Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Don't forget your Boots!


Stand therefore hold your ground, having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God, And having shod your feet in preparation to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news of the Gospel of peace.  Ephesians 6:14-15

Your boots are important!! How do you put them on and keep them on? By staying in the Word of God! It's not just a book. It's Power, it's Might, and without it, you cannot defeat your enemy! 


  1. Well Amen!! With all the talk about drone sightings it came to me that we just need to look higher and fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.

  2. Greetings Precious Sister in Christ,
    Well this is exactly what I needed today. My family and I have been invited to a friends house by a family still in the church I left, where my Wife and daughter still go. The invite cameas a Christmas dinner. But the invitation came as a result of a short post I made about their pastor writing a book entitled " Personal Vision", and it acknowedges Brian Simmon as a contributor ! My comment simply read " Why are pastors preaching about * our* personal visions ? Shouldnt the church be teaching what Gods vision for us should be". I did not name the pastor. My wife also has the book, which I am going to read. But it contains something I sent you a while back that says" God describes Himself as the "I AM".
    We must learn to declare who we are using the same truth" !!!

    Our battles are becoming increasingly more from within the church. Its a sad thought that we much dress for battles when we go to church, or meet with people from the church.

    Since my family will be there, and even though they chose not to listen to this lie, I have resolved through prayer not to engage in doctrinal debate. Now I dont know if this is what they plan or not. I know this lady and she is super charismatic and can be pushy. Her Husband is an awesome guy and was part of the mens fellowship I lead when I was there.

    I do not handle confrontation well, so I would ask that you keep me in prayer. As I said, my onyention is to enjoy and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Yet I will not compromise His Total Lordship.

    Blessing Sister for this timely reminder thats its not personal, but spiritual.

    1. I will be in prayer for you, Brother Joe. I can relate. I will be spending Christmas with 7 atheists! my family. And believe it or not, I'm rather bold here, but in person, I don't do confrontation well either. However, I don't think Jesus will come up as a topic for me. It sounds like perhaps these people wish to debate you. I'm glad you have pre-decided not to go there. People are not won over by clever arguments, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. I will pray that the Holy Spirit guides your discussions and the name of Jesus is lifted High!

  3. Love these boots...both spiritually and literally. I'd totally wear them!

  4. Lol, the girls gotta like the boots :)
    Thank you MaryLu. I will keep you in prayer also Sister. Amen, let us walk according to the Spirit, and let the spirit of peaceful and truth be upon us.
