Monday, August 12, 2024

Let's Chat!

As I was pondering and praying about what to post today, the Lord didn't give me anything specific like He usually does. I got the sense He wants me to share some things with you and just have a casual chat about Him, His Word, and where we are prophetically.  In truth, I feel a great urgency to discuss these things. Time is short.

I know many of you are very weary. Many are being attacked spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Many have been shunned by family and friends. Many feel like outcasts. Some of you are dealing with immense problems and difficulties and you wonder if it will ever end. Some of you, like me, have been watching for Jesus's return for years and it has seemed like a roller coaster ride that never ends. The devil whispers in your ear that you're wrong about the rapture, that you're wrong that we are near the end, that life will go on and you best get on with it. Of course it doesn't help that most of your friends and family think you're nuts.. and in some cases, even your pastors! You want to bang your head against the wall in frustration at how people just can't see all the signs of Jesus's return all around!!  Yet, even that itself is the fulfillment of prophecy

I'm here to tell you that you are not alone. I feel all those things above. In addition, I'm very concerned about lost loved ones and other loved ones I know who will be left behind. I feel like I'm shouting from the rooftops with a megaphone and everyone I know is just staring at their phones with ibuds in their ears. 

I'm also here to tell you that Jesus sees it all. He not only sees everything you are going through, but he feels your feelings. He understands what you are suffering. He weeps with you when you weep. He hugs you when you need comfort, and He Smiles at you when you overcome!  His love for you is something you can't ever experience in this world. It is so intense, so strong, so overwhelming, that if you actually felt it in your human form, I don't think you would stand the ecstasy.  Every after-death testimony from people who have met Jesus tells of a love that is indescribable, a heaven that no words can even declare. The most amazing thing about this love is that it is unconditional. Jesus loves you the same no matter what you do or don't do. Whether you've had a bad day or a good day. Whether you messed up or you triumphed. That blows me away because I so easily can get angry or turn away from someone who has hurt me. Thank God Jesus is not like that. Most of you "know" this already, but I want you to know it in your spirit, in your heart.. because only there will it make a difference. 

Whenever I get discouraged or wonder if any of my prayers are going to be answered, here are my 3 go-to verses. 

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose Romans 8:28

For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
The Lord will give grace and glory;
No good thing will He withhold
From those who walk uprightly. 
Psalm 84:11

 And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:24

Then I stand in faith on them. No matter what I see in the natural. No matter if things get worse... The Lord has promised that everything will work out for my good and His glory!  

The last thing the Lord wants you to know is that He is coming soon. His promises to rescue you are true and trustworthy. The rapture is true and prophesied throughout Scripture. I believe we are on the cusp of seeing this fulfilled. As you all know who follow my Friday posts, the signs are all there. In fact, they are screaming at those of us who know Biblical prophecy.  However, like the verses I listed above, there are conditions to make the rapture. For instance, I could not claim that ALL things would work together in my life if I didn't love God and wasn't called by Him. I couldn't claim that the Lord won't withhold any good thing from me if I wasn't walking righteously. And to be able to ask anything that is God's will, I have to know Him and His will, which suggests a close relationship with Him.  In fact, the blessings of God all come with a condition in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Why do we then think that everyone who confesses Jesus will go in the rapture? At least the first rapture?

Partial Rapture. Many preachers preach against this term and I agree. I don't believe in a partial rapture. I believe all believers who trust Jesus for their salvation and who have a relationship with Him and walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh will go in the Pre-trib rapture. Those people who profess Christ but don't know Him and who walk in the Flesh and not in the Spirit will not. It has nothing to do with being good or bad or works or no works. It's all about having a personal walk with Jesus and keeping our oil lamps full (of the Holy Spirit).  

If you struggle daily with sin, join the club! I'm not talking about that. However, if you sin and then repent with an honest, humble heart and you keep going in your relationship with Jesus and ask Him to help you overcome... you are washed clean and are righteous in God's eyes. If however, you've been taught that all your sins, past, present, and future are all paid for and you don't have to try to not sin or even repent, you are in deep trouble. This is not Biblical!

I only say this because I believe many professing Christians will be left behind and I don't want that to happen to you or anyone you know. If you are one of those "believers" who has not made Jesus LORD of your life (as in the boss!), who is living for this world and rarely prays or even thinks of Jesus, it only takes a minute to get on your knees right now, repent of your lukewarmness and fully submit to the Lord. Ask Him to help you spend more time with Him, help you walk in the Spirit, help you get to know Him better. If you mean it, He will!  1 minute could make the difference between going in the soon-coming rapture or ending up enduring at least part of the tribulation.  This is my heart. This is why I post here every week, why I've put my writing career on the back burner to try and wake up as many people as I can. 

Please know the Lord's heart. He loves you so very much. He is with you and will never leave. He will watch over you and your loved ones. He longs for you to spend time with Him. That's all He really wants. Your heart. We can have no idea the wonders, the incredible joy and pleasures that await us in eternity! 

Time is so very short now. I sense it. Cling to Jesus and don't give up. Cast your cares and struggles upon Him because He cares so much for you and He will make them ALL turn out for Good. He is faithful!



  1. Hallo MaryLu and other saints reading this.
    I am busy reading through Isaiah and chapter 57 verses one and two seems to me like the rapture.
    Isaiah 57
    1 The righteous H6662 perisheth H6, and no man H376 layeth H7760 it to heart H3820: and merciful H2617 men H582 are taken away H622, none considering H995 that the righteous H6662 is taken away H622 from H6440 the evil H7451 to come.

    2 He shall enter H935 into peace H7965: they shall rest H5117 in their beds H4904, each one walking H1980 in his uprightness H5228.

    Even looking at the meaning of the Hebrew words strengthens that notion.

    Blessings to you all.
    Chris Richter.

    1. Hi Chris! Absolutely!! This is the rapture. Good catch. I looked up "perisheth" in the Hebrew and it is the word, 'āḇaḏ, which also means to "vanish"! So yes, we vanish into God's arms to escape the evil to come. Also the phrase "taken away" in the Hebrew means to Gather, remove, or assemble. Amazing! Thank you, Chris!!

  2. Greeting Precious Sister in Christ,
    Yes I struggle with my loved ones and what is going on in that church they attend. And yes, they do teach all sins are forgiven past , present and future, and that constant repentance is not required. They teach this in a very vague and obscure way as is the custom of many today. I pray every day for them all. In fact I prayed for Jesus to wrap you in His arms of peace today.
    Thanks Chris for bring Isa 57 back to memory. It seemed to fit right well with what MaryLu wrote.

    And the sum of it brought me peace.
    And I speak the peace of Christ over you.

    1. Thank you, Brother! It's so sad to see the state of the church these days, and more so that people fall for these lies! Keep praying!! The Lord will eventually open their eyes. And THANK YOU for your prayers for me. I need them. I keep you in my prayers as well!! Soon, we will be home!

  3. This becomes even more interesting when you read the verses prior. I went back and read part of chapter 56 just to get things in context. Here it is : Isaiah 56:10-12 (NIV) 10 Israel’s watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep. 11 They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain. 12 “Come,” each one cries, “let me get wine! Let us drink our fill of beer! And tomorrow will be like today, or even far better.”.

    All around we see shepherds who lack understanding and are involved in things of the world. It is sad to think of how many people are being led astray by false teaching.

    1. Amen, and it is everywhere and growing exponetially

    2. Wow. Yes, indeed! Amazing how true this is today! My heart breaks for so many "believers" who are off on the wrong road because they put their faith in some false pastor or teacher . May the Lord wake them up and have mercy on them. I pray daily for myself and others I know and people who come to this blog.. that God would grant us discernment and wisdom so we would not be deceived. Only by staying close to the Lord and His Word can we have any hope of knowing the truth!
