Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Stand Still and Behold the Victory of the Lord!


Dear Saints, as you have probably heard, Iran attacked Israel early morning on October first. Close to 200 ballistic missiles were fired and most were intercepted by Israeli defense systems with a few injuries. There was also a terrorist attack near Tel Aviv and 6 people were brutally murdered.  

Both Israel and the US had previously promised that should Iran attack Israel directly, there would be heavy consequences. Netanyahu threatened to destroy Iranian Nuclear plants. That's all I know as of Tuesday night, but keep your eyes on Israel!

Also even though the Feast of Trumpets is underway in Israel yesterday and today, as far as I know the New Moon was not spotted, which is the Biblical way to determine the first of the month. It's possible that it won't be spotted until tomorrow or Friday, making those days the true Feast of Trumpets. So keep looking up! 


  1. Blessings from Christ Sister,
    Great to get this early morning on way to work. It will keep my thoughts and prayers focused. We know that nothing can thrwart God's plan, for He is able to accomplish His good and perfect will.

  2. We are also being threatened now with food shortages as the “underpaid” dock workers go on strike! It’s happening fast! Frenzy at the grocery stores. I ordered more toilet paper- even if I’m not here someone will have it!

    1. Yes, looks like the strike is happening. Stock up on essentials that last, Rice, Beans, canned soup.. and get a way to cook that doesn't involve electricity just in case the price of oil goes way up. Not to fear... God will provide, but He expects us to be wise. :-)

  3. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat with all that’s going on!! Bev….lol, I bought 36 rolls myself! I keep saying “Im really buying for those left behind…”
    I also just bought a Reuben sandwich and will be making matzo ball soup for the feast of trumpets! 🎺🎺🎺

  4. I have a ton of emergency food I've bought over the years for my left behind family. It should last them up to 2 years if they are careful. The problem is cooking it... but God will provide. I also have medicines and first aid equipment and tons of water. Also I bought a Berkie (sp?) water filter that doesn't require power. The Lord prompted me to do all this starting years ago.
    I can't wait to see Jesus too! I keep telling Him, I want to look in your eyes, see the love there, and hear your voice! Won't it be wonderful? We owe Him everything!! He is my everything! See you soon. Blessings, Kathy!!
