Friday, October 11, 2024

He Stills the Roaring of the Sea!


Dear Weary Yet Victorious Saints of the Most High!

If you're not yet convinced that the US government (and probably most governments in the world) are pure evil and could care less about their citizens, you will believe it after you see all the news and videos below. Yes, videos. I don't know why they don't come through the email, but please click over to my blog to view the many video proofs I have posted. 

I now believe without a doubt that these massive storms are not only generated by our government, but also directed into certain locations for maximum destruction and death. Remember, the globalists want to decrease the world's population down to 500 million and make those who remain their serfs. I posted this quote below from an article under the Beast Empire section but it seems to fit here too

The CIA wants to create a “depleted world population of compliant zombies, drained of creative energy, incapable of independent thinking, riddled with fear, obedient to every conditioned impulse, running from every virus, hating every designated enemy, parroting the mass media, spending as advertising directs, numbed by drugs and medication, and ready to die at the whim of their masters,” 

Please watch this 5 minute video.  This is proof positive these hurricanes are manufactured and that FEMA is actively killing people.

Duke Energy owns the dams that released the water in North Carolina:  They also own Hawaiian Electric.  You know...from the Lahaina, Maui fire.  Vanguard Blackrock and State Street are the top share holders of Duke Energy. 

Please see tons more information about the Hurricane under Earth Groaning below.

Afghan national charged with election day terrorist plot in the US

Go-Go dancer who was "pimped out" at Diddy's freak parties reveals Donald Trump, Diana Ross and Rev Al Sharpton were among the A-list party guests

Meanwhile Israel continues both its ground invasion of Lebanon and rocket barrage in order to weed out Hezbollah. (see below)  It seems that they are finishing up their invasions of both Gaza and Lebanon, confiscating weapons and killing terrorists. Israel has promised to distribute humanitarian aid to Gaza once it has been cleared of all terrorists.  The world sits on the edge of a cliff as we wait for their soon coming response to the Iranian missile attack last week. I'm hearing this "response" is coming within the next few days. There seems to be a split between the US government and Israel over the extent of that attack with our government denying any aid to Israel should they attack Iranian nuclear sites. Perhaps this is why during the Gog-Magog war, the United States does not come to Israel's defense?  Meanwhile the war in Ukraine continues, though Israel seems to take up most of the headlines. The moron on North Korea threatens to nuke us and China continues to taunt Taiwan. The world is a Powder keg just waiting for some fool to light the fuse. 

Hurricane Milton greatly diminished in strength when it finally hit Florida. Thank you, Lord! I watched a lady prophet describe a vision she had back when the storm was a Cat 5. She said she saw Jesus wrap His arms around Florida and say "Peace be Still". As far as I know at this time. there were only a handful of deaths, though there is much flooding. My family survived with minimal damage. I believe God answered the prayers of many saints! Other news is much the same... as the world inches toward not only WW3, Digital currency, total governmental control, and the Beast Empire. However one thing caught my eye. You can see below beneath the Beast Empire that our own DOD here has been given the authority HERE IN THE USA to use our own military to use LETHAL force against citizens. Our forefathers must be fuming in their graves. If you know your history, they expressly and defiantly FORBID the government to have or Use any military within our borders. 

Everything, and I mean everything the Bible said the world would be like at the end is happening NOW. So, why are we still here? In all honesty, I thought the rapture would have occurred last Spring as I believe we are part of the Barley harvest. Now, that the Jewish Holy Feast days are here, I find myself sitting on pins and needles, waiting for that trumpet blast! Please all you post-tribbers don't send me emails. I believe the Bible unequivocally preaches a Pre-trib rapture along with confirmation in my spirit and the spirits of many true believers by the Holy Spirit. 

Yet, I will freely admit that I really am clueless as to how this all will go down. If you've followed me here for some time, you know that I have postulated that there could be more than one rapture (a pre, mid, and post). I've also said that it's possible that the rapture event could be spread out over days or weeks, with those who are ready going first and a few others given time to truly repent!  I also believe in my spirit and from prophetic utterances that some true saints may be left for a short time in order to evangelize those left behind, either the lukewarm Christians and/or the nonbelievers. in addition, I believe that something extremely catastrophic will happen before the rapture and there will be a short period of time (I keep hearing 10 days) in which the true saints go out and witness to anyone and everyone who will listen, in particular our family and friends. And during that time, there will be a great end-times harvest right before we are snatched out of here. 

So, you see all the possibilities of how things will happen. All of them, though not specifically stated in the Scripture, are quite possible and not anything against the Bible. In fact, they only display God's incredible love, mercy and grace toward mankind!  All that to say is we serve and awesome God, and whatever He has planned and however things play out, I bet it will blow our socks off! I believe we may see our lost family members saved during these last moments so they come with us!  How wonderful is that? And yes, we all have a part to play. My daily prayer to the Lord is to use me in whatever way He can to bring in the lost and wake up the Lukewarm. I want to be attentive to His call and His Spirit's leading. So, make yourself available to the Lord. No matter how worthless you may feel, He can use you to do great things!  

I do believe we will see either a major war or WW3 break out this month. We will continue to see more storms, floods, and quakes even as food becomes outrageously expensive and scarce. Terror attacks, riots and violence are coming everywhere, but mainly the USA because of the upcoming election. Don't forget there are many enemy sleeper cells here in our country already. Putin may use a nuclear weapon on Ukraine and that will certainly trigger a world war. Israel quite possibly will attack Iran's nuclear facilities, ushering in the Gog-MaGog war. Oh, and don't forget the new plagues they are unleashing. I only say these things to prepare you. We need to know what's going on so we can be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. 

But most of all, put on love!  Wrap yourself in the love of God and love your neighbor as yourself. I'm starting to realize that God is love. He just doesn't love. He IS LOVE. That's what He's made of. And love isn't just a feeling or even an action. Love is power. With our love, we can send the enemy packing. With love, we can protect our loved ones. Love covers a multitude of sins. Read 1 Corinthians 13 and substitute the word "Love" for "God". Then you might get a glimpse of who He really is.

Those of us who truly follow Jesus and love Him will be leaving before the worst of it. I still believe that is this year. Remember when things kick off, they will kick off suddenly, as the Bible describes. So, don't be shocked or taken aback. The world will look to you for answers. So, don't be alarmed. Don't be afraid. God knows where you are at every moment and He knows the exact moment you will meet Jesus in the clouds! 

And Now the News! 

Israel (Daniel 9:24-27, Joel 3:16-17, Romans 11, Matthew 24:15-21)

War (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, Daniel 9:26)
The Beast Empire (Daniel 7:23-26, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel 2:41-45, Revelation 13)

The trial of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters has ended in catastrophe... Tina was charged for preserving the 2020 election data on the dominion voting machines... the state ordered all evidence to be destroyed.... she defied the state and is now sentenced to 9 years hard time....
She also told us dominion uses internet connections to report and manipulate results... these voting machines do connect to the internet...
Keep Tina Peters in your prayers during these dark times...

Weather Wars. Thought about putting this beneath the Earth Groaning section but it really has to do with the Beast!  Video below

From the above article, which is an excellent read of our history and how we got here

The CIA wants to create a “depleted world population of compliant zombies, drained of creative energy, incapable of independent thinking, riddled with fear, obedient to every conditioned impulse, running from every virus, hating every designated enemy, parroting the mass media, spending as advertising directs, numbed by drugs and medication, and ready to die at the whim of their masters,” 
This is huge, folks!!  It has started

Famine/Economic Collapse (Revelation 6:5-6, Revelation 13:16-17, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11)
Plagues and Vaccines (Revelation 6:8, 9:18-20, Luke 21:11)

I believe this man is right. It's about health and what we eat and how much money the medical industrial complex makes off our illness. Video below

Watch this short video below about how the mRNA vaccines with spike proteins are cancerous AND people can Catch these Spike proteins from other people, and thus, you can catch cancer from other people. 

Immorality/Evil/Chaos/Violence (2 Timothy 3:1-5, Matthew 24:37, 2 Peter 2)
Persecution (Micah 7, 2 Timothy 3:12, Matthew 24:9-10, Revelation 6:9-10)

Another church is burning in Canada: This time, the historic Notre Dame des Sept Allégresses Church in Trois-Rivières. Since 2021, over 100 churches in Canada have been burned or vandalized.

Apostasy (1 Tim 4:1-3, Matthew 24:11,24 , 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:11)
Earth Groaning (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, Romans 8:19-22)

Watch video below of a woman in NC who says that FEMA is denying the people the measly 750 dollar aid money. Amazing

Watch video below where woman says the government intends to bulldoze Chimney Rock and take the land. (And not even bury the bodies)

More on Chimney Rock (video below)

Apparently the $750 the government is giving the victims of Helene is a LOAN and if you don't pay it back within a year, they will seize your property. Video proof below

More video proof that the "aid" is just a loan!

Hurricane Milton has strengthened into a major category 5 hurricane, with sustained winds of 160 miles per hour.

These are not normal storms. I am convinced weather manipulation is at play. Nobody knows what they did to milton because they've banned nearly all the NEXRAD reflexivity websites and the storm conveniently sits in an area they've blacked out... expect the absolute worst with this storm....

Pastor JD Farag posted two documents that spanned back decades in which weather manipulation was tested and proved to work. 

Signs in the Sky (Luke 21:11, Acts 2:19)


  1. GreetingsHighly Favored Daughter of our Loving Father,
    Lots of insight here to pay attention to Sister.
    Yes I do believe that the eliitist run governments of the world are corrupt. Funny, that many "Christians" dont believe this, yet many of non or unsure believers I talk to on the bus agree that the world is evil !
    And I read just today that the Evangelical Church is urging all Christians to get out and vote for Trump. Isnt this kind of a reverse seperation of church and state ? I mean, in spite of all the scriptures from the begining to the book of Revelation, why are they still looking for a worldly savior ? They still think a mere human is going to save us. They still think they can usher in the millennium, still looking for peace on earth, as if somehow, by thier own speaking declaration they can escape the perfect and already established will of God that cannot be changed, ever ! Wont they be surprised when our "socks get blown off" as we who "wait for our True Savior" go blasting up into the clouds at the Trumpet blast !!! I pray for the Evangelicals, Charismatics etc to shut their mouths and open thier eye's and see the True God and repent of the self god they have created.

    The video of Biden admitting they can affect the weather is just sad confirmation. It seems he is becoming a source of truth through his dementia ! I pray for his soul.

    Yup, pre Tribby here. You have convinced me Sister, by bringing me to the right scripture, thank you for that. I also agree with some true believers being left behind to lead others to Christ. Also believe in muliple Raptures, maybe throughout the first half of trib. I was surprised to learn that Old Vernon McGee also believes in multiple Raptures, and he's went to be with the Lord in the 80's ! So this aint somthin new !

    I'm gonna send you a 17 min teaching I thought was right on about the Love of God.

    May the Lord our gracious Father and Savior keep us steadfast and unmovable in the faith and our love and trust in Him alone.

    1. Hey Brother! It's truly sad to see so many lukewarm and politically-driven Christians. When the Scripture is full of admonitions not to trust in man or in chariots or swords for anything! But there's no way to convince them otherwise. They believe they are doing the right thing. I will go check out the teaching you sent me. Thanks!! Let us all go up in a blaze of glory, victorious and standing firm in our faith in Jesus! Blessings
