Friday, August 9, 2024

All the Chess Pieces are in Place for the NWO and the Beast!

Dear Holy, Beloved, Highly Favored Saints of the Most High!

My head is spinning. And I'm not the kind of person who can't handle a ton of information at once. But I cannot keep up with what is going on in the world these days. I actually stopped listing the news coming out of Israel. This is where I'm primarily putting my focus because, as you know, they are STILL God's Chosen people and His prophetic Time clock.  By the writing of this post (late Thursday Night) the Mega War has not kicked off, but predictions (Including words from Rabbis) say that the war will start on the 9th of Av (See my Monday post)  Interesting word from a Messianic Rabbi who said the Jews believe the Messiah will be birthed into the world on the 9th of Av. But which Messiah? 

As far as I know, preparations for the war are being made on both sides, including the US deploying missile cruisers, destroyers and aircraft to the Middle East and a declaration that if Iran Attacks Israel, we will attack Iran. Russia is busy arming Iran as well, and all countries are urging their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately. Airspace above the countries are being closed to travel, bomb shelters stocked and ready to go. North Korea is on high alert and Taiwan is telling its citizens to prepare for a Chinese invasion.  Insanity rules!  But we know this is all supposed to happen.

In other news, England is in turmoil with very violent riots. Immigrants vs locals and it's getting ugly. Why? And why now? Believe me, this will spread to other nations, including the US very soon. All these governments have allowed a flood of immigrants into their countries and given them FREE phones, housing, food, and guns, yes guns!  For what purpose? For a civil war with the citizens, a war in which we will lose, especially in those countries where normal citizens cannot own guns, like the UK.  But again, what is the purpose?  We have to think about what is the Globalists goal? They want to usher in a One World Government and a One World Digital Currency and a One World Digital ID. What better way to do it then when the citizens are being murdered and attacked in their own country and the government steps in to help and toss out all the immigrants and the only way to distinguish between immigrant and local is with a Worldwide Digital ID? 

This is why the economies are collapsing at the same time. The market completely crashed last week. See the articles under Economic Collapse below. When war starts, the market will completely implode. And then what? In comes Guaranteed Income through a Digital Currency. This is what they want!  That's why they are destroying the economies in all the countries. This is why they are going to start this war. This is why they have allowed immigrants to flood each nation. It's all about a One World Government with them in charge. 

Please watch these 2 short videos below. (Excuse a few bad words)

They will also use this unrest, chaos and rioting in order to censor your speech. Watch this short video below where a man is arrested in the UK for a post he made on Facebook

Add to this, that they are setting up to release another pandemic, one for which they are already creating a vaccine. Just found out this week that New Zealand has a new plan to force vaccinate their citizens.  Sounds a lot like the Mark of the Beast to me!  In addition UFOs sightings are commonplace. What a great cover for the Rapture!  Get rid of those backward Christians!  

So, the world is at war, the price of food and rent is unattainable, people are starving, chaos and violence is on the streets, all your savings has been depleted, your children are hungry, you are afraid to leave the house, parts of the world have been nuked, and now there is another pandemic to worry about. Welcome to the Tribulation!  The four horsemen of the Apocalypse have been released! 

Wait! A man rises to power. He has the solution for all the world's problems! He promises to bring peace! He actually makes a peace treaty between Israel and her enemies. Whew!  The world begins to settle down. Finally, there is hope. Wars are caused by borders and land, so this man decides to create a one world government and he divides the earth into regions, all under 10 kings. But because every economy is trashed, a new digital currency is instituted and new digital ids created so that the world will never again go hungry and be at war. Why? Because there are no borders, no land to fight over and those in power can monitor everyone and keep them in line. Everyone will get a guaranteed income, so no fighting over money either. All you have to do is accept this "Digital ID. AKA Mark of the Beast" and confess your loyalty to this man and all will be well! For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, this is all prophesied in the Bible. This will happen. When it does, if you are here, don't take this Mark! If you do, you'll be eternally damned. Give your life to Jesus and fully submit to Him. even if it means your physical death. Life after this place with Jesus will be worth it!

American politics:  Kamala Harris has announced self-proclaimed socialist and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. Walz is famous for allowing mobs of rioters to burn police stations to the ground in the middle of Minneapolis during the BLM riots. Honestly I don't know anything else about him and really don't care at this point. Here's a few articles if you're interested.  Personally, I'm not even sure there will be an election this year, and if there is, it won't be honest.

All this while most Christians are either fast asleep or believe that America will be great again if only we vote in the right people.  Free speech is gone. They are already arresting people for saying the wrong thing. Cameras are everywhere. 6G towers loom over every city and facial recognition systems are being installed in public places. It's all about control.  Please, please wake up!  The Tribulation is about to start and when it does, you don't want to be here. Click on "How to be Saved" at the top of this blog if you don't already have a relationship with Jesus! Don't wait another minute!

News below. Browse at your leisure but don't allow fear to enter. I list these only so you will not be deceived and so you will know how close we are to going home! Have a blessed weekend and Keep looking Up!  Send me your prayer requests if you need prayer. God is faithful and He love you immensely!! 



This is huge!   All eyes on Israel!
This coming Sunday August 11th, before the 9th of Av of August 12-13, the Jews will come together for a "gathering at the Temple, to awaken love."

The plan is to encircle the entirety of the Temple Mount complex in a human chain.  "We will return and stand in a human chain around the walls of the Temple Mount."

The HUMAN CHAIN to encircle  the TEMPLE MOUNT is APRROVED & WILL BE protected by Israel's security Forces under Ben Gvir.

Countries promising to attack Israel

The Beast Empire

Check out this video below. Meet your new Police Force

Robots aren't just coming! They are here!

Video below about UK authorities arresting citizens for social media posts containing inaccurate information


Economic Collapse/Famine

 Market selloff bloodbath: "We have never been down 1,000+ points ever, not even intraday, on the Nasdaq."
All indicators are showing an absolute bloodbath taking place with markets across the World! We could very well be seeing the beginning of something of the likes not seen since the Great Depression! Time will tell soon enough!

Earth Groaning


Check out this video below. Masked Muslims are on the move in Sheffield. Many are armed with knives and machetes. 

 Iraq’s Parliament takes the first step to lower the legal age of marriage for girls from 15 to 9. 


Signs in the Sky
A viral video allegedly capturing a triangular UFO flying over Curitiba, Brazil is being called the clearest footage yet of the unidentified ariel phenomena.  The object appears to have landing gear, which vanishes later in the footage.


  1. Thanks MaryLu. There just are no words.....Jesus, help us!!! Prayers for you and our loved ones. Susan

    1. Thank you, Susan! You have my prayers as well! See you soon!

  2. I'm so sorry about your comments. I checked the SPAM folder and they weren't there either. I suppose someone didn't like what you said! LOL Good song choices! Love it! Blessings to you, Brother!!

  3. Hi! I wanted to share that I caught a glimpse of the closing ceremonies for the Paris Olympics. I haven’t seen any comments made yet, but it sure looks like an alien tribute to the hadron collider at CERN.

    1. I haven't seen it yet. I'll try and see if they post parts of it online later. I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't some sort of demonic tribute! thanks
