Monday, September 2, 2024

Who will Free Me From My Ball and Chain?


If the enemy can't get you to walk away from Jesus or live in blatant sin, his next tactic is to remind you of all your past sins. I don't know about you, but this has been his strategy against me of late. I spent much of my youth without the Lord and hence, made many mistakes. Most of the consequences of those mistakes I still live with, which makes it hard to forget them! Of course I always fire back at satan the precious verses in God's Word about how "There is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and who live according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh"  and in Psalm 103 where it says "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath HE removed our transgressions from us." There are other Scriptures which tell us that God not only forgives us, but forgets those sins!  

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about sin in general. The Lord recently gave me a vision of myself with a ball and chain wrapped around my ankle, dragging myself up a tall mountain.  The ball is my sin nature and as long as we are in these fleshly bodies we will be chained to our sin nature. The path upward on this mountain was very narrow, covered with sharp rocks and bordered by thorny bushes. At certain points, there was a huge drop off to one side. Yikes! However, I noticed that the higher I went on the mountain, the smaller the iron ball was becoming. As it was dragged over the sharp rocks and thorns that I was walking on, pieces of it chipped away.  I also noticed that even though, when I first started up the mountain, there were others with me, the higher I went, the fewer people were on the path. 

Still, there were a few others with me, some above me and some below. I also saw some who had become exhausted and were sitting alongside the trail on benches, taking a break. Others were still at the bottom of the mountain, dragging their ball around the base over and over, but never taking that first step onto the path that led upward. Instead of getting smaller as they went around the bottom of the mountain, their ball remained the same size. 

Far below me, I also saw some people who ran away from the mountain, dragging their ball behind them and as they did so, their ball became larger and heavier until finally when they could go no further because of the weight, they just dropped to the ground. 

I'm sure you can figure out the meaning of this vision. The mountain is the Mountain of God, the top of which is our destination to the heavenly Kingdom and eternity. The narrow path that is jagged and covered with sharp rocks and bordered by thorns and huge dropoffs is the Christian life. As we grow closer to Jesus by prayer, praise, and meditating on His Word, we move up that path. As we move up the path, the sin in our life diminishes. In other words, we sin less because it becomes less desirable and loses its power over us, and thus, it begins to fall away. Even so, this path is not easy. It's full of dangerous cliffs, craggy uncomfortable rocks and thorny plants. It's a struggle to keep going, but with each step, the path that was originally rather dimly lit, grows lighter and lighter and we begin to get glimpses of our Savior at the top!

The people who sat down to rest are still on the mountain and still going to heaven, but the struggles and trials of the path made them give up for awhile. Some will get back up eventually and keep going. Others, however, will remain where they are and never quite get rid of their struggles with sin or fulfill God's wonderful plans for their life. Some may even head back down the mountain.

The people who kept circling the base of the mountain are baby Christians who never grew up. They are saved but they lack the discipline and strength and will to go all in for Jesus. Unfortunately for them, they spend their lives struggling with the same sins over and over. They sin and then they repent sincerely, but eventually they commit the same sin again. They want to get better and overcome their sin, but they aren't willing to do what it takes to get rid of it. I believe these people are truly saved. They know Jesus, but they don't want to give up everything for Him, deny themselves, and take up their cross. But unfortunately, they live an unproductive life of defeat and miss all the blessings God had for them. 

The people who walked away, dragging their iron balls behind them either were never saved, or they got saved but then saw what would be required of them and walked away. In this group I would include those believers who think that once they get saved, they do not have to get rid of their sin. This is the most dangerous condition of all.  When each of these people unplugged from the mountain, they unplugged from the power of God to help them get rid of their sin, and their weight of sin only grew and grew until it became so enormous and heavy they couldn't even move. They truly became slaves to sin. 

But here's my point. We Christians too often judge each other for our actions. We see a fellow brother or sister sinning and we automatically condemn them as either non-believers or apostate. The truth is every one of us who are truly on the path belong to Jesus, but each one of us is at a different point in the path. As I've said before, it's a matter of the heart, and only God knows the heart. As long as someone is born again and they truly don't want to purposely sin and when they do, they repent and keep trying, then I believe they are saved. They may struggle more than others because of their past and personal weaknesses. They may even sit on the bench for a while, but as long as they are trying and their heart is to follow Jesus, He will give them strength, and His mercy and grace will sustain them. 

Back to my original thought of being attacked with memories of my past sin. As I watched myself climb up the mountain of God, dragging my ever-present ball of sin behind me, I noticed that my sin WAS BEHIND ME. As long as I kept going upward and kept my focus on things above.. i.e. where I was going, up to Jesus and my heavenly home, then I couldn't even see my sin!  What a great lesson!  

Another point to make is that we will never be sin free until we get to the top of the mountain and Jesus cuts through our fleshly chain and frees us from sin forever. But the sure sign of a follower of Jesus is that he or she should sin less and less as we each forge upward along the difficult  yet highly blessed and joyful, path of the Christian life!

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14


  1. Wow that is so true well said MaryLu

  2. I love this! I’m gonna send it to a few people I know. And also maybe read it to my small Bible study group ok?!
    This is a great example to show that God is for us. Not against us. But we still are responsible for doing our part in our salvation. Walking the walk. Love that when you got higher your ball got smaller and it was always behind you!! Can’t wait to get there to that top and finally be free! Well said!!

    1. Jody, you may share this with whomever you wish. It's meant for all of God's people. Like you, I'm so anxious to finally reach the top!! I told the Lord the other day that I can't imagine how wonderful it will be to NOT have to struggle with sin and my flesh anymore!

  3. Thank you for this, my precious friend! I was just talking to someone Fri who is very close to me & is struggling with leaving the past behind. I, too, mentioned the chains that keep dragging her back & are keeping her from moving forward to the blessings God has for her future. She has repented & now must let the past go! I sent her the link to this post! What a timely one!

    1. So cool, Diana, how the Lord gives us the same "vision" of chains. I'm so glad for your friend. For me, it's something I have to remind myself daily to do.. NOT look at my past but only forward to Jesus!

    2. It's something that I constantly have to battle also. Because satan is an accuser of the brethern & he loves to accuse us of our past. So we'll feel unworthy of our Savior's love. But we were made worthy by the blood of the Lamb!

  4. Great words of truth and encouragement. Our journey is a spiritual battle we all have to engage in if we want to overcome our flesh and the world around us. You rock for sharing this with us! LB

  5. God encouraged me so much with this! I needed this. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I love this post!
    I just said to my husband the other day, "When do I become the new creation?" I was frustrated by something. Some mistake I made...yet again. Funny, I can't remember the mistake now (thank You, Yeshua!), but I remember the frustration. Shouldn't I be beyond this mistake by now? I've been a all-in-for-Jesus Christian for 11 years now. After reading your post, a true sense of peace filled me. Thank you!!!

    1. I'm so happy the post blessed you. The Lord blessed me with it too! I still make a ton of mistakes, and oh, how the devil loves to point them out! But the Lord reminds me that I'm better than I was 10 years ago.. even 5 years ago. right? We just keep moving forward!! Blessings

  7. Great reminder, MaryLu that the accuser of the brethern is Satan and not God.
    I just finished book "Imagine the God of Heaven," by John Burke who has studied near death experiences for decades. His book is a wonderful study on how much God loves us and the truth about our choices here. It is so encouraging and we see how much He is for us!!!
    Have a blessed day!
    Your sister in Christ,

    1. Sounds like a great book!! Thanks, Susan. Blessings

  8. Greetings Precious Daughter of the Most Holy Father,
    Amen Sister. Love the vision. I start each morning by greeting our Father with thanksgiving, and quickley move in to confess my sins in Jesus name, before I go onto my prayer requests and petitions before the Lord. Search me Lord, and cleanse me Lord and I will be clean.

    I saw a quote " I aint what I wanna be, but I'm not what I used to be, but oh what I'm gonna be" !

    And I read one time that: The Father calls, the Son justifies, and the Holy Spirit sanctifies.
    And I have always believed that sanctiying is a work in progress. Day by day, rock by rock, up the mountain.
    The church is becoming soft on sin, and making it easy to live with. And Christians dont seem to remember that sin caused Jesus death on the cross. All our sin. I have 2 items in my room that I like to look at from time to time. One is a solid brass Crucifix (my uncle made many years ago in the foundry) and the other is a crown of thornes someone gave me from Jerusalem. I cherrish both these things. But some that have seen them call them idols, and say they are wrong to have. I say they are harsh reminders of what the Lord did for me. They dont draw my worship, but rather increase my love of my Lord and Savior.

    1John 1: 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar, and His word is not in us.
    and you gotta love this from Paul, and it our goal to remember this as we near the top of that mountain; 2 Timothy 4:6-8 New International Version (NIV)
    I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

    Keep the Faith Sister for our Lord drweth neigh! :)

    1. I aint what I wanna be, but I'm not what I used to be, but oh what I'm gonna be" ! Love that, Brother. The most important thing I ask of the Lord, aside from the salvation of my loved ones, is that I would finish my race well!! I long to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant", though I know I fall short many days. But He is so merciful!! Blessings

  9. ‭Isaiah 64:5-6 NKJV‬
    [5] You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness, Who remembers You in Your ways. You are indeed angry, for we have sinned— In these ways we continue; And we need to be saved. [6] But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away.

  10. It is only through Jesus we can be saved. Even all of the righteous things we do are are never going to be good enough. Trust in the Lord and the power of His mighty.

    1. Absolutely, Ron. Amen! We are only saved through the blood of Jesus and our faith and trust in Him. This post is not about earning salvation through works... but it's about each of our struggles with sin and our desire to know Jesus more and become more like Him as we run the race set before us .

  11. I also struggle with looking back but thank God that His word reminds me that what is impossible with man is possible with God. His word is the only thing that keeps the accuser from losing hope.
    ‭Romans 3:24-26 NKJV‬
    [24] being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, [25] whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, [26] to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

  12. I meant keeps me from losing hope when the accuser brings up the past.
