichrist.  Food for thought. No idea if it is true, but more than 3 Godly prophets I know have said this. Time will tell. Honestly, I could care less who it is. I won't be here.
The Lord loves you so much!!  He knows your every struggle. He knows your heartaches. He never allows anything to come your way that isn't for your good and His glory. Just trust in Him. Don't allow discouragement, hopelessness, complaining and frustration to enter your heart or thoughts. This is war. Rebuke those negative thoughts in Jesus name and remind your enemy that ALL things work together for Good for those who love God (Romans 8) and NO good thing does HE withhold from those who walk uprightly (Psalm 84)  Know your Bible! Trust in the One who died for you!
We are going Home soon. Repent of your sins, get rid of any idols in your life, learn to walk in the Spirit and not in the Flesh. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, body and spirit... and you will be found worthy to escape these things coming soon to our world. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10

I love you all and pray for you!!  Have a blessed weekend. Keep your thoughts on meeting Jesus!
 The Fall of Babylon America


The Beast Empire

Economic Collapse/Famine

Chew gum? Diet drinks, please watch short video below. 
Earth Groaning/Weather Manip
Signs in the Sky
Huge Green-colored meteor seen overnight in Budapest, Hungary (video below

Project Blue Beam Alert. See video below from Melbourne Australia



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