Friday, August 23, 2024

Digital IDs and Vaccination Cards, Oh My! We are out of here!

 Dear Faithful and Holy Remnant of the Most High!

I know many of us are weary and feel beaten up by life and our enemy. I know many of us are tired of waiting for the Lord's return. We keep hearing that it's soon, He's coming, it's imminent! But then months go by. I must admit that although I say much the same here on my blog, I get tired of hearing it myself. But as I was telling the Lord all of this on my prayer walk this week, He asked me a very poignant question. You see I have a number of family members and loved ones who don't know Him yet or who are not living for Him, and who will probably be left behind to endure at least part of the Tribulation. That breaks my heart!!  But the Lord said to me, "What if I knew they would all be saved next week and then be able to come in the rapture? Would I be willing to wait for His return for one more week?"  Of course I said yes! Then He said, "How about a month, a year even?"  Well, of course I would. And so would you for your loved ones. It sort of puts things in perspective, doesn't it?  And I found myself repenting of my impatience. Even if all your loved ones are saved, there are still many out there whom the Lord loves just as much and whom He is luring toward Him so they can join us!  Does it make the wait a little easier? Yes. For me, it does. I'm still impatient! I still can't wait to see my King and get out of this rat hole, but if each day that passes brings in more of my brothers and sisters, this helps the waiting. I hope it helps you too.

The news this week has been horrific as usual. I have not been following the Democratic Convention. Just couldn't stomach it. But I hear Obama received nearly god-like worship from the audience. Interesting. Also, in a stunning display of irony, they built an impenetrable wall around their convention in Chicago and demanded ID from everyone entering the venue. This comes from the same party that decries walls as racist and insists that requiring ID is discriminatory.  I also heard they were offering free abortions to anyone who attended. How lovely

In summary of other news, the peace talks between Israel/Hamas/Iran seem to be at a standstill if not a complete collapse. Preparations for war, along with threats, continue on both sides. A suicide bomber accidently blew himself up in Tel Aviv. Though I'm sorry he is most likely in hell now, I praise God that he didn't execute his evil plan and no Israelis were killed. Lots of news below under "ISRAEL" that you can browse. I do believe they will be attacked very soon, as in weeks, not months. By the way, Russia was attacked by NATO drones this week. It will be interesting to see their response.

MonkeyPox is starting to take off with cases being found in Thailand, China and Europe. In addition, it appears Covid is Back! Cases are apparently soaring even here in the US. Here in California they are urging masks again.. not yet requiring, but that's how it starts. I feel like we've lived this nightmare before. That was a test run. This time it will be worse. Oh, and by the way, they've already got the vaccine ready for your injection! They not only have the vaccine being prepared, but they now have machines that will accept your "Digital ID vaccine card" to allow certain privileges. See these articles below. It's starting. Basically, it will end up being that if you aren't vaccinated, you won't be able to access your bank accounts. 
The last thing I want to point out is how rapidly the entire world is moving toward a digital ID. This, of course, coincides with the "vaccine card" above. They will be connected in one Digital ID, first in a card, and then in your palm or on your forehead.  See below under the Beast System that Biden is expediting a Digital ID system here in America. If this one single thing prophesied in the Bible doesn't bring atheists to their knees, I don't know what will!  How could anyone prophesy something this technical 2000 years ago!  Read Revelation 13. 

Good 5 minute video on the new WHO MonkeyPox Pandemic. VERY IMPORTANT info

The WHO is a "criminal racketeering organisation" — founded by eugenicists —which has been, since 1953, promoting death for financial gain... they make tons of money every time they declare an emergency... and so declaring emergencies is a business to them that allows them to kill people legally...

You may shake your head at this information and say "Why would they want to kill people?" but you have to look beyond the veil into the spiritual world and realize that Satan is the god of this world and he hates humanity. He has convinced his minions here on earth that depopulation is the only way to 1. Save the planet and 2. reduce the population enough so they can be managed and ruled. It's time to wake up. 

On a happy note!

Scientists unveil new evidence suggesting that the Shroud of Turin reveals the imprint of a resurrected Jesus.  I don't know why but I've always thought that the shroud was real.  If you want to see an AI depiction of Jesus analyzed from the Shroud, click HERE

I thank the Lord for each one of you, my beloved sisters and brothers...... 
And how you look forward to and await the coming of His Son from heaven, Whom He raised from the dead—Jesus, Who personally rescues and delivers us out of and from the wrath bringing punishment which is coming upon the impenitent and draws us to Himself investing us with all the privileges and rewards of the new life in Christ, the Messiah
1 Thess 1:10

I pray that He  may strengthen and confirm and establish your hearts faultlessly pure and unblamable in holiness in the sight of our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints  Amen! 
1 Thess 3:13

I pray for each and every one of you every day!  Even if I don't know your name, I pray for all who visit this blog... that you would know Jesus, really know Him and follow Him with all your heart. That He would bless and protect you and your loved ones and that I would meet you all soon in the clouds!

And Now the News!


The Beast Empire

Along with the above article, is this 30 minute video. Please watch if you have time. What's the big deal with digital IDs? They will eventually link to your social credit score. This video explains the City Kill Box which is being installed in every major city and will send out lasers that will harm people, particularly those with the nanobots obtained from the Vaccine. This is for tracking your every move.


Economic Collapse/Famine


UK Health Workers ordered to ask Men if they are pregnant before getting an xray (This reminds me of the time my daughter was about to give birth and we were in the examination room and the nurse asked her if she was a woman or a man. Both me and her husband started laughing uncontrollably.. but she was very serious. That was 8 years ago)


What a huge indication of the condition of the church See below!


Earth Groaning/Weather Manipulation

Signs in the Sky


  1. I just wanted to agree that Covid is back- my husband had it ( and I didn’t get it even though he was coughing a lot in the house before we knew for sure) and several at our church have had it. All of them were vaccinated at some time- I wasn’t… hmmm. also, another interesting thing was when my husband went to the clinic to get something for his cough, they told him he didn’t need to quarantine and he could go out in public when he felt like it and was fever free. They aren’t too worried about it now are they?
    I am starting a Bible study with a group of women on Revelation!
    I’m looking forward to what God has in store. Ever heard of Jen Wilken?(she is the author of the study)
    Thanks for all the info I am going to look through it all this weekend!
    Blessings, BevH

    1. That's very interesting, Bev, about your husband and Covid. Maybe they are waiting for this Mpox to release before they get strict with all the restrictions. SO COOL about your Bible Study!! I have not heard of Jen Wilken... but enjoy it! I pray you learn a lot and it brings you closer to the Lord. You know you get a special blessing just for reading that book! Hugs

    2. This is all very informative. Your blog is always a blessing. Thank you for being watchful.

  2. Oh MaryLu I am so glad The Lord told you this as it is what I keep wanting to say to you but didn’t want to upset you. The Lord will come when He is ready not when we want Him too and the longer He waits the more chance our loved ones will come with us, as well as other people who are unsaved. I have one son who I am not sure is saved and I can’t imagine going up with Jesus and leaving Him behind - we have eternity with Jesus, forever and ever and our life on this earth is a whisp but God has given it to us, put us here for a purpose and He will come when He is ready and I pray with all my heart my sons come too and your loved ones and many many more. Blessings always.

    1. Vicky, I would never be upset of anyone wanting more people, especially loved ones, to be saved before the rapture! I have a brother and his entire family, a sister, a niece and her husband, 4 step children, 1 son, and several of my husband's family who are not saved at the moment. So, yes, I get it!! It's heartbreaking. And yes, the Lord will come when He is ready. In fact, I believe Father God has already set the date, the exact date, before the foundation of the world! But that doesn't mean we don't watch for our Lord's coming and look for the signs and warn others, which is what I'm doing here. One thing that may bring you comfort is that the Lord has shown me that He will save my household (those people previously mentioned) but some of them may not come into the Kingdom until the Tribulation. As I've mentioned on this blog often, the Scripture talks about thousands and tens of thousands and a host of people that cannot be counted who will get saved during the Tribulation. Unfortunately, they will have to endure many trials... but in the end, it will all be worth it. So, be of good cheer, and trust the Lord for your son (and others). Perhaps it is only the trouble he will endure during the Tribulation that will finally push him into God's kingdom. We do not know the Lord's plans. In the meantime, we pray for them to come with us in the rapture! And we wait and know that the Lord's timing is perfect!! I am adding your son to my daily prayer list, Vicky!!

  3. Greeting Preciuos Daughter of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    Amen MaryLu, I think we would all agree that we are willing to wait to see family and friends saved. It is our hearts desire. We pray fervently every dayfor our children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters that they will be saved. Many have heard but not committed to Christ. Will some be saved during the Trib ? I think yes. There is a script in Acts 16 that says a man and his wholehouse will be saved. And another 1 Cor 7 about an unbelieving husband sanctified through his believing wife, and children are holy (paraphrased) . In Acts it goes on to say that Paul preached to the whole house and they were all baptized. But 1 Cor is not so clear. But for those they must endure the Trib, they may remember our words to them and turn to the Lord. I dont know ? But we must acknowledge scripture to specifically that not all will be saved. And I think this is the hardest thing for some those who might want to believe in God, but cannot accept this teaching.

    Yeah covid back, everyone talking about it, many wearing masks. My house is not vaxed. Why is the word "covid" always spelled with a capital C ? Lol, grammar is not my strong point, but it seems we give it credence somehow.

    Yeah Dig ID, Dig currency, and vaccine all seem to be part of the plan !
    You mention here a little bit about the evil Dems. And we talked a bit about evil almost everywhere in our government, and all around the world, right. You know my thoughts that Trump is a player in evil. I remember reading one time " we can do the right thing for the wrong reason", I'll apply this to voting when your conscience and the Holy Spirit are giving you caution. I've found that even if you reverse the statement " you can do the wrong thing for the right reason", thought it might be easier to swallow, will still sour your stomach. Yet there is a Proverb 17(?) that say's, they cast their lots but God determines the outcome ! If that eases your conscience. The vote with a prayerful and good heart, it's in God's hands anyway.

    So connecting the prophecies and the Dig ID and currency, covid, rumors of war, earthquakes, etc ? I dont know. Many Christians cant even connect these things. But we might be surprised at the bordeliners who will ?

    Soory so long, but one more thing, about AI. I think its like many this the powers to be give us what they want us to know, and with hold what they want to keep hidden from us. I watched a speech Biden gave a while back and I was shocked that his eyes were black, and his stare was dead. He spoke quickly and decisively, which is not typical of Biden. I remember asking myself, is he AI ???
    Maybe he is the subjec Elon Musk immplanted the first AI chip into ? I think what we saw in the debate with Trump was the failure of that chip ? I know sounds crazy. But there is way more about AI that we the people dont see yet !

    May the Lord our Faithful God give us spiritual eyes to see, ears to hear, and a quickened Spirit to discern, in Jeus name, Amen.

    1. Yes, Brother, I believe MANY will be saved during the Tribulation and it is only by going through the Tribulation that they would get saved. As you aptly pointed out, so many Scriptures assure us of our loved ones' salvation, particularly those of our immediate family. Then we have Noah, Lot, Rahab and others as our examples. God saves families! Yes, they each must make that decision, but the Lord will bring them to that point. His mercy is more than we can imagine!
      Covid is captialized because it speaks of a specific virus and disease. Just FYI.
      And you're right about most Christians. Why can't they see all that is happening and put 2 and 2 together? It blows my mind.
      I do agree that either Biden is completely possessed by demons or they have cloned him or he is AI. What a sad ending to a very wicked life.
      Be blessed, my brother! Be ever filled with His Spirit as we all go about His business in these last minutes!!

  4. I was reading in Luke 12 this morning where Jesus tells us to be dressed ready for service with our lamps burning. We are to be alert and waiting. He says it will be good for those servants whose Master find them ready even if He comes in the second and third watch of the night. Jesus told us that we would be waiting. Sometimes it feels like I am past the third or fourth watch of the night and onto the fifth. We wait and wait but He told us that we would. He is faithful. We just have to stay ready and believe and know that He will be here at the exact right moment.

    1. Amen to everything you said!! I sense in my spirit it won't be much longer. Keep your lamp full!
