Monday, August 19, 2024

Beware: Hollywood and Disney!

Dear Saints,

Consider this post a watchman warning. I found these two articles that I feel compelled to post because time is so short and deception is rampant. If you have a tender heart and are easily moved to fear, just stop here, read no further, and accept that Disney and Hollywood are evil entities and always have been and to stay as far away from both as you can. And yes, I mean many movies too. Some are okay. Just be careful what you watch, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, especially now as we approach the finish line. I'm sorry to always be the bearer of bad news but I believe many Christians have no clue of the following information and the Lord doesn't want His people to be tricked into associating with darkness. The devil is doing his best to get as many Christians as possible off the path and into a situation where you can allow demons into your life.  Yes, the Lord promises to protect His children but not when we willingly run off and associate ourselves with darkness. I'm not saying to not watch movies made in Hollywood or Disney movies or not go to Disneyland or Disneyworld.  I'm just giving you the information so you can be wise and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your decisions.

Hollywood Magic
The term Hollywood derives from the holly tree. The holly tree was used by Druids who were known for being priests and also wizards. The character of Merlin in the legend of King Arthur was a Druid wizard and he used a wand made of holly wood. Hollywood movies are forms of sorcery using psychology, subliminal messages, and manifestation through what is called "lesser magic" and bewitchment. Today many actors in Hollywood practice witchcraft and kabbalah. 
The Kabbalah Centre International is located in Los Angeles California and many actors and entertainers are members including Madonna, Demi Moore, Brittany Spears, Ashton Kutcher, Rosie O'Donnell, and Mick Jagger. Most of them can be seen in photographs wearing the "red string" bracelet which represents the red Gevurah sephirot of the Kabbalah Tree which symbolizes fire, wrath, and judgement and this is all related to Mars despite the cover up. Mars is known as the "god of war" in Roman Mythology and the red string Kabbalah cult is covertly promoting a war and holocaust. 
Mark Breakspear is a Hollywood special effects designer and he comes from the English Breakspear family which produced the only English Pope in history Pope Adrian IV of Nicholas Breakspear who also conquered Ireland for Rome. The name Break-spear translates to Rotti-Lance in Italian for the Lancellotti family. Lancellotti or Breakspear is where Lancelot comes from in the King Arthur legend. Prince William's middle name is Arthur and he is supposed to be next in line to the British throne. The Lancellotti family own a palace in Italy with a hedge maze and clock tower. These symbols are used in the Hollywood movie "Alice in Wonderland" and mazes or labrynths are meant to confuse or bewitch the mind. Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti II is the head of the Lancellotti family today.
Many Hollywood actors and musicians in the entertainment industry are cult leaders who are given authority over secret societies like Wicca, Freemasonry, Illuminati Cults and New Age Cults. They operate covertly and give orders through the secret societies to carry out agendas which includes gang stalking, cyber stalking, and other forms of persecution. They use their wealth to fund their agents. Don Johnson was caught with 8 billion in transactions at the German-Swiss border several years ago. His son Jesse Johnson is involved with assisting in making the illegal transactions that fund secret societies. Many of the actors and musicians are involved with satanic rituals like blood drinking and pedophilia. Many of the actors and musicians make sacrifices in order to get movie roles or to get authorized to make new albums. This compromises them and incorporates them into the corruption at the top. 
The Church of Scientology is also involved and promotes a superiority complex with initiates and dehumanizes the rest of society. Hollywood is propped up to function like a shield for royal and noble families that are controlling most of the United States. Madonna and Katy Perry are high level witches. Eminem and Marilyn Manson are high level Satanists.
Ashton Kutcher is one of the top Kabbalists in Hollywood and he even trained Natalie Portman. The evil and crookedness of him is visible. Ashton Kutcher is dangerous and plotting against humanity along with many other members of Hollywood.

DISNEY (From Julian Assange)

Walt Disney World: The 33 Honeypot & It's Connections 

Parents, please stop taking your children to these theme parks. Did you know movies, cartoons, plays, shows, are created to attract your children to these places? 

Why do you think your child thinks you are evil when you don't want to? Social Engineering. 

Think of all the reasons your children want to go to these attractions. Now think of all the P**ōś who have been caught working at those theme parks. Thousands. Think of the many secret trap doors in the restrooms. 

Do you know how many children walked in and never came out? There are videos all over the web of these furtive floor ingress designs. You would never notice until they are open.  Think of the many horrified children who have disappeared this way. 

Did you know that Disneyland has a secret club called 33? 

Did you know back in 2014 that Huffington Post wrote an article stating that 35 Disneyland employees  were arrested on child porn in less than 10 years? (A Conservatives Number)

Did you know that in December of 2017 that 35 Disneyland employees were arrested within 24 hrs for child rape offenses?

Did you notice the time differences of the 35 caught in ten years vs the 35 that were caught in 24hrs?

You know what other places have this creepy dissimulated floor passages? Pizza Planet.  Think about that one. 

People, Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason. The Magic Kingdom castle was designed after the New Shvanstien castle in Bavaria where the Illuminati was formed. During WWII 33rd degree Winston Churchill gave us the “V for Victory” two finger salute which since the 60s became “Peace.” 

Before this Masonic sign stood for Victory or Peace, it was a symbol of the 33rd degree. Remember the movie V-For Vendetta? What did the artwork look like for that letter? 

Now ask yourself another question. Why dod modern occultists believe 5 to be the Number of Death? The greatest intensification of any number is its triplicate, making 555 literally "Highest Death.” 

Could this be why the highest military rank (5 star generals) wear 5, 5 pointed stars on their uniform? Could this be why the US Pentagon building is 5 concentric, 5 sided pentagons, with an inner court of exactly 5 acres? Now think about all the 5 Star Generals you know of who are corrupt. 

Also "The Magic Kingdom" that you like to take your children to, you know... the castle was actually designed after the New Shvanstien castle in Bavaria where the Illuminati was formed. During WWII 33rd degree Winston Churchill gave us the “V for Victory” two finger salute which since the 60s became “Peace.” Before this Masonic sign stood for Victory or Peace, it was a symbol of the 33rd degree. 

-(5 is V & V is 5)-

Did you know David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians at Waco Texas was killed by the US government at 33 years old near the 33rd parallel? Oklahoma City bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh was also murdered by the government at 33. 

There were 33 victims in the suspicious Virginia Tech shootings in April, 2007. Also Jesus was crucified by the Roman government and died for 3 days at age 33. Alexander the Great also died at 33. Pope John Paul I was murdered after being in power for only 33 days.

Many significant events in modern history have taken place on the 33rd parallel. For example 33rd degree Free Mason and 33rd president of the US Harry Truman entered us into the Nuclear age with the A Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico. He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

On 3/3/03 the UN World Prayer Center called for everyone to pray simultaneously at 3:30pm. The ceiling in the United Nations General Assembly room has a large circular light surrounded by 32 smaller lights. The UN building is 39 (13x3) stories high and sits on land donated by Mason/Illuminist David Rockefeller. The United Nations flag shows the globe divided into 33 sections encircled by olive branches.


  1. Oh, my goodness!! MaryLu, you have collected an amazing amount of information about the subject, and I thank you for sharing it with us. I had no idea the depth of deception being perpetuated against (what we call) civilization. Thank you for opening our eyes. I am praying for all of us to stay focused on Jesus and his protection against all evil. Thank you, again! Pat

    1. Thank you, Pat! I really do hate bringing any of this stuff up, but Christians need to be made aware of the evil that surrounds us. The devil masquerades as an angel of light and deceives many! I agree with you. The solution? Keep our eyes on Jesus!! Blessings!

  2. Greetings Daughter of the King,
    I watch very few movies on TV. The only thing I really watch are old westerns. Rifleman, Laramie, Wagon Train which regularly has scenes of people praying. Praying over meals, praying for God's help, and giving thanks ! And once in a while they'll shoot somebody :). Only the bad guys though. I watched a lot of Disney when my kids were little, we avoided the creepy ones.
    But never knew that about Walt Disney. The satanists are literally everywhere. And I'm taking a little abuse for posting something like that on my FB ! But some are obvious like Madonna ! I believe Katy Perry's father was a Pastor, and that she grew up in the church. He must be devistated how she has turned out !
    Tom Cruise is a scientologist. And he fits the bill because he definately has a superiority complex and always putting people down. He took part in the end show of the Olympic in France ! Fit right in.
    Amazing about the numbers 3 ! Yes this stuff is literally everywhere. Some I knew but many I didnt so thanks for the heads up Sister
    How much longer can the Lord tolerate this evil, I dont know.

    May His watchful eyes be upon you and keep you in His Grace.
    I shook my head when you wrote " Hollywood movies are a form of sorcery using psychology, subliminal messages and manifestation through what is called - lesser magic" and bewitchment ! Sounds like some of our churches today !

    Interesting piece of news I came across last night; the Church of England is re writing there religious books to make them gender friendly, they have told Frank Graham to leave the country and put a stop to him ministering there, and they have removed the word "church" from their vocabulary !

    1. Those old movies and shows are good. No cussing, no fornication, no gratuitious violence... just good drama. I miss those days. Sorry your "friends" on FB aren't being nice. Just ignore them. HA I agree with you about some churches!! They are no better than Hollywood!
      I had not heard that about the Church of England. They fell away from the true Gospel long ago, but to ask Franklin Graham to leave? Wow. And you can't say "church". How much longer, Lord?

  3. I use to have a book about all this and about toys that were bad back in the day...
    Absolutely hate what they do and stand for... So evil and just assures me that all those that offend, abuse children are going to hell and the lake of fire... Keep up the posting, I shared this to my X, to FB and to Pinterest so others will hopefully learn the truth Sis...
    God Bless Your Efforts

    1. Yes, Linda.. toys too! It's disgusting. Thanks for sharing this. Blessings!

  4. Not sure of the exact number, but I heard the number of abortions at the DNC was 33. Wouldn't surprise me if that was the goal. :(

    1. Wow. Didn't hear that, but no, it wouldn't surprise me at all!
