Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Pirates Need Love too!

 Dear End-times Remnant of the Most High,

This is the post that was deleted. I'm reposting it so that you'll have a copy in your email to keep for info, to send to others, or for the left behind. The original post was named Homeward Bound. I renamed it to protect the innocent. Ha!  They will probably delete this one too. We'll see. Blessings!

Who said living at the very end of time would be easy?  In fact, if things were really easy right now, I'd start to wonder if we were at the end. But the world is crumbling around us, and it seems to be happening with rapid speed. Trouble is, not much of what is going on is reported to the majority of the public. 

For instance, do people know that the World Economic Forum admitted that Covid was a test of obedience to the rapidly forming New World Order? Also, did you know that the IMF said that CBDCs (Digital currency) will be used to create a surveillance state? What about Turkey calling for an Islamic Alliance (can you say Caliphate?) to come against Israel? Or that the International court of Justice declared Israel's occupation of Palestine Illegal or that the PA is drafting a UN resolution to remove all Jews from Judea Samaria? Did you know a full scale War Plan was submitted to the US by Israel for an attack on Lebanon, which I'm told will be in a matter of days?

Also apparently NATO was caught launching an attack against Russia from within Finland. Sweden announced it is in a Pre-War phase. The UK and USA approve long-range attacks into Russia, and Russia says it will consider that an act of war and will bring China onboard if attacked. 

In addition, they continue to unleash a plethora of diseases and plagues upon us, Dengue fever, EEE, Bird Flu, Monkey Pox even while Moderna confirms that the Covid mRNA vaccine causes cancer. As if that weren't bad enough, Australian scientists provide evidence of nanotech and graphene oxide in the vaccine. Lovely.  

CBDCs are coming. 159 Nations adopt a new digital global currency with BRICS. This marks the end of the dollar and our economy. Then we have active shooters everywhere and immigrant gangs eating our pets. And yes, it's true, despite what the ABC "fact checkers" say.

Did you know that our police officers have received a "UFO Handbook," detailing government and Pentagon findings on extraterrestrial activity and warning about a possible coming deception to cover up the rapture? Whoops I meant an invasion.

I won't even go into all the quakes and storms and queers. Yes, I said queers. Sorry, I grew up in the 70s

All of the above news is listed in articles below, along with many other items of interest, pictures and videos. Regarding videos, it occurred to me that they don't come across in email, so if I mention a video and you want to see it, click over to the blog.

I guess what I'm trying to get across is how close we are to going home!  I'm still believing it's this year. So, buckle up, buttercup, we are in for the biggest drop of all on this roller coaster, right before the ride ends. 

Back to how hard it is to live in this time period right before the Tribulation. Thus far, none of the above things impact me directly except for prices of gas and food. The hardest attacks come in the form of family and friends, but isn't it just like satan to attack things that tug at our heart? I'm learning to recognize his voice right away, whereas before I used to listen to it, mull it over. Now, I rebuke it right away. Satan's voice will bring guilt, condemnation, sorrow, pain, loss, and confusion, whereas the voice of our Lord Jesus brings hope, joy, love, and peace. I can tell you that last night I was up at 3am with my mind racing about a particular problem that has broken my heart. I want so badly to try and fix this problem I'm having with a family member, but I've been struggling with what to say and do and yet, I only want to follow the Lord's leading. In other words, I was putting so much pressure on myself to do the right thing to fix it, that I was driving myself nuts. But in the darkness of my bathroom, the Lord spoke so clearly to my heart that He was going to fix this problem with or without me. That He knows my desire to help and follow His lead, and He will use me if need be, but that in the end, He is the one fighting this battle!  And winning! I felt like a huge weight had lifted from my shoulders. I thanked Him and went back to bed and my clock said 3:33. The Trinity three times!  It's always been a sort of "wink" between me and Jesus. I don't know if that helps anyone out there, but I felt compelled to share it.

On a positive note, I've been studying the month of Elul (which is the current Hebrew month), it's meaning and things Jews ritually did during this month. I'm also studying the Olive harvest.  I hope to put this together for my Monday post for both knowledge and encouragement. But just as a teaser, during the month of Elul it is said that the "King is in the field"

 Found this on Chabad.org. Before a king enters his city, its inhabitants go out to greet him and receive him in the field. At that time, anyone who so desires is granted permission [and can]6 approach him and greet him. He receives them all pleasantly, and shows a smiling countenance to all . .

ALSO, and this is huge

The name “Elul” is an acronym for the biblical phrase  ani ledodi vedodi li “I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine."  From Song of Solomon, which is all about the Bride of Christ and the Rapture

My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.
Song of Solomon 2:16

This post is getting long now, so please tune in Monday for the rest of this fascinating study! 

Now, may the Lord of all Creation surround you and your family with His mighty, loving arms and may He flood you with His being, fill you with joy and peace, heal and deliver you as you wait for His glorious return!

The Debate I didn't watch it. I have very little interest in politics these days because I believe it's all a show from both sides. I also believe it doesn't really matter who is elected because the Global Satanic Elite will have their way. Why? Because God's Word says so. The book of Revelation describes the coming Beast Empire and what happens in the 7 year Tribulation in great detail, and we know it's close because of all the signs Jesus, the prophets and apostles told us to look for are here now. 

However, I did hear that Harris was wearing (and there are pictures to prove it) wireless NOVA H1 Audio earrings through which, I'm sure, she received play by play instructions and information. But I digress. Of course. Did we expect anything else? After the Debate, Fact-checking on what Harris said

There are prophecies from reliable prophets that Trump with be imprisoned and/or possibly murdered. So, I ask you all to pray for him. For his salvation number 1 and then for his safety. Let the Lord's will be done. I have ceased praying for my country. It is Babylon and now will face God's judgement, but I do pray for my brothers and sisters who live here, and that the Lord would save more and more each day. 

 Solar Eclipse will occur during Rosh Hashana

Just a little health information to help you 

Israel (Daniel 9:24-27, Joel 3:16-17, Romans 11, Matthew 24:15-21)

War (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Daniel 9:26)

 Putin on potential use of western long-range weapons against Russia: "This would mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European nations are at war with Russia."


The growing military cooperation between Russia and Iran is a security threat to Ukraine, Europe and the Middle East, - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine 

The Beast Empire (Daniel 7:23-26, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel 2:41-45, Revelation 13)

Plagues and Vaccines (Revelation 6:8, 9:18-20, Luke 21:11)

Here's the Link to the above scientific abstract

Here's the link to the video from the above Whistleblower Scientists

See Video blow showing under a microscope robotic arms creating complex nanostructures in the blood of the Vaccinated

Famine/Economic Collapse 
(Revelation 6:5-6, Revelation 13:16-17, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11)

Immorality/Evil/Chaos/Violence (2 Timothy 3:1-5, Matthew 24:37, 2 Peter 2)

Apostasy (1 Tim 4:1-3, Matthew 24:11,24 , 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11)
A new kind of chaplain is helping people deal with "climate grief"

Persecution (Micah 7, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-10)
Earth Groaning (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, Romans 8:19-22)

Signs in the Sky (Luke 21:11, Acts 2:19)

US police forces are reportedly preparing for potential UFO and alien encounters. Officers have received a "UFO Handbook," detailing government and Pentagon findings on extraterrestrial activity. The handbook also includes personal reports from officers, describing sightings of triangular green lights and incidents where aliens were allegedly present at scenes. 


  1. Thank you for sharing… again!!! Blessings over you as you continue to post:-)

  2. I saved this to my computer. I believe I saved the first posting, as well. I have been saving your blog posts ever since I discovered you and followed you. I believe I have at least 3 years of your posts saved to my computer. I love what you post. I need what you post, to keep me updated on everything that is going on in the world that the main stream media will not acknowledge. Every Christian needs to know these things. Time is growing short and we need to be aware!! Thank you for being a Watchwoman for Christ!! We all love you!!! Blessings!!
