Friday, September 27, 2024

While they make a Pact, We get Packed!

 Dear Holy Most-Beloved and Soon to go Home Saints,

This may be my last post. At this point I'm not sure how much longer Blogger will allow me to post the truth here. Below is a note I received from them this week:

    As you may know, our Community Guidelines  ( describe the boundaries for what we allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "Homeward Bound!" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted the post, previously at    Why was your blog post deleted?

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I'm actually surprised they are messing with me since I'm really small potatoes compared with most watchmen. But I will continue as long as possible posting my Friday End times News. I just have a gut feeling they will be deleting several of my posts going forward. Since these are now sent out in Email form in their entirety, I urge you to keep copies that may help those of your family and friends left behind. 

If these posts continue to be deleted, as long as we are here, I will try and find another way to communicate with you. My website has a blogging option that I can try out. I will let you know should that happen.

Enough about that.  There was huge news this week, as usual. I would say the two major things are the "Pact of the Future" that was signed at the UN earlier this week, which will usher in the One World Government. I have many posts about that below under the Beast Empire, so please check them out. This was huge news that affects the entire world and I saw no coverage on main Stream Media. 

The second thing would be the escalation of the War in Israel. Again, you can peruse the many articles below, but suffice it to say Israel continues to eliminate locations where either top Hezbollah commanders are or where weapons and missiles are stored or launched. Yes, there have been many civilians killed, and that breaks my heart. Israel did send out notices in advance for them to get out of the area, but who knows? I do believe Israel has a right to defend itself and Hezbollah has been launching rockets into Israel for years now. Israel is now calling up all reserves and 40,000 fighters from other countries are joining with Hezbollah for the upcoming ground war.  Whether or not the government of Israel is good or bad, I am for the Jewish people, for God's remnant there and the 144,000 and I pray for them daily. I also pray for the innocents on the other side as well. War is horrible. I do believe Israel will begin a ground invasion soon and when that happens, all bets are off. A missile was launched towards Tel Aviv a few days ago, making it the farthest a missile has made it. I'm also hearing prophecies that a nuclear weapon may hit Tel Aviv.  So, Please pray for that city and for all of Israel. 

At some point either a false and temporary ceasefire will be agreed upon OR Iran, Russia and Turkey will get involved, which will make it the Gog-Magog war. Ultimately, this war and the soon coming world war that will encompass the world is making way for the Antichrist to come on the scene as the hero sweeping in on his white horse to bring peace to the nations.  That's how close we are to the end. 

Apparently there's a potential strike at all the US ports on the East and Gulf coasts, which if it happens, America could be facing shortages and huge prices within a week. Then we have more UFOS flying around, more vaccine injuries and cases of various plagues striking, earthquakes and now a major hurricane here in the US. Oh and a FBI Whistleblower who warns America to get guns, food and water for 4 months and pray.  Honestly, if people can't see how close we are to the Tribulation, I don't know what to say.

I'm closing this out late Thursday night and I see the hurricane is making landfall as a Cat 4.  Pray for the people and homes in its path! 

I've had an illness in the family which has taken much of my time this week, so I'll end my analysis here. My heart is to wake up the sleeping church, get them to repent, so they can escape with us. My heart is for the Lost who are so deceived by the enemy that they have no clue what is really going on. They have no idea there is a God who loves them so much, He died for them! Who wants to have a relationship with them and give them life here and a glorious eternity.  They have no clue their minds are brainwashed into thinking this is all there is and when you die you die. Yet there are millions of souls in hell right now, pleading for one more minute here to put their trust in Jesus.

So, ask the Lord what you should be doing with these final moments you are here. How can you help Him save just a few more?  Maybe it's just praying.. maybe adding fasting to your prayers, maybe talking to a friend or neighbor or co-worker. Maybe its supporting a ministry God leads you to. Whatever it is, run your race to win! The finish line is in sight! 

Please please watch this short 3 minute video from Sherry Tenpenny about what is in the "Pact for the Future" in a nutshell

7 Minute You Tube video from Macron calling for a One World Government at the UN. Many think he might be the AC

For your health!

Only nine heifers have been sacrificed since the time of Moses until the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. 


Israel (Daniel 9:24-27, Joel 3:16-17, Romans 11, Matthew 24:15-21)

  • Approximately 180 targets and thousands of launcher barrels were dismantled: the IDF completed a number of strikes in southern Lebanon
  • Israel 🇮🇱 is keeping a VERY CLOSE watch on Iran 🇮🇷 in case Tehran decides to join Hezbollah’s retaliation attack on Israel

The Hezbollah terrorist group of Iraq  fired the drones aimed at a "target in the Jordan Valley." The drones followed approximately 150 rockets that were fired at the area from Hezbollah

Ali Karaki the Commander of Hezbollah’s southern front, whose two divisional commanders were killed by the IDF was the target!

  War (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Daniel 9:26)
The Beast Empire (Daniel 7:23-26, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel 2:41-45, Revelation 13)

Check out Luciferian Alice Bailey's plan to destroy Christianity.
"The UN Secretary General wants to gain the authority to declare a global emergency at any time. In addition, the federal government wants to pass a global digital mandate, "which has already been negotiated with almost complete exclusion of the public and - as far as I know - parliaments."

The WHO's plandemic treaty didn't pass but the UN just adopted what they are calling a "Pact for the Future" on Sunday.

The pact (, which also includes an annex on working toward a "responsible and sustainable" digital future, was adopted without a vote at the start of the two-day Summit of the Future.

Other themes include: peace and security, global governance, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations.

This is where the beast system begins to accelerate. AI and the digitization of everything is KEY in all of this.

Meanwhile, the masses and many truthers are distracted with Puff Daddy and the Red vs Blue paradigm, the UN has just adopted worldwide (AI) governance.The beast system is looming.

Pandemic treaty ratified at UN's Summit earlier this week.  this gives them the power to force behavior across the nations such as taking vaccines, lockdowns, wearing masks etc. 

Other Beast News

Plagues and Vaccines (Revelation 6:8, 9:18-20, Luke 21:11)

Please watch the following Video (must go on blog to watch) about what is in our food compared to other countries. They are purposely poisoning us!

Hour long Video about how the Globalists are planning to weaponize aerosol "viruses" to perpetuate biological warfare on populations

Famine/Economic Collapse (Revelation 6:5-6, Revelation 13:16-17, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11)

Watch this short VIDEO, I believe from the UN meeting this week about creation of a Global Digital Compact

Persecution (Micah 7, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-10)

Earth Groaning (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, Romans 8:19-22)

A 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit the city of Bojnoord in Iran.

Heavy floods at the Noto peninsula in Japan. See video below


  1. Greetings Loyal Scribe of our King,
    You have talked about and posted videos of people being arrested for spreading supposed "disinformation" and the likes. And I have seen other sources about this subject to. Sensorship is coming, and I pray we dont lose contact Sister. But if we do, know that you and your house will remain in my prayers.

    War is inevitable. As I'm writing this on Saturday night I read a headline stating that Israel took out the Leader of Iran !
    Like you, I pray for the innocent on either side. Oh Lord forgive us.

    You know my story, how I left a church over heresy's, little gods, dont believe in Rapture, self centered preaching etc. All disguised very well with a well schooled Bible pastor. When I left, my family stayed behind in that church. I see them slowly saying things that worry me, but they wont listen to me. My wife daughter have a very strong belief in Jesus so I am surprised that they cant see this. I'm not even sure if the pastor understands the ungodly things he brings into the church. I know there are people in that church that love the Lord, yet they just dont seem to see what is underneath what this pastor says? I wrote a small message a while back about "Guilt by Association" to people who were head long following WoF, Prosperity, some Charismatic, Evangelicals etc. I stated that if you run all over the world to these false preachers, support them with your money ( really robbing from God's Church), and pass out their books and teachings, that the become accessories and co laborers in the aposacy.
    My family pray together often and I see no sign there of them denying God's sovereignty. So I will just keep on praying for them, but it's tense.

    I will lift up some extra prayers for your family member that is ill MaryLu. May the Almighty God keep you all under His Mighy wings of protection in the coming week.

    1. Correction, not the leader of Iran but of Hezbollah.

    2. Greetings my dear Brother. Yes, Israel took out the leader of Hezbolah along with several other important members. Apparently, Iran is threatening a HUGE retaliation... but time will tell. I'm amazed at the Israeli intelligence... and their precision strikes. Surely God is with them. I know how hard it is to watch your family go down the wrong path! I have many in mine doing the same. The truth is, IF they truly wanted to know the truth and read their Bibles with a sincere prayer for the Holy Spirit to guide them and keep them from deception, they wouldn't fall for any false doctrines at all.
      If your family is truly saved, they should be okay.... so just keep praying God would lead them closer to Him and His truth. Some members of my family are living a life of sin and still claiming Christ. That concerns me greatly.
      Thanks for your prayers, Brother. These are hard times for us all. But soon we will be with our King! Blessings
