Friday, September 6, 2024

Get Ready to Receive the Victor's Crown!

Dear Greatly-Loved and Most Valuable Saints of the Most High,

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept, firmly held, the faith. As to what remains, henceforth there is laid up for me the victor’s crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me and recompense me on that great day—and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing, His return.
2 Timothy 4:7-8

There is a victor's crown waiting for us? For who? For all those who have loved and yearned for Jesus's return. Does that mean people who don't want Jesus to return won't get that special crown? Possibly. If they are truly saved, they will still meet Jesus in the air, but as I said on my Monday post, they will miss out on certain blessings. Yet, part of me has to wonder that if a Christian isn't looking for Jesus or doesn't really want Him to return now, is He really saved? Does he or she have a close relationship with Jesus? Because if they did, even if they didn't know the rapture was close, they would still be excited to be with Jesus one day, right?  

A POSSIBLE Rapture and start of the Tribulation this fall!

• The 4 red heifers without blemish will turn 3 years old by September 2024! 
• The United Nations' Summit of the Future will be held on 22-23 September 2024! 
• The 7 year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign is on the 23rd of September 2024!  HUGE!
• Scientists expect Star of Jacob to appear on September 28, 2024! (More on that beneath Signs in the Sky)
• The biggest global Stock Market crashes in history have occurred in October! A global Economic Armageddon is on the cusp, as America which is the leading economy of the world is on the verge of a complete collapse! 
• The set up for the next Plannedemic is already underway! 

New York deploying FEDERAL Troops for Trump sentencing on September 18th, believing if he is sentenced to jail, civil war will erupt. Think about that: FEDERAL TROOPS!  It's against the Constitution to have an army here on our soil run by our government. 

Let's say we are extremely close to the rapture of God's holy saints. (which I believe we are). Once the church is removed, Jesus begins opening the 7 Seals of the Scroll, which is the deed to Earth He purchased with His blood. The first 4 are known as the Horses of the Apocalypse. The Antichrist, World Wide War, Famine and Pestilence, and Death. Scripture also tells of that the Antichrist will set up a One World Government during this time and it will be a global tyrannical government that controls every aspect of life. That can only be achieved by an AI computer system that has cameras everywhere (including your car) and a Digital Monetary system in which citizens are paid for behaving and punished by having their "money" taken away when they misbehave. The Bible also tells us that Christianity will be illegal and Christians will be hunted down and many killed for their faith. In the worst part of this 7 year Tribulation period, people will have to receive some sort of technological mark or nano-tech vaccine that will enable them to buy and sell and stay alive, but it will also alter their DNA to the point that they are considered by their Creator as being no longer human, and hence, no longer able to be saved by the blood of Jesus. We also know from Scripture that Israel will be the capital of this Satanic New World Government so we would expect the eyes of the entire world to even now be focused on the Holy land. We are also told that there would be signs in the sky and things coming on the world that would terrify people.  

Okay, okay, MaryLu, I know all of that. Why are you trying to scare me?

I'm not! I'm trying to encourage you. I'm asking the question what would we expect to see happening now, right before the rapture? All the above things could not be achieved overnight or even in just a few years, so we must be seeing these things now. Which is the point of these Friday posts.  I'm not trying to frighten anyone. I'm trying to reveal to you that Jesus is coming and He's coming soon! I want this to give you hope and joy and the strength you need to keep running your race, no matter the trials and struggles you are enduring. It will be worth it in the end!

Let me focus mainly on the coming Beast Empire. a.k.a the Satanic Global Tyranny. This is what I want to focus on in this post because as you'll see below, a lot has happened recently.  If this evil empire is about to rise and take over, what should we be seeing already?

  • The Technology to achieve world-wide surveillance
  • Cameras on every block and street, including 6G systems and towers
  • Our phones, TVs, Tablets, computers, security cameras, and cars all wired to the hive (internet) with the ability to spy on us
  • Our food and medicine poisoned and modified (GMO) in order to keep us sick and dependent on this One World Government and its Frankenstein medical system
  • Most Media owned and operated by those running the Beast Empire
  • All alternative media and voices who speak truth systematically being censored and shut down (See under Beast Empire)
  • Our money all in some form of Chip or Card and all monitored online (I rarely see anyone write a check or pay in cash anymore, You?)
  • A Digital currency developed and at the ready to implement, and being tested and implemented in some countries already
  • The Technology to implant a chip or nanobots that could contain all your health and financial information
  • The battle for Israel and Jerusalem and the Temple Mount accelerating by the day.
  • Human rights being taken away bit by bit over the past years, so much so, that most young people today have no idea the freedom we used to have
  • Christian persecution on the rise!  
Are we seeing these things? Scan the news below and in my prior posts and you'll have to agree with me when I say YES!  And this is only in reference to the rise of the Beast Empire. Add to that, the quakes, storms, volcanoes, floods, UFOs, pestilences, apostasy, and deception.. well, it's all set in place like Dominos all lined up perfectly and ready for the Lord (yes, I said the Lord, even though He did not set up the dominoes) to push that first one and start the Tribulation. You see, our enemy can't do anything without God's permission. 

I'm hearing from the reliable and proven prophets I follow that September will be a month of revealing. Revealing what, I don't know. October will be a month of Calamity. Other Godly people are warning about October. I only say that as a matter of prayer and preparation. Those of us who walk in the light can see these things coming. God promises to protect those who are His!

One last thing about why the Satanic Globalists HAVE to tell us what they are doing in advance. You may have seen my post on the X-Files this week and other posts about how the Simpsons and other TV shows, along with the video game I Pet Goat have all predicted the future. Does Satan know the future? No. Only God does, but Satan has his plans and he must tell us those plans in advance. It's a thing called "Karmic Retribution" which comes from Buddhism and means essentially that if they didn't tell us in advance, then they would be guilty of the horrific event they planned and it would come back upon them. I was speaking to a friend about this and she also said that it could come from the Bible itself in the following Scriptures

Genesis 18:17:  Then the Lord said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?"

But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. Ezekiel 33:6

Throughout Scripture, we know that God always tells and warns His people through prophets, watchmen, angels, etc what He is about to do. Could this be a Spiritual law that Satan must also follow? It seems to be. Of course Satan always twists Scripture for his own deviant purposes. 

I put a lot of videos in this Friday post. Most are very short and I encourage you to watch them. I try to pick and choose which ones are important. I think you'll be shocked by some. I post them to help prove where we are in God's End time clock... and in my opinion, we are seconds away from midnight.

And now, the News! We are in a High Watch Season as we close out this year. Do not fear. Jesus is coming. Even if things look bad, do not lose faith and keep looking up! Spend some time this week thinking about Heaven, what it is like, the beauty and majesty, and seeing Jesus for the first time.. looking in His eyes and feeling His embrace!  Know that your future is secure and eternal!  Put on your dancing shoes for the Wedding Party. It's going to be awesome!

Wars and Rumors of Wars
(Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Daniel 9:26)

Israel  (Daniel 9:24-27, Joel 3:16-17, Romans 11, Matthew 24:15-21)

The Beast Empire  (Daniel 7:23-26, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel 2:41-45, Revelation 13)
See video below. This is what many towns in the UK look like now. Are you aware of what has been happening over there?

Who runs the world?

Another important video about what's happening in Leeds, UK  and will be coming here soon

Here are some attacks on free speech that have taken place this past month:
1. Brazil announces anyone using a VPN to access X will be fined up to $8,874 a day.
2. German podcast hosts of 'Hoss and Hopf' face a €250,000 fine and jail time in Germany after they "misgendered" a bald transgender person.
3. Telegram founder Pavel Durov is arrested in France for not censoring users.
4. UK arrests a 55-year-old woman for sharing "misinformation" online.
5. UK looks to move forward with new legislation that would label misogyny as a form of extremism.
6. EU Commissioner Thierry Breton sent Elon Musk a letter, demanding that he comply with their censorship laws.
7. Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski fled Europe, citing threats from the French government.
8. META CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a letter, detailing how the Biden-Harris administration and the FBI worked to censor content on META platforms.

See Video below: They are conditioning kids to receive the Mark of the Beast

Teacher is arrested in Ireland for standing up for Jesus and not promoting LBGTQ to his students. Video below

New cars are now OVERLOADED with sensors, radars and lasers... while most of the sheeple enjoy the bells and whistles, it's important to understand that new vehicles have been weaponized and are part of the smart grid.... new vehicles now automatically track and target people on the red list as soon as they come within range (2 km) and attack with energy weapons... they are now, in fact, a mobile weapon station controlled by skynet courtesy of the mandatory black boxes and NSA software updates...

There's a Club that runs the world, and we aren't in it

Plague/Vaccines  (Revelation 6:8, 9:18-20, Luke 21:11)

You Tube's new censorship of any medical advice that goes against the Global narrative. See video below

Please watch short video below about vaccines and kids! So important

Watch Video below taken in South Florida of a Helicopter spraying a blue chemical on the citizens and homes.

Famine/Economic Collapse  (Revelation 6:5-6, Revelation 13:16-17, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11)

Why does that lady above look an awful lot like Kamala Harris?

Apostasy (1 Tim 4:1-3, Matthew 24:11,24 , 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11

Persecution  (Micah 7, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-10)

Watch the short video below of police in Ireland coming to the home of a teacher to arrest him because he would not teach LGBTQ

Earth Groaning (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, Romans 8:19-22)

Signs in the Sky (Luke 21:11, Acts 2:19)

Interesting video proving that NASA lies about space and faking videos of those on the space station

Have you heard about the "ring of fire" Rosh Hashanah Eclipse that is coming in October?


  1. Another amazing article. Can’t believe southern California was declared a state of emergency, I had no idea. I love to read about the San Andreas and New Madrid fault lines, so this is really something! That cartoon clip with the mark of the beast…unreal!! It goes on and on! Thank you MaryLu!!! So many things are about to happen, and people have no clue. I’ve been reading all the news articles and videos you’ve included and going back and rereading them. So much we don’t know about because the news is not reporting it!

    1. Yes.. hardly any of this is reported on the mainstream news!! So, if that is all people watch, they wouldn't have a clue. They are hiding so much from us and now they are trying to silence most of the places where I get this news... so who knows how much longer I can report any of it. It's all about to explode! But we are about to leave! Blessings!

  2. Greetings Beloved Watchwoman of the Most High God !
    I will assume you've had a busy week Sister :)
    Extraordinary work MaryLu, and thank you for your due diligence.
    I could write for an hour in agreement with all of this, lol, dont worry I'l wont :)
    The question is always on my mind about who is truly saved. Who can know with so many masquerading as angels of light ! I'm talking pastors and and believers alike ?
    Do we need to believe in the Rapture to be saved ? I do believe that if the Rapture AND Tribulation were taught many more would be. But the New Age preachers dont want us doing that, it make a mockery of their prosperity gospel and cuts into their profits ! I agree with what you said last week; we will be shocked at who we see in heaven, and surprised at those we dont see ! I always say, it's awesome when you preach John 3:16, yet how many more might come to repentance if we followed thru to verse 20, then they would have the Whole Gospel !

    But even though I new and believed in the Rapture before, I have learned so much more from you Sister, so thank you. And I am so much wiser because of it. It bolstered my faith and my strength in Christ.

    Sister, elaberate the "7 seals of the scroll " *which is the deed to the Earth* ?

    You mention the Antichrist, I heard Obama say something like - they are trying to stop us from entering into a new age of enlightenment" ! He didnt use the word enlightenment, it was more starteling than that !

    I'm a cash guy. Wont buy a cup of coffee with my debit card ! Wife pays all bils on computer :/

    Many new banks opening up here in Massachusetts, and many having the word "digital" in their name.

    I saw an interview, with Tulsi Gabbard. Very interesting Lady. She left Dems a few years back. Left politics because she wouldnt dance to their tune. She talked a lot about the "powers to be" Dems, pulling all the strings to bring in their evil agenda. Something she said stuck with me about voting. She said your vote could mean more than just trying to find the candidate you like, it could be a vote against the one you want to stop !

    Never realized till you said it "Satan cant see the future", good one.
    love the pic of of disaster all around and the guy comfortable in his hammock !

    May the love of Jesus be in your heart and guide you in the week ahead.

    1. I agree, Brother. It's hard to separate the wheat from the tares. Thank goodness, that's God's job and not mine. Believing in the rapture is not a condition for salvation, but it might possibly be a condition for actually going in the rapture. Some Scriptures seem to indicate that. In addition, since everything in the Christian walk is by faith, perhaps faith in the rapture itself is important? Up to God.
      The 7-sealed scroll. Yes, always heard it was the title deed to the Earth but for the life of me, I can't find the Scripture to verify. However, it makes sense. No one else in heaven or on earth was found worthy to open the scroll, not even Father God Himself! Only the one man who paid for the redemption of humans with His Blood. We also see in Romans 8 that the Earth was also subjected to condemnation when Adam and Eve sinned.. so it would make sense that Jesus would redeem the Earth as well. When He died and rose again, he descended and got the keys to hell and the grave and most likely the deed to Earth as well!
      Interesting what Obama said. The Satanists do believe they will create the age of Aquarius, the age of enlightenment with them in charge.
      Thank you for your prayers and blessings, Brother! I pray the Lord blesses your week and makes His presence known to you in special ways!
