Thursday, August 22, 2024

Brief history of the Democratic Party

Found this online. Forgive me. I don't recall the source but you can verify everything in here. I've heard much of it before from reliable sources.

This is not to disparage anyone who labels themselves a Democrat. In my mind, the Republican party is currently equally bad although they have not been in the past. This is just to inform those who don't know.

History of the Democratic Party in the USA

Since its founding in 1828, the Democratic Party has undergone a continuous, yet cyclical, evolution initially starting as the "common man" party and increasingly radicalizing their position supporting the slavery economy of the Southern states, which led to its association with the secession of the Confederacy in 1860.

Post-Civil War, the Democrat Party struggled with limited presidential success, marked only by presidential elections with Grover Cleveland (1885-89, 1893-97) and Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921). Wilson, who reintroduced racial segregation at the federal level, signed into law the Federal Reserve, got America into WW1, and supported (albeit tacitly) the second iteration of the Ku Klux Klan.

Despite embracing the Civil Rights movement under Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s (who had previously fought against it), did NOT come to their senses and finally realize the errors of their racist ways. Rather, their political shift was a strategic attempt to revive the spirit of the Confederacy by enslaving generations of blacks and minorities in an endless cycle of broken homes, poverty, and violence by giving free handouts to make them dependent upon the federal government for forever.

It would seem, that since the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and the arrival of the socialist Frankfurt Institute to NYC in the 1920s, the radicalism of these views (communism and socialism) had to go underground in America given the two World Wars, and these found their new home inside the liberal/progressive Democrat Party. We can see the embracement of increasingly radicalized ideologies metastasize from then until now.

This radicalization included the embracing of death (abortion, euthanasia, etc.), cultural Marxism, Socialism, Leftist progressivism, radical environmentalism, Intersectionality, Post-Modernism, Cultural Relativism, gender mutilation, empowering sexual debauchery, and increasingly advocate for increased federal control, in whom whose bureaucratic bowels they’ve slowly and methodically taken over.

Given its wildly disastrous and devastating political history, the Democrat Party have demonstrated time and again, that they are completely unhinged and should be politically abolished as a political entity. The success of the democrat Party was never in its logic (there is little), principles (which continually shift to fit the current zeitgeist), nor honor (because they will always do whatever is politically expedient).

Rather, the Democrat Party’s strength is in its ability to appeal to the emotional state of low information voters, who are played and activated with an endless litany of trigger words, continually activating them like some MKUltra candidate who need only hear the right phrase to go full Manchurian Candidate. John Wilkes Boothe (Dem), Lee Harvey Oswald (Communist), and now, Thomas Matthew Crookes (Antifa) who seem to think they are doing the greater good by resorting to violence.

Understandably, abolishing the Democrat Party will not curb man's propensity for evil or wickedness; it will only shift these luciferian views to a new label. To be fair, Republicans, Libertarians, and everyone else on the planet who are not already born-again, are desperately wicked and in need of a Savior. What people need more than anything, is Jesus.


  1. Greetings in Christ Sister,
    What a state we are in ! Watching Harris, who always seems to be laughing, with Obahma's, Clintons, wow what a bucket full of evil. Then you look at Trump, who is so blatantly the biggest liar I have ever known, it does not give any hope for our country, or any country for that matter. But Christians love them on both sides. I'm not a smart man by the worlds guage, but when I look around at all those who claim intelligence, and mock everyone else, I'm realize just how blessed I am to not be in their ranks. Because from my humble stand I seem to see way more than most of the degreed breed.
    I remember havin a discussion 4 years ago, with one of my best friends, about how important it was for me to vote "as a Christian", and vote for Trump. Her and her husband are both avid Trumpsters. When I told her that I could see in the Spirit that Trump would be revealed as one of the most evil men ever to serve our country, she said,; well Joe you just have to vote for the lesser of the two evils. My response was, isnt this a sorry state when we have to choose a "lesser evil" ? I mean is there even a such thing as lesser evil. Isnt evil, evil ? And even if I choose the "lesser" evil, wont my vote still be for evil ? So I told her I would write her name in, and I did :)
    I always thought the two parties pull the country apart simply because they hate each other so much. They are all like children fighting in the school yard, and need to be seperated, or spanked ! I honestly dont think I can vote with a clear conscience before God for either candidate running. I have given some thought to writing Ben Carson in. He seen to be a man of God and a man of integrity.
    Bottom line is that as Christians we should not be surprised at what the unsaved do. And we should not be looking for a savior from the evil human race. For we have a Savior who is High and lifted up, and He is coming for we who have waited for Him. And when He comes every knee will bow and every tongue confess the Jesus Christ is Lord ! To the Glory of God fover and ever.
    May the Lord lead us in the way we should go.
    May the peace of Christ dwell richly in your heart Sister.

    1. I heard a pastor say recently that he believed Harris was drunk all the time, which is why she acts so stupid and laughs alot. That could be true! Not sure I will vote at all... but I agree about Carson. He seems thus far a decent man. I await for my Savior's return He will always have my vote! Blessings!!

  2. Living in Australia we watch in amazement at what is happening in the USA we have a much better political system. Saying that, our Labour Party is pretty woke orientated. We look at Harris and Trump and I believe God uses Trump - he had stopped funding the planned parenthood - is very pro life whereas if your democrats got in abortion would flourish - I truely think as Christians we should vote for the lesser evil. Trump at least goes God’s way with his policies and we must look at the policies not at the man.

    1. Thank you. Yes, our system and government here are a mess. Trump does appear to have some policies that are at least lean more toward Christian values, but I do wonder about his motives. I'm not sure he isn't just one of the Beast system at this point. Not sure if I will vote actually, but I'm starting to think we may not even have an election. Blessings to you and yours down under!

  3. Living in Australia we watch in amazement at what is happening in the USA we have a much better political system. Saying that, our Labour Party is pretty woke orientated. We look at Harris and Trump and I believe God uses Trump - he had stopped funding the planned parenthood - is very pro life whereas if your democrats got in abortion would flourish - I truely think as Christians we should vote for the lesser evil. Trump at least goes God’s way with his policies and we must look at the policies not at the man.
