Monday, October 14, 2024

How Satan Infiltrated The Church

Dear Saints,

Some of what I post here may shock some of you, anger others, or cause some to unsubscribe.  My sole intent is to expose the tactics of our enemy and hence warn Christians. We live in very dangerous days, and there is much deception, as both Jesus and the Apostles warned. The problem is our enemy has been here on Earth since the Garden and has been observing mankind since the fall 6000 years ago. He's had plenty of time to plot and plan and devise evil toward the people of God, whom he hates with the greatest degree of loathing ever possible. 

He thought he had defeated Jesus on the cross. How he and his demons must have celebrated that day, until lo and behold 3 days later, our Savior rose from the dead, conquering death, hell and the grave and granting salvation and forgiveness of sins to all those who would receive Him and follow Him!  The devil had to change tactics after that, his sole purpose to stop the Church from growing, people from getting saved, and to viciously attack those who were saved to get them to fall away. Or at the very least, be completely unproductive for the Kingdom. 

After Emperor Constantine combined Christianity with Roman pagan religions, the devil must have been glad. Then when that morphed into the Catholic Church and Christianity became a series of pagan rituals, the Bible was read exclusively by priests, and people worshiped idols, how our enemy gloated. Then we enter the Dark Ages where the true Gospel was all but squashed, hidden, shoved out of sight, producing very few believers. 

How angry the devil must have been when Martin Luther challenged the Catholic church and started the Protestant Reformation, leading to the Bible being translated and printed and put in the hands of regular people. Fast forward to the Puritans who left England from persecution and came here to America. Christianity thrived here in this land for quite some time. There were churches on every corner and if you and your family didn't attend church on Sunday, there was something wrong with you. I'm told that America has sent out the most missionaries and produced the most Bible of any nation. What a setback for the devil!  I can see him pacing among the flames in hell, trying to come up with a plan to thwart God's Kingdom.

Since satan could not blatantly attack the church head on where Christians would clearly see, his plan has been to infiltrate and introduce ever-so-slight heretical beliefs that steer the people away from the Jesus of the Bible and into apostasy and worse.

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 2 peter 2 1-2

Enter Freemasonry.  Did you know that MANY of our American pastors today are Freemasons?  (Not to mention many of our Presidents)  I encourage you to read this long Article on What Freemasonry is and what are their beliefs. You'll soon discover that Freemasons actually worship Satan. 

Here are a few paragraphs from the above article, though I HIGHLY encourage you to read it for yourself.

So, Freemasonry separates Jesus the man, from Jesus the Christ Consciousness, and then goes further to state that even Jesus the man was an illusion, that He existed, and suffered, only in appearance of a human being!! Then, to complete this picture, Pike states that Jesus Christ's soul was "of the same substance with God, a manifestation of the Divinity, not forming a second person;" (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry", p. 567-568)

Folks, this teaching of Freemasonry about the Person and Work of Jesus Christ precisely meets the Biblical definition of Antichrist!!

So, Mr. Pastor, if you are a Freemason, you share all these beliefs of Freemasonry. This brands you as a counterfeit Christian! As you are preaching the Truth of the Gospel, you are secretly holding to Luciferian beliefs. You are deliberately misleading the "ignorant masses" for their "own good", so that, when Antichrist arises, you may lead your followers to him!

When Antichrist arises, amidst great signs and wonders, and claiming to be everyone's Messiah, he will be confronted by a great many skeptics, especially among Christians. The New World Order Plan calls for key religious leaders from every continent and every major religion to immediately step forward and shout to their respective followers, "This is the man for whom we have been waiting; let's follow him". How many Christians will blindly follow their pastors and key religious leaders into the arms of Antichrist? This is very, very serious business, indeed.

Finally, the fact that so many liberal and apostate Protestant churches are closely allying themselves and their organizations with the Pope also lends great credence to them being of the forces of Antichrist. Why? Because, the Pope has already been selected as the top religious leader of the New World Religion, a post which places him as the Biblical False Prophet of Revelation 13:11-18. 

Just the fact that such so many "Christian" leaders could be false prophets, in Lamb's wool, is a sure sign that the End of the Age is very, very near! The Apostle Paul stated, in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, that the Antichrist cannot appear until the Apostasy of the Church is complete, and until the Holy Spirit, Who restrains evil, is taken out of the way. Truly, you cannot find a more complete example of the Apostasy of the Church than the fact that so many of our Christian pastors and leaders are Freemasons.

If you hear the term "Christ Consciousness" from your pastor or Christian leaders, RUN!

Copied the following from Pastor Sandy Armstrong's sermon notes for 10/6/2024.  Here's the YouTube Sermon, if you're interested. 

In 1993, the Southern Baptist Convention published a Report on Freemasonry which noted the many fine SBC leaders who were also Freemasons as well as many points of agreement between Freemasonry and Christianity, along with some areas of disagreement between the two. The Southern Baptist Convention and Freemasonry Jah-Bul-On = Jahwah + Baal + Osiris This is the document that was mailed to 50,000 Southern Baptist Ministers and Church Leaders that resulted in the ground breaking passage of an Official SBC Doctrinal Statement in 1993 that Freemasonry was not incompatible with Christianity and Southern Baptist Doctrine. Southern Baptist Convention doctrine believes that once a person accepts salvation, he is forever saved and Pre-Elected. Freemason is not in agreement with free will believers; that a person can fall from grace if he strays from his Christian faith, and salvation is not guaranteed.

In other words, Freemasonry believes in pre-election (Calvinism) and also Once Saved Always Saved. Pre-election says that you have No Choice in your salvation. You were chosen before the world began to be saved and you have nothing to do with it. Which means salvation is not offered to "Whosoever" as the Scripture says and that God chooses people to go to hell regardless of their lives here. 

And of course OSAS, which actually goes along with Pre-election says that you can never lose your salvation, no matter what you say or do.  It should cause every believer to stop and take note that this is the doctrine of FREEMASONRY, a religion that worships Satan. So, if your pastor is preaching either of these false doctrines, please beware!  At the very least, investigate his beliefs. At the most, get out of that church!

Freemasonry also believes in a One World Religion that combines all Faiths. Ecumenicalism. We all know by now that Catholism is a cult and does not preach the true Gospel. So any attempt to bring together Catholicism with true Christianity would be against the Bible

Saddleback Church Rich Warren; TD Jakes “Jesus not the only way” There are 250,000 Southern Baptist Convention Churches just in America.
WASHINGTON — An ecumenical event Pope Francis will be delivering a video message to those in attendance. 

Look at this list of Confirmed speakers and attendees include Francis Chan, Ravi Zacharias, Josh McDowell, Priscilla Shirer, Tony Evens, Todd White, Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd and National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference President Samuel Rodriquez. Music will be provided by Michael W. Smith, Hillsong United, Lecrae, Kari Jobe, Jeremy Camp, Lauren Daigle, Casting Crowns, Kirk Franklin, Andy Mineo and Matt Maher, among others. Washington, D.C. is raising concerns as it seeks to draw a million attendees to “link arms” in unity, 
including with the Vatican.

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude: v 4

 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. v 12-13

Here are just SOME of the Freemason famous pastors

Benny Hinn
Billy Graham
Creflo Dollar
Fred Price
Hiram Abiff
Jesse Duplantis
Jim And Lori Bakker- NAR
Joel And Victoria Osteen
Joyce Meyers
Kenneth Copeland
Oral Roberts
Pat Robertson
Robert Schuller
T.D. Jakes
Eddie Long
Ravi Zachariah
John Macarthur 

Video about some of these pastors above

Some of you are probably shocked about some of these Christian leaders, particularly Billy Graham. You might question as I did that he singlehandedly brought the salvation message to millions and thousands upon thousands got saved.   So, why would Satan use him to do that, if he was working for Satan?  It's all about numbers, you see. How many converts of Billy Graham's actually got saved? We may never know that. When they called into the hotline to say the prayer and get more info on how to be a Christian, I've heard they were directed to churches and organizations that were false cults... as in the Catholic church and Freemason churches and churches that preach Calvinism. My bet is that very few people actually got saved. and the numbers of people who became false converts were worth it to Satan. You see, false converts, or people who believe they are saved are the HARDEST to actually evangelize. They believe they are already saved so they don't want to hear you tell them the truth. 

John Macarthur is a OSAS Calvinist who has stated that if you take the Mark of the Beast in the Tribulation, you are still saved. Clearly against Scripture. 

It may interest you to know that many of the "Calvary Chapel" churches have joined the Southern Baptist Convention. Greg Laurie being one of the first. This means they have aligned with the Antichrist doctrine. For those of you who follow JD Farag from Hawaii, this is no doubt the reason he broke off from any affiliation with Calvary Chapel. Good for him! 

So, you see how tricky our enemy is! He can't defeat us from without, but he can defeat us from within.  Just like in the Garden, he twists what God says just a wee tiny bit so that most Christians who rarely read their Bibles can even tell that what their pastor is preaching is heresy.

Add to this the Prosperity Gospel, Name-it, Claim it Gospel, Hypergracism and others and you have a pretty messed up church. I truly believe, as my pastor said, that there are some churches in this nation that when the trumpet blows, not a single person will leave! 

So, please be careful in these last days. Jesus warned us of Great Deception and we are seeing it unfold and only be magnified within the body of Christ. 

2Co 11:12-15  Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 

Anti-Christ is not against Christ; He wants to be in Christ place of Christ.  

1John 2:18-22  Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.  Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son.  

1John 4:1-3  And every spirit that confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 
2John 1:7  For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.


  1. Good evening, my precious friend! I'm so glad I gave up tv preachers a long time ago! Even though our church is small, our pastor preaches straight from the Bible. So much so that many have left our church bc he preaches against sin. Lying, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, etc. My hubby agrees with your post even though others may not bc he reads all about these things, plus I know the Lord shows him things. The only thing I disagree with (even though I don't watch him on tv) is that Jimmy Swaggart is a Freemason. On the show Frances and Friends, Jimmy & Frances have a man on there who used to be a Freemason & exposes it for what it truly is. Please watch the video Freemasonry 'Frances and Friends' on YouTube & also 'Frances and Friends' - The truth about the Masons, & let me know what you think, ok? God bless!

    1. P.S. I don't think Jimmy Swaggart would be exposing Freemasonry if he was one. Unless he's a good actor. 😉

    2. Thank you, Diana!! I watched the video. Seems like he USED to be a Freemason, but once he realized what they were, he quit! So, thank you! I appreciate you letting me know. I'm going to take his name off of the list. The last thing I want to do is malign a true man of God!! Hugs

    3. You're so welcome, MaryLu! The rest of the names on the list I'm not even going to research, bc I don't doubt it at all. So sad what money & power does to people who started out sincerely, I believe, but fame got them off track.

    4. Honestly, I didn't research all the names either. Some I already knew and the site where I got them from, I trusted. I agree.. fame, power and money... leads so many astray! Hugs

  2. Greetings Blessed Sister in Christ, the Lord of all Truth,
    This letter is write in line with all the things I have been studying since I left the apostate church I was in.
    I was reading 2 Cor 11 yesterday along with Bible comentator Vernon McGee and he was saying that in the first 300 years of the church it was persecuted from the outside. In spite of that Christianity grew rapidly thoughout the entire Roman Empire during that time. Roman law was grotesquely brutal in punishing believers, yet they persevered.
    When Satan realized just how powerful what Christ had accomplished on the cross was to early believers, and that they were more than willing to die for Christ, he finally gave up his outside assault. Satan devised a new plan of attack, this time from within the church, and now in these last days it is spreading like wild fire !

    Was recently looking at some teachings against " New Thought - New Age" etc and how they also seperate Jesus from Christ !
    This is also what Todd White and many others of WoF, led by Kenneth Copeland preach. And I have heard Copelanf actually say " Jesus was of the flesh just like we are. We have the same DNA as Jesus. We are not just a little like Jesus, we are exactly like Jesus. We are not a little like God, we are exactly like God and so we partake of the devine !!!"
    Makes me sick to watch this stuff, but if we as true believers cannot learn what we can about the weapons of our enemy, how can we fight him ? Many examples in the Bible where spies were sentout to see the strengths and tactics ofour enemies. If we dont have the proper weapons to fight the battle, how can we saves our selves. How can we save others ?

    On OSAS McGee always pauses when he comes to a place where it says' "and whosoever" to highlight that word !
    I am also always debating those who claim that millions are saved by some of these false preachers. well yeah, maybe some are if they find the right Jesus through something they heard. But how many more whoarent so diligent be lost because they believed what they were told ? I believe many more than are saved.
    I have a Sister who loves the Lord deeply, has great faith and trust in God. Thier Baptist Pastor who I love believes the OSAS, yet they teach repentance, and living by the Spirit, and following Christ at all costs ? I know they are saved because of the fruits of the Spirit.

    I saw TD Jaques on an Oprah show agreeing with her that Jesus not the only way. And I am surprised at how many who call themselves Christians believe this. In fact that goes against the very name of "Christian" !

    I am begining to see, in my opinion why Jesus said , Matt 7:13Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.…

    By His grace may we have strength and take courage to hold fast to our faith as the world is being prepared for its judgement, in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

    1. I listened to a man who had an after death experience where he was sent to hell. There he saw many many people who claimed to have been Christians and even several pastors. It shook him to the core. He came back a changed man and gave his life to Christ. Very sad.
      Also, yes, I don't believe that everyone who preaches OSAS is evil or not saved. JD Farag preaches that, but he also preaches repentance and living a life walking in the Spirit and obeying God.. so I forgive him. LOL As long as someone is preaching that we must live our lives for Jesus... then I believe that pleases the Lord.
      I pray God grants us all the wisdom and discernment to hold fast to the Real Faith until the end!! Blessings, Brother!
