Friday, October 4, 2024

Hold Fast Until I Come!

Dear Holy Remnant of the Most High.  

I went to bed Monday night with Israel commencing with their ground invasion of Lebanon and woke up to Iran firing hundreds of ballistic missiles to Israel. Estimates are that about 180 missiles were launched from Iran in several volleys at 7:31PM. A large and effective number of interceptions were carried out, and there are a few hits in the center and south but no one was killed.  I've heard it described as an act of God that none of these missiles killed a single Israeli. How could this be? Yes, they have a great defense system, but good grief!  No one but God could have protected Israel like this. Please pray that the Jewish people realize that and fall to their knees in repentance.

Afterward, Iran warns of "crushing response" if the "Zionist regime dares to respond" to the Iranian ballistic missile attack.  As Israel continues its incursion on the ground into Lebanon, Netanyahu and his officials, along with the US are planning a response. They are saying it will be a very devastating response for Iran. As of writing this late Thursday night, that response has not happened.  I know Israel would like to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, but the US is saying no. We shall see. I do believe this is the set up for the Gog-Magog war. 

Another huge story is the USA East Coast dockworker strike. If this continues, you will eventually see great shortages at your store, so stock up while you can. I suggest you get things like bags of rice, beans and jugs of water, canned goods... anything that isn't perishable. And get a grill or a camping cookstove to cook things on. If you have a fireplace, get wood.... Also get extra medicines you may need, toothpaste, and yes, toilet paper. It's always wise to be prepared even though we know the Lord will always take care of us! 
Dockworkers at ports from Maine to Texas go on strike!
I just heard that a tentative deal might have been reached, but I encourage you to stock up anyway. We know that famine is coming. They've been planning this for years and buying up all the US farm land, and putting so many regulations on farmers, they can't grow their crops. 

HELENE and Lithium
Some disturbing theories have sprouted regarding Hurricane Helene, the government's ability to manipulate weather, and the huge amounts of Lithium stored beneath the towns of North Carolina. Watch this short 5 MINUTE video:  How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium and you decide. 

This reminds me of the Maui fires, which were highly suspicious in origin and which devastated that city. I haven't kept up with the story, but I heard the government was buying up that land. If this is true about the Lithium, then we are dealing with people so evil, my mind cannot wrap around it. 

Something very nefarious is going on in Eastern Tennessee and Western NC where hurricane victims are being left to die and bodies are washing up in rural areas

We have given Ukraine $52 billion and now offering $750 per family impacted by Helene! 😡

Oh my! I can't believe this! I'm hearing that volunteers who come to help the victims of Helene are being ordered to leave under threat of arrest. I've heard this elsewhere, but here's one article about that. The harris / biden government is literally blocking relief and arresting people trying to help....
Watch video below about this. (Excuse the bad language) Sorry but the videos don't transfer in emails, so click over to my blog to view

Here's another video from a man sharing that FEMA is halting relief flights and confiscating supplies and donations!

Veterans blocked from flying in to the disaster areas to deliver supplies and rescue people... the government wants these citizens dead... 
Everything is coming out... the land grab... DOD mining operations... the weather modifications... and the engineered disasters....
FEMA and company telling people to NOT donate or help the disaster relief unless they want to send their money to FEMA... FEMA is also saying it can't go into the disaster areas because its too dangerous... it's a catch 322 because they want everybody to die...

For more videos and news on the storm, see below under Earth Groaning

Now for some astronomical anomalies

Is it just a coincidence that the Comet of the Century is flying through the sky as "The Biggest Middle East War suddenly explodes?


This caught my eye because I've seen several videos on You Tube from people who've had visions and dreams that the rapture (or something significant) happened during a time when there were two moons. Just go to You tube and type in the search bar "Two Moon prophecy" or "Two Moon dreams"  and you'll see what I mean. Some of these dreams span back a decade. 

Article about what the 2nd moon is

Thought this was interesting. If you watched the Terminator movies back in the 80s. Listen to what he says about the time frame going forward. 

The U.S. is currently facing a serious of extremely serious events:

  • Invasion of the border, thousands of violent criminals flooding in every day
  • Legitimate threat of activation of terror sleeper cells. I'm hearing about suitcase nukes and even mines put under the ground
  • Hurricane which has devastated communities, killed thousands
  • Telecommunications outage with reported cyber attack on one of the largest telco’s in the country
  • Cyber attack on Bank of America leading to people losing all their money
  • Strike on ports which could lead to supply chain disruptions (including food) well into 2025 (Just heard they reached a tentative agreement until January!)
  • A very contested and heated upcoming election that could divide the nation
  • Russia ships, subs, and aircraft spotted off the coast of Alaska

… just to name a few. 

Things are heating up, folks. Every week there is so much prophetic news, that in all honesty, I have to pick and choose what to report. And believe me, I see the apostasy in the mainstream churches, but I don't always report on it, or the violence happening  in our cities. 

Regarding Rosh Hashana, no new moon was reported being seen by the naked eye in Israel on the evening of October 3rd.  Apparently if that occurs after 29 days from the last new moon, then the next evening automatically becomes the first evening of Rosh Hashana.  I know it can get confusing. But here's the group I follow who seeks for the moon and the article they put out.  All that to say, that true Rosh Hashana may not begin until tonight. (Friday, October 4th)

I'm sensing and hearing October will be a month of calamities, so stay tuned. Pray like you've never prayed before.... for the lost, for the lukewarm, for Israel, for those who've lost everything and for those in harm's way. Pray for people to wake up and seek Almighty God!  These are the days of Elijah and you have a part to play! 

 And He spared not the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven other persons (seven churches), when He brought a flood upon the world of ungodly people.

And He condemned to ruin and extinction the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, reducing them to ashes and thus set them forth as an example to those who would be ungodly;

And He rescued righteous Lot, greatly worn out and distressed by the wanton ways of the ungodly and lawless—

 For that just man, living among them, tortured his righteous soul every day with what he saw and heard of their unlawful and wicked deeds— (Can you relate? I can!)

 Now if all these things are true, then be sure the Lord knows how to rescue the godly out of temptations and trials, and how to keep the ungodly under chastisement until the day of judgment and doom. 2 Peter 2:5-9

Jesus is coming!  We may see some trouble in the meantime, but don't lose heart!  He will arrive just in the nick of time!  Just like the hero of every great story!

In Noah's time the flood started on the 17th of Cheshvan, which is November 19th.  Will the Tribulation start then? With everything going on in the world, it sure looks like it could!  So keep looking up!

The Word of the Lord to you this day is:

Only hold fast to what you have until I come.  And he who overcomes and who obeys My commands to the very end, I will give him authority and power over the nations;
Revelation 2:25-26

If you don't know if you're going in the rapture or you don't know if you're saved, Click on How to be Saved

I love you all, my brothers and sisters!  Stay safe under the Lord's mighty wings and may He comfort, protect, provide for, and bless you greatly as we await that trumpet blast!

And Now the News

Look at all the missiles fired at Israel early Tuesday!

Israel (Daniel 9:24-27, Joel 3:16-17, Romans 11, Matthew 24:15-21)

I report these news articles in chronological order.. in other words, they go from earlier in the week to last night.

Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has just declared 5 days of mourning for Hassan Nasrallah.  He said the blood of Nasrallah "will not go unavenged."
Concerning the elimination of Hassan Nasrallah, LEBANON announces 3 days of mourning and declares the funeral day an official holiday. SYRIA  announces 3 days of mourning. IRAQ 🇮🇶 announces 3 days of mourning. IRAN 🇮🇷 announced 5 days of mourning. 

Once this "mourning period" is over, ALL BETS Came off. 
Israel is preparing for a limited ground incursion into Lebanon, even after it killed around 30 top leaders within Hezbollah in recent weeks.
If you follow Amir Tsarfati on Telegram, you may have seen the following video. It recorded the skies over Jordan during the night of the Iranian attack. Pretty cool

Israel attacks Russian air base in Syria. Russia warns citizens to leave Israel immediately  (this is huge, folks!  This is a new one for Israel and a direct attack on Russian interests. Batten down the hatches!)

War (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Daniel 9:26)
The Beast Empire (Daniel 7:23-26, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel 2:41-45, Revelation 13)
This is not normal, folks

Plagues and Vaccines (Revelation 6:8, 9:18-20, Luke 21:11)

From the same family who owns the Governments, Education and Western medical and nearly everything. They love to see growing cancer patient lists. I am convinced more and more that for decades, maybe even longer, they have purposely been banning natural medicines that work and adding poison to our food supply, especially anything processed or fast food.

Floride in Water poses unreasonable risk to Children  They are finally admitting that fluoride is harmful to our health. I remember getting fluoride treatments at the dentist as a kid. And they put in in our water!

Watch Bill Gates in video below say he wants to use AI to ban harmful speech, for example causing people not to get vaccinated. 

Famine/Economic Collapse (Revelation 6:5-6, Revelation 13:16-17, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11)

Immorality/Evil/Chaos/Violence (2 Timothy 3:1-5, Matthew 24:37, 2 Peter 2)

Apostasy (1 Tim 4:1-3, Matthew 24:11,24 , 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Persecution (Micah 7, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-10)

Social media users are reporting strange patterns noticed during  Category 4 Hurricane Helene in Florida, suggesting weather modification was at play. 

Apart from this, the notice given for the Hurricane was very short, compared to the usual, days-long reporting ahead of such an event. 

Ashville, North Carolina

Signs in the Sky (Luke 21:11, Acts 2:19)

Sun fires new Earth-facing X9 Class solar flare, the most intense flare since 2017  (The year caught my eye because of the prophetic significance of 2017 and that we are 7 years later)


  1. I live in East Tennessee, some friends of ours took horses yesterday to search for people and help any way they could. They said it was a chaotic mess, with no direction or organization- at least where they went. They returned the same day.
    Something we noticed about the hurricane was it took a decidedly right (eastern) turn as it approached TN. It was headed toward Knoxville but of course landed in NC. It was strange. We attributed it to the way the land is laid out, the Smoky Mountains often protect us. It could have been something else (being manipulated). The people, livestock, and pets that were lost is under estimated by the news sources. Over 200 are confirmed dead in NC alone- hundreds, maybe thousands, more are still missing!
    Thank you for all the info on Israel and other news! You are helping us see the truth and continue to persevere!
    Continue to pray for hurricane victims, Israel, and our leaders.

    1. Bev, I had no idea you were near this horrible mess! My sister lives in Pigeon Forge, but said there's not much damage there. I have seen enough pictures to know that the areas hit are completely destroyed. I don't think we will ever have the true death count. I do believe the storm was manipulated. Are you and your family okay? Did you get any damage. I am praying for all the families there and sending help through a friend who has a contact in a church there. I don't trust most charities.. and I definitely don't trust FEMA or the Red Cross.

    2. We were not affected except for a lot of rain which we needed.
      It’s getting worse in NC! Kind of a desperate vigilante situations in some places. Bodies in trees and found in debris. So tragic.

    3. That makes me sick, Bev. I pray for these people! I'm glad you weren't affected too badly.

  2. Greetings Precious Daughter of our Heavenly Father,
    Good word Sister. I have had several conversations with dismayed folks on my bus these last few weeks. Many wondering what will become of this world. Often this will give me a window to talk about the Lord when the Spirit leads. Many seem to want to just give up on this life, some wish they had faith, some get angry when you bring God up. But ever so rare are the few who see as we do, and oh Hallelujah church takes place !!! Praise the Lord.

    About weather manipulation, I have seen some political figures calling this out lately. Marjorie Greene is one, now she seems a little unstable, so I dont know she will get many to listen, in fact she it being ridiculed. But I also heard a couple well respected folks like Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson brining this up as well. I wouldnt mind voting if that pair were on a ticket !

    And in the sky, I saw, and not sure what to call them, meteors maybe, hurtling down yesterday. ( maybe UFO's lol !

    Just read 2 Peter and was touched by Lot being tormented by all the evil around him. Related to that upon reading it ! And thought, the churches seem to still be preaching the healthy, wealthy and wise gospel. Nothing has changed for them. Still do the pot lucks after service. Still jumping around giddishly. Still holding there little feel good prophecy stage etc. No one mourns. No one cries out.

    I remember when we used to line up in school for the little floride drink ! Who knows what they put in there !!!

    So Sister, I'm wondering what your thought are on a scripture someone mentioned to me recently that never stuck me in the way it was said to me. They quoted it correctly. Rev 13:16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,[a] to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.[b]

    So v 17 unless he has the mark, that is, the NAME of the beast or the number its name .
    the in v 18 for it is the number of a man.

    How can it be the name of the beast and also the number of A man ? Could it possibly be the leader of the elitets is the actual beast ? But I thought the Beast was Satan ?

    Amen Sister agreeing with your prayer for the lost, the victims of the storm, the church and Israel that God's plan will be carrie out to the full measure, as well as His rich mercies upon the innocents. In Christ our Lord.
    Be safe, be blessed Sister.

    1. Brother, it's my understanding that in Hebrew (and in Greek) each letter of their alphabet has a numeric value. Here's a site where you can see the values So, the name of the beast could also equal a number when you add up the numerical value of each letter. At least that's my understanding, but who knows? The Lord!
      Brother you will be greatly rewarded for how you minister to the elderly people on your bus! You never know the fruit of your efforts... until you get to heaven, so keep allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you!
      UFOs? Wow.

    2. I have been doing a study on Revelation. Satan is the dragon, the 1st beast is a man ( powered by Satan) and then there’s the 2nd beast. ( spirit or prophet) He is copying the Holy trinity. ( Father, son, holy spirit) SO the way I understand it is the antichrist WILL be a man who is possessed by Satan. That's where the number of man comes in. Thankfully, we won’t be here during the Tribulation- and even if we are we will be protected as we are sealed by the Holy Spirit as believers.( Rev 14)
      Maybe that’s helpful.

    3. Yes, exactly right Bev. Satan is mimicking the Trinity. The Dragon, the AC, and the False Prophet. The AC will be a man as far as I believe but will be completely possessed by Satan, like you said. And I'm glad we won't be here either!! Blessings!
