Monday, September 30, 2024

The Last Minutes of the Story!

 As a writer, my two favorite parts of any of my novels are the beginning and the end. In fact, I usually know both those parts well before I even start writing. It's the middle of the story where I struggle most and usually just fly by the seat of my pants as I go along. The ending is always the most exciting part. It's when everything in the story comes to a huge climax, everything converges... all the characters, their struggles, their journeys, their purposes, everything they've been through comes together in the final chapter!  Right up until the very end, it looks like the hero or heroine aren't going to make it! It looks like everything is going to turn out horrible and all hell is breaking loose. THEN.... some turn of event, some miracle, some major twist happens, and the hero and heroine win! They are victorious and sail off into the sunset!  

God is a writer. In fact, the more I read the Bible, the more I'm amazed at His writing ability!  The entire book is truly incredible and the best story I've ever read. He places different characters (humans) throughout the various ages of the Bible, each with a specific purpose and assignment that furthers the entire story toward its climax! But what amazes me the most is that He has placed US here in the very last chapter!

Do you know how privileged we are to be alive in these end times? To be a part of this generation who will see the rapture of the church and the start of the Tribulation? All of heaven looks down on us, cheering us on, pulling for us, praying we can endure these last and final trials our nemesis tosses our way.  Because, let's face it, things look REALLY BAD right now!  But they are supposed to. Who would read the final chapter of a book if everything was roses and ice cream? No. the Lord is allowing things to get so bad that we (the heroes and heroines of the story) are starting to wonder if we are going to make it!  The person reading the story is biting their nails, sitting at the end of their seat, turning each page as quickly as they can, thinking "How are they ever going to get out of this alive?" 

But what kind of story would it be if the villain won? If the hero and heroine gave up in the last chapter? If they were defeated by their nemesis? That's not the kind of story I want to read!

I say all of this because I know we are all going through rough times. Some of you are sick, others don't have enough to pay your bills, others have relationship issues, marriage issues, kid issues. Some are worried about lost loved ones. Some have lost their jobs. Others have had deaths in the family, lost everything in storms. And some have had their hearts broken. Even if you have none of those issues, the enemy will come after you with guilt and condemnation, with accusations and incriminations. He will make you feel unworthy, unloved, unwanted. He will make you compare yourself with other Christians who seem far better than you are. He will even make you question your salvation.  But I tell you this now so you will know. The villain of your story is a liar and the father of lies! 

Aways remember you are GREATLY LOVED.  You may not have had a father or mother who loved you. You may have been rejected your entire life. But you are extremely valuable to God. He knows the number of hairs on your head and He collects your tears in a bottle. He knows every detail of your life and He understands you more than you understand yourself. Get this. He knows you better than anyone and is still crazy about you!  

So stand strong. I know the villain of our stories is attacking us fiercely now!  He is me too!  You are not alone. All your brothers and sisters are also being attacked. Jesus sees this and understands, but He placed you in this exact moment in time, right at the end of the story, because He knew you would make it!  He knew you would lean on Him and trust in Him and finish your race well! How cool is that?

I have not mentioned Rosh Hashana, which is coming up this week, at least on the current Jewish calendar. Who knows what calendar is correct? Either way, many are hoping the rapture will happen during this feast for a multitude of great reasons, which I've posted about often on this blog. But I'm not pinning my hopes on one day or a certain Jewish holiday. Honestly, I expect to hear that trumpet blast at any time now. I believe war is coming in October, war and an economic collapse.  Do NOT allow these things to bother you. We serve an awesome God who died for us. Will He not then freely give us all we need?  Will He not protect us under the shadow of His wings as He promised? Psalm 91

You are stronger than you think. You are the hero of this story, and God, being the awesome writer that He is, would not choose a hero or heroine who is going to give up and falter during the last scene! 

Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, Exodus 14:13

I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee….Hebrews 13:5

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10


  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. This was just what I needed to hear! Thank you!!!

  3. Mary Lu, Again I want to give you thanks for your constant encouragement and "amazing, incredible reporting" of the flood/tsunami of signs, declaring the lateness of the hour. I often think of our world as the Titanic that is terminally wounded and sinking. Perhaps as you have originally stated, it is high time to enter the life boat "JESUS", for rescue before it is too late. You have performed a remarkable service for all who have read your blog, cheering us on as we eagerly wait for the return of our Lord & SAVIOR. As JD Farag is fond of saying.... very soon we are going to a Wedding! I would add and its gonna be out of this world!! Titus 2 v 13! MARANATHA!

    1. Thank you so much, Ron! I so appreciate your kind words. It's been quite a journey, but I couldn't have done it ... or continued,... without you all cheering me on and praying for me. AND the Lord's leading with each post. See you soon!! What a wedding that will be!

    2. Love the quote JD Ron !

  4. Thank you MaryLu for the continuing of your blog!! I surely hope that it does not stop as per your previous post!! I realize that nobody likes change, and you are so used to Blogspot, but once they start censoring you and your posts, it is pretty much over. There are many other options out there and you mentioned one of them, which was a blog posting from your current provider. I encourage you to use whatever means possible, because I do not want to miss one day of your posts!! You are so encouraging, and keeping us up to date on what is happening in this world at this time. I need your posts to keep me in the loop, so to speak, and I am sure that others do too. keep it going as long as possible. We all need you in our lives!!

    I also want to say that from reading some comments on FB, just how unaware that some people are about what is happening in this world right now!! I was just stunned that so many were not aware of the upcoming Port Strike and how much it could affect our current lives!! They were just totally unaware that a strike was even imminent and what it could mean for our grocery and other needs. Some even commented that if their grocers were getting their products from a "port" that they would find another grocer!! Surprise!! that many of our products come from other countries and we are not even aware of it!! Talk about heads in the sand!! Wake up people!! Not everything comes from the USA!! and even if it does, it still will be affected by the strike!! Even if it does not come from a "port", it still comes from somewhere that is included in the "supply chain", and just like in Covid, supplies will be limited, no matter what, and also with "inflation", not all of us can "stock up" to the extent suggested, at four months of water and groceries!! It is far too late for that, and I believe it was all planned ahead of time. Part of the economic plan to take the US down.

    Thank you, MaryLu for keeping us as informed as possible, even though some people are oblivious to it!! we need you!! Keep us going!! Love you always!! Blessings to you and your family!! Maranatha!!

    1. I will do all I can to stay posting. I promise. There are a few other options I can try and will start setting up just in case. Thank you for your very kind words! I completely agree about most people having their heads in the sand. (Including all of my family members) I believe the problem is that they listen to main stream news and trust it. It used to be the case 50 years ago that we could trust at least some of the news, but not anymore. So, unless people go seeking for the truth, they will be caught unaware. YET, it is our job as believers to be looking at the signs around us and at Bible prophecy and putting the pieces together. Problem is most Christians rarely even read their Bible and so many pastors are clueless as well.. if not down right apostate. Another sign of the time! Blessings to you, my friend!! See you soon!

  5. 🥹😭♥️ Thank you MaryLu!! This was so beautifully written!! I agree with the other comments on everything they said about you, and how much you have encouraged us and how much information/news you provide us with that the mainstream media never covers! I hope to meet you in heaven and we can all join your book club! 🥰

    1. Awww.. thanks! My book club in heaven. Love it! See you there!

  6. Greetings Precious Sister loved by God and us !
    My heart was lifted up reading this post MaryLu, and lifted even higher reading all the loving responses. :) It shows that true believers love the Truth. Becuase truth brings freedom.
    I was moved by the opening pic/scripture " Father Your will be done". My ex pastor made these little weekly videos, and in one he said " You know what makes me angry, when someone is praying for the sick and say's, Father, your will be done" ! I know it was in response to a prayer I had said. Well thats why he is an ex.

    Amen God is the ultimate write. Who else could compile such an authoritative set of books, spread over thousands of yrs, by over 40 authors of varying character and location, and maintain a consistent thread throughout ?
    It bring 2 posts I saw, one was a pic of a blank canvas sitting over beautiful fire place with the caption " Let the Lord paint your picture" !
    And the 2nd was, a pic of a scroll that said " God is trying to write your story, stop trying to pull the pen out of His hand" !

    I read this in my devotional, Charles Stanley; We often face life with a stiff upper lip, trusting in our own abilities to get us through our troubles. Choosing to follow the Lord, however, involves a totally different mindset:
    We're weaker than we could have imagined, but through the Holy Spirit, we are stronger than we dared to hope !

    Love the statement " God knows me better than anyone else, and He is still crazy about me ! Hallelujah, thank you Lord.

    And may the Lord of Glory keep us strong in the faith and safe in His arms, in Jesus Christ I pray.

    1. Thank you, Brother! Love the description of the posts you saw. We really try hard to take the wheel of our lives, don't we? But our Lord knows best. Took me a while to learn that, but once I did and let go, it's been wonderful. Hard to believe your pastor would be angry at "Father, your will be done." but that's the church today. LOVE that with the Holy Spirit, we are stronger than we dared to hope! I don't think any of us realize the power God has given us and how demons tremble when we walk into a room! Blessings!
