I have family coming into town for the holidays, so this will be my last post of the year. (Unless the Lord leads me to post something) I know I've been saying I believe the rapture is this year. This is my informed opinion, but not a "Thus says the Lord." However, we still have 11 days left in the year, so don't give up! Many watchmen are looking at Christmas day, which is also the first day of Hanukkah (an unusual occurrence). In my previous post, I gave a few reasons why Hanukkah points to the rapture, and there are many more I could list. But how about we just keep our eyes pointed heavenward with great expectation?
The news has been insane. More and more drones are filling our skies, along with rotating orbs. Our lying government tells us first they don't know what they are, then they said they are from individual drone hobbyists along with some military testing. Some are saying the drones are snooping for missing nukes, while others say they are Chinese or Iranian. Insanity rules. My sense from the Lord is that these are a mixture of all of the above, along with Fallen Angels manifesting in our dimension. They are preparing for the fake Alien invasion, which will terrify our world and bring the nations together and deceive many to follow the False Light. (In addition they will explain away the rapture)
Check out this 2 minute video showing an orb and how it reacts to the name of Jesus. Interesting
National leaders are dropping like flies. Macron, Elections in Romania, Germany's Chancellor Scholz, Syria's Assad, and even Trudeau might resign. What is going on? I believe this is all done on purpose in order to bring in the New World Government. So, expect more leaders to fall in the coming weeks. (If we are here)
Interesting that Pope Francis is set to open 5 Sacred portals on Christmas Eve. What are these portals opening to? And more importantly who is coming through them? This has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity. This is a satanic ritual that I've heard the Pope does every year but this time instead of 4 portals, he's adding a final one. On my Telegram channel I posted an article about how these 5 portals map out the "sigil of Lucifer". The sigil acts as a "gateway to invoke the power and presence of Lucifer". Also, did you know that the Vatican owns a telescope called "L.U.C.I.F.E.R" ? The word Vatican itself means "Divining Serpent"
My governor here in CA just declared a State of Emergency for the Bird flu. This is going to spread and they will lock us down again. Only this time, the vaccine will be even more deadly. By the way, you cannot find eggs to buy at the store here where I live. I managed to get a dozen before there were no more. This will come where you live so stock up on eggs and/or buy a chicken!
There is something weird going on in New York where radiation levels have spiked. Maybe there is really a lost nuke in the city.
A Russian General was assassinated in Moscow, and Russia is blaming Ukraine and the US. What could go wrong? Why they haven't yet attacked us I have no clue.
This is only a small portion of the news last week. Visit my Telegram channel for live updates. I will try to stay on top of it during the holidays.
Now, more importantly, here are some valid reasons why I and many others believe that the Tribulation will start in 2025. If that is the case, we could leave at any moment! Stay close to Jesus. Have no idols before Him. Spend as much time with Him as you can, in His Word and in His presence. This is the only way you will not be deceived, because believe me, a GREAT deception is coming.
Speaking of deception, do not trust Trump or Musk or Vance or anyone in power. Do not listen to their lies. They are the False Light leading you away from the True light and toward Lucifer. The Bible says many will be deceived. Don't be one of them!
The Essenes were an ancient Jewish sect who allegedly wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were only one of the ancient prophecy communities to predict more than 2000 yeas ago that mankind would indeed enter its final age in 2025. They predicted that mankind would enter the final period of our age in the year 2025 AD called the “Final Jubilee of the Age of Grace”. In the past, the Essenes accurately predicted the 1st Coming of Jesus and Gods Judgement on Jerusalem in 70 AD. According to Essene writing, the Pharisees were using a corrupt pagan lunar calendar, however the Essenes were using the original solar calendar that God gave Adam which allowed them to accurately foretell future events. Whether the Essences were mystics/gnostics or not is up for debate, but it’s very interesting how they mention “2025”
“2025” is the date (marked by multiple occultists) in which (they believe) humanity will transition into the “New Age” and undergo a “great evolution in their consciousness”. They call it The Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age, the New Aeon, etc. It’s all coming together.
The year 2025 is also the one envisioned more than a decade ago in a series of studies co-organized by the Atlantic Council and government organizations from Europe, the US, Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai and other partnering nations that led the US National Intelligence Council and the EU Instituted of Security Studies to produce a report titled Global Governance 2025: At a critical Juncture. In this document, the highest level intelligence agencies in the world determined that a global government would emerge around 2025 from an unprecedented threat.
- 2017 Revelation 12 sign, which I believe was a 7 year warning
- The 2017 and 2024 Solar Eclipses that made a perfect X across America
- Israel turned 76 in 2024 and Jesus said that the Generation who witnessed the rebirth of Israel (1948) would not die out until the 2nd coming.
- Third Temple already prepared to be erected, along with the Red Heifers required for the sacrifice. (They have not had these perfect Red Heifers in over 2000 years)
- In addition, of course, we have all the other prophetic signs that tell us how close we are. (wars, famines, pestilences, major quakes, storms, MOB technology, signs in the sky, immorality, character of man... etc)
ReplyDeleteThis article gives some info about the Vatican observatory. It’s all very strange
Thank you! I'll check it out. It's so bizarre, isn't it?
DeleteMerry Christmas MaryLu!! Let’s pray this is our season of seeing our families corne and know the Lord before it’s too late!!!
ReplyDeleteI don’t often comment but I always read your blog and all your books!
Amen Jody! I pray ALL of our loved ones know the Lord soon!! There's many promises in His Word about descendants of the righteous that I cling to! Thanks for commenting!
DeleteThat last comment was mine lol. Couldn’t add my name the first time. Whoops
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info- I didn’t know all that about the Pope and vatican- it is strange! I tend to ignore that stuff.
ReplyDeleteIt’s interesting that people think they can control when something will happen- the video about UFOs being made known in 2025. I suppose that makes it even more obvious the enemy is working through all these people!
I recently watched a movie “ Mary” on Netflix. A friend of my SIL said it was good and Biblically based… it’s not! It reminded me a lot of the Chosen and how the real story is embellished. They didn’t show Mary and Joseph as being “ betrothed” but instead Joseph saw her and “ knew” she was the one. Mary spent time in the temple as a young girl? She and Joseph are chased on horseback from Jerusalem by soldiers and almost caught in a home out in the desert… and one last thing… it showed Herod with all the babies in his palace instead of them all being killed. He told his head soldier to “bring the messiah to him”! None of that is Biblical. There were several other things but mainly it was about Mary and not Jesus. I don’t remember any scripture being used. It’s just another way Christians are being deceived.
Blessings and Merry Christmas! BevH
Hi Bev! There's a ton more very suspicious info about the pope and the vatican that I haven't posted here. Very demonic. What a shame about that movie, Mary! But I'm not surprised about netflix! It's partly owned by Obama is what I heard. Yes, just part of the deception! We have to be so careful these days what we watch and listen to! Have a Merry Christmas!
DeleteHave a wonderful Christmas MaryLu! Thank you for keeping us all well informed and encouraged! Wow, so so much is happening all at once and very quickly!! Enjoy the time with your family and good luck!! 😉💕🎄☃️
ReplyDeleteGreetings Precious Lady of the Most High God,
ReplyDeleteWouldnt Christmas day be appropriate for the Rapture. The birth of Jesus and the birth of the church into it's heavenly dwelling ! Best present ever !!!!!
I'm thinking the Great deception is already here. A church goer I know posted one of the creeds. The one about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost being one. It was slightly different from the one we recited in Catholic school. But the person who posted it I refer to as a spiritualist. What really shocked me was a comment by one of her friends which quoted a script that say's " I and the Father are one, He in me, and me in Him and you in me". Her discription of the beautiful passage is obscured by what she add's to it " we have become so much in Him, that you cant tell where man ends and Christ begins" . Oh my, the church is in trouble MaryLu.
I'm with you "lets get on with it !
So my dinner with the friends from church went surprisingly well. We shared good food, good fellowship. She is a worship leader, awesome voice and piano. We worshipped the Lord for hours, which is one thing I miss about that church. The we prayed together. She prayed one thing I immediately recognized from the NAR pastors, "we call down heaven upon the earth" !!! That is one of the prerogative of NAR 7 Mountain Mandate by NAR !
Against my grain I kept my prerogative to avoid a doctrinal debate. I doesnt seem to amaze me at how close some can appear to be falling with sincere love for Jesus, yet they cant see this, in my eyes, such a grievious sin before the Lord.
Yet these NAR folks dont believe in the Rapture, or the Tribulation, and they think the New Golden Age is the church taking control of the planet !
I dont see how we can how we can ignore a massive attack on the US with Trump threatening every country around the world ! Do know if you saw this on on Sunday morning, Trump told Panama he was going to take the port back ! lol. oh boy.
So praying over you Sister, and all here, that in our Christmas gatherings, that the Lord of mercy and grace may open His own window for hearts to be softened to recieve the simple Gospel of Christ, our Redeemer, and Sovereign Lord over all.
I'm truly amazed when you tell me these things. I no longer hang out with church people so I rarely hear these blasphemies! "You can't tell where man ends and Christ begins!" WHAT? I cringe and shake my head. Glad your dinner went well! It was nice to worship with others. I miss that too,. but the calling down heaven? Where is that in the Bible? I'm glad you weren't led to confront. It wouldn't have done any good. Pray for me. I'm surrounded by either atheists or very lukewarm and no one knows about the Lord's imminent return! Praying for you too, Brother! Have a wonderful Christmas!