Friday, August 16, 2024

The Portals are Opened, Satan is cast Down, and the WHO declares another Pandemic

Dear Greatly-Beloved Saints of the Most High,

It's Time. It's time for the Tribulation and God's wrath to be poured out. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that is a watchman's job. Yet it isn't bad news for those of us who love Jesus and are watching for Him!  The enemy always tells us ahead of time about their evil plans. It comes in the form of a scene in a popular TV show or a cartoon or a video game or movie or book. Or it can come in a worldwide ceremony for all to see. 

The 33rd Olympic Ceremony.  
Note that it is the number 33. The Number '33' is considered by the Satanist to be a most powerful and mysterious number. Significant bloodletting on the '33'rd Parallel is considered most magically powerful. Even the Battle of Armageddon will be fought astride the 33rd Parallel. You can do your own research on that

We already know about the opening ceremony of the Olympics which was the worst form of blasphemy I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.  But what about the closing ceremony?  Everything they do is a ritual, a ceremonial worship of their god, Lucifer and also a call to action, a vision of things to come, a summons of evil. The closing ceremony was just that. It depicted the fall of Satan, cast from heaven, the light bearer.  His fall brought forth demons who then erected a portal though which the fallen ones could enter our dimension. The entire thing was demonic and satanic. Yet there was power in it. The power of lucifer and all his demonic hoards. They were telling us that it is time for their god to rule. 

This Short Video explains it all Very well. This guy knows his stuff

I believe the photo below is the Israeli Gymnastic girls team, but I can't swear by it. But look at the all-seeing eye of Lucifer on their uniforms! Can they be more blatant about it? Who puts an all-seeing demonic eye on a gymnastic uniform?  Israel will be the capital of the Beast Empire! It is where the Antichrist will rule (FOR a very short time!)

The other huge news of the week, which I'm sure many people don't even know is that the WHO has declared that MonkeyPox is now a Global Emergency.  Just in time for the US Elections!  Get ready for more lockdowns and especially for another deadly vaccine

The last big thing to report is that the Israeli/Hezbollah/Iran peace talks have failed. This means war is certain and Israel will be attacked very soon. Over 1000 Jews visited the Temple Mount and laid prostrate on the ground on the 9th of Av. (See below) This is huge and has been prophesied to happen just before the Tribulation starts. The Muslims are up in arms about this defiant spit in Mohammed's face. 

A look at the Current state of things
  • People in the UK are being arrested and put in jail for Facebook posts. Australia is rolling out a Digital ID system. 
  • Check out this new ATM Palm Reader!  Saints, the technology for the MOB is here!  
  • Here we have a Vaccine Card ATM machine to verify your vaccination status. I kid you not!  The next vaccine will be mandatory. 
  • Chaos and riots cover the planet
  • Food prices are out of reach
  • Earthquakes are shaking everywhere. We expect the big one here in CA
  • Civilians in Gaza & Ukraine are murdered every day
  • All media is lies and propaganda.
  • Millions have died because of the mRNA Covid vaccine
  • Millions more were sterilized
  • People are under total surveillance everywhere
  • They are poisoning our air, food, water, and medicine and have been for years in order to keep a sick population dependent on medicines that only make them sicker. 
  • The Gog-Magog war is about to break out in Israel. It takes 7 years to clean up from that war the Bible says. Hmm

But don't worry. We aren't in the end times. We've got thousands of years left. Besides, there's going to be a great revival and the church is going to take over the world! 

Have you heard about the 8 doctors killed in a plane crash in Brazil?  Apparently they were all Cancer doctors who intended to blow the whistle on the Covid Vaccine causing turbo cancers. This is just more proof that if you come out against the Satanic Cabal and you have any influence and power, they will take you out! 

This is incredible and shocks even me at how fast this is happening.  We know from Scripture that during the Tribulation, free speech will be completely gone, but to see it happening already and at this rate is just another sign of how close we are

"There is no society anymore. What there is, is a transnational security elite that is busy carving up the world using your tax money." Julian Assange

Saints, it's time. Jesus is coming for His Bride soon, His remnant who truly love Him and know Him. With what little time you have left, listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit and tell your family and friends. Wake up the sleeping. Introduce the Lost to Jesus. And if no one listens to you, then pray. Pray anyway. Pray often and always. Lift up people you see in the store or on the street. Pray for them and their families. Pray for God's mercy and grace to fall upon them and for His protection. And always remember that IF you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, you will ABIDE UNDER the shadow of His wings. What is that secret place? It's in fellowship with Him. Knowing Him. Having a relationship with Jesus. Then He promises to protect you and your loved ones. Perfect love casts out all fear. If God be for us, who can be against us??  Kick fear out the door and look up, for your Redemption draws nigh.  (These are all Scripture verses you can count on!)

What is the purpose of the Christian life? Listen to the Apostle Paul's explanation

For my determined purpose is that I may know Him. That I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection which it exerts over believers, and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death,  That if possible I may attain to the resurrection out from among the dead 
Philippians 3: 10-11 Amplified Classic

May this be the desire and purpose of each one of us!  
Pray for the Lord to come and rescue us as He promised!  He will!
Have a wonderful weekend!


If you still believe Trump is a good guy or have friends/family who do, please send them this video.  No one is beyond redemption, however, so I still pray for his salvation.

  • At least 100 killed, dozens injured after Israeli strike on Gaza school
  • Temple Institute Website "A Time to Mourn. A Time to build. 9th of Av"
  • Israeli Air defenses succeeded in intercepting only one drone from the swarm of drones launched by Hezbollah yesterday evening towards the north 
  • Chinese Foreign Ministry: The MoFA confirms in call with Iranian counterpart support for Iran in protecting its sovereignty and security - Al Jazeera 
  • Secretary Austin has ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike group and the USS Georgia guided missile submarine  to the Middle east. 
  • Hamas announced it WILL NOT participate in the August 15 LAST DITCH EFFORT round of negotiations mediated by the USA, Egypt and Qatar.
  • German Lufthansa airline suspends all flights to Tel Aviv, Tehran, 
  • Beirut, Amman and Erbil until August 21.  
  • IDF on peak alert for Iran, Hezbollah attacks. US expects it may happen this week
  • Palestinian channels report that about 800 Jews went up to the Temple Mount this morning, Tisha B'av.
  • Lebanese authorities have evacuated prisoners from police stations in Beirut’s southern suburbs and southern Lebanon to other parts of the country out of concerns about possible war with Israel 
  •  US Secretary of State Blinken postpones his planned trip to the Middle East tonight due to uncertainty over the Iran attack 
  • Hezbollah fired up to 40 rockets from Lebanon towards the Mount Meron military base in northern Israel, Tuesday evening. 
  • Israel rejected Hamas' request to add Russia and Turkey as mediators - Israeli media 
  • The American aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln crossed the Singapore Strait today on its way to the Middle East - Maphotosg 

This was a huge spit in the face of Moslems. 

Welcome to Today's London!

The Beast Empire

Listen the WHO director Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove talk about Worldwide "Surveillance" needed to stop the spread of Mpox.  Hmm

Apparently they have proof that The Harris campaign is using CGI to create crowds at her rallies that are not actually there


International Olympic Committee (IOC) says they don’t know of a scientific way to tell a man from a woman.  😕

Check out this quick video below about something being wrong with our Sun

Signs in the Sky


  1. This overwhelms me to read. I am a firm believer in the Bible and especially the prophecies of the end times Revelations etc. I get confused and very overwhelmed about today’s times, I know there is evil in the world and that the signs are clear even not knowing all of the things you have included. My question is this, do we need to go into such detail, immerse ourselves so deeply that it consumes us? Can’t we just clearly see the signs and trust in God to reveal His truth to us? I am at peace with knowing God and knowing His Word I personally do not need to immerse myself in more evil signs.
    I say this not to go against what you have posted but to honestly ask you what do you think? I am a sensitive Christian who has struggled with depression and anxiety to which God has completely healed me, but I hesitate to step forward into concentrating on more evil in the world when I can clearly already see it and feel it. Do you think that is okay for me to hesitate?
    I try to live Romans 16:19-20 “For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”
    ‭I pondered this verse as I read your post and would love to know what you think?

    1. Kelly, thank you for your honest comment. I have other friends who deal with anxiety issues and who are extremely sensitive and I tell them not to read my Friday posts. LOL I say that because, like you, they already know were are in the end times and they are looking for Jesus's return. If hearing about the evil in the world evokes fear or anxiety in you, then by all means, stay away from news like this. I completely understand. Believe me when I say, I'd rather not post all this news, but the Holy Spirit compels me to. Here are what I believe to be the reasons:

      1. There are many many Christians out there who have zero clue the times in which we live and how close they are to the Tribulation. Many of these Christians are not living for the Lord and are so immersed in this world and the flesh that they will not be going in the rapture, but will be left behind. When they read all this news and see that Biblical prophecy is coming to pass, it is my desire that they get right with the Lord and start putting Him first in their lives and go out and witness to others.

      2. Believe it or not, seeing these signs from the Bible coming to pass exactly as the Lord tells us is encouraging to most believers. Why? Because the Lord said that when we see these things coming to pass, Look up, for our Redemption is close! So, even though some things are hard to read, it can also be a blessing to man believers who long to be with Jesus.

      3. For the non-believer, if any are reading this, my hope and prayer is that they will see that the Bible is true and God is real and give their lives to Jesus!

      4. The Scripture says that if a watchman God puts on the wall to watch doesn't warn the people of coming danger, then the blood of those people will be on that watchman's hands. (Ezekiel 33:6)

      5. Scripture also tells us to be as wise as serpents and gentle as doves. It's important to know what's coming so that we won't be deceived. Deception is rampant in these last days and it's so easy to be deceived. For example the vaccine. Many Christians too it just assuming that it was good for them and the government knew what it was doing. But if they had known that it contained nanobots and DNA changing molecules, they probably wouldn't have taken it.

      In that verse you quoted from Romans above, it is my understanding that "being simple concerning evil" doesn't mean putting your head in the sand and not knowing about it, but rather it means don't engage in evil yourself. Don't be a part of anything evil.

      I hope that helps clear up why I spend hours and hours of my week on this free blog. :-) Believe me, I'd rather be writing romance novels. However, like I said earlier, if it upsets you, please don't read it. Sounds like you already know the times in which we live and are looking for Jesus. I would only ask Him to keep you from deception. He will! God bless you and yours!!

  2. Oh definitely. I pray God protects me from being deceived, and all my family, and all his saints etc. maybe I am more of a prayer warrior. I also pray for others who do not know the times. I understand the urgency for action also. I hope I didn’t offend you, I was overwhelmed by it all. Thanked for getting back to me. Blessings to you.

    1. No way you offended me, Kelly. We all have our gifts and God leads us all in different ways. I have the greatest respect for prayer warriors! So, just do what God says to do and don't worry about this crazy world!

  3. Wow...I avoided the closing ceremony after being taken advantage of in the opening ceremony. So glad I did.

    1. I actually didn't watch it either. A reader of this blog alerted me to the demonic content. UGH.

  4. Greetings assigned Watchwoman to the Lord Jesus Christ,
    When we look at the prophets both new and OT, we can see how difficult a task God has given them. Scorned by those thinking themselves righteous before God Almighty, and worse deserted by family and friends for speaking obediently to this very lonely, yet very necessary warnings to the churches and the world. Not talking about the prophecy in many churches today that speak only good and edifying words of peace. In the case of Ahab and his 400 false prophets and Jehoshapht seeking one true prophet of God. Ahab said, we have one prophet of God, but he never says anything good about me ! I recently read " I'd rahter be hurt by the truth than fooled by the lie. I'm a tough old coot, so I actually find your posts a valuable weapon when it comes to knowing the direction the enemy taking each day. Yet I have all compasion and love for those who God has gifted with a tender and gentle heart.
    Matt 5: 3“Blessed are the poor in spirit,

    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    4Blessed are those who mourn,

    for they will be comforted.

    5Blessed are the meek,

    for they will inherit the earth.a

    6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

    for they will be filled.

    7Blessed are the merciful,

    for they will be shown mercy.

    8Blessed are the pure in heart,

    for they will see God.

    9Blessed are the peacemakers,

    for they will be called sons of God.

    10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    11Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you.

    Yes Sister, here they are in plain sight ! The wolves are shedding their sheeps clothing, now that they have been given power to do and say whatever they want.
    Like you MaryLu, I did not watch the whole beggining or end of the Olympic ceremony's. And even for me it was hard to watch this blatant and bold step by satan to display this for all the world to see !
    Yet many Christians people seem to be fine with this all inclusive belief. It's the easy way out. Free's them from all responsibility. I call then the love generation. Because we dont like the "whole word' of God. Like Ahab we only want what tickles our ears and makes us feel good. But it doesnt work that way. Absolutely, God is love, Devine Love. But what we neglect to see is that God's Devine Wrath is a result of His Devine Love. His judgements are righteous because of His Devine Love. It unerves me when pastors want to quote John 3:16 without giving the whole meaning thru v 21 16For God so loved the world that He gave His one and onlye Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. 18Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

    19And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever practices the truth comes into the Light, so that it may be seen clearly that what he has done has been accomplished in God.”
    Blessings in Christ Precious Sister

    1. Love your comments, Brother! They are chock full of the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures. These are indeed trying times... it's hard for some (even me at times) to see how evil our world has become and how blatant the Satanists are being. Aside from writing this blog post, I try to keep my thoughts and focus on the Lord and all things pure and holy. Only by doing that can we all continue to put one step in front of the other each day. Oh how these false pastors and luke warm Christians love to pick and choose the verses they like and neglect the rest. I love your reference to Ahab. LOL Made me laugh. He only loved the prophets who told him good things. Just like today! I love that verse you quoted "The light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil." So true ... and it's not just talking about the unbelievers, but in our present time, some believers as well. God Bless you and yours, Joe!
