Monday, October 7, 2024

Our Future Looks Bright!

Dear Saints,

As the world quickly disintegrates into chaos, violence, and evil around us, I felt led to post something encouraging, something that will uplift your spirits and keep your eyes looking above!  Years ago I read a book about Heaven by Randy Alcorn, and while I enjoyed it very much, the book was more about the millennial reign here on Earth and what the Scriptures say about that. But what is heaven like? After all, for those of us who love Jesus and follow Him, we will soon find ourselves there when the rapture happens. Even if we die beforehand or some accident occurs, we will still find ourselves there, right? The Scriptures tell us that our lives here are but a vapor, a mist, here one day and gone the next, and even though it truly seems our time here is LONG and seems to drag on, when compared with eternity, it is just a millisecond.  

A follower of this blog left a comment about a book she was reading called Imagine the God of Heaven by John Burke. Thank you, Susan, for your comment, because I really felt the Lord's leading to purchase and read that book. It has changed my life. The book is a compilation of NDEs (Near Death Experiences) from hundreds of people across the globe and in different time periods and what they describe is beyond your wildest imagination. It isn't just their description of heaven and the things they saw, but their experience with Jesus and the things He taught them that really stand out. 

Below I'm going to list just a few things I remember from these NDEs about Heaven and about Jesus and Father God. The amazing thing is that these people who had these NDEs didn't know each other and weren't aware of other people's experiences, yet all of them had similar stories. Just more proof of God and Heaven!  

The most important thing that each person related was that Jesus is love--pure, overpowering, overwhelming love. They each reported that there were no words to describe the love, peace and joy they felt in His presence. All their Earthly cares, concerns, fears, and issues just melted away in His presence. He embraced them, held them, comforted them. There was one lady who crawled up in Father God's lap and clung to Him, not wanting to let go!  Each person didn't want to return to Earth. They wanted to stay, some even begging Jesus to stay. All of them said that mere words did not convey how wonderful it was to be in the presence of Jesus. 

  • There is no sun in the sky, but it's a brilliant color that could not be described, and it glows
  • There were colors unlike anything on Earth
  • The grass and flowers made music as they swayed in the wind. Everything was praising God
  • When you stepped on the grass, a glow came up beneath your feet
  • There were mountains, rivers, waterfalls and lakes to explore
  • You could dive into a lake and breathe underwater
  • Jerusalem was a massive city with transparent gold walls. The entire city glowed brightly
  • There were children there, giggling and laughing. Some were playing with birds who were playing with them
  • People were eating and drinking and each had productive things to do
  • Everyone was happy and filled with joy
  • There were birds and other animals
  • One lady saw her beloved dog who had died 
  • Most of the people were shown a preview of their lives... like a video projection of the things they'd done right and the things they'd done wrong and how it impacted those around them. (Not sure this will be the case for us, but this helped the people who were to return to Earth)
  • Families have homes like we have here where they live together.
  • Family members who had died in their old age were now young, in their 20's or 20's one lady described. 
  • There is a feeling of such peace, harmony and happiness 
  • Everyone spoke of indescribable light that you can feel... that the light was alive somehow
  • People communicated without words. 
  • People knew and understood each other perfectly. In other words, you are known, understood, and loved
  • All senses are greatly enhanced, particularly sight
  • Mighty angels were everywhere. We each have a Guardian Angel

Those are just a few of the things these people saw and felt. 

Here's just a few excerpts:

Not far from our home we saw a group of children playing upon the grass, and in their midst was a beautiful great dog, over which they were rolling and tumbling with the greatest freedom

The same peace permeated the space all around me; however, here I sensed tremendous joy. Figures frolicked through petals of soft linen that cushioned their feet as they walked. Angelic beings harmonized with worshipful music more grandiose, more awe-inspiring than anything in the world

Jesus looked into my eyes, and his love for me was palpable. He knew everything about me, and he loved me anyway. And I loved him. We were best friends. He was my brother, my Dad. He was all those things, all at once. ... his eyes are filled with humor and laughter and gaiety and joy.

Jesus took my hand ... and He gets this big, mischievous smile on his face. And we took off. It wasn't quite flying...  Jesus took me surfing on a wave of light. We surfed. It was like body surfing on this wave of light.... He and I were laughing out loud as we surfed. His smile was so wide and there was such a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

We walked along the path, and I saw birds and deer, trees of incredible size and beauty, all of it having this light of God coming out of it.... and across the grass trotted three of the most beautiful horses I've ever seen, and the grass was lighting up under their feet... and the smell of tapioca had come to me, making me feel at home, now I see my earthly love--horses. 

God then spoke mentally to me and told me how much He loved me... I fell to my knees, begging him not to send me back...I suddenly felt God's arms come down...and He lifted me off my feet and cradled ma as a mother cradles her baby against her breast. He rocked me and held me in His arms.

In each experience, Jesus taught these people important lessons to bring back with them. Lessons about how our thoughts affect those around us, how we should love each other, how to pray, what does God expect of us, how to forgive, and a host of other things that truly impacted me. 

I highly recommend this book. It will change the way you look at your life here on Earth, on what God wants from us, HOW MUCH He loves us! AND that truly, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for those who love Him! (1 Corinthians 2:9)

So, be encouraged!  Keep your thoughts on Heaven and keep looking for Jesus. He's coming soon!


  1. Now I'm at a loss for a greeting for you Sister. What will your heavenly name be ? I imagine there will be just one language ? Or will it be something like in Acts, we will all just understand evey language ?
    The storys are beautiful. I wonder how long it will take for our jaw to close !
    I has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has entered into the thoughts of men what our Gracious God has waiting for we who love Him ! Yet some have gotten a glimpse :)

    Now I'm going to go listen to " I Can Only Imagine" a couple dozen times.

    Be blessed in these thoughts of Jesus, Precious Sister !

    1. I have no idea what my name will be! But I hope it's something other than MaryLu. I've never liked that. I would bet that the language will be Hebrew, since that's God's language... but perhaps there will be many languages? Can't wait to meet you, Brother! Won't it be wonderful in our new home?

  2. I think it is wonderful to think about the glories of heaven. The Bible says to fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. However I think we need just to depend on the Bible for information about what heaven will be like and look like. I really somewhat question many of these descriptions from people. Here is my question. In the Scriptures Paul says he was caught up into heaven but he was not allowed to describe it.

    2 Corinthians 12:3-And I know that this man--whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows-- 4 was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.

    If the apostle Paul of all people was not permitted to describe what he saw, then why are so many other people allowed to describe it in extreme detail ?

    I think we have to remember that many of these people have written books which have made money. Some have even sold the movie rights to their books. There is a lot of money in that.

    It seems like if they had really had glimpses of heaven and Jesus their total focus would be on evangelism so that other people could experience what they had experienced.

    I think discernment is called for.

    1. While I agree discernment is always best and we should always ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things, I would suggest you read the book before you criticize. The author spent years investigating these reports and did quite a bit of analysis on their veracity. I agree that some people who report on heavenly visits could be lying to make money, and that's where discernment comes in... but when people are reporting exact same experiences from across the globe who have never met... well, the evidence is pretty intense. Since you haven't read the book, you might want to know that these people came back and their entire focus has been on evangelism... on telling people about Jesus and His love for them and that heaven is real.
      In the Scripture you quoted, Paul HEARD things he was not permitted to repeat. It never says he saw things he couldn't talk about. In truth, we don't know what Paul saw or heard. Many others in the Bible had visions of heaven and reported them. Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John! Why would you not think that our Father in Heaven would, in these last days, want to encourage His people by giving people after death experiences which they could then describe to us? God can do whatever He wants.
      Again, I suggest you read the book. I'm not saying every single NDE is authentic, but based on the evidence, I believe most of them are, and none of them go against anything in Scripture. My intent here was to encourage the saints. I should have figured the enemy would send someone to dispute it.

    2. I am very sorry and ask your forgiveness. It was not my intention to discourage anyone. Jesus said He was preparing a place for us so we know it will be awesome.

    3. No need to apologize. I'm sorry if my response was too harsh. And I'm not saying all these stories are true, but as long as they don't contradict Scripture and the people return and preach the Gospel, it does no harm. It actually does more good than harm. I doubt any of us will be disappointed when we reach heaven. For me, reading these great accounts only gets me more excited and helps me focus my thoughts above. I was hoping they would do the same for anyone reading this post. Anyway, God Bless you!

  3. Good morning, MaryLu. Thank you for posting this!! I have often wondered myself of what heaven would be like, and what we would be doing there. Certainly, we would be praising God and worshipping Him, but I cannot imagine that would be ALL that we would do!! I assumed that we would all have "jobs" so to speak, and I am anxious to know what mine will be. As soon as you mentioned this book, I left your blog without finishing reading it, went to Amazon and ordered it straight away!! Kind of unbelievably, it was delivered that very day!! Granted it was not until 7:30 at night, so I still did not get to start reading it until the next day, but it arrived so quickly, it was almost as if God wanted me to have it in my hands almost immediately!! (He does stuff like that, lol). I have begun reading it and I am enthralled with it!! I do not believe that it is "fake" in any way and that the people who gave NDE accounts are out to just make money on it. I believe as you do that these people want others to experience the hope and peace of an afterlife with a loving God! That is what I want too, to know God more intimately and to feel that type of love that was never available to me down here on earth. I cannot wait to get far deeper into it!! The encouragement is much needed at this point, and I do not appreciate the "skeptics" trying to "discern" it away. We do not need that type of discouragement as we have enough of that right here!! I do not believe your response to the "discourager" was too harsh. It was very well said and quite spot on!! The Satan of this world truly does not want anyone here on earth to know and feel the love of God, so he would do most anything, through any individual, to discourage reading it!! Actually, it just made me want to read it even more!! Thank you MaryLu. This was so needed at this time!! Blessings to you and yours!! Don't ever stop, please. We need every bit of encouragement that we can get at this point!! luv you!!

    1. I'm so glad you got the book, Kathy!! You're going to love it. I'm thinking of reading it again. There's so much good MEAT in there.. about our Lord and prayer and faith and love! It's awesome. It really made me fall in love with Jesus all over again.! Thank you for your encouragement! Blessings and love to you!

  4. Wow, that’s a lovely read. There was a very famous Indian evangelist called DGS Dhinakaran. He had many visitations to heaven and has documented it on YouTube. Pastor Benny Hinn had invited him on his show many years ago to discuss about his visitations to heaven. Whatever you have mentioned here is pretty similar to what he had said. He was a rare jewel in this world who spread the love of Jesus in India and many other parts of the world. A very simple and humble man. If you get time you can listen to his heavenly experiences on YouTube.

    1. Thank you, sweet lady! I will look up this man and watch some of his videos. I never tire of hearing about heaven! Sending you blessings and hugs!
