Friday, August 30, 2024

In Seven Days, I will cause it to Rain upon the Earth!

Dear Waiting and Watching Saints of the Most High,

Has our Heavenly Father given us enough signs that we are living in the very last days? I mean, even atheists and agnostics are looking around at the world and wondering what is going on. But Christians? It's the most bizarre thing I've ever encountered. Not only do most have NO clue we are living in the last days, but many believe we are in for a "worldwide revival like the world has never seen".  Those exact words were told me this week by a close Christian friend whom I highly respect. This is a Holy Spirit filled believer in Jesus who loves Him dearly. I didn't argue with her. I didn't even comment. I learned long ago that it's futile. Besides, it's not a matter of salvation, and I know she's saved. But she is not the only Christian friend I have who believes this. I just can't see how anyone who reads the Bible and even remotely is aware of the prophecies can be so dense!

I know some pastors are preaching that the Book of Revelation has already been fulfilled and what Jesus preached about in Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled when Rome conquered Israel and destroyed the temple. But that was in 70 AD and John wrote Revelation in 90 AD. In it, he specifically said it was about "things to come". Anyway, I digress.

A quick review of these Friday posts and the news I post every week should convince anyone that we are in the last days spoken of by the OT prophets, Jesus Himself, and the Apostles.  Anyone with any knowledge of Scriptures should be able to see that. I am going to start listing Scriptures next to each section to reference the prophecies, so that might help. (Next week. Ran out of time today)

In Matthew 24:32-33 Jesus Himself tells us that when you see the Fig Tree putting on its leaves then you know that HE is at the door. I challenge you to do a search for "Fig Tree/figs/Fig" in the Old Testament and New and you'll quickly see that the Fig Tree represents Israel. When Israel became a nation, that was the start of the final generation. This was also prophesied in Psalm 48 which tells all about the Birth of the Nation of Israel. (Psalms being the 19th book of the Bible, making Psalm 48 represent 1948)  Were you alive in 1948 or were you born after that? Then you are in the FINAL Generation. Verse 13 tells us that those who see this need to tell it to the Next Generation.. but that is mistranslated. In the Hebrew, it means FINAL or LAST generation. 

However, aside from all the prophecies from the prophets and apostles about the end of days which match our current time, Jesus gave us a huge hint when He said that "as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man." For years, I thought this meant only that mankind would reach a level of evil that would match the time of the flood. Then I learned that in those days, there were Giants and Nephilim who had become so huge that they were eating people. They were also mating with humans and producing evil hybrids. Yuk. Do we see that today? Not out in the open. But they will be soon. Anyway, the Bible clearly tells us that some Nephilim survived the flood. We see them in the land of Caanan when Israel enters to take it over. Giants were there. Remember Goliath?  Yet, there is even more to this Noah reference than any of us can imagine. It contains the timing of the rapture and hence, the second coming!

In Genesis, God tells Noah he has 120 years to preach repentence to the world. During that time, he builds an ark according to God's specifications. Then in Chapter 7, we see God telling Noah that it was time to enter the Ark.

4. For in seven days I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living substance and thing that I have made I will destroy, blot out, and wipe away from the face of the earth.
5 And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.
Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth or land.

So, after 120 years (120 Jubliees) in the 600th year of Noah's life (In the 6,000th year of mankind) Noah enters the Ark and 7 days later the flood begins (7 years later)

As I've mentioned before I believe that God gave the 6000 year count to a pastor I follow and trust. He's had Biblical scholars examine it and they could find no fault with it. That 6000th year landed on 2017. Did God mark that year, which was also the 120th Jubliee  (50 x 120 = 6000) with anything special? Yes!  He caused a solar eclipse to pass over the entire United States and cross several towns named "Salem".  aka Jerusalem
Also, He put the Revelation 12 Sign in the heavens!  This was a huge deal and one I've written about multiple times. God was giving His people a warning. Get into the Ark!  Many of us thought it would be the rapture, but we neglected to read the rest of Noah's story!

That year, God also prompted Trump to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, making Jerusalem the capital of Israel. (50 years prior in 1967, the Jews won back Jerusalem from the Arabs in the 6 day war. 50 years before that in 1917, the Balfour declaration was given that allowed the Jews to return to Israel and form their own state. Now you tell me that God wasn't marking these Jubliees, which are 50 years long)

I will also mention here that Noah entered the Ark with 7 other people, representing the 7 churches in Revelation. 

So, if 2017 was the 6000th year, then 7 days (years) later the flood is supposed to start. What is the flood? The Tribulation. Did God mark 2024 with anything special? I'm glad you asked. He actually sent another total solar eclipse over the United States, forming an X over our nation, over which it passed several cities named rapture. I kid you not. 

Still the church sleeps....😴 

When did the flood start?  
11 In the year 600 of Noah’s life, in the seventeenth day of the second month, that same day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up and burst forth, and the windows and floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And it rained upon the earth forty days and forty nights

In that time before God switched the Jewish months, the second month was Cheshvan. So when is Cheshvan 17 this year? Around November 19.  Could that be the day the Tribulation starts? I have no idea. And I'm not giving a date. I'm just saying WAKE UP!  

Add to that ALL The other signs. The wars, UFOS, Crazy weather, earthquakes, plagues, famines, corruption at the highest levels, extreme immorality!, LBGTQ, Good is bad, bad is good, the character of mankind, huge DECEPTION, Media lies, extreme violence, Talk of a One World Government, Aligning of all religions into one--Ecumenicalism, and the Apostate Church, well, I just shake my head at people who believe in a coming great worldwide revival. 

In fact, I challenge anyone to offer me one Scripture that prophesies a Great Revival in the last days before Jesus comes. Just one!  Can God do that? Of course! But if He did, He would be going against His Word. So, I really don't see that happening. After the rapture, yes. I believe many many will come to salvation. Why? Because God's Word says so in Revelation 7 when it describes so large a crowd of people that they cannot be numbered

9 After this I looked and a vast host appeared which no one could count, [gathered out] of every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages. These stood before the throne and before the Lamb; they were attired in white robes, with palm branches in their hands.
13Who are these [people] clothed in the long white robes? And from where have they come?
14 I replied, Sir, you know. And he said to me, These are they who have come out of the great tribulation (persecution), and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

So, you see why I just shake my head at Christians who walk around thinking we have decades left and who believe in a huge revival?  For those who are truly saved, the rapture will catch them off guard, but they will make it!  But why miss out on a blessing? 

Even so it is that Christ, having been offered to take upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to full salvation those who are eagerly, constantly, and patiently waiting for and expecting Him. Hebrews 9:28

 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8

MaryLu is now getting of her soap box. LOL

You might want to check out the You Tube Video I link to at the end of this post under Signs in the Sky. Pretty amazing sight that apparently landed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

It's been the usual craziness in the news this week. I'll let you browse below. But while you do, Keep looking up! Jesus is coming!

Apparently, the following plagues are now being unleashed on us. I guess they figured we wouldn't comply with just one again. See below for more details. By the way, they actually shut down a city in Massachusetts with a curfew over the mosquito virus. Think it can't happen to you?
  • COVID (again)
  • Dengue Fever
  • Horse Virus
  • Bird Flu
  • MonkeyPox
  • Mosquito Virus

Freedom of Speech
So, they are starting to really crack down on Free Speech Everywhere. I first noticed this around 5 years ago when my Facebook Page (which had thousands of followers) was shadow-banned. I used to post this blog on there to help wake people up, but they told me in no uncertain terms that I had violated their rules. So I got off Facebook completely. I am back on there now, but only because I have friends I want to keep up with, but I never post. Anyway, just this week we have seen
  • The CEO of Telegram arrested and indicted in France (see more on this below under the Beast Empire)
  • Brazil judge threatens to suspend X
  • Rumble also has been threatened. ( I saw the article but can't find it now)
In Addition 
UK mass arrests citizens for memes
Ireland tries to ban "mean memes"
Brazil forces 𝕏 to flee the country
Australia tries to censor 𝕏 posts 
EU tries to blackmail Elon Musk
DOJ jails someone for a meme
Maduro blocks all access to 𝕏

What the WEF (World Economic Forum) Means By their recent announcement about Coming Shocking Events

And Now the News!


  • The Spanish government has shut down the canary islands airport to exclusively fly African immigrants into Spain... from there they spread throughout Europe like a virus....
  • Nokia says all the sheeple will have brain chips by the year 2030. See video below

The Plague and V

The GATES Foundation and the World Mosquito Program. These are GMO mosquitos that will deliver a plague to people

See the image below that appeared on the cover of the Economist Magazine for the World in 2017. See the mosquitos in the top left corner? See the nuclear explosion, the mushroom cloud? 



Earth Groaning

Signs in the Sky
Scientists expect Star of Jacob to appear next month - this star is expected to announce Messiah's appearance

While I know the Zohar is Babylonian Mystic Kabballah. I found this interesting because of the mention of a strong king arising. Doesn't mean Satan doesn't know some things. 

Please check out this video of a UFO descending onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, emitting some sort of energy wave and then zooming back into the sky. 


  1. Greetings Beloved Daughter of the King,
    Lol, I was gonna call you Snoop, ha, becasue years ago there was a detective show on ( cant remember the name) was two guys and one's nickname was Snoop !
    How you dig up all this info every week is beyond me Sister. I never get through all of it before Mondays post comes out.
    I am always amazed when I meet people on the bus who always want to comment on the terrible people running for pres, or the weather changing, inflation, viruses and wars !!! Which generally leads me to bring up the Bible of course :) Most of these people would not be considerd " Christians" by Christians ! But they have more sense than most Christians in the church.
    I shared a post from a friend with a pic of a burning city, the caption read; plagues, signs in the sky, wars, increasing evil etc. Another friend who hates the Christian teachings yet actually calls herself a Christian ( extreme liberal) commented ; yeah and all this stuff has been happening for years and years. So I responded with 2 Peter 3:3Most importantly, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.a 4“Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.” 5But they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6through whichb the world of that time perished in the flood. 7And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
    I believe many, many Christians dont really believe MaryLu ? They only believe the feel good parts of the Bible, because thats what they are being taught !

    Yeah the 70,90 AD in Matt 24. But I beleive that is also a parallel as to what is coming again. God often uses mirror imagery, and cleary most of that chapter relates to Rev.
    Oh I love the 2 Tim 4, those who love His coming ! It's what we live for, oh to see His face ! Brings the song to mind " I can Only Imagine" ! Gonna listen to it now :) .

    Forgive the language here but when you listed the viruses, one was Horse virus, I thought; I wondered if they've developed a jackass virus yet ?
    Vernon McGee say's in one of his studies; They considerd it a miracle when in the OT and ass spoke. But in these day's I'll consider it a miracle if we can get the asses to shut up !!!!!

    May God our Faithful Father give us , the strength, courage, and faith to stay on the narrow path,
    Blessings Sister

    1. Jackass virus!! LOL I think that one was released decades ago! Loved your comment. You are right many many multitudes of Christians do not believe in end times or the rapture or the Tribulation. They've been taught wrong and they don't care to read the Bible for themselves and they are too in love with this crazy world! What a crying shame!
      My own husband feeds me that line about all the bad things happening for years and years. In fact, he believes it's all cyclical. And soon things will start turning back to being good. Again, he doesn't read those parts of the Bible.
      I'm no snoop! LOL I just allow the Lord to lead me. Blessings to you, Brother!

  2. Wonderful article!! Totally on point! I too, feel like most Christians are hiding under a rock. It’s all in their faces, yet how can you possibly believe we’re not in end times and that things are going to eventually get better? So many “Christians” will be left behind and not go through the rapture; the deep remorse and despair that they will feel upon realizing they should have taken it all more seriously (reminds of the ark), drawing closer to God, repenting of your sins and walking in a holy manner. Thank goodness for Christian warriors like you who make it even easier for us by gathering all the end time news and chaos going on all over the world and even in the skies, so we should have no doubt the times are upon us! Oh, and regarding the revival that I too keep hearing is going to happen, at first I said no way…but with so many people saying it…I then said “well, ok, MAYBE, but only a very small window and then bam!! Those in Christ, gone!

    1. Thanks J! There could definitely be a very brief revival when things start getting really really bad and people start to realize what's going on... but like you said. quick! The Lord's last attempt to get people to turn to Him and then we are out of here!

  3. The information about the timing of Noah’s ark and the flood is sooo interesting!!! I pray that this is truly it!
