Monday, July 15, 2024

What is the Purpose of Mankind?

Below is a quote from the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon. After spending his life in self-gratification, surrounded by immeasurable wealth, thousands of beautiful women, and an opulence we could not imagine, hear his final words on the purpose of life:
 All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God, revere and worship Him, knowing that He is and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man, the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God’s providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun and the whole duty for every man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good or evil.  Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Amplified

I find it interesting that many people (those who even believe in God) complain about having to "Keep His Commandments".  They confess that in today's modern world, it's just too hard to be obedient to God. Too many rules, others say. It's completely normal to sleep around, go to parties and clubs, drink, cuss, even lie and cheat on tests etc.  Interestingly enough, if you feel this way, you will have no trouble finding a pastor who says if you are "saved", all your sins, past, present, and future are washed away, so don't worry about all those silly commandments. Of course, we know that's false and these pastors are leading people to hell. But that's not my point here.

The truth is, God created us. He placed Adam and Eve in a perfect paradise and gave them everything they needed to be happy, prosperous, and fulfilled. I sometimes like to dream about what that garden was like. I'm sure we can't even imagine the beauty and wonder... the lush forests, gorgeous meadows full of wildflowers, the waterfalls and sparkling brooks. Because God is our creator, He knows exactly what we need in order to be healthy, happy, have purpose, and live an abundant, fulfilling life. 

Let's say I set up an Aquarium with sand at the bottom, plants, rocks and I fill it with fresh water, put some fish in there, and a heater, pump and a light. The environment is perfect for my fish to not only survive but thrive! They are safe from predators, have all their needs met, are fed daily, and swim around without a care in the world.  All they have to do is obey the boundaries of the tank. Then why do some fish always jump out?  My guess is they look through the glass and think that the world they see out here is far better than the one they are in. They think it's more fun and they will find real happiness out here. But when they jump, they quickly realize they are in dire trouble and soon, without the water they need to live, they die. 

Yet, this is exactly what so many people do. They don't like the confinement of God's rules. They think there's real life outside of those rules. They fail to understand that the One who created them is surely the ONLY One qualified to tell them the best way to live to be happy and fulfilled. The rules were not intended to confine us and make us miserable or make us miss out on things. They are intended for just the opposite, to give us freedom, happiness and complete fulfillment.  And from personal experience as one who jumped out of the tank at an early age, I can tell you that I was unhappy in every way possible and never really knew life until the Lord, in HIS awesome love and mercy, picked me up and put me back in the tank!

Interestingly enough in my Bible readings this week, I found these verses in Deuteronomy 10. Israel is about to cross the Jordan into the promised land and the Lord is pleading with them to love Him and obey Him if they want to have real life.

 And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you but reverently to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your mind and heart and with your entire being, To keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good?


  1. We talked about some of this in Sunday School yesterday! (I go to a church that still has a few classes before worship service).
    We talked about the two main commands “ Love God and love your neighbor”, being hard to follow sometimes. If we love Him we will obey Him.
    Blessings! BevH

    1. Bev, I love it when the Lord confirms a message !! And you're right... loving your neighbor is never easy, is it? But who said the Christian life would be easy? Blessings to you and yours!

  2. Greetings Precious Sister in Christ,
    Love this Sister. I always thought Solomon was a lesson in humility ! I beleive that Solomon, wether weel intentioned or not, Though he could out smart God by asking for something noble ? I do believe that he may have started off whole heartedly towards god, but The very end of Ecc say's "with every secret thing". There's just no pulling one over on the Omnicient God who knows our thoughts before we think them and who is able to read the hearts of men. When Solomon asked for wisdom, God knew he would need something powerful one day to bring him to humility, so He gave him wealth ! Boy oh boy, wait till the properity preachers hear this ! They dont do humble well !

    Love the anology of the fish tank ! Just had a conversation with a very good friend, a very loving and kind Lady. Very intellegent, and very liberal. She adopted two baby boy's 40 years ago, both gay. So she cannot allow herself to believe God will judge in any other way but by our good deeds. And yes she belongs to a church with a Evangelical woman pastor who hangs the lbgtq flag as a banner over the front door of the church. I think I made some headway with her. She knows the truth but cant face it. She needs gentle instruction not a gavel banging in here ear. As the script in Duet says, " for your good" !
    aking straight your path Sister.

    Hey, I just want to mention, I made a comment on Fridays post, Sunday evening about Trumps failed Matyrdom. But when I went back to check your reply it was gone ? in fact there were no comments ?
    May the Lord go before m

    1. Love that, Joe.. God brought Solomon wealth to humble him! No, you definitely don't preach that in most churches!! I'm so sorry about your friend and her 2 boys... All of us parents who have children who aren't saved feel much the same way. Our heart aches for our kids!! But if she doesn't even acknowledge that her boys are in trouble,... well, all we can do is pray for God to open her heart. It's a very sensitive subject when talking about someone's loved ones. Keep allowing the Spirit to lead you in what to say to her.
      Yeah, don't know what happened to your comment. I actually received it in my email but when I came to the blog to comment, it was gone! Oh well.... God Bless, Brother!

  3. wow, I messed that ending up.> May the Lord go before you making straight your path Sister :)
